The Unconventional Parenting Styles of A-List Celebrities

Beyonce and Jay-Z

Ever since their first daughter, Blue, was little, the power couple hired confidence coaches to help Blue build herself up. “When Blue was born, Beyonce and Jay-Z were committed to giving her all the self-esteem they themselves lacked as kids," a source close to the famous couple said.  

Blue Is Learning

This type of coaching is definitely paying off, too! In an interview, Jay-Z said that he had a little run-in with Blue when he was trying to get her to school. "I told her get in the car the other day because she was asking a thousand questions and we had to leave for school,” he told David Letterman. “So we’re driving and I just hear a little voice, and I turn around. She said, ‘Dad, I didn’t like when you told me to get in the car, the way you told me’—she’s six—‘It hurt my feelings.’”

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard are easily Hollywoods favorite power couple. No one would think that they had some pretty strict parenting ideas! In 2018, Kristen Bell revealed that they have a wild bedtime routine for their daughter, Delta. No child is the same, which means that everyone's parenting style is going to be drastically different. Their little girl never wants to go to bed, so they had to get a little desperate...

Lock The Door!

Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard resorted to locking the bedroom door of their daughter so that she would stay put! "I'm sorry, I know that's controversial, but we lock it when she gets in there, and we stand outside and say, 'We love you, we will talk to you in the morning, but now, it's time for sleep.' And after about 10 minutes, she'll wind herself down. And then, before we go to bed, obviously, we unlock it." 

Mayim Bialik

This one is a bit wild! The Big Bang Theory star said that she doesn't force her kids to do anything that they don't want to do... Even if that means being nice to someone. She said that she teaches them the rules of society and encourages them to be courteous and polite, but doesn't discipline when they're not. This method is a bit hard to understand, right?

Be Yourself

This isn't a fool proof method. Bialik said that she wishes she could butt in sometimes. "There were a handful of times when family members clearly expected a 'thank you' for a gift, and I was very tempted to whisper, 'Say thank you!' But we have stayed the course and our older son now remembers with just a gentle nod from us if he forgets. He is spontaneously authentic and he also knows the value of politeness," wrote Bialik

Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady

Gisele Bundchen practices elimination communication, aka natural infant hygiene. Gisele didn't use diapers at all for her son, Benjamin, while he was awake Instead, she carried him around naked and watched for the signs that he needed to go. How in the world does that even work?!

Nailed It

Obviously, the practice isn't perfect, but Gisele pretty much had it down to a science. She said that she knew his schedule perfectly and he always went to the bathroom at the same times. Plus, the disposable diaper method is just hurtful to the environment. “Diapers pollute the environment. Where does this garbage go?” she asked.


Sometimes, it's easy to forget that Madonna is a mother to six wild kids! Even though she's a fabulous entertainer and wild personality, she's a pretty strict mother! She's said that she will lock her kids clothes up if they leave them anywhere other than a hamper. When talking about her daughter, Lourdes, Madonna said, "We take all of her clothes and put them in a bag, and she has to earn all of her clothes back by being tidy."

The Disciplinarian

"I'm the disciplinarian," Madonna said. "Guy's the spoiler. When Daddy gets home they're going to get chocolate. I'm more practical." She has some strict rules of the house for her kids. Their lives are already hectic enough, so having an orderly home makes sense. Apparently, her kids think that her mothering is a bit too much... They'll learn someday!

Beyonce and Jay-Z Hire Baby Stylists

This is definitely going overboard. Beyonce and Jay-Z hired a stylist for their daughter, Blue, when she was six years old. It's unclear whether this was Blue's idea or not, but something tells us that it was the work of her fashionista mother. Blue herself loves to follow in her moms footsteps, so it only makes sense that she would want to dress up! 

One of a Kind Fashions

“Blue’s stylist brings her one of a kind fashions for every day, for vacations, red carpet events, for family photo shoots, etc," a source close to the family said. At this rate, Blue will be killing it in the fashion world. You could even argue that she's been in the business since she was six!

Alicia Silverstone

Clueless icon is another mother who didn't make her son wear diapers. She went diaperless with her son, Bear, from the time he was six months old! Silverstone said that kids tell their parents when they need to eat or sleep, so why would having to relieve themselves be any different?

Diaper Free

Honestly, it makes sense. How would you like to have to sit in a diaper with your own grossness? “They give you cues, but we’re ignoring those cues," Silverstone wrote in her book. "If you pay attention, they actually have a pause button and will give you enough time to get to a place that makes it comfortable for them to go... It’s the most natural, primal thing.”

Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott

Kylie Jenner had her daughter Stormi in February of 2018. She was just 20 years old and probably pretty terrified of being a new mom. In fact, she made all of her guests wear face masks around the new baby. "Kylie makes all the guests wear them," a source said. "It’s a bit over the top, but she’s extremely cautious when it comes to keeping Stormi safe, she wants to protect her baby girl as much as she can. Travis is the same, they’re both super protective."

Face Mask Couple

Travis and Kylie posted a photo together wearing the masks while they were goofing around. A lot of people felt like having a mask around a new baby was way too much. "Travis and Kylie were just goofing around together at home. Kylie got boxes of medical masks for people to wear around Stormi because she doesn’t want her exposed to any germs, she’s still so brand new." Honestly, it's not that big of a deal! She was a new mom, let her live.

The Smiths and Their Parenting

It's no secret that the Smiths wanted to raise their kids with a lot of freedom. "Our concept is, as young as possible, give them as much control over their lives as possible," Will said in an interview with Metro. "And the concept of punishment… it has a little too much of a negative quality." So, instead of handing out a punishment, they let the kids explain themselves. 

Trust Your Kids

Their biggest family foundation is trust. Jada said that she was too strict with her older kids and felt that she had done it wrong. So, with her youngest kids, she wanted to give them the freedom to make their own mistakes. “I learned a lot from that experience and realized that while Willow and Jaden are still with me and have a safety net, I want to give them the opportunity to make mistakes and learn how to put boundaries on themselves. So by the time they’re out of the house, they fly,” she said.

Celebrities like to try and say that they're relatable and just like us, but not everyone only lets their kids watch TV in Spanish and French or have cultured nannies from around the world. That being said, some parenting techniques from celebrities are a bit questionable... If it works for them, so be it!

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher

The That 70s Show actors have started an adorable little family of their own in recent years. The superstar parents have said that they have a strict "no presents" rule around the holidays for the kids. They only plan to restrict gifts while the kids are young to avoid any materialistic tendencies they might grow into. This idea didn't just spur from nothing; the grandparents had a heavy hand in this decision. 

Too Many Gifts

"Last year when we celebrated Christmas, Wyatt was two and it was too much. We didn't give her anything—it was the grandparents. The kid no longer appreciates the one gift. They don't even know what they're expecting; they're just expecting stuff," Kunis said. “We've told our parents, ‘We're begging you—if you have to give her something, pick one gift. Otherwise, we'd like to take a charitable donation, to the Children's Hospital or a pet [or] whatever you want.’ That's our new tradition.”

Beyonce and Jay-Z Desire Bilingualism 

The Carters want to make sure that their kids know multiple languages, so they started them young. In order to be Blue's nanny, you had to know how to speak French fluently since Beyonce has family in France. Blue also knows Spanish. Funny enough, Bey and Jay don't know any other languages. That's more of a reason to teach them, though! 

Inspiring Others

Rapper Meek Mill even enrolled his son in a French class after hearing then two-year-old Blue Ivy speaking Spanish to Jay on the phone. "To me, I thought that was stuntin'," he said. Honestly, there's no downside for getting your kids into language classes early on in life.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

The Kardashian-West clan had a lot of people doubting both Kanye and Kim's parenting abilities. Turns out, they're doing just fine! Kim used to be pretty lenient with the kids, but Kanye's newfound Christian faith has taken some turns. Their oldest, North, is not allowed to wear makeup anymore. Kim admits that she got in trouble by Kanye for giving North some lipsticks! 

A Bit Too Young for Kanye

"She loves makeup, but her dad won’t let her wear it," Kim said. I’d let her wear, you know, she has a little red for Christmas, I’d let her wear a red lip, or I'd let her do one pop of something. I’d let her, if she’s wearing a black dress, a black lip. Kylie would give her all of these lip kits, so I kind of got in trouble for that. So, it’s now no more makeup." Chicago, their other daughter, hasn't expressed much interest in makeup... Yet!

The Smiths

Will and Jada have always been open about how they raise their three successful kids. They've made it a point to not punish their kids for their mistakes but to have an open and honest covnersation about what they did that was wrong. They always put the emphasis on having a "circle of safety." 

Tell Us Everything

Naturally, there's a catch with the circle of safety. "They're allowed to tell us everything that they did [in the circle of safety], and they can't get in trouble," Smith told Jimmy Fallon in 2016.  "The rule is, if we find out after the circle of safety that there was something you didn't say, there was [a price] to pay." So, if you don't confess in the circle of safety, you might face the wrath of the Smiths! 

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

Angelina Jolie has been adament on giving her kids a worldly education. "I do think we live in a different age and the education system hasn't caught up with our children and our way of life," she told the The Independent in 2011. She felt that the traditional education that her kids would recieve through normal schooling just wasn't suitable enough. 

Traveling and Learning

When we travel, I'm the first person to say, 'Get the schoolwork done as quickly as possible because let's go out and explore'. I'd rather them go to a museum and learn to play guitar and read and pick a book they love." She and Brat Pitt ended up enrolling their kids in a Lycee program, which relies on nannies and specialist teachers. 

Pamela Anderson

Unsurprisingly, Pamela Anderson had a very open approach to parenting when her sons reached their teenage years. “We want them to... drink and experiment with drugs in moderation, find true love," she wrote in a blog post on her website entitled "Intuitive Parenting." She believed that her kids would find their own way in an open environment, and so that wouldn't lead to problems later on. So far, she was absolutely right.

It's Paying Off

"He [Brandon] does not touch alcohol or drugs—(he understands his genetics) and is an example to many," Anderson wrote in a blog post in 2018. The boys' father, Tommy Lee, had an impact on their lives as they saw first-hand just what drugs and alcohol and do to a person. 

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds

Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds are total parenting goals. They've been pretty open with how they parent and how their relationship works, too. The two have three girls together and want to raise them to be empowered women! The one thing they want to focus on: destroying gender roles. Their first stop? Stop gendering random things like bugs and objects!

Let's Avoid That

When talking about her parenting style, Blake Lively talked about a really good conversation she had with her husband. "My husband was like, 'Why do I always say he?' And I said, 'That’s what we’re taught.' So he’ll pick up, like a caterpillar, and instead of saying, 'What’s his name?' he’ll say, 'What’s her name?' Or we’ve joked that my daughter is bossy. But my husband said, 'I don’t ever want to use that word again. You’ve never heard a man called bossy.'” 

Jennifer Garner

In order to set boundaries, Jennifer Garner established something called a "Yes Day." The kids are allowed to do anything on Yes Day (within reason) and Garner has to go with it. She's been doing Yes Day every year for the past seven years. That's some true dedication.

The Kids Love Yes Day

Garner has said that her kids know her for being a bit strict in not letting them do certain things. Luckily, when Yes Day comes around, they can do whatever they want. Garner loves the idea so much that she's actually going to star in a Netflix comedy in 2020 about it. She's definitely the perfect actor for the job!

Reese Witherspoon

The Big Little Lies star was raised in Nashville, Tennessee, so her values lie within the deep south. Although the family lives in Los Angeles, California, Witherspoon still enforced those southern values.  "I grew up in Nashville and my parents taught me to respect my elders. We’d say things like ‘yes, ma’am’ and ‘no, sir’ to adults. But kids in Los Angeles don’t do that. I’ve drawn the line at my children calling adults by their first names. I tell them they can call people ‘Miss Shannon’ or ‘Miss Heather’ but that using only first names is too familiar. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned," Witherspoon shared in 2009.

Setting the Table and Attending Church

Witherspoon definitely has an old school way of parenting! She said that she has her children set the table for dinner and attend church every Sunday. She wanted to raise her kids with the decorum that she was raised with. It's good that she had a good enough childhood that's influencing her parenting style now! 

Alanis Morisette

Alanis Morisette actually came under fire for her attachment parenting method. Morisette said that she would stop nursing her children when they naturally wanted to stop. "I don't even really consider it 'extended,'" Morissette told ABC News at the time. "I just consider it appropriate for that particular child and that mom and that family. I'll stop whenever he wants. Some kids naturally stop at two, some stop at a couple of years later, it's up to the child. I will stop when he says it's time to stop."

Alanis Morisette actually came under fire for her attachment parenting method. Morisette said that she would stop nursing her children when they naturally wanted to stop. "I don't even really consider it 'extended,'" Morissette told ABC News at the time. "I just consider it appropriate for that particular child and that mom and that family. I'll stop whenever he wants. Some kids naturally stop at two, some stop at a couple of years later, it's up to the child. I will stop when he says it's time to stop."


A lot of parents had things to say about her co-sleeping method, too. "For me, I protect his safety and his well-being and his attachment. That stage of development is a very important stage. We're definitely skin-on-skin connected as much as possible." Many people can argue that co-sleeping is unsafe since sharing a bed with a small child can be dangerous, but parents who do it call it a bonding experience. To each their own!

Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green

Megan Fox got slammed by close-minded individuals for letting her sons wear dresses because they wanted to. A lot of people felt like she was "forcing" her ideals on them even though she said that they picked out the dresses themselves and that's what they wanted to wear! "The women in the church are only allowed to wear pants, you can't wear dresses, you can't wear make-up or jewelry, so it's a really sort of oppressive environment to grow up in. But I sort of lean left of that now," she explained. "Noah wears dresses so there are no rules — you can be whatever you want to be in my house!"

Just Be You

Luckily, this is a family affair! Her husband supports his boys' decisions to wear what they feel like. “I feel like at 4, at 5, that’s a time when he should be having fun. He’s not harming anyone wearing a dress. So if he wants to wear a dress, good on him." 

The Wests Go Gender Neutral

Kim is very much a girly-girl by nature, but she never wanted to force that onto her daughters. Kanye, on the other hand, hates most colors, so he was all for having a gender-netural pallete for his kids' things. “Kim had always loved wearing pink before meeting Kanye, but he hates the color. Kanye thinks it’s just cliche for women to wear pink,” a source close to the family said. “Kanye doesn’t want their daughter dressed in pink, ever.” 

Letting the Kids Choose Their Outfits

Now that North and Saint are old enough to have their own style, the Wests let them choose whatever colors they want. Kanye still isn't a fan of the pink, but will always let his daughter choose it if that's what she wants. 

Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson shocked fans when she said that she's raising her child "genderless." Funny enough, her quote was actually taken out of context. "I think you just raise your kids individually regardless — like a genderless [approach]. We still don’t know what she’s going to identify as," Hudson initially explained. Many people assumed that meant she assigned no gender to her daughter, which isn't true. They just weren't being overly gendered in their toys and clothes!

Gender Neutral Clothes

Since her newest daughter is her first girl, she came to realize that she was going over the top with her outfits. With her two other boys, she never did that and admitted to only buying simple onesies for them. "There’s some stuff that I’m like, 'I can’t do that to her, because it’s so over-the-top.'" Obviously, every parent is allowed to dress their kids how they want to... This is just how Kate Hudson does it! 

Tamera Mowrey

Co-sleeping is a hotly debated topic in the parenting world. Tamera Mowrey is not for it. She believes that it's important for her and her husband to have their own bed and their own space, and same with the kids. “I don’t want them sleeping with me only because I don’t get adequate husband-and-wife time,” the mom of two told E! News. “When they’re in your bed, it’s like sleeping with a drunk octopus — that’s the best way of describing it. You’ll wake up with a toe in your nose and I’m trying to get them out of our bed throughout the entire night.”

Caving In

Sometimes, the couple has to cave in. Her husband isn't really for or against co-sleeping, but if one of their kids is wanting to snuggle up, he won't usually say no. The no co-sleeping rule isn't harshly enforced, but it's definitely something that she wants to continue working on!

Kelly Ripa

The talk show host is always talking about her kids, and she's given out some pretty good lessons! Ripa is huge on manners, even to the point of sending thank you letters for everything.  “The art of please and thank you never goes out of style. I’ve had thank-you notes made up for them, and when they complain that they don’t have lines on them to make it easier to write, I literally get out a ruler and draw the lines.”

Manners Never Go Out of Style

Why would they? Ripa has been in the business for years, so she knows exactly how far good manners can take a person. “I always tell my kids — you don’t have to be the best at sports, the smartest, the best at math, but you do have to have the best manners. I don’t tolerate piggish behavior in kids, and mine have learned the hard way.”

Nikki Reed and Ian Somerhalder

The new parents were very adamant about their "month of silence." The month of silence is when new parents completely shut off from the outside world and spend one-on-one time with their new baby. No visitors, no phone calls, no texts... Nothing. Reed told Fit Pregnancy and Baby, "Otherwise, every five minutes it would be, ‘How are you feeling? Can we have a picture?’ You don’t get those first 30 days back, and we want to be fully present.”

Being Fully Present Is Important

After their month of silence was over, Reed and Somerholder gave a lot of interviews about beingnew parents. This sparked a lot of interest into why they were being so careful with their child. “We’ll take the baby’s first month for ourselves. After the baby arrives, we’re doing one month of silence. Just the three of us, no visitors, and we’re turning off our phones too, so there’s no expectation for us to communicate."

The Smiths Yet Again

The Smiths have always been open about their parenting style. It's something that they're very passionate about! One of their biggest things is about respect. "We respect our children the way we would respect any other person," Will Smith said. "Things like cleaning up their room. You would never tell a full-grown adult to clean their room, so we don’t tell our kids to clean their rooms."

Everyone is Equal

Showing kids respect is also showing them that they're human and deserve respect! That definitely says something about how the kids are as adults. Jaden and Willow are especially vocal in the music industry, and are well respected with their ideals. They've never had a scandal! 

Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick

SJP is on that tough-love way of parenting. One of the biggest things that she tries to implement in her kids is the idea of "pining." She wants her kids to yearn for something, so that when they eventually earn it, that thing will have a lot more meaning. As a person who grew up in extreme poverty, she learned that ideal on her own. 

Not Handing Them Everything They Want

"I like to withhold things from my children," Parker said. "Things they want, I think they should yearn for, and in some cases, as my son gets older, I think he should earn. I think it’s good to pine for something so that when you get it, it has such meaning. You aren’t casual about the possession."

Heidi Klum

In a not-big shocker, Heidi Klum allows her daughters to wear heels. Apparently, a lot of people don't like that! Klum has gotten some backlash for letting her daughters get dressed up for special occasions, which is a little silly. "If we go to a restaurant, they like to get dressed up. It’s fun for them. So what if they hobble on their little heels for 20 steps from the car to the restaurant "

Matching With Mom

How could a supermodel deny her kids from wearing heels? Klum has even gone as far as to match her shoes with her kids, which makes for an adorable photo-op. "As long as they’re good kids and they get good grades, they can wear what they want to wear," Klum said. 

Reese Witherspoon

Reese Witherspoon wants to teach her kids the power of money. She said that she wanted them to learn about the world around them and how to deal with money itself. "I give each of the kids five dollars when we go to the farmer’s market on the weekends. They can buy something, save it, or spend part of it and save the rest." That's a pretty good deal!

Spend Or Save?

Witherspoon said that her son is just like her and spends the money right away, while her daughter takes the time to pick out something she really wants. Witherspoon learned this lesson with her first job at 10 years old, when she spent all of her paycheck on toys and candy. 

Katie Holmes

Katie Holmes' daughter, Suri Cruise, made headlines when she was seen wearing makeup and heels out and about at a young age. Instead of believing that she was expressing her individuality, the media said that her mom was forcing appearances. That wasn't true, and Suri is still very much a fashionista whenever she and her mom walk out in public. 

Christina Aguilera

Pop legend Christina Aguilera has two boys. Her biggest ideal to teach them is about being comfortable with your body. She admitted that she has (tasteful) nudes all over the house to encourage the normalcy of a nake body. “I think it’s important that he [her son] see mommy not be ashamed of her sexuality.”


Jersey Shore partier turned mommy blogger has a lot to say about raising her three kids. It's a role that she's always been prepared for, but wanted to make sure that she was good at it. When she was pregnant with her first son, she used to carry around a babydoll just to get "used to the feeling." That's dedication!

Celine Dion

Celine Dion has older kids now, but she was a very popular mommy-superstar when they were little. Dion even got some backlash for letting her son grow his hair out as much as he wanted to. In interviews, she said that she wanted him to have autonomy over his hair and wouldn't make him cut it he didnt want to. That meant that he got his first haircut when he was eight years old! 

Gwyneth Paltrow

Paltrow's two kids, Moses and Apple, are definitely worldly. Their mother is American while their father, Chris Martin, is British. In order to encourage a more cultured lifestyle, Paltrow only lets her kids watch TV in Spanish and French. A bit overkill, but it is important to learn more languages!

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp has always been a bit of an oddball, and that didn't falter when he had kids. His daughter, Lily Rose, has said multiple times that he's definitely a weird father. She said that he saved her bangs after a haircut one time as a "memory" and even gave them strict rules about drug use. He said that if they ever wanted to use drugs, he preferred that they tell him, and that they get it from him. Very weird indeed! 

Jennifer Lopez

You wouldn't think this, but J-Lo is actually a pretty strict parent! She makes sure that she and her family get together every Sunday, no matter what. They always plan to spend the day together whether it's just hanging out at the house or going around town. No exceptions!

Mariah Carey

Mariah Carey has said that her kids have a good amount of free range around the home, but they learned about restricting personal belongings the hard way. Somehow, her seven year old son snagged her credit card and bought a $5,000 dog off of Amazon. 

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore is pretty much every average mom. She gets stressed, she gets mad, and she can even yell. These are all things that she's admitted to in interviews, but that just makes her even more human! One thing she's said is that she tries to restrict TV and sweets... But she caves!


Madonna is strict; that we've figured out. But, how far does it go? At home, she doesn't allow any sort of sweets or desserts. They're also on a no-dairy diet and keeps them on a strict macrobiotic diet. Guy Ritchie definitely spoils them, though. 

Kelly Ripa

Kelly Ripa really is a disciplinarian! She's admitted to snooping through her kids phones and computers to see what they're up to. She also regulates their study and internet times to make sure everything goes smoothly in school.

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet has famously called herself a helicopter mom. Any time the kids are running around and playing, she'd be right there to make sure that no one got hurt. She claimed that she's strict, but just to keep the kids safe and sound. That's not too bad of a thing! 

Candace Cameron Bure

This Full House star has always been about family. When she became a mom, she always said that she wanted to teach her kids valuable lessons through the Bible. “We get much of our parenting information from the Bible—that’s my heart source," she's sad. "There are several passages that refer to disciplining your child.”

Denzel Washington

Surprise, surprise! Denzel Washington is a bit of a strict parent when it comes down to it. He called his parenting style very old school. He raised his kids to call him and his wife "sir" and "ma'am" when it was appropriate. Those are some old-school manners!

Jamie Olivier

Not only does Jamie Oliver cook up a lot of healthy meals, he cooks up a lot of kids, too! He and his wife share five kids together, which means that they always have their hands full. Naturally, he's very dedicated to keeping them happy and healthy. He practices what he preaches and keeps them on a very healthy diet.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world. Luckily, that didn't get to his head and he did not raise spoiled children. In fact, he didn't allow any of his kids to have a phone until they turned 13... No exceptions! Gates is an extremely hard worker, so he definitely wanted to pass that trait down to his children.

Jessica Alba

Time-outs are definitely a thing in the Alba household! Whenever her kids are misbehaving, she sends them to the classic time-out corner. She said that it's a good way for them to calm down and think about what they did and how to avoid doing it again. It's not always fool proof, but it's something that is a staple for her parenting skills.

Cate Blanchett

Cate Blanchett has a great relationship with her sons.  She attributes that to being more of a parent than a friend to them. "I don't enjoy being the bad cop, but sometimes I have to be!" she said in an interview. She tries to reward them for good behavior more than disciplining for bad behavior... She lets dad Andrew Upton do that!

David and Victoria Beckham

The Beckhams have four kids ranging from 19 years old to 9 years old. Even though their parents are considered royalty in both of their respective careers, the Beckham kids didn't have it super easy growing up. "We are very strict parents. We want to bring them up as closely as possible to how we were brought because you have to give them manners, you have to give them boundaries and our children definitely have that."

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes have been involved with each other since 2011. Now, they have two daughters. They've done their best to give their kids a normal life despite being public figures. They never hired a nanny and even live in a small abode with two bedrooms... If they ever need help, they rely on the grandparents!

Kourtney Kardashian

It's no secret that Kourtney Kardashian loves being a mom more than a celebrity. She tries not to spoil her kids too much but will take them on fabulous vacations multiple times a year. Kardashian once said, “I noticed a great positive change in behavior with my children when we stick to a gluten-free and dairy-free diet. I don’t think that everyone needs to eat this way, but we had muscle testing done, which showed we all have sensitivities to corn, gluten, and dairy.”

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The More You Know

  • When two white-faced capuchin monkeys meet, they say hello by sticking their fingers into each other's noses.
  • More than 800 languages are spoken in Papua New Guinea.
  • Abraham Lincoln was a wrestling champion.
  • George Lazenby wasn't an actual actor. He got himself a suit, a Rolex and a new haircut, then met with the producer and made up movies he had been in. He later landed the role of James Bond.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.