Construction Worker Digs Up Mind-Blowing Key to the Prehistoric Era

Uncovered Obsidian

Shards of obsidian, a glass-like rock, were also uncovered at the site. This was particularly strange because obsidian is only found in locations that have intense volcanic activity in the area. As you might have guessed, there are no volcanoes in British Columbia, or anywhere in Cananda for that matter. It seemed like an entire civilization was out of place. But then, they had to wonder, where did these people really come from?

Prehistoric Bridge

Back in prehistoric times, there was a land bridge that connected Siberia and Alaska. When the earth shifted it, the bridge broke and the two masses were disjointed. Historians figured that the indigenous people who first inhabited the land and left these artifacts must have traveled over that bridge at one point or another. It was a promising theory, but it wasn't enough to form their whole analysis around...


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.