The Best Airport Pickup Signs to Embarrass Your Loved Ones With

No one likes going to the airport, especially if it's just to pick someone up. But, we still do it out of the kindness of our hearts. These people, in particular, decided to have some fun with this grueling chore with their hilarious pick-up signs...

AKA "Mom"

You can't just welcome your mom back home empty-handed! This daughter thought of the perfect way to let her mom know that she missed her: a nicely worded insult.

Not Like Those Other Military Wives

Military wives are known to go above and beyond with their welcome home performances... The wife in the middle decided to go old school. She knew her husband didn't need those whacky over-the-top signs!

Best Friends Forever

This would be a sweet sentiment if this man and Tom were dating, but they were best friends. A lot of people thought it was real and congratulated them... Too bad it was a joke! Also, if that were a real proposal, he would have made a better sign. 

Passing the Torch

Kaden took care of his mom for long enough! It was time for his Dad to come home and step it up! After all, taking care of moms can be hard work. It's all worth it in the end, though.

A Timely Reference

If you don't know, Princess Consuela Banana-Squeegie McBeckenheim III is a reference to Friends where Phoebe changes her entire time to... that. Friends fans get it!

Adult Child

This college student held down the fort when his parents went on vacation and decided to warmly welcome them home with this sign... Even as an adult, you're still their kid!

Vegas, Not Rehab

Someone had the bright idea of creating this poster when Grandma went on a bender in Vegas. No, she did not go to rehab. No, she was definitely not sober for 17 days. The funniest part is that the grandkids were in on the joke, too!

Loving, Doting Husband

What a loving sentiment to return home to. The word "somehow" suggests that this husband didn't anticipate her to come back alive... Very troubling. 

We Don't Want You

Someone was a little bitter after his sister got back from California... Honestly, who wouldn't hate her? Plus, Jody's family is going to have to listen to her talk about Cali for weeks. Maybe she should go back!

World of Warcraft Puns

Two internet friends finally met for the first time in real life. The one friend made an on-point sign to welcome his World of Warcraft buddy off of the plane. We have no idea what it means, but it's probably something nice. 

When You Work for a Chocolate Company

Johnny, who worked for a well-known chocolate company, visited a friend for a quick weekend getaway. Little did Johnny know that his friend had a bizarre surprise waiting for him... This was definitely one way to greet a visiting friend!

Trolling Your Girlfriend

Imagine this: you're coming back from a somewhat grueling work trip, excited to get back home for some well-earned downtime. You get off of the plane, get your bags, and search the airport for your boyfriend. Then, you see this sign and a lot of people looking... Boyfriends are trolls.

More Like "Welcome Back to Prison"

All Mom wanted was a nice vacation, and this is what she came back to... Mom probably wasn't too happy with all of those random strangers thinking that she was coming home from prison! If anything, her vacation was an escape from the prison that was her family. 

Picking Up Darth Vader

This had to be some sort of Disney schtick... How did these guys get such accurate Stormtrooper outfits?! Unless they really are Stormtroopers... and they're really waiting for Darth Vader!

Pranking Mom and Dad

Their parents basically deserted them to go on a fancy trip abroad... What else were they supposed to do? They were basically orphans for a week! 

An Easy Find

She was excited for her boyfriend to get back from his trip but didn't want to leave his friend out, so she decided to make this funny little sign. If this is true, she earned the bragging rights!

Oh, Thanks

"Bee's knees" is so 2000 and late. The "duck's nuts" is where it's at. This is a pretty weird way to welcome someone back home, but whatever works! At least they were nice enough to make a sign, right? 

When The Roommates Come Back

"This guy" must have been super lonely with his roommates away on their joint business trip. Taylor and Steven were welcomed back by that grinning face! 

Funny Guy Over Here

He was waiting to pick his son up from the airport and decided to break out some classic Dad Humor. Naturally, a lot of people thought that it was funny, even his son. Who doesn't love a play on words?

Thanks, Little Bro

This person was actually coming back from juvie, believe it or not. Of course, in true little brother nature, this kid decided to make his sign have a pretty hard-hitting question. So, was Juvie fun? 

This Is How It's Done

Now, this is how you welcome someone home! It's pretty impressive that he managed to get that whole setup into the airport. Isn't every day national margarita day, though? 

A Big, Long Welcome Home

These little boys were psyched to have the most obnoxious welcome home sign in the airport. They're right! Only they would do that. 

The Michael Jordan?

Like, Space Jam Michael Jordan? Basketball star Michael Jordan? Or, is it just someone with the same name? Who's to say...

Something Went Wrong

Translations can get a little wonky if it's not done through someone who is pretty fluent in either language. It looks like this girl put her visitor's name through a translator and had a drastic mix-up. I wonder if they ever found each other? 

Unfortunate Coincidence? 

Edward Snowden is best known for being the whistleblower who leaked NSA documents and got in a lot of trouble for doing so. This person is either looking for someone with the same last name, pranking everyone, or really picking up Edward Snowden. Probably a prank, right?

Thanks For Letting Everyone Know, Son

No, she was not in prison. Would she really be given a neck pillow and fancy cardigan for a ride home? Her son was just a troll! 

Blondes Will Be Blondes

This girl was picking up her friend and decided to prank her with a sign that said "idiot." Tragically, she had it upside down when her friend arrived... She, then, was the idiot.

First Impressions

It's common for military babies to be born while their dads are away. These first meetings are always so touching! Even though this baby couldn't talk yet, that was probably what she was thinking. 

The Kids are Home for Christmas

These parents seemed a bit bitter that their adult children no longer live in the same state as them... That's pretty brutal! Their parents will never let them live those embarrassing photos down...

Daughter vs. Husband

What a warm welcome home. A loving daughter and a lazy husband! Surely, that was just a joke...

Meeting the Baby

Sadly, she had to go through her entire pregnancy without her husband by her side. She was newly pregnant when he left, so technically, yeah, she's not as skinny as she used to be! But, it was definitely worth it for that new mini-me!

Here for Mokie

Apparently, the sign wasn't good enough. Someone had to print out a huge poster of this guy's head to really embarrass him after his trip back home. Such a warm welcome!

Plot Twist: They're Not in Florida

Mom was having a fun girls vacation in Miami. Then, it was time to go. Luckily, her family decided to try and extend her vacation and tried to make their hometown have the Florida feel!

Very Relatable

Plane rides can be stressful. That stress can lead to upset bowels. Upset bowels can lead to the need for Imodium. Sarah was lucky that she had someone who brought her Imodium, but not so lucky that that person could not be trusted to be sneaky with it.

Rich and His Dad

Richard and his son, Richard Jr. were traveling around the country for a while before heading back to their home state. Richard's daughter was tasked with picking them up at the airport, and she had a pretty funny sign to pick them up with...

The Beach = Rehab

He really thought he was funny with this one! Once again, the person he was welcoming home just needed a ride home from the airport from their vacation... 

You're Too Kind

This person's overzealous roommate was tasked with picking her up from the airport... Truth be told, she said that she didn't expect anything less. She wasn't a dominatrix, but she wasn't mad that people thought that she was.

Too Kind

The sign really gave it away that he wasn't a hired driver. Unless he is, and this was the only identifier he was given... In that case, we feel sorry for him.

Welcome Home

Most people who returned from deployment probably assumed that their partner would have a sweet sign or present for them... Not this woman. She opted to greet her husband with a very intentioned sign. On another note, how many Ameican Flag clothing items did this person own?

Everyone Shows Emotion in Different Ways

When dogs miss their owner, they tend to go a bit wild. Unfortunately, they left a pretty disappointing gift for their owner after a long trip abroad... RIP to that couch. 

Dad Failed Us

Dad had to take care of the boys for one week. The time spent making that time could have been spent doing the laundry! Either way, this is a pretty classic "Welcome Home, Mom" sign. Moms really never get a break.

Very Dad

Dads everywhere love overusing the Darth Vader quote. Poor Rebecca, she didn't sign up for that. She didn't mind, though... She still took the picture with him!

Okay, Calm Down

Military wives do not know how to tone it down... She even put his name on the posterboard to show all of his fellow military men that she's his wife. 

Let Simon Live

This must have happened when selfie sticks were still a thing. Britney must have been jealous of Simon's selfie stick... 

Very Mysterious

Weirdly enough, this photo doesn't have a story. The person who posted this photo sneakily snapped it in the airport... He had no idea who Alice or the random citizen was. Hopefully, it all worked out?

Pretending To Be Important

These guys really showed up for their friend... They made everyone else at the airport think that she was rich or important! In reality, she had two goofball roommates. 

That's How You Make a Sign

This guy put in the effort of making a super cool sign for his friend. That's one way to make your friend feel important! "Clan" has a nice ring to it. 

Savage Burn

5th times the charm seems a bit harsh... Their dad was going through a trial and error period in his life where he had to get married four times to find the right one! 

You Know Who You Are

Was this the first time they were meeting? If so, that was a huge power move on this brother's part... Hopefully, it was a good thing? 

That's Definitely a Pregnancy Announcement

The weirdest part about this picture is that the sister is nowhere to be seen... Maybe she took the photo? Either way, this is either an incredible pregnancy announcement or a huge blow to poor Matt. 


Wives always know how to embarrass their husbands... Plus, they do it when it's least expected! This woman welcomed her husband home with an adorable poster that definitely reminded him who was boss in that household... He is the one with the freckle butt! 

You Can Almost Make It Out

...Almost. At least she got the point across! When she said that she wanted to make her sign herself, her mother knew that this was most likely going to be the outcome. It's hard to learn how to write!

Someone's Not In On It

This poor chauffer probably had to deal with the most annoying passenger if this was the name that he gave him... Something about this photo says that this guy had no idea what was actually written on his paper!

Husbands Doing the Most

Someone missed their wife! This guy dressed up in a dapper suit and even threw in a bluetooth phone in the mix to pick up his "smoking hot carolina girl." Honestly, after a long flight, coming home to see that would be a highlight!

Lookin For My Fam

Someone was excited for their family to visit for Christmas! He decked out his best Christmas attire and headed out to pick up his lovely #fam at the airport. The sunglasses were a bit much, but that was apart of the look apparently! 

You Come Here Often?

This guy doesn't look like he's there to pick up a friend or family member... In fact, it was pretty obvious what he was actually there for. At least he dressed up for the occasion! 

Maybe Don't Get In That Car

This guy was really excited to pick up his friends at the airport that he even made a cute little sign for them! It's a play on the band Death Cab for Cutie, but also a possible death sentence. Hop on in!

When You Spend a Week in Texas

The man holding the sign missed his partner so much that he made a very timely poster for him! After all, his partner spent a week in Texas... Legally, that means you're a cowboy. We don't make the rules. 

Grandma Coming Through

The kids ran to grandma as fast as grandma ran to the kids... They mowed down anyone in separating them! No one was injured during the event... Probably.

Cool Kid Lingo

Even if his kids eyebrows weren't on fleek, it's a dad's duty to say that they were. After all, coming off a flight sometimes might mean you eyebrows weren't on fleek, and that's okay. 

Polar Opposites

No offense to this loving mother, but her Tool loving son didn't seem very into her very obnoxious display of affection. He was away for one weekend

Canadian Welcome

Hopefully, these Canadians gave Katie a true tour of their country filled with maple syrup and hockey. After all, a welcome sign like that basically screams every Canadian stereotype! 

Pick Your Airport Gang Wisely

Sean needed a ride from the airport. He asked his friend to pick him up. Instead, his friend made a sign and brought his other friend along to make it a scene. Sean, who was visiting family and not in jail, thought it was pretty funny. 

Sorry, Courtney

All parents hate when their kids move away. This dad hated it so much that he told Santa, who in turn made Courtney Payne the only person on the naughty list! Dads are nuts. 

ISO: My Money

At least she picked a nice photo of him. The good thing about sugar daddy's is that they usually know that they're just a paycheck to the people they pay... 

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The More You Know

  • There is a fish with transparent bones and white blood.
  • If you sneeze while driving at 60 mph, your eyes are closed for around 50 feet.
  • Arkansas hosts the annual World Championship Duck Calling Contest.
  • Bloodhounds are great marathoners.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.