These Hilarious Photos Sum Up Married Life

Married life might seem just like a step above dating, but it can bring a whole new set of rules to a relationship. Boundaries fall and fights flare when you know you're about to be spending the rest of your life with someone. When you find the One though, everything falls right into place. That doesn't mean relationships can't still be messy and hilarious though...

Very Specific

Upon first glance, this definitely doesn't describe marriage. However, the caption is given to this photo originally read that the husband asked his wife where the eyedrops were, to which she responded: "In the bedroom on the TV stand under the lightswitch slightly trapped between the wall and the dresser." Very specific, but at least she had a reliable answer...

Dat Butt Hot

Love is what inspired the great poets, beautiful songwriters, and the greatest artists of all time. They might have really been in love with their partner's internal attributes and described them like the sun and the moon and all that. However, they definitely appreciated the other assets too. It might be Shakespeare who once said, "And dat butt hot..." Pure poetry.

Adult Baby

Caring for a spouse can sometimes feel like caring for an adult child. You have to make sure they get fed, get cleaned, make their bed, get to work, and so much more. It can feel like you're a parent and a partner all at once! It can be pretty even split, but if it's not, you might end up looking like the woman (or rather, the mother) in this hilarious picture. 

Big Mistake

Marriage means remembering the big things, like anniversary dates and iPhone passwords. You would think making them the same thing would make things easier, but this husband tried to open his wife's phone. She said it was the date of their anniversary, and well, clearly he couldn't quite think of it. Use those 5 minutes to reflect, pal...

Not Worth It

Stop and think it over. How does this argument end? If you end up in a worse position than where you started, it might not be worth it to start another fight. Plus, it's a lot of effort. You know what they say, pick your battles and you can win the war. Be like this adorable cat and learn when to sit down and keep your mouth shut. Besides, this just means you'll have time to prepare for the next duel.

One Man's Trash

This man was sick of his wife saying they couldn't throw out certain keepsakes in the garage. Everything from the old closet door to a child's desk was of sentimental value. To show her how ridiculous this was, her husband hung up in their otherwise pointless front room. It's now a hilarious talking point for all their curious guests, and it's kind of artistic, really...

Sorry, What?

Husbands, do they ever know whats going on? Not paying attention is part of their nature, but it's a really annoying part of it. It feels like every time you tell them something important to remember, or even remind them what they're supposed to be doing, you have to repeat it over and over again. Maybe just write it down so you don't lose your mind repeating yourself!

Post-It Nudes

It can be very annoying when you pack your special someone a homemade meal for lunch and they completely forget to grab it. This wife discovered a clever way to remind her husband of his work lunch by capturing his attention in a different way. Any way that allows him to remember the meal and doesn't let food go to waste makes this little life hack a married person's dream. 

Husband's Lunch

This is what happens when you ask the husband to help you out and pack your lunch for once. While he has all the right intentions and clearly cares about your nutritional benefit, he knew exactly what he was getting himself into. He'd rather pay twenty Canadian dollars than figure out how to make a sandwich, or throw in a yogurt cup for later on. Helpless, but helpful. 

Us vs. Them

No two couples are exactly alike, but some are way more different than others. These cute cats perfectly portray what it's like to be in a marriage that allows you to be completely yourself. As in, no you're not allowed to eat my food just because we're married. Sure, there are times where you might split a milkshake, but a bowl full of food for one works just fine. 

Tastefully Done

Married people spend every single day together, so when someone goes away for work or a family event, the other partner might not always be able to come along for the ride. This clever wife decided to express her sorrow for disconnecting with her loved one, and even gave him a little something to remember her by. Love never fades if you don't let it!

Cat Got Your Light?

The best part of waking up is staying in bed, and this creative couple knows that. They laid in bed trying to get their adorable little feline to smack the light switch with her paw. Since cats usually try to attack bright lights and laser pointers, this ingenious idea allowed the married couple to lay around for a little while longer. Isn't that what love is really all about?

Fight and Flight

Fighting is the worst part of marriage, but it also comes and goes quickly. After a little while, you'll probably forget your disagreements ever even happened! That is until the next one rolls around. "I don't even know what we're yelling about!" is a common phrase in any marriage, so get used to saying it quite a few times in your future together. There's a long road ahead...

My Bad!

Everyone's face in this photo says it all. The wife looks annoyed. The husband looks embarrassed. The shirt looks regretful. No one came out of this ordeal unscathed. The real kicker? This was taken while the woman was going into labor with their first child. The caption simply reads "The wife is not amused." Yeah, this might not be the best time for a funny labor joke. 

Family Reunion

This is a joke, but also a married person's life hack. If you're caught at a hectic family reunion, your partner's office party, or just a lunch with their friends, it's always a safe bet to identify yourself. Get ahead of the questions like this guy did by just writing it out on his yellow plastic cup. And just to double down, make sure the wedding ring is out and visible. 

Not So Subtle

During the moving phase, things can get pretty hectic and exhausting. This husband decided to spice things up in the bedroom by letting his wife know exactly what he was looking for. She wasn't picking up on the hint, so he knew he had to go bigger. Like, projecting shadows on the wall bigger. When this couple is moving out, this husband is moving in...

The Perfect Film

This screenshot deserves a little more context. This husband loves comic book movies. His wife, however, does not. She loves a good romantic comedy though, so when he saw the opportunity, he knew he had to take it. Universal released a photo of the Deadpool movie marketed as a rom-com to get reluctant wives into theaters. Clearly, it worked pretty well...

Eye For An Eye

It's no secret that labor is the most painful thing a person can undergo, and it's an experience that only women have to suffer. According to this textbook page though, in the Huichol Indian tradition, it didn't have to be. Instead, women would pull on their partners' genitalia during her painful labor so that they could both undergo the same amounts of pain...

Petty Fight

This husband and wife got into a petty fight, and as every married couple knows, petty fights encourage petty actions. After their argument over the dog food, this husband decided to do something so minutely annoying that his wife might not even notice it. As soon as she did, however, it started another hilarious fight. Who puts the food in the water bowl?

Haunted Bathroom

Moving in together means compromising on some certain aspects of interior design. For most couples, this means throwing out an old couch, donating a table, or just downsizing their collection of knick-knacks. For some couples like this one though, it can mean investing in a strange design choice. One thing is for sure, guests will always be on their best behavior in this house...

What's Mine Is Not Yours

Marriage is for rich or for poor, to have and to hold, what's mine is ours...unless what's mine is about half a cake. This partner got pretty greedy and almost went in for another slice, but luckily, partner number 2 had predicted this and wasn't going down without a fight. Hey, a good cake is a good cake, you have to protect the deliciousness if you absolutely must...


When reaching for the dog's flea medication, this man's wife had a stunning realization. The dog on the package actually looked exactly like her husband! Once they saw the resemblance, the couple couldn't stop laughing. Even better, this photo was from their younger years, so it was something that would only be truly funny to them. That's true love...

Two Types

This husband and wife use different toothpaste bottles, which kind of makes sense after seeing this image. Either way, they're both guaranteed to have an "ultra-brite" smile, but how clean can her mouth be when she's this messy? True love is blind to the little flaws like this, but that doesn't mean this husband shouldn't get his own toothpaste tube...

Selfie Memorabilia 

"My wife wanted to make sure someone took a picture of the expression on our faces when our daughter was born," said this eager new father, "So I took one!" Took one he did. He was definitely having a better day than this pushing mother, but certainly, they were both happy at the end of the labor. It just probably took a while to get there...

Exercise Hours

The expression on his face says it all. This wife was upstairs, thinking her husband was getting in shape by running on their basement treadmill. She heard it running, so she assumed that he was also running. Yeah, clearly he had a different plan. Who says you're too old to play with cars? Grab a truck and get playing, this looks like a pretty exciting time...

The Right Direction

After 62 years of marriage, you would assume that this grandfather would have learned to pick his battles, but such is not the case. No matter what, this old man will still pull out his old Road Atlas to prove their grandmother (his wife) wrong, magnifying glass and all. Has anyone told him about GPS? It's true that the small things really start to add up over time...

Fighting Words

James Breakwell might have to change his name to James Break-Up after this fight. The Twitter user got into an argument with his wife after she asked him to buy more milk at the store. Obviously, things didn't land so well with James. Rather interestingly though, they managed to have a fight using only a limited number of letters. That's linguistic creativity. 

All Pink Everything

All it takes is one red towel to completely destroy a load of laundry. This wife let her husband take the reigns on the load, but forget to remind him to separate the white clothes. Clearly he forgot too, because he threw everything in together, which resulted in a huge pink mess. "I don't buy pink towels because I don't like pink," commented the very annoyed wife. 


During her pregnancy, this woman confided in her husband that she felt bloated and ugly due to the increase in weight. So, the next day on her birthday, he gifted her with this handpicked tomato from their garden, along with a note. "A tomato is just a flower that got pregnant. It's rounder but still pretty." No perfect, but at least he had good intentions...

Little Things

This Twitter user knows that it's the little things in a relationship that make all the difference in the world. Certain things like taking time to find a coupon to save money on an expensive restaurant dinner might bother other people, but if you've found the one, that's the kind of stuff they will really appreciate.  What's more attractive than being financially responsible?

Haul to the Mall

These guys are less than thrilled to be spending their day off sitting in the mall while their wives and girlfriends go shopping, but they do it out of love. Also, they might just want to get a mall pretzel and play on their phones. Maybe they're making a support group for guys who get dragged to the local shopping mall by their significant others. Together forever...

Trust Broken

If you can't trust your wife, who can you trust these days? By putting the delicious TimTam's in the front of the package, she managed to trick her husband that there was still a lot of leftovers. In actuality though, she had already eaten the treats by herself. Lesson one in marriage: you've got to keep the best snacks hidden somewhere, or else it's up for grabs...

Looking Good

This wife decided to create a fun little tradition whenever she and her husband got into an argument. Whenever things start getting a little too heated and serious, she snaps a candid selfie on her iPhone. It immediately diffuses the situation, and usually gets some hilarious angles of her hubby mid-sentence. There's no way to keep fighting if you're laughing!

Can't Move Won't Move

"Marriage status," says Twitter user James Breakwell, "My wife refused to move so I made the bed over the top of her." It looks like 20,686 people agreed with his take. Marriage is all about compromise, but if you can't compromise, sometimes you have to take a stand (or in this case, a lay). Hopefully, she made her way out before the duvet went on top!

Was It Worth it?

Pregnancy has some weird side effects. One very famous one is very specific and very intense food cravings. This wife wanted some frozen yogurt, and her very nice husband thought it would be funny to get her this "Frozen" franchise themed yogurt. It was definitely funny, but not worth the joke when he had to go back out and get the real deal for his angry partner...

Funny Forever

After being married for 41 years without issues, these parents still managed to keep their sense of humor. They visited a museum where they saw the opportunity to make this perfect joke. hopefully, their children are less annoyed and more excited that they have such fun, funny, and cool parents. This joke just doesn't get old, and neither does their love...

Without the Wife

Sometimes, marriage means making sacrifices...until they go away for a little while. This husband finally got some time to himself and saw the differences almost immediately. He got to watch his favorite shows, play his video games, and let the dog on the couch. However, he also had a sink full of dishes and a bed that might be a better fit for that dog. Can't win them all!

Couple Companion

Some compromises are easier to make than others, especially when there's such a cute face involved (the puppy's face, of course). This couple had to make a choice. That choice was whether or not the husband would agree to a new puppy dog or agree to be nagged by the idea for the rest of his life. Yeah, one option is very obvious, welcome to the family...

Tile Trouble

This one might take a little longer to think through, but it might be easier explained when you realize that that's carpeting. This means that their carpeting was so gross and dirty that with some clever vacuuming and deep washing, they could convince guests that they were looking at a tile floor. Yeah... it's definitely time to finish that deep cleaning. 


Marriage is an act of love, and so are all the little parts that go along with it. This wife plays her part of their relationship by packing her husband lunches and including cute little notes in every meal. Whether it's something simple like "Sorry we're out of food!" or something heartfelt like "Thank you so much for everything you do," she really appreciates her hubby. 

One Mind

Married couples often start acting like each other, sometimes to a fault. This family, the Sighs, had the same exact idea for a Valentine's Day gift. Though it turned out to be adorable, including their two dogs on the final products, it was also pretty hilarious. There's nothing like true love to say that you have the same taste in decoration, and that's beautiful...

Looking Ahead

Planning is everything. you've got to make sure your weekends are free, schedule events before they happen, and make sure you don't double book yourself. For couples, these often overlap, so a joint calendar is a smart idea. However, when the only thing coming up in the near future is the demise of the ham in the fridge, maybe the calendar is actually not a huge deal...

Truth Exposed

Nothing exposes people's true nature like a stressful situation. If you're the type of person to blow up at a minor inconvenience, it might be standing in between you and a life of marital bliss. Let the WiFi go out one time, and see how your beloved reacts. If things go badly with that, it might go badly for the rest of your life. If Will Ferrell says so, it must be true. 

Finally Forgiven

Smart husbands know there are a few tricks to get out of a bad argument. For example, food is usually a pretty good way to dig yourself out of a hole. If nothing else, they'll at least stop giving you the cold shoulder. Bonus points are awarded if the food happens to be fast food fries, a milkshake, or a bottle of wine. Could anything fix a broken heart faster?

The Tables Turn

Have you ever sent your husband out for tampons, and he comes back with the gross cardboard ones? Or even worse, a box of pads? Well, the time has finally come and the tables have finally turned. This wife got sent to pick up something for the car and clearly was very lost in the aisle of the grocery store. She probably came back with the right one, but if not, she's finally even. 

Sick Days

For some reason, when husbands and fathers get sick, it seems like the end of the world. There's a lot of whining, moaning, and dramatic sighs. However, when mom is the one coughing and spitting, it's still her responsibility to take care of the kids, no matter how tired or sick she feels. She must soldier on in the face of illness while Dad gets an extra long nap!

Decisions, Decisions...

Sure, she might genuinely believe some crazy things. She might do some things that really annoy you, or confuse you, or just leave you in shock. However, all these strange attributes and characteristics once added up to make her attracted to you, so maybe appreciate the little quirks a little more. They're the reason you have stuck around all this time!

One Job

Who said that married life kills the fire? This couple keeps things spicy and fresh by just never doing their laundry correctly, even when someone asks. Married life really is like this sometimes. This could also be a saucy life hack for husbands who want to have a little fun. Hey, at least now he'll be reminded to do the laundry!

Never Safe

Is the cup full of liquor? Poison? Water? All three? There's no way to know. Don't make your wife mad, especially when she is the one filling the coffee mug every morning. The person you sleep next to every night could have something sinister up their sleeve, or maybe just something gross. There's a lot of ways this story could end, and not a lot of them are very good!

Restarting the Fight

The fight isn't over until you both say it's over, and if your man says anything under his breath, that means the battle is still going. This cat's look is the same expression that every girl gets when she thinks she's right and her boyfriend thinks she's wrong. Disagreements with this face mean that things are far from over. In fact, they have only just begun...

Time Flies

In the honeymoon phase of marriage, everything is exciting. Every event is a chance to show off your status as husband and wife, but the longer you're together, the excitement starts to dwindle to become a daily thing. It's great to be married to your best friend, but after several years with them, you probably don't feel the need to fill every silence anymore. 

Pulling Out Receipts

If you think you didn't say it, this is a reminder that not only did you say it, but you actually texted it, and she has the screenshots to prove it. You might be safer just agreeing and apologizing and moving on. Otherwise, you might be unlocking a  terrible tidal wave of old information. Do you trust yourself from a few months ago? Are you absolutely sure about that?

Mullet Cake

This cake is business in the front and party in the back, just like a mullet. The newlyweds wanted to have a beautiful picture with a beautiful cake, but they were also big movie fans, especially superheroes. Instead of fighting over which side would be better, they compromised on a totally unique and one of a kind cake, just like their relationship. Now that's truly super. 

Mother of Dragons

How were the kids today? This loosely translates to "How tired are you today?" and by the look on her face, you know the entire story. If it's anything like this character's look, just know that the best course of action is to take them off her hands for a few hours and give her some time to decompress. If she looks like this image too, probably time to take a shower. 

Notice Anything?

A classic line from that 70s show, Red's advice rings true to this day. As long as the wife is happy, everything will be fine. If she's not though, get ready to face her wrath, or even worse, get the cold shoulder. A happy wife is a happy life, and a happy husband is one with a happy wife. One will always affect the other, so make sure to tread lightly.

Testing Fate

Here's the thing, if you were supposed to cut the lawn earlier, and waited until the tornado warning to do it, that's really a "you" problem. Sure, it would probably make sense to wait it out, but once you've started you absolutely cannot stop. Your yard will be the nicest in the neighborhood, assuming it survives the incoming wind storm which is coming in at full force. 

Permission Granted

Married couples always have to check-in before they head out for a night with their friends. After all, once you get married, you kind of become a package deal. This scene perfectly exemplifies what it feels like to get permission from a significant other before signing off on solo plans with the friend group. "I shall allow it," she says. Yeah, this one time at least. 

So Close

Realistically, it was almost already in the hamper, so why not just put it all the way in? This just shows both poor cleanliness and poor aim. He couldn't even make it in! Though he was probably well-intentioned and figured putting it nearby would be good enough, it just shows a lot of laziness. He shoots, he misses, and he doesn't score in any sense of the word. 

In Your Head

Sometimes your husband calls you crazy when you're not, but sometimes, he does make a good point. We all have our own little brand of craziness that can come out from time to time, and as long as you remember that, it's easy to forgive and forget. Besides, he's a good man and can handle your weird flaws. It's probably part of the reason he loves you too!

Very Impressed

Sure, it's very impressive that you managed to do the chores that I do every day. It's not like the dishwasher fills itself every other day, but whatever makes you feel proud. The sarcasm radiating out of this photo says it all. Just because the husband does one thing that the wife does every day does not mean he deserves a round of applause, unless it looks like this. 

Think Ahead

Every smart married person knows that what is said in an argument can and will be used against you. Everything ever said is on fair trial, so you better closely watch what you say. Don't trip over your words, or you'll risk losing the whole argument. If television celebrity Ray Romano can learn this tried and tested truth, so can everyone else. Play it safe!

No Secrets

There are no secrets between a married couple, especially if that secret is some hot gossip. If you're telling a secret to your married friend, assume she already told her husband before the sentence is even over. After all, husbands don't count. Two become one in marriage, so they're destined to have one mind together. True love knows no bounds or boundaries...

Dating vs. Marriage

When you're married, the secrets go out the window, even the ones you wish were kept private. You get to see every part of your partner, even the parts you never wanted to see. The good news is you're closer than ever and can be there for each other in these trying times. The bad news is now you kind of have to be. Make sure you pack some extra TP for the honeymoon. 

Public vs. Private

Behind closed doors, it's all fair game. You can go from zero to one hundred miles per hour in just a second, but as soon you're both out the door, the couple is on their best behavior. These adorable dogs kept it together for the camera flashing, just like a married couple. One thing is for certain though, they definitely had the cutest wedding of all time!

Homeless With a Home

Donating to a homeless man is very well-intentioned, but in this case, not entirely necessary. This man just got into a fight and figured sitting on the sidewalk for a little while might be a safer bet. He could probably still use that dollar though. He can buy a hot coffee for when he spends all night out in the cold and needs a warm coffee when he wakes up in the morning.

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The More You Know

  • Over 80 million bacteria can be exchanged in one kiss.
  • The oceans contain 200,000 different kinds of viruses.
  • Peanuts grow underground.
  • The world's largest falafel weighed 223 pounds.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.