Famous Movie Moments That Were Improvised On the Spot

Good Will Hunting

Robin Williams is the King of Comedy, but this movie is hardly a comedy at all. So when he was trying to come up with a line for the final scene, he tried out tons of possibilities. At one point he just half-heartedly sighed "He stole my line." and the directors knew it would be a keeper. He apparently tried out a few more lines, hoping for something better, but nothing stuck quite as well. 


"Molly, you in danger, girl," was a line delivered by Whoopi Goldberg as Oda Mae Brown in this 1990 film. She warns Molly about Sam, as she is Molly's psychic. Whoopi improvised several of her lines in this iconic romantic film, including this internet favorite. Today, it is popularly used in memes and internet captions. She earned an Academy Award for her performance. 


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