21st Century Inventions That Could Change Your Life

At this point, if you have an idea, you can make it come to life if you can pitch it right. Hopefully, this gallery of bizarre inventions will inspire you to find your nearest investor and pitch your hair-brained idea. Nothing stopped these people!

Electronic Tattoo

The idea of a traditional tattoo doesn't sit well with some people. It's painful, and it's permanent. Lately, there have been tons of innovations that encourage folks to get tattoos, including press-on tattoos that look real and last for weeks. Although, this is a little more invasive than a traditional tattoo... You have to get the tattoo technology implanted in your skin in order for the tattoo to appear. Would it be worth it for you?

Keyboard Pants

This invention may have been better in theory. Oddly enough, there are a lot of product shots of these pants, which means that someone wanted to bring it to the market! The idea is that the pants have a wireless, bluetooth enabled keyboard attached to them. So, isntead of sitting with the laptop on your lap, you can put it anywhere and "comfortably" type on your pants. 

Spill-Proof Clothing

No one is immune to spilling on themselves, it happens to us all! There's a time and a place where spilling on yourself is socially acceptable, but what if you're at your wedding? Or an important business dinner? The last thing you want is to have droplets of wine on your white top. This anti-spill technology is a spray that you can use on anything. You won't even notice it until you spill on yourself and realize that your clothes are protected. 

Want To See Your Inner Ear?

This piece of technology has gone a bit viral thanks to TikTok, but it's really useful! You are able to go deep into your ear (carefully) with a teeny tiny camera. Most products come with different tips (shown here) to help you clean out your ear. As always, if something seems wrong, go to the doctor and don't try and handle it yourself! 

Smart Caps

It's not always easy to tell whether or not something went expired. In the near future, there will be products available for manufacturers to use that will help their consumers see if the food product is expired or not. This includes bottle caps and other plastic packaging. The science of it is basically a type of packaging that is reactive to certain bacteria and toxins that are released when a food is no longer good to consume. 

No Hassle Teeth Brushing

Tired of brushing your teeth? This device will do it for you! You put it in your mouth like a mouthguard and then turn it on. The combination of vibrations and bristles will help clean your teeth, and your hands are free to do whatever it is you need to do! Pretty ingenious, right? 

Holographic Dashboard

All cars should have this! This GPS system uses holographic technology to project your directions onto your windshield. Since it's just a hologram, you can still see the road ahead of you. This is a great and safe expansion of the traditional GPS!

Making the Baby Useful

If you've got a squirmy, crawly baby, then the mop onesie is perfect. They'll get the exercise they need and you'll get clean floors! Just don't put cleaning products on the floor or on the baby, that's a bit of a hazard.

Metal Detecting Shoes

No, this isn't an ankle monitor. It's a metal detector inside of a pair of shoes! Now, you can comfortably take a walk on the beach all the while looking for treasures, no heavy equipment needed! You might get some looks and some people might think you are on house arrest, but little do they know that you're hunting for treasure! 

Holding Hands from Miles Away

If you live far away from a loved one, this device helps bring you guys a little closer together. This is a wireless device that causes its pair to glow when someone holds it. So, you'll know whenever your loved one wants some comfort! It's a sweet way to keep long-distance relationships alive. 

Pancake Printer

3-D printing but make it pancake art. There's no reason for this to exist, but we're glad it does! This works just like a 3-D printer, but instead of plastic just insert pancake batter! This photographer drew a photo of herself to showcase what the pancake printer can do. It's not a bad idea, that's for sure. 

Language Pendant 

Traveling to other countries is a wonderful experience, but it can be made difficult when you aren't familiar with the native language. This pendant will help you traverse unknown territories with ease. The pendant will hear the language that is spoken to you, detect the language, and then repeat it in your language. This is also a great way to learn a language as you will be truly immersed in the culture!

Pocket Projector

With this pocket projector, you'll always have your favorite movies literally in the palm of your hand. All you have to do is hook it up to your phone or computer and bam! You have an entire movie theater right in front of you. This is great for camping or watching movies in unconventional places.

Luggage GPS

That little keychain is actually a GPS! This will help you keep track of your luggage. It's not very noticeable and easily flies under the radar. If you've ever had your luggage disappear after a flight, this would help you locate it! Seems like a game-changer for those who travel often. 

Fidget Cubes

The Fidget Cube (and other "fidget" toys) went viral in the past few years. These little gadgets are designed for folks with attention disabilities, but anyone can use them and find them enjoyable. They can help someone focus on any task at hand. 

Turning Water into Wine

This wine glass is a bit of a stretch, but it does work! Somehow, the canister turns water into wine. The exact science of it hasn't been made public, but the proof is there... Why is this better than just buying a bottle of wine? Who knows!


Water is the most important resource on the planet. LifeStraw is an invention that helps bring safe drinking water to anybody who needs it. This is great for going camping or hiking, but it's also been a huge help for underdeveloped towns and villages that don't have easy access to clean and pure drinking water. All you have to do is stick the straw in the water and drink from it! It purifies as you go. 

The Rug Alarm Clock

Do you have a hard time getting up out of bed when your alarm goes off? Then this is the perfect alarm for you! In order to turn it off, you have to get up and stand on it. Getting out of bed is half the battle in the morning, and the Ruggie makes it way easier. Definitely a game-changer!

Lockable Backpack

Backpacks are used to vary some valuable things which can make them targets for pickpockets and thieves. Luckily, this backpack has the solution! This is a drawstring backpack that comes with a lock which makes it impossible for anyone but you to open. If someone steals it, they're more than likely going to ditch it before really trying to open it. Combine this with the luggage GPS and you'll never lose your belongings again! 

Plastic Bag Sealer

Diving into a bag of Cheetos or Lays Chips and finding them stale is such a sad feeling. That's where the bag re-sealer comes into play! You can pretty much reseal anything with this thing which will help keep your snacks and other perishables fresh for longer. 

Smart Glasses

Tons of companies have tried to make smart glasses. Apple, Google, Snapchat... All of them! None of them have had too much success, but it seems that there are people who would want them. Smart glasses essentially project holographic screens on the inside of your glasses so you can watch tv, look at your messages, go online... It seems like a lot, but there's obviously a market for it.

For the Bed Readers

Sometimes, it's just way more comfortable to lay down and read rather than sit up and read. In order to make reading in bed a comfier experience, someone designed these bizarre mirrored glasses. Now, you can comfortably lay down in bed and still get in your nightly read! 

The Monowheel

What's the purpose of the monowheel, you ask? We're not really sure. Someone had a pipe dream and decided to run with it. It didn't work out too well as there were a lot of mechanical issues. That, and this thing was super expensive to build. This would, in theory, be great for folks who have to travel long distances over farmland or desert. 

The Phone Fan

This seems like a silly invention, but when you're six hours into a summer festival with no wind, this would be a lifesaver. Most of these phone fans work by attaching the device to the charging port of your phone. Switch the fan on for a nice breeze! Be wary, though, some fans work better than others.

Finger Fork

Upon first glance, the finger fork seems pretty silly. Think about it, though! There are plenty of people where this could be a helpful gadget. It's also compact enough to bring along with you so you won't need to use disposable forks. This isn't for everybody, though. 

Scent Diffuser 

Are you obsessed with essential oils? This is an attachment for your phone that lets you take your essential oils everywhere! It's a pretty nifty invention, but don't use it where you probably shouldn't! 

Bluetooth Enabled Umbrella

This invention is a bit much. There is a company that produces Bluetooth-powered umbrellas that also enable a GPS tracker. If you ever lose your umbrella (which happens a lot!) then you'll be able to figure out where you left it. You can also get interesting weather statistics if you're into that sort of stuff. 

The Tampon App

My Flow is a literal brand new technology for periods. The company created tampons that help gather information on someone's flow. It's pretty simple! Although, it could be seen as a little inconvenient. You do have to keep a device in your pocket (or somewhere else on your person) in order for the device to read your flow. It could be a lifesaver, though! 

Capture The Crumbs

Crumbs are a total nuisance (except for birds and squirrels!) so naturally, there's an invention for that. This is a great way to keep your crumbs in control. It makes for an easy clean-up! All you need is the cutting board and funnel attachment. No more messy crumbs! 

Hamster Shredder

Hamster bedding can get expensive, so why not use some shredded paper? If you don't have a paper shredder, then this is the perfect hamster cage for you. The lid of the cage connects to the hamster wheel which then helps shred the paper. The hamster gets some exercise and you make good use out of old papers! 

Enhancing All Flavors

If you're a true food aficionado, then this is the invention for you. These forks come with little essential oil pads that. The smell of the oils can help enhance any food that you're eating. It's a bit out there, but it can be pretty enjoyable if you know your scents!

The Amphibious Bike

Ever wanted to take a bike ride in a lake? With this invention, you can! The giant plastic balls are also filled with water (not fully!) and helps you float around. This photo is from the 1920s. 

The Duck Muzzle

Some dogs need a muzzle, so why not make it fun? These duck muzzles eradicate the negative stigma of a muzzle and make your pup look adorable. Plus, if the dog tries to bark, it'll sound like a duck quacking! Who doesn't love that?

Ronaldo's Cringe Partnership

This product made waves simply because superstar athlete Cristiano Ronaldo was a partner. To use this device, you have to place it between your chin and collar bone. Then, you wag your head up and down for a "workout." Apparently, this is supposed to firm up your chin area. It looks pretty ridiculous. 

No More Splashy Dogs

Every dog owner knows the dread of washing your dog and having them shake off all of the extra water on their fur all over you. This shower curtain is a perfect way to keep those shaky droplets totally contained. The shower curtain is fitted with armholes that give you total access to everything you need without getting soaking wet. 

The Nose Stylus 

How many of you wouldn't be caught dead wearing this thing? This is a "nose stylus" and is meant for hands-free touch screen use. One of the points that the designer made is that it works perfectly in the bathtub, no wet hands are needed! This is probably best suited for people who may not have use of their fingers. 

The Ergonomic Bike

Modern bikes aren't made for comfort, that's for sure. That's why this ergonomic bike exists! If you bike from place to place and find yourself in pain, this might be the invention for you. The way that it's designed is to help alleviate back pain and keep you up and ready to keep going for hours. 

No More Drippy Ice Cream

Ice cream cones are great until it starts to melt and make a huge mess. This ice cream cone is self-rotating and helps you get to all of the drips before they go down your hands. 


This is a very serious invention, somehow. The inventor felt like he never had good storage for his chopsticks, so he decided to fit some chopsticks around his air pods. It looks weird for sure. Maybe you'll find it useful, who knows?

Make a Square Egg

Have you ever wanted to make a square egg? Well, you can! This device helps squish a usually oval egg into a square shape. Why would you need this? Who knows! But, at least you can be the person who is known for having square eggs at their house. 

The Multi-Use Parka

Apparently, this parka is four-in-one. You can strip the layers, use the built-in mittens (or fingerless gloves), remove the hood, and even change the cut of the jacket itself! This would be great for houseless folks who would need a multi-use jacket. There are a lot of different options for this jacket. 

Piano Doorbell

If you have people visiting your home who you trust not to abuse the piano doorbell, then this is the perfect purchase for you. It basically works the same way as a regular doorbell, but with a musical twist. Would you get one?

Chair Soccer

Sitting at a desk all day can be tiring and bad for your health. In order to stay active, get a pair of these chair goals! They make for an amusing mid-day break from the normal grind. 

Full Coverage Umbrella

This umbrella keeps you totally protected from the rain and lets you see! The "goggle" cut-out lets the umbrella user watch where they're going all the while staying totally try. These umbrellas are lifesavers!

Don't Steal My Lunch

Lunch stealers are the worst. Who has the audacity to go into the office fridge and take someone's sandwich? If you've been a victim of this kind of theft, then this lunch bag is for you. No one will step foot near your food if they see this "mold"!

The Next-Level Umbrella

Now, this umbrella takes rain protection to a whole new level. It's basically a gigantic sphere that fully covers your body. It's also a great way to demand personal space! It could get a bit in the way of other people, but if you don't mind that, then this is the invention for you.


Offices everywhere are starting to use small games and hobbies as a way for people to unwind. This door quite literally works as a door and a ping-pong table. This invention makes use of space and is a great way to unwind!

Baby Shower Cap

Bathing babies can be a total nightmare. They're wet and squirmy and always at risk of getting water all over their face. This little shower cap will help you keep the water out of your baby's face during bath time. They look pretty cute, too!

Corner Frames

Decorating small spaces can be tricky, but these corner frames help make it easier. Limited wall space means nothing when you have corner-oriented picture frames! They may look a little funky, but it could easily fit into your aesthetic. 

Slipper Lights

Blind midnight walks to the bathroom are over! These slippers are fully equipped with battery-operated night lights. They help light the way, so you'll never need to turn on the lights again!

The Baby Carriage Scooter

If you're a parent on the go, then this stroller is the one for you. You can easily zip around town with your baby in tow while getting a decent workout! Just don't go too fast. 

The Boyfriend Pillow

A little weird, yes, but the Boyfriend Pillow could be pretty useful to some people! It's somewhat shaped like a pregnancy pillow and it does support certain parts of your body. The dress shirt is a little much but to each their own! 

The Tie Flask

The secret flask tie is a game changer for formal events. Need something to get through your in-law's anniversary party? Make sure to wear your tie flask!

Easy Pizza Cutting

Are you the type to use scissors to cut your pizza? Well, that just got a little easier! These pizza scissors also have a platform where you can easily cut and plate your pizza slices. Pizza parties have totally changed!

The Ostrich Pillow

It looks ridiculous, yes. But, is it comfortable? Yes! The Ostrich Pillow can help you comfortably fall asleep everywhere. This pillow is a must-have for any sort of travel. 

Doggie Umbrella

Dog owners know just how awful it is to have a wet dog. This doggie umbrella totally eliminates the wet dog nastiness for when you have to walk the dog in wet weather. Plus, your dog will look super fancy!

Ballroom Shoes

Some people simply have two left feet and make ballroom dancing impossible. This silly invention helped people learn how to ballroom dance with their partners. Practice makes perfect!

Goggle Wipers

Back in the day, race car drivers needed to use little mini wipers on their goggles. The way the cars were designed did not prevent any water from smacking them in the face, which meant that their vision was impaired. This was a fun design that actually worked but didn't really take off. 


This is just a prototype, but people were thinking about Video Calls back in the '50s! It's crazy that it took so long for the actual technology to become available. During this time, people thought that this was just a sci-fi, supernatural technology. 

Baby Window Seats

Yeah, maybe this isn't the smartest invention. Parents who lived in the big city and didn't have access to outdoor spaces made use of their windows. This was a baby cage/baby patio that hung out of the window like a regular A/C unit. The invention was safe enough, apparently!

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The More You Know

  • The wolf's jaw can exert 1500 pounds of pressure per square inch, twice the jaw pressure of a German Shepherd. Wolves can crush large bones in just a few bites.
  • Facebook has more users than many major populations.
  • Video games help surgeons perform better.
  • Wilt Chamberlain is in the Volleyball Hall of Fame.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.