Famous Movie Moments That Were Improvised On the Spot


The line "Here's looking at you, kid" came as a result of a surprisingly good poker game. Humphrey Bogart was teaching his costar, Ingrid Bergman how to play the game of poker when she made a shockingly good play and won it all. He responded to her quick cleverness by saying the famous line. They both liked the way it sounded, so they included it in the scene. 

Midnight Cowboys

New York City is a wild town, and no one knows that better than the cast and crew on Midnight Cowboy. When filming, Dustin Hoffman really did almost get hit by a rogue taxi cab. His response, "Hey I'm walking here!" was a genuine reaction to the car's interruption! They both managed to stay in character though, so it became a hilarious and historic ad-lib. 


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