The Most Creative and Wacky Ways People Have Quit Their Jobs

What's the best way to quit your job? Maybe a formal resignation letter would be best, or you could talk to your boss over a cup of coffee! You could even write out a sentence or two about why you hate your job on a piece of toilet paper and leave it in your boss's lunch... There are so many different ways to quit your job, it just depends on how brave you're feeling.

Some of these people decided that they'd had enough and up and left their jobs. Some of them loved their job and left in creative ways, while others hated their job so much that they left in the middle of their shift leaving nothing but a vulgar note behind...

Bye, Brian

Some people are much more advanced than the job that they're at... James was one of those people. Honestly, depending on the job, he could use this in his resume. "Creative problem solving that leads to interesting and eye-catching solutions." You go, James.

One Last Kick in the Butt

The late nights of scraping the griddle clean must have gotten to this person. At least they did most of the work before leaving just a little bit left for one last goodbye. The food service industry is hard, so I don't blame them for leaving in this manner. It's still pretty funny!

Very Punny

This must have been a peaceful resignation because who else would spend the time and money to make this little goodie bag? Something tells me that this employee was all about puns and jokes... Maybe it's for the best that they moved on from this career.

Who's the Loser?

If you treated the person who was in charge of the sign wrong, you should probably expect something like this. Also, who was the loser in that situation? Were they hiring losers or were the managers the losers because they had someone quit? This story must go deeper than what's on the sign...

Chipotle Strike

Tons of Chiptole workers came out to expose the working conditions that they were forced into. The fact that the management quit is crazy. Tons of employees said that they were forced to work when they were sick, even with the stomach flu! So, yeah, "sweatshop conditions" was on brand. 

The Most Delicious Way to Quit

This was probably the most memorable resignation letter ever. A sugary, sweet treat was a great way to let them down easy. This was also probably a fun way to let them down easy if this person actually liked their job but needed to move on to greener pastures... 

Imagine Getting Rick Rolled Like This

It seems like the manager didn't take kindly to this resignation notice. Also, please note how the manager called it a "letter of recognization." Yeah, it was probably time to leave that job. The resignation "ticket" note is vindicated due to the horrible spelling and grammar mistakes. 

Quitting The Only Way She Knows How

This cake decorator decided to put her skills to the test with her resignation cake. Apparently, her boss wasn't too pleased with the way she decided to go about this, but her coworkers loved the idea. She will use her awesome cake decorating skills elsewhere!

Adam's Not Pleased

Needless to say, Adam wasn't feeling Taco Bell anymore. Hopefully, his bad experience didn't ruin his opinion on the super popular fast-food establishment... Living in a world without Taco Bell would be extremely difficult.

He's Outta Here

This wasn't the most flashy way to go out, but it was surely one of the tastiest! Something tells me that this guy got this cake specially made as his resignation letter. The cake doesn't give me a "going away party" vibe but more so a "hey, I quit" vibe. 

That's A Pretty Good Reason to Quit

This secretary was totally done with her hostile environment. She left this sign up before she hit the road, which was probably the pettiest way to quit a job. Good thing she did, though, because she probably did a lot of customers a favor. Who would want to give their business to a place that was known as hostile?  

She Destroyed Them

Angelina dealt with Walmart for two years before she decided that she would no longer work for the company. A manager should never mock or shame their employees. The managers treated the woman and her subordinates poorly. They worked in the deli section of Walmart. The stakes aren't high at that job! These higher-ups were totally on their high horses. Hopefully, Angel moved on to a better career.

Woo Hoo!

This is a pretty hilarious way to hand in your resignation letter. The boss must have been a fan of The Simpsons. At least that would make the blow a little less harsh! Also, is it really a two-week notice when you hand it in a week before the holidays?

The Crew Sticks Together

Unfortunately, most people can relate to this. Some owners or managers don't care about the employees or the working conditions in the shop. What they don't count on is the crew unionizing and leaving the store high and dry. There's nothing wrong with leaving a store that doesn't treat you right!

Two Heads Are Better Than One 

These custom-made cakes pretty much seal the deal on friendship. Working conditions must have been rough enough for these two to go ahead and make these cakes. At least it's easier when you have someone else walking out with you!

That's Rough

At first, it seemed like this person was acting bitter and rude to the drivers. But, it kind of seems like this person got fired so that no one else is there to do their job. Either way, this sign oozes bitterness. Changing highway signs holds so much power! Hopefully, the drivers are okay without them. 

Stocking Is Never Fun

Most stockers take the overnight shifts so that morning customers have everything ready to go. Something must have snapped with this grocery store employee in the middle of the night because they left the cereal aisle like this and left in the middle of their shift... Working in a grocery store is hard!

Gone, But Not Forgotten

This picture absolutely needs a back story, and thank goodness there is one. The guy with the lightbulbs is a former employee. He ended up quitting the store, but not without hiding thousands of little photos of him all around the store. At the time of this photo, he had been gone for two years. They're still finding photos of him!

The Curse of the Store Owner

A lot of store owners and managers like to forget the fact that their employees are people. Sometimes, employees are in situations that limit their ability to work, such as getting cancer. Apparently, the owner of this store felt that a cancer diagnosis wasn't an excuse to not go into work, among other things. These employees rocked this store's world.

This is a Hate Letter

Spencer could not be more displeased with his time at M. Noodle. It's easy to write a letter to someone, but I doubt that this guy would be brave enough to say this to his manager's face. If a potential employee called M. Noodle to ask about Spencer, he would be in some deep trouble!

What Everyone Wishes They Could Say

Every time someone sends that "out of office" message this is what they wish that they could write. This guy lived out every working person's dream. This is probably the best exit... One sentence, via email. That's all you need.

True Poetry

If I were Scott I'd be crying by the end of this. It was super nice of this employee to express the fact that it's not his boss's fault but Corporates fault. This is another pretty solid idea if you're planning on leaving a job that you like!

When a Resignation Letter is Required

Honestly, what else to they need to hear? They quit. They're done. Honestly, a resignation letter isn't that necessary. Most people can get by with using a few words as this person did...

That "Groundhog Day" Reference

This letter from Simon really nailed it. Even though this is a "standard" resignation letter, he decided to go in and tell his boss what he was feeling, why he was leaving, and what improvements could be made. That "Groundhog Day" reference is truly a kick in the butt, and the "warm and fuzzy regards" is kicking his boss when he's down. 

All's Well that Ends Well

Bella's self-portrait was adorable, which hopefully made her resignation a little better. The best part is that she couldn't even say what her manager's name was... It just said, "To the manager at Gringo's." It was probably for the best that she left that position. 

When the Entire Store Quits

The Sonic crew walked out on their boss. Things can get tricky when a store gets a new owner, especially when a crew has worked together for years. I think that these people were right to walk out on the store if the new owners were disrespecting them so much! Maybe now these people will understand that treating the people who work for you well is imperative. 

A Subtle Plug

Nancy left a job that she enjoyed but had to move on from. It was bittersweet enough for her to subtly plug her Instagram and Snapchat accounts so that her fellow coworkers could follow her. This was a pretty good Drake reference, though! 

The Ideal Letter

This is probably the best resignation letter to recieve... If only Tom actually put it in the meme format! If I were Doug, I would have thought that this was a joke but Tom signed his name, so you know that it's real. 

It's the Thought that Counts

This guy knows how to make a lasting impression, that's for sure. The fact that he framed it and handed it to his boss as a resignation letter is the funniest thing to do. If you're looking to quit your job, this is the way to do it. 

It's Definitely Memorable

The Van Halen logo makes this more entertaining than most resignation letters. Although, it probably didn't need the artwork. The fact that it was so straight to the point with arrows included made it pretty memorable in itself. Honestly, what else do you need to say? 

This Takes the Cake

Working for a place for 20 years is a huge feat. That's a really long time! Even after all of that time with one company, this person didn't hold any bitterness towards his coworkers and employers. Something tells me that this guy makes his own homebrewed beer and decided to hop onto that career path! 


How do you continue to work at a place when this is your resignation letter? It's hard to tell if this is a "playful" resignation letter or an angry one. Either way, it's pretty funny and Todd knows how to exit with a bang.

Sorry, Frank

Now, this is definitely a resignation letter written out of anger. Note how every sentence is ended with two to three exclaimation points. This guy basically rage quit like thirteen year olds do on Xbox, but in real life. 

A Resignation Letter from a Graphic Designer

This is a resignation letter that warms your heart. Here, you have a boss who actually cares about their employees. Cat decided to write it out in different colored crayons which must have some sort of significance between the two. This is a bittersweet note! 

Just Keep Reading...

This starts off as a decently worded resignation letter... And then, you get to that third paragraph. There's a lot to take note of here. First, this guy wants to be a pirate. Is this a joke? Technically, you don't have to tell your employer why you're leaving, so he could have created this bizarre story just for the sake of it. It's either that or he really wants to be a pirate, which is fine...

Very Cheesy

This quirky letter basically goes to show that filing a formal resignation letter can be tricky. This person obviously has a good relationship with their boss, and they want to leave on good terms. When a job starts affecting the things that make you happy, that's the time to maybe quit that job. Follow this format!

What a Heartbreaking Note

What a horrible card to pick. This probably just made the boss sad about cats dying, not this person leaving. There is humor in it, though, but it's still sad to think about! 

Ending on a Strong Note

How does someone hand in this as their resignation letter and still work at the company for two more weeks? That's either stupid or brave, it's hard to tell. That drawing of a toilet is pretty good for sharpie on toilet paper, though. The whole thing is creative!

Gotta Go!

It seems like this job simply wasn't cutting it for this employee. Using a baggie and some blue pen really gets the job done. Somethinig tells me that this person doesn't actually offer their deepest apoligies... There's no regret here!

Cake Professional

If this isn't the most beautiful resignation letter then I don't know what is. Mr. Cake is definitely warranted in leaving his day job for his cake business. Most peoples' handwriting isn't even that good on paper... He makes cake writing look easy! Plus, that lowkey plug at the end of the letter is the cherry on top.

Don't Make Your Computer Engineer Mad

At least this person went through HR before engineering this fake notification. I'm not totally sure how easy maneuvring this would be, but it seems pretty impressive. I wonder which option the boss clicked on... Probably ignore. 

That's a Lot of Trust in Reddit

I really hope that this person used TacoTweets' letter idea. It was powerful, confusing, and kind of scary. That's exactly the impression that you want to leave your place of work. Although, corporate America talks, and this would be on their file for years to come. 

Very Extra

This is a lot. There isn't a backstory attached to this image, so it's unclear whether such a harsh note is warranted. Andrew (ex-employee) seems pretty bothered by his boss's lack of, well, being a decent boss. Something must have happened to tip Andrew over the edge...

That's a Decent Burn

The boss used to tell Joe the same exact thing... So, Joe decided that enough was enough and that his boss should hold himself up to the same standards. The "fire me if you must" is a hilarious sentiment since Joe obviously quit. Hopefully, the boss got back in somehow...

That's a Pretty Good Reason to Quit

This entire situation fell on the bosses shoulders to handle it. The boss didn't realize it, but he chose this bad employee over the one who actually showed up sober. What a team that this guy built. This is the type of place that no one should give their business to. 

To The Point

This was a pretty good drawing of a dinosaur, too. It had a lot of personality. There isn't much else that needed to be said. This job was pretty laid back in the first place, so they didn't need any sort of formal resignation letter. The dinosaur did it's job.

Spill the Tea

This guy felt like the workplace drama was too much to handle and he decided to quit, but not without a longwinded expo market rant on the whiteboard. In regards to that last section, I doubt that they allowed him to use them as a reference. 

Relax, Mitchel

It was unclear as to why Mitchel decided to write a note that announced his old resignation letter. Also, what's up with the fly jokes? Why were they unzipped? Did Mitchel unzip everyone's fly? Was this just a weird inside joke? Either way, I wouldn't want to work with Mitchel, ever. 

Dripping in Bitter

It was definitely a power move to write the entire resignation letter in marker, but then this person decided to also write in complete sarcasm. The reciever of this letter probably didn't even know that this was a resignation letter until the very last sentence. This guy totally reached his breaking point.

RIP LasterJet 4050

The LaserJet finally kicked the can. It was a sad day to recieve this letter, but it was probably better for everyone. Especially since it was 14 years old... That was much longer than most printers last!

Mic Drop

This was a very casual resignation letter, but the best part was that she signed off in the most formal way. This would be a decent letter for leaving a job that someone actually liked. 

A Computer Programmer Will Always Go out in Style 

Just like little Mario, this computer programmer reached the end of his journey. He decided to announce his resignation to his coworkers with this fun little homemade Mario game. This wasn't his formal resignation letter, it was more so a way to let his coworkers down easy.

That Final, Killer Line

Just like most companies, this woman's boss failed to realize that their employees aren't robots. It can be hard to handle a job when bad things happen, but things get made worse when there's an uncaring boss involved. This woman definitely got out of a bad situation.

Bathroom Thoughts

What a way to go; vulgar and distasteful. Most resignation letters (if this even counts as one) have a reason behind the anger. This one probably didn't. 

That Was a Burn

Jonathan got the last word on this one. When he said that he would miss it, that would probably be sarcasm, right? That haiku wasn't very forgiving...

The Way To Go

Sir Raoul was definitely a whiskey guy. Only someone who dedicated their entire life to whiskey would accept this as a formal resignation letter. The branding was on point, though. At first glance, it looked like a regular bottle of Jack Daniels! 

See You Never

This person seemed a bit unpleased with their lack of vacation to Toronto... Was that enough to quit their job? Maybe. Just judging their character from the first paragraph, I would say that this person isn't the most reliable or the best worker...

If Shakespeare Wrote a Resignation Letter

This letter should be featured in a Shakespeare class. What was this person trying to convey exactly? It’s obvious that this is a resignation letter, but the reasoning seems... unclear, to say the least. Did they work at an orange tree farm? Or somewhere with orange juice? I’m intrigued..

A Very Formal Office Supply Store Resignation

It's obvious Pat took his career at an office supply store very seriously. Good thing he let everyone down easily because Pat was probably the most interesting store associate that they ever got to work with. I wonder where Pat is now...

He Wanted To Go Out With a Bang

David worked with Five Guys for three long years before hre realized that it was time to go. During his time there, he ended up bonding closely with the gang and knew that his departure was goinig to be tough on them. Luckily, he left them something to remember him bye. 

A Delicious Departure

Amy Rose knew exactly what she was doing with those cupcakes. Instead of handing a boring old letter, she decided to handmake some delicious cupcakes in order to tell everyone that she was leaving the company. Granted, it probably took them a while to actually get through the letter because it's so hard to read, but still. 

A Grievance Card 

In comparison to other letters, this one is probably the laziest. Alex did his best to be funny, though, and that definitely paid off. This letter got the job done despite the lack of creativity. 

Read That Again

Poor Matt. He probably thought that he was being creative or "sticking it to the man," but all of his power was lost when he wrote "resignate." That's rough. 


These sign changers must be really going through it. This guy decided that enough was enough and he was leaving the sign and his boss in the dust. Sometimes, you just have to look out for yourself. 

Just To Make It Clear

The holidays always makes things difficult. This person decided to quit during the busiest time of the year, but they weren't about to miss out on the company Christmas party! Let's up that they were on good terms with their bosses when they quit... It would be a bummer to miss out on the holiday fun. 

Ikea Troubles

I thought everyone loved Ikea... Apparently not! This person must have quit right after they wrote this or was immediately fired, there's no in between here. I wonder how many tags that was printed on...

Sorry, Greg

Can you imagine walking into work one morning and seeing this sign? Greg must have felt super embarrassed, or enraged. The last line is super ominous... What does it mean?

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The More You Know

  • People write love letters to trees in Australia via email.
  • There are 293 ways to make change for $1.
  • There's such a thing as a fear of buttons.
  • The chance of a coin landing heads-up is not 50-50

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.