Fake Instagrammers Getting Caught in Their Lies

It's easy to lie on the internet, but recently it's become increasingly more difficult to maintain those lies. Some people get away with it, but those are the ones who don't take risks. If it weren't for r/instagramreality, none of this would be possible...

Some Slight Differences

Here, we see a perfect example of someone who is a catfish. A catfish is a person who uses editing, contacts, superior camera angles and lighting tricks (or just stealing someone else's photos altogether) to appear completely different from how they actually look. This guy here doesn't look like how he does in his pictures at all, but he could totally get hired to be a photo editor if he plays his cards right. 

His and Hers

We will never understand the necessity of making yourself look like this. Human beings do not look this way. These people are practically aliens. 

They're Even Shopping Mugshots Now

If you are someone that participated in the most recent twitter fad (the mugshot challenge), you're probably guilty of doing this. We are unsure what would possess someone to the point of wanting to present their mugshot like it's something to be proud of, but people do strange things. We just hope that you're not one of those people. 

Can't Hide from the Zoom Feature

Here we have a prime example of someone who wants something they either can't find or don't have. Maybe their piercer is out of town and they couldn't get their lip pierced before they left. Maybe this person didn't want to go through with the pain and the healing process. However, by faking it, they opt to go through the social pain and healing process. 

That Ground Looks Strange

We commend this person for attacking their ideal version of themselves using editing technology. Seriously, this can be a great way to view yourself differently and start to love things about yourself that you didn't see before. But, there is a wrong way and a right way to go about building that for yourself, and faking it is definitely the wrong way. 

Spot the Differences

For the most part, these photos are pretty similar sans some color correction. However, the editing done on the lady's face in the first picture is a crime against humanity. She looks fine, there's no need to turn her into a Bratz doll! 

Family of Fakers

You cannot hide behind the camera forever. The dude on the right looks like he has no soul with his black eyes and edited-in eyeliner. The lip gloss and shiny diamonds are a bit unnecessary too. This is one of the most bizarre photos on the internet, hands down. 

Expectation Vs. Reality

This here is a comparison between an Instagram photo and a brief appearance in a YouTube video. Although this is a pretty bad frame of this person, it's still a serious example of photoshop shenanigans. There's no reason to hide who you really are. 

A Little Off the Side

Don't you hate when you're in a hurry and you forget to photoshop your right boob to look the same as the left one? Well, it's not like it matters. The frequency that people shoot photos onto the internet without a second thought is absurd, and this picture very well could have gone on without anyone noticing anything at all. 

Something is a Little Strange

Mama may have curves for days, but those curves are totally fake. Well, probably like 20-40% of them are fake. Why would anyone want to do this? The world may never know. 

Correcting Imperfections

We get it, if this was an advertisement for a makeup company or literally any other cosmetic product, it makes perfect sense that this lady's face looks like this. Models are not perfect in real life, they just have features that represent products and edit well. This is a professional shop and an impressive one at that. 

The Sun Don't Bend That Way

"One of the glaring problems with photos like these is that the editing can be so obvious and poor. This person just wanted to make their nose look a little tighter. Instead, she looks like she's inhaling that ray of sunshine. 

The Chin Tuck

Makeup can make a person look good (different, even), but this is a whole new realm of editing and makeup that should not exist in reality. Our guess is that she shaved the sides of her jaw off in photoshop and made her face look like an arrowhead. This is a strange look, but we guess someone might find it desirable.

This Shadow Doesn't Make Sense

There is a realm of photoshop work that revolves specifically around catering to celebrity's needs. This Kardashian, for instance, clearly paid an editor to do some work on this photo for her. There is no shame in that, but she should probably look into hiring a new editor for any projects from here on out, this guy didn't do the best job. 

Stopped on the Tracks

These photos are so busy that its almost easy to miss the strangest part about them. First off, those train tracks are for sure edited in. Second, why would you do this? Were they just sitting in their car bored? Why would there be a screen playing a movie covering the windshield? We have a lot of questions, but no answers in sight. 

Can't Fake That!

One Disney villain once said that "the mirror reveals all." Well, in this particular situation, the mirror definitely reveals the most. This is actually a pretty decent edit job, but next time you should crop out the left half of the photo. 

Oh, So That's Why That Doesn't Fit

Have you ever wondered why fast-fashion Instagram models always seem to make clothes look infinitely better than they actually do? Here is a prime example of what those photoshoots really look like. Do yourself a favor and buy clothes from a reputable independent source. 

Do Not Look Into the Eyes

They say that the eyes are the portal to the soul, but what if your eyes look like this? Syke, nobody's eyes look like this. These people need to stop editing their photos in Microsoft Paint and get in touch with their inner selves, quick. 

Something Ain't Right

Despite the overblown color editing and the (obviously) fake scar on this man's right arm, there is something else amiss in this photograph. Take a peek into this man's sunglasses. After you do that, think about how this editor somehow pulled this off. 

Mirror May Make Images Appear Larger

So, this lady actually had a pretty good idea here. If she were to edit her butt in the non-mirror portion of this photo, the lines would bend on the walls. When she edited the mirror section, she was able to avoid that altogether. We are going to have to toss a flag on the play for fakeness, but we will give some brownie points for foresight


This is an extremely impressive photoshop job. Once again, we are not trying to shame those who get their picture taken for a living, this lady is just lucky enough to have it like this. We commend the editor for this pic. hats off to them. 

Mostly Fine

Don't you hate it when it rains all over your shirt and pants but somehow misses your hair? Yeah, we do too. We feel your pain fellas, it's a good thing you're smiling through it.

Double Buttoned Up

One of the most common failed edits is the tummy swap. People cut the tummy's out of other people's photos and edit them onto their own. However, this never seems to go quite as planned. 

Just Legs and Neck

This may be the longest person on Earth. They might not even be from this Earth! We have no idea why people want to photoshop themselves to look like aliens but we can't stop them. 

Breaking the Bench

It must be this lady's first-day using photoshop. We hope this one is a joke because there is absolutely no coming back from this monstrosity. Buddy! Nobody is going to fall for this!

You're Not Fooling Anyone

No, McDonald's is not the photoshopped element in this picture. Peep the abnormally dark complexion, the grossly whitened teeth, the smoothness of this nerd's face, and the stark comparison between this man's teeth and his white socks. This right here is an internet violation, and we're going to have to pull you over. 

No Need to Lie

This would fall into the category of maliciously lying on the internet for clout. Not only is this photo lame, faked, and an overt lie, it's also an obvious cry for attention! Those Balenciagas are fake too. Super whack. 

When Pigs Fly (Close to the Eiffel Tower)

This would never happen, not in a million years. It would be a great international tragedy if a plane flew this close to the Eiffel Tower. Plus, flying that low over a city is a federal offense for pilots. Can anyone say: "reckless endangerment?"

No Shame in This Game

Being famous is a business. If you're not self-funding, you won't expand your base. Of course, the Kardashians are paying the paparazzi, more pictures mean more money and attention. 

The Most Jacked You Could Get

It looks like this guy is on a combination of performance-enhancing drugs. He's probably taking steroids in real life, on top of being an absolute genius on photoshop. If anyone knows how to get a hold of this guy, we have a job to offer him. 

Keep an Eye Out for Clouds

One of the most common photoshop tactics is to put the same sky into every photo. For some reason, photos with clouds in the sky get more engagement than photos that do not have clouds in the sky. Go figure, lots of these things make no sense. 

Where Do We Begin?

It's hard to tell what of this photo is edited and what isn't. The legs are ABSOLUTELY edited and so is this person's jawline. However, the thing that we'd like to highlight over everything else is the way this lady is sitting, who sits like that?

How Could You Even Try to Fake This?

For a little backstory, the guy on the right is supposed to be the guy on the left. That may sound silly, and that's because it is. The first photo os so unbelievably heavily edited that this guy would have been better off just stealing someone else's photo and using that instead of his own. 

Secure the Perimeter First

For starters, that's a pretty nice back yard to be flexing in. Second, it's always better to just not lie about where you are or what you're doing. If you're doing something boring, make it not boring and showcase it to the world. 

The Mirror Tells the Truth

Honestly, we salute this guy for lying on such an enormous scale. He is literally lifting close to 300 lbs in the edited photo. If you don't go big, you should go home. 

These Changes

There isn't much difference between these photos, so whatever reason this lady had to edit the first one the way she did was probably unnecessary. But, who cares! If you can get on the red carpet, you best believe that you'd want to hire a photographer specifically to make you look good. 

Editing the Bangs

This photo series leaves us questioning whether this person even has bangs. We have no idea what direction she was going in with the last two photos. If this is some sort of art show submission, that would make more sense than just a normal Instagram post. 

Business as Usual

Small scale tattoos artists are terribly guilty of 'shopping their work. Unfortunately, this person caught the wrong end of the stick. Not only did they get a janky tattoo, but they also got shopped into oblivion. 

Gazing at the Clouds Above

Do you notice some consistent images in all these photos? If you guessed "yes, all of these photos have the sky edited in," then you'd be correct! We have no idea what possesses people to want to do this all the time, but it is truly pervasive. 

The Art of Faking It

When someone has makeup skills, that doesn't usually fall under the umbrella of faking it. Being good at doing makeup is an artistic skill that helps people highlight the things they like about their faces and bodies without the use of post-editing. Wearing a face isn't considered as being deceitful. Unless you claim that's how your face actually looks. 

A Whole Tragic Disaster

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call "blackfishing." This young man went as far as dying his skin and enhancing his lips to appear like a darker-skinned person online. It's a shame, but this is a significantly more pervasive thing than one would think. 

Bodies Don't Bend That Way

This one is pretty subtle, however, the lighting differences make the edits unmistakable when you really look at them. It's likely that this lady edited herself into this cityscape. Pay attention to the way the front of her body is lit compared to where the light is coming from in the rest of the photo. Oh, her arms are warped inward also. 

Caught Red Handed

This lady is a rich SoHo mom who has too much time on her hands. When she's not preaching crazy holistic medicine on Twitter, she's likely staging a fake photoshoot. Sometimes she even pays models to pretend to be her just so she can get clout and some influencer bucks. Shame on you!

He's All Over the Place

This dude has no place talking all that good talk with that haircut. Pro-tip for broke boys who want to flex like they're not broke, don't take your own photo. Also, don't lie online, and cut the end of your cigar you heathen. 

The Babies Aren't Even Safe

Celebrity babies are unfortunately the victims of some unwanted photoshop sessions. Here you can see one particular celebrity baby got absolutely rocked by the photoshop hammer. Is anyone safe anymore?

That's Not A Person

It's truly terrifying how far editing can go. The world doesn't need to see this, whatever it is. Please shrink your eyes and delete this photo from existence for the betterment of humankind. 

Waist Tiny But the Pants Stay On

Unless this lady was wearing a diaper, there is no way that her pants would be staying on in this pic. We don't know why she would make herself look like this, but people are insecure about a lot of things online. It's best to let your true self shine, that way you wouldn't have to end up on this list. 

Call Em' As We See Em'

We don't think that there is any real harm in editing yourself to look different when there is no malicious purpose. The real problem comes from society's standards of beauty and how dangerous that can be for people who subscribe to that method of thinking. We think this lady is beautiful just the way she is, but if she wants to edit photos of herself to look like the person on the right, more power to her. 

Blackfishing Once More

Here is a 6-month comparison between the person on the right and the person on the left. Yes, they are the same person. No, they are not actually black. What a wild world we live in. 

Looking... Softer?

This lady is a pretty interesting specimen. This editing job is questionable, to say the least. It's chaotic if we were to say the most. Actually, this is definitely the definition of chaotic editing. 

Twin Tummies

This is another prime example of the tummy swap photoshop move that we talked about earlier. However, usually people use different tummies. This is just lazy editing. 

What is This Trend?

We are having a hard time determining why people are going through wth this weird trend. This is likely something that is foreign to our frames of reference, or maybe its something that's unique to this person entirely. Either way, we wish this person shrunk their eyes for this insane picture. 

Sniped By the Paparazzi 

These people are professional models, so it makes sense that they have been in situations like these before. Nobody is perfect, and everyone is beautiful in their own right. We're here to shame those who want to fake it, not those who's job revolves around getting edited. 

Confused and Scared

This is the terrifying gap that humanity has reached. Until the day that people stop inflating the size of their eyes and lips online, we will be trapped in this purgatory. People need to start coming up with better technology or just give up on pictures like these.

We Have No Comment

This whole scene is terribly unfortunate. Nobody's body could possibly look like that. This is either a robot, an art project, a truly insecure and untalented person, or a massive joke. 

Just Delete This Please

Photos like this do not need to exist on Earth. We are existing on the darkest timeline in history where people do this intentionally and do not fear the repercussions. We are comfortable being the judge, jury, and executioner in this situation. 


We've said a lot about these characters recently, but jeez this is a strangely popular edit. What is the point of doing this? This doesn't  even look like a person anymore. 

Bring Her to Justice

This is, by far, the smoothest human being we have ever seen. Like, her legs are definitely not even legs. This person is probably a robot, or at least they want to be one. 

We're Unsure About This One

Honestly, this is the only one of these photos that we actually believe. We're honestly confused as to why this photo is on this list. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what a real natural human being looks like. 

Two For One Special 

This pic is so nice they edited it twice. Or, maybe they edited it three times. Either way, this is not what these two people actually look like in real life. Chances are, they actually have noses. 

Crop Out the Razor Burn

Shaving sensitive areas can be a real problem for some people. However, you can just deal with it like in the first pic. Who cares in the end, nobody is looking at James Charles' photos anyways. 

Now and Then

People change, that's one of life's great inevitabilities. However, people with money tend to change more drastically than those who don't have money. This is a combination of photoshop and privilege. 

From Bad to Chad

This is a Reddit thread of people taking photos of incels complaining online and turning them into their ideal versions of themselves. No, this is not mean. Every person in these photos is toxic online and deserves to be made fun of. 

Smoothed Out the Whole Face

This looks like someone took the photoshop "smooth" tool and just went crazy over the whole picture. The guy looks like a pencil eraser that gained sentience. Also, his lack of chest hair (and pores) is alarming. 

You Don't Actuallly Have to Go On Vacation

This guy gets it. Why would you edit photos of yourself and leave out the exciting background? If you're going to fake a photo, fake it as hard as you possibly can. Go big or go home, losers. 

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The More You Know

  • In 1945, Dwight D. Eisenhower predicted that people would try to dispel the holocaust as a falsehood, and ordered all possible photographs taken of the Nazi crimes to hinder any such attempts.
  • Dentistry is the oldest profession in the world.
  • When two white-faced capuchin monkeys meet, they say hello by sticking their fingers into each other's noses.
  • You can buy a completely renovated and converted Boeing 727 jet that accommodates 23 people for less than the cost of a Ferrari.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.