Elderly Man Infuriates the Government Because of His 10,000 Square Foot Doomsday Bunker

The idea of nuclear war or the "end of the world" isn't necessarily a fun one. Survivalist Bruce Beach agrees with that sentiment, so that's why he's made it his life mission to create a safe and reliable doomsday bunker. He began the project in the 1980s and has been working every day towards perfecting it ever since. Everything he's done since then has angered the government enough to bring him to court over 30 times.

Nuclear Warfare Scares

The idea of nuclear war has been on the minds of the general population for decades. The cliche "doomsday prepper" is found in tons of movies and TV shows as crazy dudes with tinfoil hats. Don't let the media fool you into thinking those people are just figments of movie magic—they 100% exist in real life...

Doomsday Bunkers

People all over the world have constructed doomsday bunkers. They're usually made of concrete slabs hundreds of feet underground. The shelters have food, water, and any other necessities for doomsday survival. One prepper in particular, Bruce Beach, has taken it upon himself to craft a bunker that could save hundreds and is far more unique...

Bruce Beach

Bruce Beach knows what his fellow residents of Horning's Mills, Canada say about him. “People think, ‘What a nut,’ and I know that, but I don’t mind,” he told the National Post. “I understand the world looks upon me that way.” Beach is pretty honest with himself, but he doesn't call himself a typical "doomsdayer." In fact, he's said he's optimistic about the future. 

Going To Great Lengths

In 1980, Beach decided to construct his own bunker after the Cold War started getting real. He began collecting canned goods and create blueprints for a bunker in case of a planned attack. Beach wasn't sure how he was going to construct it, but the final result goes far beyond what he ever thought he could construct...

Nuclear Survivalism

Beach considers himself a nuclear survivalist. From day one, he wanted to be sure that if there was a nuclear attack, he would be prepared. His goal was to survive a nuclear war event, but he also wanted to create a natural disaster bunker as well. Basically, he wanted to be prepared for anything and everything.

The Controversial Bunker

After researching and figuring out the proper ways to go about crafting a bunker. Beach moved from Chicago to Canada in 1970 and researched nuclear war bunkers for a whopping 10 years. In 1980, he began his search for the perfect foundation, and soon, he found it: School buses...

School Bus Fortress

After his extensive research, he realized that in order to make a huge bunker that would suffice as an underground living situation, he would need to gather tons of school buses. So, the search was on. After five years, he was able to collect 42 school buses. Honestly, that was the easy part.

Construction Begins

Once he stockpiled enough buses, the project was underway. He bought the land that he needed and began to dig. With the help of a group of contractors, he dug 14 feet down into the plot. After they dug out the area needed for the bunker, it was clear that he was about to be the owner of the largest nuclear fallout shelter in North America...

The Layout

The biggest thing that Beach wanted to focus on was space and utilities. Inside of his bunker, he built a medical facility, decontamination room, mortuary, chapel, gym, library, laundry room, daycare, pharmacy, and a dental clinic. No stone was left unturned! The entire structure is a whopping 10,000 square feet and can hold up to 500 people. 

The Provisions

Obviously, this was a huge project for one guy to tackle. While he hasn't built it alone, all of the money is coming out of his pocket. Despite all of the naysayers, Beach now knows that he will be safe in the event of a nuclear attack. He's got enough provisions to feed 500 people and a sturdy enough shelter to keep everyone safe. He even stocked the shelter with some interesting activities...

Ark Two

Beach has called his shelter Ark Two. The entire idea is to survive the collapse of society. He doesn't just have food and shelter, he has activities, running water, medications, and more, after all, this was the culmination of 35 years of hard work. There isn't much that Beach hasn't thought of...

Going On a Tour

Che Bodhi, the event organizer for Ontario Prepper Survival Network (OPSN), went on a tour of the bunker. “When you go inside the bunker for the first time, it is a different planet, it’s like you’re on Mars. When you hear about this concept of 42 school buses underground, to fathom it is nothing compared to going in and actually seeing it…It’s crazy in there.”

Just Like Underground Homes

Beach wanted to make this bunker feel like a home. He has furniture, toys, beds, and is slowly working on getting decorations up. Obviously, he's doing the best that he can. After all, this is literally just a maze of buses, not exactly a five star hotel...

Full Plumbing

With that being said, he did manage to get some bathrooms installed with working plumbing. He was able to engineer a private well to ensure clean drinking water along with diesel generators that can hold three months of fuel. Most bunkers do not have such elaborate tech. Plus, he has a top-notch radio communication system that can connect to the US and Canada. The sleeping arrangements were also something he considered while constructing the bunker...

Thinking of Everything

In order to keep everyone comfortable and happy, he even added the option of gender-segregated bunking. After all, rooming with 500 random people might be a challenge, so staying with your own gender, might be a bit more comforting in the wake of a disaster! In order to secure that feeling of safety, there are even secure areas for people to keep their belongings.

Bunks for Everyone

Each bus that's dedicated to lodging can hold up to 30 people. The beds, hand constructed by Beach himself, are made of sturdy wood and are in a bunk bed formation. Also, instead of having mattresses, he used tarps to make it like a hammock of sorts. The decontamination room, however, might be the most interesting thing Beach created...

A Decontamination Room

There is only one way to get in and out of the Ark Two, and that's through the decontamination room. In order for people to get inside, they have to be completely free of any disease and possible radiation poisoning. It makes sense! If Beach wants to truly make this the next Noah's Ark, everyone is going to have to be healthy and clean.

Running Into Issues

Naturally, Beach has run into some issues as he continues to add to the bunker. A lot of government officials have problems with the bunker due to safety since there's only one way in and one way out. “It is a life safety situation,” Tom Egan, chair of the Shelburne Fire Board, said. “We aren’t going to risk the life of one of our firefighters… It is just not safe.” Beach, however, was willing to fight back...

Going to Court

The government has been extremely serious about putting an end to Beach's set up. Beach had no permit to build this bunker on his lot, and he has gone to court with local government over 30 times since 1985. Still, he continues to push on with the project...

Sealing It Off

The government has tried to seal it off multiple times. The first attempt was in 2000, but Beach broke the seal open and continued to work. Since then, they've tried two more times. It didn't take long for Beach to break into it once again. The last time they tried, a group of survivalists arrived at Beach's property to help protest it. The fire department ended up leaving it alone. But the firefighters didn't exactly give up there...

No Reason to Seal It

“Their basis for sealing it is they say it was found to be a hazard. It is a threat to life, etc., etc.” Beach told the Orangeville Banner. "But as I say, it is the very opposite. The idea is not to create risk, but reduce risk.” At this point, the local fire department claims that they won't save anyone inside of the bunker due to the fact that it's unsafe for the firefighters to head in there.

Building Relationships

In order to beat "the man," Beach decided to try and win public support. He's even garnered relationships with the media so that they will support his efforts. Beach holds volunteer opportunities for people who want to help out with the bunker and offers "work weekends" at the site. There are a lot of visitors who come by to put some hard work into the bunker to help Beach out. He said that anyone who comes to help out is more than welcome to use the bunker to survive if the world ever comes to an end. 

The General Public 

Most people view Beach as an eccentric old man. Beach doesn't care too much... All he wants to do is make sure that his duty to the public is fulfilled and followed through. "I have often been asked, 'why not get a life, enjoy life and quit worrying about doomsday?' The answer is that I don't see the purpose of life, nor happiness in life measured in how many rounds of golf I might play, but rather, in service to my fellow man," Beach says. 

Years of Hardwork Won't Go Away

Beach isn't really concerned about the government's interference. He's been doing this for over 35 years and isn't about to stop. The above photo is from the initial construction of the bunker... 30 years ago. He says that the biggest concern was keeping the structure strong, and that's exactly what he did at the very beginning. He writes on his website, "Here you can see all the buses parked tightly together, and the concrete being poured in between. The framing of doorways between the buses must also be securely braced. The importance of STRONG bracing EVERYWHERE can not be overstressed."

It's a Stressful Time

Although Beach has spent nearly half of his life constructing this bunker, it hasn't always been easy to get out of bed every day for this. It's been stressful for him to maintain this bunker on his own, especially as he gets older. The construction of the complex hasn't been easy, which is harsh on Beach's wallet and mental state.

Still, He Persists

Even though his family is growing a bit tired of his nuclear war antics, he's still positive that he's done a good thing. He joked with The Sun, saying “I used to always say the end of the world was going to be two years from now, but now I say it is going to be two weeks from now — and if I am wrong, I will revise my date." In reality, he doesn't truly believe the world will end, but he loves the idea of being prepared...

Tons of Hardships

As the story of the doomsday bunker gets more and more popular, Beach has had to deal with a lot of hardships. Maintaining a 10,000 square foot underground facility is not easy, especially when people break in and trash the place. Not only has he had to deal with vandalism, but he's also had to deal with rats, fires, and floods. Those aren't easy things to deal with for an 83-year-old man... 

His Family

Most people assume that Beach is just a lonely man who is stuck in his head. That's not the case! Beach has a few kids and grandkids who are honestly a bit tired of hearing him talk about his doomsday prep... His 90-year-old wife, on the other hand, has been supportive of his journey over the past 35 years. He also has a community surrounding him of other survivalists who appreciate his efforts. 

The Community

The Ark Two has a community of people from all ove the world supporting Beach's efforts. “The Ark Two SAFE (Safe America For Everyone) Community is the largest pluralistic survival community in North America without any political, religious, or cultural bias. Its purpose is to ameliorate the catastrophe of a nuclear war or other world-wide cataclysmic catastrophe and to help restore civilization.”

Keep Him in Mind!

Bruce Beach has created the most intense doomsday bunker of all time against all odds. The government, the local community, and even some fellow survivalists have spoken against Beach's efforts. Although, many of those fellow survivalists might just be jealous... Who else can say that they're so prepped for a nuclear war that they have a 10,000 square foot bunker made up of 42 school buses? No one! 

Bunkers for the 1%

You have a much better chance of trying to get into Beach's bunker than the bunkers designed for the richest of the rich. CNN reports that a Texas-based company is selling spots in their high-end bunkers that cost upwards of $200,00 per person. The bunkers are decked out with food supplies that'll last over a year, hydroponic gardens to continue growing food, power systems, water purification systems, blast valves, and air filtration...

They're Already Sold Out

In a somewhat disturbing twist, the 500+ bunkers that this company offers are already sold out. The customers can even choose what kind of "design" they want their bunkers to have. The company wants to create long-term survival bunkers that also support well-rounded communities. Even in the face of nuclear disaster, the rich are still worried about living comfortably.

Survival Condo's

In addition to single bunkers, there are also "survival condos" out in the world. These condos are billed as a "modern date Noah's Ark" and are carved out of bedrock. This one, in particular, offers 34 private residences that are 2,500 feet. The complex also has a tram system to transport residents throughout the center. There are restaurants, theaters, coffee shops, and pools. 

Ark Two Is a Bit More Reasonable 

Obviously, Bruce Beach designed his bunker as a means of survival and not comfortability as the world burns around them. Plus, Beach isn't in the money business... He isn't going to charge people to reserve a spot in his bunker. If anything, the companies making luxury bunkers are only looking to make a quick buck! It may not be the most comfortable place, but it's definitely more realistic. 

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.