Hilarious Photos On Lost Phones Are Too Good Not To Share

This can happen when your phone gets lost, stolen, or simply falls into the wrong hands. Sometimes, a thief will take a selfie which immediately uploads to your iCloud, or a sneaky baby stole the phone away but not without taking some selfies! Some of the circumstances are absolutely wild, and that’s why these people had to upload these photos along with their stories.

What’s This?

The owner of this phone left it unattended while he rounded up some lacrosse balls in order to start practicing… His dog obviously thought that this was something that needed to be checked out. So much so that he accidentally took a picture! Good thing he’s cute or he’d get in trouble for snooping!

They Think They’re Funny

All they wanted was a cute picture of them parasailing… She didn’t need to go so hard!

Purse Adventures!

This uber driver made sure that his passengers lost purse had a great time while they tried to meet up again! The five-star rating has been earned.

Chickens Are Thieves

This person lost their phone and couldn’t figure out where it could be. Later in the day, they went to go check on the chickens and found the phone. They even got evidence of the thieves. The two were working in tandem!

You’re Welcome

What’s worse: Not knowing how you got home, or knowing exactly how you got home via photo’s? In this case, it’s probably the latter. These officers made sure this kid was all tucked in bed before heading out. Not without a selfie, though!

Lost and Found

What happens in Vegas lives on in your phone. This kid got separated from his group and somehow, in his blackout state, made it back to the hotel room. He ended up passed out with his phone in his hand. His friends, ever the curious ones, decided to check his phone to see where he went. This was the first picture that popped up. No one knows what happened.

That’s The Wrong Password

In some phones, a picture gets taken of the person trying to guess your passcode… Well, he definitely looks mischevious.

Come and Get Your Phone

This Dutch officer took advantage of the unlocked phone and posted onto facebook. “Hi, we found your mobile phone. You can come and pick it up.”

The Wisdom Teeth Procedure Is A Scary One

It gets even scarier when your doctor has a sense of humor!

Sunday School Thief

A Sunday school teacher lost track of her phone one class and found it hours later on the ground. Unfortunately, the culprit had a little too much fun with the camera and ratted herself out!

Sleeping Beauty

The man on the right fell asleep in the airport terminal… The man on the left saw his phone and figured it was selfie time. His wife received the photo of her husband sleeping and had to share!

Terrifying Thing To See

This nurse decided that her patient’s surgery would be a perfect time for a fun selfie. At least it would make a good Facebook picture!

Lost Phone, Good Samaritans

Losing your phone at a festival can ruin your day. Luckily, this person’s phone fell into the absolutely correct hands and retrieved the phone along with an adorable note!

Finally Figured It Out

Grandma finally figured out the camera mode on an iPhone and immediately snuck a photo!

Studying Is Hard


This looks like a prank between friends, doesn’t it? Turns out, the guy in the glasses is just a stranger who saw an opportunity and took it. Things ended up getting pretty weird between the two…

What’s This?

The poster of this phone says that they left their camera open by accident… And their pup got a hold of it.

Thank Your Local Firemen

The owner of this phone had it rescued by his local fire department, and they made sure to take very good care for it as they waited for its owner to grab it. What a lucky phone!

Party Fowl?

A guy threw a party and woke up to the bottom of his sweatpants being cut off. In his confusion, he went and checked his phone which is how he found this picture. The sweatpants bandit strikes again!

What Happens When You Black Out

When you black out at a party, funny things can happen. The owner of this phone found this picture on it and doesn’t even recall who this was.

iCloud Fun

Making the best out of a bad situation, this girl decided to have a little fun with the photos that were being uploaded to her missing iPhone. Thank goodness for iCloud!

Plane Fun

The owner of an iPad left it on a blame. After 10 days, they were able to get it back, but not without some secret photos!

Piano Man

Getting blackout at a Red Wings game obviously results in some pretty funny antics. The guy playing the piano has no recollection of this moment, but at least he was able to remember it via this random photo!

Maybe Take It Down A Notch

Things got a little crazy at the bar one night…

It’s Me!

The owner of the car installed an iPad on the dashboard. His employee obviously took this as an excuse to leave some fun selfies!

Lost Phone You’re Never Getting Back

Someone lost their phone and ended up with tons of selfies from the woman who found it on their photostream. Unfortunately, this woman had no intention of bringing the phone back… At least we’ve got photo evidence!

Here’s Your Phone Back!

Gotta take a selfie before turning that lost phone!

I’m Watching You

This girlfriend decided to play a little prank on her boyfriend before he went out on a night on the town… She’s got a good sense of humor!

Closing Time

The guy on the floor was found outside of a bar at 4 am. Yes, his pants are down. The bartenders decided to have a little fun with this one. They took photos on each of their phones like this and then one on his so he could remember the good times they all had together!

Don’t Forget Me

The user who posted this described this man as a “kind soul” who returned his phone after a messy night out at the bar… Then he found this picture.

Lookin’ Good

It’s unclear why people feel the need to take selfies on phones they found, but we’re not going to question it. Especially this guy!

Kind Walmart Folk

The best way to announce that someone lost their phone? Facebook, for sure.

Wisdom Teeth Got Me Like

The drugs that they give you for these surgeries must be pretty intense. This girl woke up the next morning after her surgery to an array of panicked photos such as this one.

This Is Just Bizarre

The story has it, some guy lost his pants with his phone in it (we’re not sure how that happened). They retrieved the pants and phone, but not without this weird picture.

Christmas Party Weirdness

These strangers managed to find someone’s phone at a Christmas party and take this picture. Nope, the owner of the phone has no idea who they are.

Thieves In Action

A guy lost his phone while on a school trip to Copenhagen. The thieves didn’t turn off the photo stream and managed to rat themselves out through these hilariously awkward pictures. Captured red-handed!

The Caring Boyfriend

This boyfriend proved that he does pay attention!

Monkey Selfie

These monkey’s got into a little trouble with their zookeeper and somehow managed to take one of the most beautiful selfies to date.

We Got Your Phone!

This waitress saved this phone from being stolen after her table left… But, she still was able to have some fun with it!

Coming Around The Mountain…

The man on the left found this phone on a ski mountain while he was going down it. Despite it being covered in snow, it still worked!

Batman Saves The Day

The owner of this phone got a call saying that Batman found his phone… He was unsure of what that meant until he looked at his camera roll.

Medical ID Comes In Handy

Lost your phone? Don’t worry, these trustee EMT’s will go through it.

Kind Act

This wasn’t exactly a photo found on the phone, but definitely is a funny and nice note from a stranger!

Skydive Instructor Thinks He’s Funny

He snapped a pic of this guy on his phone while falling hundreds of miles an hour to the ground!

Couldn’t Find His Phone…

The man in the picture couldn’t find his phone. His friend took a photo of him instead of helping and sent it to him. Later in the night, he finally found the phone along with this picture.


When someone tries to guess your lock code too many times, the phone snaps a picture. This guy was caught!

iCloud Strikes Again

Roughly translated to, “I lost my phone near our house, I know that you have found it I can see your photos. I know you live here. Please return!”

A Bad Time To Black Out

This guy met Jamie Foxx during a Halloween party… Too bad he was already blacked out from that point. But, he took a picture!

When You Buy A Used Phone…

Sometimes you’ll find weird pictures.

Concert Saviors!

Someone lost their phone at a concert and these people retrieved it. They also managed to have a photo shoot while they waited to reunite the owner and the phone!

So That’s Where It Is

This guy lost his phone on the mountain… His friend captured that moment by accident.

There It Goes!

She didn’t even realize the phone was gone until she got the printed picture.

Lookin’ Good?

This Five Guys employee copped himself a new phone… And ended up exposing himself through that wonderful photo stream.

Good Job Losing Your Phone!

Another case of lost phone found selfies!

Mini Thief

This baby stole the baby sitters phone and left it under the table… Not without some selfies!

The Phone Was Found Next To This Guy On The Beach.

She traced her phone and found it laying on the beach next to this man while he was sleeping… Then, she found the selfies.


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.