Anxiety Inducing Moments Guaranteed to Make Your Palms Sweaty

They say anxiety is a result of humans not yet evolving to fit into modern society, but how could you not be nervous when you live in a world with problems like these…

A Proper Dismount

Cities have generally not been too friendly to bike riders, but this is just ridiculous. Additionally, this lady should be wearing a helmet!

Cotton Candy Strikes Again

Touchdown! Jim Cantore is really off his rocker for this one. Anyone who’s crazy enough to get this close to an active tornado is absolutely someone I’d trust with my life.

An Actual Demon

Whatever this is, we’re glad it’s in captivity. This could either be a shaved bear or a human experiment gone horribly wrong.

Watch Yourself Pal

No idea where this is, or how this place even operates legally. Despite the crotch-level guillotine, the worst part of this is the fact that you can be seen through the glass shelves.

Don’t Know Which One is Worse

WOAH THERE, it’s unbelievable that someone actually got close enough to a mutant spider and an eerily green snake to take a picture. Someone needs to make a movie about this.

… Help Him

This dude is just chilling, in the most menacing way possible. Have you ever seen Pocahontas? This is what the tree spirits look like in real life.

One Way In, One Way Out

You can’t tell by the picture, but these guys are calling down to their friends at the bottom who tried it first to make sure it was safe. To clarify, this is not safe.

El Chupacabra

Hide your goats, this dude is coming to mess your whole weekend up. Most likely this is a trick of the light and its just another deer.

Major Fashion Malfunction

This is every child’s worst nightmare. I guess you could say that this guy was “one toe over the line.” Or one flop over the line. This joke flopped.

This is the Wrong Decision

As much as we admire this guy for being so creative, we cannot commend him for being so callous. Yeah, most likely nothing happened to him, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s raising the chances of massive failure.

Silk in the Sky

This is absolutely crazy. A feat that would make Alex Honnold quake in his climbing shoes, we sincerely hope this person is wearing a parachute.

Is That What it Really Looks Like?

Just for reference, this is what the inside of every duck’s mouth looks like. Yes, we know, they’re absolutely terrifying.

Look Out Below…

Now we’re getting into the real palm sweat inducing stuff. These kids looked roped in, which is the best case scenario, but some of these people will never look at mountains ever the same.

I’ve Seen This Before…

Alfred Hitchcock strikes again with the thrilling sequel to “The Birds,” titled “The Birds 2: 2019.” This film will be showing in local pharmacies near you this Summer.

Your Worst Nightmare

We saw this once, but it was on a plane. Samuel Jackson could totally handle this situation on his own, but maybe calling a plumber and animal control would be your best bet for this instance.

You’re A Wizard Buddy

Listen, people who go out of their way to stand mere inches from certain death are a rare breed. However, any man armed with only a broom standing thousands of feet above the ground probably possesses some sort of magical powers akin to a wizard of the Harry Potter variety.

Those Crazy Free Runners…

No Ropes? No harness? No Problem! This dude is going to be the next big thing, “Russian Man Free Solos Abandoned Buildings Using Only True Grit and Determination to Summit.”

Dolphin?? Please be a Dolphin…

Nothing quite says “dude lets go in” like seeing a huge black fin in front of you as the most choice waves start rolling in. After all, nobody can tell a crazy shark sighting story if they aren’t alive.

Ranas Frescas

When life gives you spinach, put frogs in the bag and make them the happiest frogs who ever lived. That or, pay attention to your supermarket’s return policy.

Wake Up Sheeple

This is like one of those animal rights documentaries, funded by PETA or some other affiliate. But, jeez it really looks like every goat demon on Earth got together to pose for one big family photo.


As seen on the internet famous “Toilets With Threatening Auras” page, by God these frogs look happy. For a little backstory, this toilet was actually clean before those frog boys made this their new apartment building.

Accordion Don

Band practice is a private thing, and those who have a relationship with music will totally understand this dude’s apprehension in his friends finding out he plays the accordion, of all things.

Welcome Home

The Babadook will be seeing you now. Really though, this is probably just a jacket that this person didn’t hang up properly that scared the heck out of them one night.

The Extra Floppy Disk

Yeah, this egg actually holds the directors cut of James Cameron’s “Avatar” with all of the deleted scenes and bloopers. CD users really don’t understand what they’re missing out on.

In Solitude, Playing Solitaire

This might not make your palms sweaty, but it’ll definitely make your palms feel super icy and wet. The real anxiety-inducing thing here is that there are three people trying to play one game of solitaire.

One Way Out

Tell you what, this isn’t too bad. At least there’s water in that toilet, and we all know fire hates water.

Some Kind of Horror Movie

Just to clarify, this was a class-wide internally written play. All of the students made their own masks to play their characters. This is not some elementary school version of “The Purge.”

Doc, There’s Something Wrong

This is a lesser known feature of the Ford Taurus, they hover on rainy days to keep their tires from getting wet.

Tip-Toeing on My Fingers

Performance art can be really weird, especially when the artist is trying to convey some kind of strange persona like this. Do yourself a favor, and stick to visual art.

Burn Baby Burn

Guessing this is some kind of festival like Burning Man, these kinds of images are not out of the ordinary for that kind of thing. Regardless, this might send the mother in you into a frenzy.

Good… Dog?

See here, she is merely showing the camera how tame the weird dog she found is. All “dogs” deserve to be loved.

Summer Fashion Trends Are Weird

This is the latest Michael Kors fashion forward daily wear for regular folks. This look is perfect for “carting” around your ideal image of yourself.

Ugh… Rock Climbers Are So Extra

We get it, dude, you like to climb rocks. Confidence does not outweigh stupidity though, unless you’re the world’s greatest climber, accepting a deadly risk for the sake of looking cool isn’t cool.

Michael Phelps Suba Dives Now

Training for free diving requires the utmost concentration and precision. Dropping into every pool with a full suit on is the best way to go about practicing.

Airbud in the Future

The best kind of busking is when you can show passers-by something they’ve never seen before. If there isn’t a feature film, documentary, or at least some kind of compensation for this activity, the world is a much darker place than we thought.

Hello, Kitty

Imagine settling down to say your prayers at night, when you’re answered with a meow that sounds like it’s coming right from heaven.


We all know how bad these things smell, but blowing one up isn’t the proper response to trying to show your disdain for the horrible stench. Now somebody needs to clean this up.

Hello, Uber Driver Here

Sir, you might be in over your head, er, tires. We might be a little late for prom this year.

That’s So Nasty

Halloween culture at bars is totally whack to begin with, but when you have to deal with people like this on top of it, you might as well get up and leave.

Using Your Noodle

This cursed mask can make spaghetti faster than a pot of water, but the wearer might be subject to a little discomfort.

A Huge Mistake

We’re all for protecting nature at all costs, but this just ain’t it chief. Maybe you should call that contractor who let this happen and have them reevaluate their decision.

Actually, Don’t Pass the Guac

Things could be way worse than this, we’re just happy this is a doll instead of a real person.

Hand Check

It’s sickening that this is the public’s opinion of the ideal female form. Do better big media, stop promoting these unrealistic images!

It Part Three

Aren’t sewers specifically not supposed to burst into flames? No? Okay, I guess…

The Weirdest Family Reunion

Families full of dentists should not be subjecting the rest of their relatives to this kind of torture.

Giving Up For Good

Not sure which one is more confusing, the massive amount of bread, or the clearly distraught kid who is possibly trapped within this bread room.

Halloween For Cheap

Couples costumes are getting stranger every year! First this, next year they’re going to go out as a gaseous cloud.

Please Let Him Out

People wearing animal costumes will always be unnerving, we do our best to stay as far away as possible from these kinds of situations.

Pants for Spiders

Photoshop, artistry, or accident, this one mistake is something we could not just overlook.

It’s an Invasion

This is what happens when you leave scraps out from the barbecue, keep that in mind the next time you decide to take the easy way out and clean tomorrow.

The Conjuring Lite

Everyone has that one weird relative that wears eccentric clothes, its best to just ignore them unless this person just showed up in the photo after it was taken.

Merry Christmas Bros

Unless you live in a city that has literally no living creatures outside of houses, this is the worst possible idea you could possibly come up with.

The Flinstones Strike Back

As you can see here, this is the modern man in its natural habitat. Take a look at the intense focus and the lack of consideration for his physical form.

No More Sleepovers

They’re lucky they didn’t get hurt when they broke that fan, but their mom is going to kill them when she gets home.

Lasers Everywhere

This is the first glimpse into a black hole that humanity has had since the dawn of time. Focus closely, you can almost see cats in the background.

Out of the Pan and Into the Bedspread

This has to be some sick joke or a totally undocumented way to clean your sheets. Please keep eggs out of the bedroom.

Wow, Pizza Hut Really Did That

Un-proofed dough can’t possibly be the nastiest thing this trash can has ever seen.

Honey, No Playground Today

Grab your kid’s leash and get the heck out of there!!

Having the Wildest Dream

Thank God, I was having the craziest dream, I thought you were a person!

Evasive Maneuvers

This one is called “Making Do with What You Have, for No Reason at All.”

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