Cringe-Worthy Christmas Cards From Over The Years

It's finally Christmastime, which means that it's time to reflect on cringy family photos of Christmas past. Some of these are intentionally funny, while others... are not. Try to guess which photos are ironic and which aren't!

Cozying Up

This photo takes Christmas cringe to an entirely new level. Instead of taking a regular Christmas photo, they decided to quite literally become the tree. Although this is crafty, it's cringy, too!

The Worst Santa

There is a really terrifying trend with Santas of the 1980s and 1990s... Masks. For some reason, families thought that they needed to completely conceal the identity of whoever is playing Santa. This definitely falls into the category of childhood trauma.

Classic Sibling Rivalry

Cats aren't really fans of change or leaving their comfort zone. Pictures with a small Santa are probably not on their list of fun things to do, so it makes sense that tensions were high. At least a funny photo came of this?

They Are Totally Done

This is when you know that you totally lost the kids. No kid likes to sit still or do what they're told, which is why Christmas photo sessions are super rough on them. As long as the parents have a sense of humor, this would make a great Christmas card.

Childless Couples

These two were probably sick of having to combat the "when are you having a baby?" questions at Christmas. Now, they can just say that their Apple computer (named Mac!) is their kid. He was in the Christmas card, duh!

Santa's Little Helper

Getting photos done with a mall Santa is a rite of passage. Santa often has the help of "elves" who run everything. So, why does this mall have a bear in the photo? There are tons of stories about Santa, but none of them mention a bear...

Being Petty

The person who posted this photo said that this is from his father's family Christmas card in the 70s. His grandmother wasn't so fond of his grandfather's stone-cold face in the final photo... So, she improvised. 

So Many Emotions

You have the crazy toddler, the upset child the awkward teenagers, and the adult son who doesn't want to be in the grandkid's picture. These are the photos you cherish forever, but taking them can be super stressful. 

Happy Goth-mas

Truth be told: the best Christmas photos come from the Goths. There's nothing like taking a photo of people dressed in dark, baggy clothes, dark makeup, and colorful hair in front of a happy, cheery backdrop. This couple went to the mall to get their photos done... They indeed got some looks!

This Is Usually How It Goes

How many photos from this session came out like this? It can be pretty difficult to take photos of little kids, especially when they're not in the mood. The Christmas spirit comes and goes!

The Epitome of Christmas

This is a film photo, so you know they only had a few chances to get this photo right! Unfortunately, it seems like the dogs were not cooperating. At least the kids are laughing! 

That's Not Santa

Once again, Santa is wearing a horrifying mask. Obviously, the kid is very knowledgeable in the fact that he is on the lap of a Santa imposter. Why would parents traumatize kids like this? Do they not realize how horrifying this looks?

The Vibe Is Off

These kids are very obviously checking the vibe... The conclusion is: it's off. None of these kids (even the tiny babies!) are feeling themselves for this portrait session. Christmas can be like that sometimes.

Mickey Santa

It seems like Mickey Mouse makes a decent Santa replacement in most families. It is slightly unclear as to why the child is dressed the way he is, though... 'Tis the season?

The Best Mailman

Carlos wanted to make sure that the folks on his route knew how much he appreciated them. This is a Christmas card that deserves to go right on the fridge, and then stay there. Forever.

Holidays Are Stressful

Holidays can be stressful, and kids are not immune to the feeling. This photo actually tells the entire story... From the look on the little boy's face, he was probably tormenting her just a bit too much and she unleashed her tiny rage. Hopefully, they had more film in the roll, or else this would make an awkward Christmas card.

Grandma Was Living It Up

Listen, Gran has celebrated countless Christmases. She's allowed to dress up and have a photoshoot with the tree that she decorated, okay? Maybe we should all wear white gloves to Christmas dinner!

Father and Son

It's so lovely to see a father and son connect through a Christmas card photo. Anyone who receives this card in the mail would be absolutely blessed. The cat doesn't look too grouchy, either!

Classic Cringe

Here's some classic JC Penny photobooth cringe for ya. Placing the family members (who are dressed in matching white shirts and blue jeans) in matching gift boxes? That's like the pinnacle of awkward photo sessions!

Way To Steal The Show

Dogs do what they please... That's a given. Sometimes, they don't make the best of choices. Humping your owner's leg during the Christmas card? Not a great idea in theory, but it seemed to work out!

Everyone's Involved!

Taking a Christmas family portrait means that the entire family is involved. Even the cat. These are the memories that you'll cherish forever. 

Too Much Holiday Spirit

There is absolutely nothing comfortable about this photo. Is that the Easter Bunny? And what is that person on the left? Santa has a unibrow, why? 

Cute In Theory

The idea of dressing up as nutcrackers for the Christmas photo is cute in theory. In practice? Not so much. Once you realize that these are all adults, it's kind of creepy.

NASCAR Christmas

This is what happens when your Dad is super into NASCAR and your Mom is super into giving everyone the same haircut. Don't forget the fanny packs! This photo just screams Christmas, doesn't it?

It's Definitely a Christmas Photo!

Whether or not it's a good Christmas photo is definitely up for debate. Although, the Christmas Tree costume is pretty good... The presents under the tree are the shoes of the costume! 

When You're Making a Point

This guy knew that people would be asking him questions at the next family function... So, in order to deter the nosy extended family, he got the perfect sweatshirt to speak his mind. Now smile next to the tree with your cousin!

When Children Choose Their Outfits

The child in the photo grew up to be the person who posted it online. They said that it was their choice to dress up like this for the Christmas picture and their parent's choice to send it out as a Christmas card that year... 

Don't Wake Dad Up Early

Because this is what you'll get. Let's be real though: whose father didn't look like this Christmas morning in the 70s? The cigarette in the mouth really adds the touch!

She's Doing Her Best

At least she showed up for the picture, okay? She got her hair done and is in her dress... does she really need to smile?

Gangs All Here!

Family is family, whether they have four paws or two wings. Although, it's pretty hilarious that: One, the animals totally outnumber the human family members and two, the birds themselves outnumber the humans!

Moments Before Disaster

As previously stated, film photography is way different than digital photography. You could have a photo perfectly set up and then right as you press the shutter boom everything changes. In this case, the baby was moments away from ripping away its mother's pearls. 

Goths Take On Santa

This mall Santa looks like he is hoping and praying that these kids do not beat him up after this photo. It's hard to tell whether or not the makeup is ironic or not... This photo was taken in the early 2000s, so it could be either-or. 

Is This Ironic?

It's pretty difficult to tell whether or not this photo is ironic or not. We're hoping that it is, but the looks on their faces are way too forgiving... After all, there are tons of photos just like this that were sent out without a drop of irony. That was the 90s for ya!

Dad's His Own Man

Listen: Dad was not about to dress up in matching outfits with his family. In fact, he has a masculinity standard to uphold due to being the only male in the house, but would a shirt have killed him?

Doing The Most

Something tells me that this couple lives to make their family members cringe. This isn't exactly the nicest photo out there, but it gets the point across: Don't invite us to Christmas dinner!

Yeah, No

Hot tubs are nice, everyone loves a good hot tub. Maybe keep them out of your Christmas card. Or, if you really need to include the hot tub, make sure everyone looks at least fully clothed... Especially if you're posing with family. This card would be going in the trash.

One Of These Things Is Not Like The Other

This looks like a pretty normal family photo, right? Wrong. It's the complete opposite of normal. Life-size Barbie dolls should be illegal. 

The OG Human Centipede

This was probably a cute photo back before the world knew about the Human Centipede. Now, in 2021, our brains are fried enough to see this cute photo and only be reminded of that horrible movie. 

That's Not Santa

That's not Santa, that's the demon who pretends to be Santa but ends up eating children. For real, though, why were families so obsessed with completely hiding the identity of the family-friend who was playing Santa. This looks traumatizing!

Family Friendly Brand...?

Everyone put on their Christmas best for their photo with Santa. In this case, their Christmas best was a Marlboro sweatshirt. It's interesting enough that the boys have matching cigarette sweatshirts, but the fact that they all wore it for their Santa pictures? Insane.

This Is What Christmas Really Looks Like

Do you really think that the nice photo of your friend's six kids is their reality? No way.  This is more like it! Fighting, yelling, laughing, crying... That's Christmas with a big family! 

Doing The Most

It honestly just looks like this family is fun-loving and easy-going... Which is great! They also come off as a little weird... which is... okay...

This Is Perfect

Yet another childless couple doing it right. If anyone asks when they'll be having kids, they can just say, "Didn't you see our Christmas card?"

Double Trouble

This is a sure way to tell that your kids are done with the photoshoot. This photo tells you everything you need to know about their personalities! At least Santa took it like a champ. 

Merry Chest hair

Sorry, but these Christmas sweaters look like weird, white chest hair. The sentiment is nice, but the sweaters did not work out in practice. Hey, at least they have a photo together! 

Just A Bit Awkward

There's a reason why photographers are so good at what they do... They would never let a family pose like this! This was obviously taken Christmas morning and (probably) with a timer, but still. This photo came out super weird. 

Proud Swimmers

When the kids' after-school sports becomes the family's entire personality trait. Nothing screams "Christmas" like forcing your kids to put on their swimsuits in the middle of winter for a family photo. Yikes!

Everyone Gets A Bike!

...Except you. The youngest child wasn't quite old enough to ride a bike (nor did he know how to) so he didn't get one. That makes sense, right? Well, it doesn't make it hurt any less! 

The Goth Phase

Who doesn't love a teenager's goth phase? Some people don't "outgrow" the goth phase but mature into it. This girl is very much still in her beginning stage, so this is what every family photo will look like for at least a couple of years. It's fantastic!

Did He Dress Himself?

Aren't you supposed to dress your kids up in Christmas colors? He looks like he's ready to go on Sesame Street! At least he's cute and smiling for the photo. That's a win in our book!

We're The Gifts!

This is actually a great Christmas cringe idea. Dressing the entire family up as giant gifts? Priceless. 

Worst Christmas Ever

Word to the wise: don't ever get your partner a household appliance for Christmas... Especially a vacuum cleaner. Honestly, her reaction to getting a vacuum cleaner for Christmas is spot on and totally valid.

Do You See It?

At first, this looks like a sweet photo of a mother and her newborn. If you look a little closer, you'll see her firstborn hiding under the Christmas sign. He is not a fan of this photoshoot!

The Perfect Portrait

This is a lovely portrait. Their matching sweaters, cheery background, and awkward posing really make it perfect! The addition of their little goat wearing a Christmas hat makes it even more perfect. 

Santa Gets It

There's nothing worse than a Santa who doesn't understand the mall goths taking photos with them. This is very obviously a seasoned mall Santa. Props to him.

Getting The Family Together

They probably thought that this was really cute. And to some people, it can be! To the rest of the world, it's pretty cringe. At least they got the entire family together... Isn't that what matters the most?

The Christmas Dresses

It looks like Mom got out her trusty dusty sewing machine to make her girls some matching dresses. At least they look like they're being good sports about it...

Disney Family?

Just by looking at this photo, you know that you can tell that these people live at Disneyland. At least they look like they're having fun?

A Holly Jolly Christmas

This is a very obvious photo of the end of Christmas day. Everyone is tired (in general and of each other). No one in this family could even pretend to crack a smile! It's just like that sometimes.

When the Self Timer Photos Go Wrong

This is what happens with a self-timed photo... You have no other choice but to actually take the picture. At least it's funny! 

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The More You Know

  • A "jiffy" is an actual unit of time.
  • The word "kimono" means "a thing to wear."
  • For every human on Earth, there are 1.6 million ants.
  • Dueling is legal in Paraguay, as long as both parties have been registered as blood donors.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.