A Farmer Got Revenge After People Kept Illegally Parking On His Land

It Began To Wear On Him

Despite being understanding of the parking lot inconvenience at first, Bedekovic began to grow annoyed at the constant swell of cars on his land. He didn't think this would happen every single week, but it always did. Most people only assume cars are dangerous when they're moving, but that wasn't the case here...

He Was Worried About Leaks

Bedekovic was extremely concerned about what the cars would do to his soil if they were left unattended for so long. Cars leak oil and other chemicals that are harmful to his land. If this happened, his livelihood would be ruined...


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The More You Know

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  • Only 5% of the ocean has been explored.
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  • Armadillos swallow air to become buoyant when they swim.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.