Curbside Veterinary Care Helping Pets and Staff Stay Healthy

Our furry friends don't necessarily know or care about the coronavirus, particularly when it comes to taking care of their own ailments. Veterinarians have had to make some procedural changes in order to still safely see patients.

Vet clinics in Utah, in particular, have now begun offering curbside service for petcare. 

Animal Medical Clinic in Bountiful, Utah stopped allowing people into their clinic back in March. To safely still see their furry patients, masked staff members meet the pet owner outside at their vehicle, address the illness or injury, and their pet is then brought into the clinic to be treated. Owners remain in the car until the exam is complete, and the doctor then calls the pet owner to discuss exam findings and treatment plans. 

"I love that the doctor calls me on the phone personally and talks to me about what they’re doing with the dog inside," a recent patient said.

While plans to fully open are still being evaluated, the Animal Medical Clinic said their priority is to protect pets and staff. 

"To be able to stay open. You know, if we get infected ourselves, then we’re not able to serve the community," Veterinarian Mary Austin said.

If your pet needs to be seen by a vet but you are concerned about the spread of the coronavirus, call your local animal clinic and ask about their updated safety procedures. 

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.