People Who Deeply Regret Their Online Purchases

Nowadays, a lot of products are bought online. Usually, everything goes smoothly. You buy the product, they deliver the product, you get the product. Sometimes, it's not so simple. People have tried to buy cheap prom dresses or designer shoes online and end up getting some of the worst products imaginable! 

Not Even Close

Tragically, this girl fell victim to the fast-fashion brands that love to scam buyers. The "jean" material was just loose fabric that mimicked denim. It looks like whoever made this stole the lace from their grandmother's curtains!

A Boys Chair

To be fair to this company, it does say boys armchair in the title. Technically, this was an oversight on the buyer... Always make sure to check the dimensions! If this guy doesn't have a kid, he could always use it for a dog or a cat.

Just What I Wanted!

Somebody thought that this person who ordered flowers would be okay with some onions instead. If a flower store has something out of stock, that's fine! But maybe replacing it with similar flowers would be a better idea...

At Least They Tried

Honestly, that first photo isn't really that promising... It definitely looks photoshopped onto the model's body. At the same time, it can't be legal to ship out a dress like this in the first place! That's some real false advertising. 

Not Even Cat Approved

Tragically, the sizing was misleading on this knit top. It fit the cat perfectly, but the material was not cat-friendly. If it's not for a human or a cat, then who is it for?

Ready For His First Day!

It's safe to assume that Danny meant that his nephew is not the cat but a human boy that received a mini rucksack by accident. Or, she did buy a mini rucksack for the cat and it fit perfectly. There are a lot of scenarios that can play out!

Not Quite Right

This product has over 800 reviews and 4.5 stars... So how did this person end up with a piece of printed foam board? Sadly, that just won't cut it in terms of a working doormat. It really won't get any dirt off of your shoes. Online shopping can be a bizarre experience...

The Smallest Meal

This iron skillet could easily work in a kitchen for mice. This person could maybe cook a tiny egg in this... Maybe. Even though this is technically a fail, this person could use this mistake to their advantage. Tiny cooking shows are pretty popular right now!

Nailed It

Aside from the obvious tilt, not-so-secret cardboard, and shoddy icing job, they definitely nailed it. Hopefully, it'll taste good. Let's just hope this wasn't somebody's wedding cake... That would be an actual disaster. 

What Was He Expecting?

The fact that this guy bought a bear mask in the first place is troubling enough. The mask he received had an eraser style haircut, which makes it even more terrifying. He kind of deserves what he got...

It's Pretty Cute

This isn't a particularly bad buy... It could be cute. It's definitely not a rug, but it could make a nice wall hanging or something! Or again, maybe a cat or a small dog would like it...

Formal Dress Blues

So many high school girls go through this... They see a beautiful formal dress that's perfect, wait for a month in the mail because it's from overseas, and then they receive a piece of fabric. That's quite literally a scam!

In What World Are These Similar? 

The weirdest part about this purchase is that the frame itself is the same, but the cushions are nowhere near what was advertised... It looks pretty gross, honestly! It almost looks like whoever sold this just put two old dog beds on top of the frame and thought that it would work. Yuck.

Mermaids Don't Look Like This

The makers of this blanket don't realize what a mermaid is, apparently. That doesn't look the least bit comfortable! The idea of a mermaid is that they have a tail... Not feet. This seller didn't get the memo.

Nearly Identical

The garment itself was a bit courageous to order to begin with. Tragically, the kid ended up looking like an English monk from the dark ages. It's obvious that the proportions were off and the fabric was different, but still. This isn't a look!

This Won't Work

This guy wanted to buy a tent for a festival but didn't want to break the bank. Luckily, he found a cheap one on Amazon. Tragically, it was a child's tent and he very much did not fit in it.

Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover

That saying usually refers to something positive, like the cover may be off but the book might be spectacular. This is the complete opposite of that. Somehow, this clipart unicorn made it into this faux illustrative unicorn calendar. 

Turning A Bad Buy Around

This kind of speaks for itself, doesn't it? This person bought a hallway runner, and this was the result. But, now they have a really cool bookmark! So that's nice.

Got Ya Fooled!

All this guy wanted was an above-ground pool. The first photo shows what the company was offering, but they simply used photo magic to make the product look much bigger than it is. You could fit maybe five people in there if you're lucky.

For Large Dogs

Shopping for clothes online is hard, but shopping for clothes for your dog is even harder. This was advertised as a coat for "large breed dogs." Well, obviously, it's not.


It kind of looks like they sent her an A Bugs Life costume instead of a Monsters Inc. costume. They really did Sully dirty on this one... Yes, someone took the time to sew that entire costume together, but was it's worth it? Did they try their best? Probably not. 

Ruined Halloween

No one wants to spend a ton of money on a Halloween costume, and this girl was no different. She was excited to find a cheap pair of boots online for her costume! That quickly dissipated when she actually saw them in person...

Don't Buy Cheap Designer Shoes

This is what happens when you try and buy cheap. There are scammers everywhere, especially in the shoe world! At least those slippers look comfortable.

At Least They're Cute

All she wanted was to have some nice deck chairs! Apparently, that's too much to ask for. Better luck next time...

Not Made For Larger Cats

This cat mother wanted a fun cat tree for her fur baby. On the website, it said that it could withstand larger cats, and her cat was a hefty one. The website's claim turned out to be very, very false.

Missed the Mark

Apparently, some flower companies are notorious for this type of service... They get extra money for a "custom" order and then opt for the cheapest bouquet. That's rough!

More Like a Towel

The online posting seemed legitimate enough, so how come this guy ended up getting a tiny blanket for mice? It's not like there were different sizes and he picked the smallest one... Something went terribly wrong.

They're A Bit... Off

These are definitely cat rings, no doubt about it. Unfortunately, the fact that they're right side up kind of defeats the purpose... They look more like fish than cats!

Well, These Won't Work

This guy wanted to buy new motorcycling boots. Honestly, rainboots are not a good substitute. At least they kind of look like the boots he ordered, right?

Princess Leia Fail

This was everything that came with the costume. No belt. No wig. Just this weird piece of fabric. 

I'm No Electrician...

That doesn't look like a light bulb, right? Honestly, it kind of looks like a fidget spinner. Maybe this company specializes in light bulbs and fidget spinners and someone messed up?

Something Isn't Right...

Ordering wigs can be terrifying. It's always best to try and get them in person somewhere. This person learned the hard way...

What Happened Here?

This is genuinely confusing. Why wouldn't this person think that they were getting a Star Trek shirt? It must have been a bit jarring to see this completely different shirt. Yes, it's yellow, but it's not the shirt that this person ordered! 

It's Somewhat Similar

Yet another object that would be perfect for a cat or a small dog! How could a company think that they could get away with this? Sure, it might be the same material but it is not the same size whatsoever.

A Bit Small

The mittens are supposed to be on the hips, right? When she ordered a small, she wasn't thinking it would be a sweater fit for a dog! 

Twenty One Pie-lots

Even the biggest Twenty One Pilots fan would appreciate this. No, it's not what this fan ordered, but it's most definitely what they needed. No return needed.

Half a Kayak

When most people order things, they expect the entire product. This guy ordered a kayak and figured that he'll get a full kayak. Nope! In the online shopping world, you only get half a kayak. That's just how it goes. 

They Were Close!

This customer ordered the dress on the left and received the shirt on the right. At least they have the same pattern...? It's just a bit off, though.

Just One Shoe

The buyer said that the seller only posted a photo of a shoe but didn't actually think that there was only one shoe for sale. Buyer beware: make sure you clarify that you want to buy a pair of shoes!

Good Joke

The first shirt in itself is a bit much, but the one that was actually sent goes above and beyond. This person deserves their money back for this prank! 

Taking Toy Gun To a Whole New Level

This guy wanted to buy a toy gun for a skit he was making with his friends, so he searched up "toy gun" and bought the first legit-looking product. Well, it's definitely a toy. For Barbies, maybe. Guess they'll have to improvise...

Big College Purchase!

She wanted a door length mirror for her college dorm. So, she went to Amazon, typed in "door length mirror," and bought one. This was the result. 

My Brand New Xbox

This is just plain rude. This guy tried to buy someone's Xbox One on Facebook and ended up with this... The guy who scammed him didn't even have enough ink to print the picture correctly. He must have really needed the money?

ASOS, You Okay?

Having a variety in jean length is always a plus for clothing brands. This guy literally got more than be bargained for when he bought these bands. Those pants don't look like they were made for anyone!

Maybe She Didn't See?

To be fair, Nicole put this note in the delivery instructions. The delivery drivers don't do anything about the packaging! This was definitely her mistake. Let's just hope Mom didn't see that...

They Tried

This is mean, Colleen. They obviously tried their best! Maybe giving the bear googly eyes was a mistake, but who cares! At least the flowers look nice. 

Always Check the Dimensions

It's definitely a bummer that this guy spent over $100 on a toy dresser, but this could have been avoided... Always check the dimensions of the furniture! 

They Probably Won't Notice, Right?

How do these companies think that no one will notice that these clothes are not the same? It's not even like they're not fitting her right, they're not the same fabric or color! Hopefully, she got her money back.

A Carpet For Ants

This area carpet would look fabulous in an ants entryway or living room. The one customer review should have been a red flag in itself... I wonder what it said? 

A Bit Alarming

This is the same bear, but with all of the life sucked out of him. The store didn't clarify that the customer had to buy their own stuffing! A deflated teddy bear is hard to look at...

Happy Prom!

This poor girl just wanted to look like an 18th-century princess. Instead, she got a dress that looked like it was rejected from Hot Topic. Prom dress scams are the worst.

Which Is Which?

Honestly, it's not clear which photo was advertised and which is the scam, but still. They're obviously very different from each other, which is the problem! 

Speaking of Prom Dress Scams...

China is at the heart of prom dress scams. At least they tried to embody the dress they were scamming online... It has the same general look, but the vibes are way off. Also, the color is absolutely horrendous. 

A Hilarious Typo

This mother wanted to get a cute cake for her daughter's 21st birthday. She did get a cute cake and it was super well made... But, the mom made a drastic mistake. Instead of typing "blond", she typed "blind" and this was the result...

Work It

This is not the shirt that he wanted... It's the shirt that he needed. Let's hope that he kept it so he could show off at the gym.

Technically, This Is What You Ordered

The wording may have been a little confusing, but it is as advertised! It's a dinosaur kid pillowcase, as in, a dinosaur and a kid pillowcase. A bit creepy, though.

Runs a Bit Small

At least her forehead will be moisturized... Well, minus the eyes and mouth holes. Maybe this was a face mask for a newborn baby? 

At Least She's Workin' It

These people probably just had the fabric and decided to make some money off of it without actually making the product. Hopefully, she got some use out of this! 

Tragic Fail

Yeah, this looks like a Barbie chair for sure. Yet another reason to make sure that you read the dimensions of the product! 

Gag Gift

This would make a good gag gift. Sadly, this person did try to buy the book and spent the money just to be pranked. Honestly, good on the seller, because that book is terrible.

Maybe its a DIY?

This seller literally just sent the customer a package of dirty rope. It could be used as a DIY, but it should probably just be thrown away or returned. Those blankets are usually expensive though, so this was probably bought for cheap...

Very Long Legs

There was a weird miscommunication about the legs... "The legs are like 4 feet long," Savannah wrote in her review. Yeah, awful is definitely the right word for this monstrosity. 

Not Quite Russia

Obviously, this was just a mix up at the packaging facility, but still pretty funny nonetheless. Packing orders of tiny flags must get hard on the brain!

Definitely Deadpool

At least you can tell that the costume is supposed to be Deadpool... Unfortunately, it's not as cool as the one that was advertised online. That's a scam!

How Should I Do That?

They wanted photo evidence of a package that never showed up... How exactly? Did they want a tour of her home to prove that they weren't hiding in there? 

Red's His Color

Even though they totally gave this guy someone else's order, he's working that dress. Red is his color!

A Backpack For Cats!

The cat doesn't look too thrilled to be wearing that backpack, but at least he's keeping it on. The cat owner, on the other hand, is probably pretty disappointed that their new backpack only fits the cat. 

A Disservice

This loyal Brit wanted a commemorative plate for Prince Harry and Megan's wedding... She quickly regretted commissioning an artist for one. 

He Sees All

People love to decorate for Christmas. One family wanted an inflatable Santa for their front yard. They weren't expecting him to be as tall as their house! He really does see everything now.

Also True

Even though this wasn't the patch he ordered, it was deifnitely a patch that he vibed with. Personally, I'd keep it.

One Last Prom Fail

So many girls have run into this problem... There must be some secret rule on this site that they only show the end goal of the dress, but the actual dress.

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The More You Know

  • Mount Rushmore cost less than $1 million.
  • People don’t sneeze in their sleep due to their brain shutting down the reflex.
  • The Nobel Committee declined to award the Nobel Peace Prize in 1948 because "there was no suitable living candidate." This was meant as tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, who was assassinated earlier that year without receiving the Prize.
  • The moon has its own time zones.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.