If You're Going to Quit Your Job, Do It Like This

Have you ever been fed up with your job? Have you ever wanted something new, something better to just fall into your lap without any extra effort? We feel your pain, and just because you can't do that now, doesn't mean you won't be able to enjoy these hilarious resignation letters that we've compiled just for you. 

Smell Ya Later!

T-Bone is an absolute legend for this one. We're trying to decipher the backstory here. We think that this dude was previously a janitor (maybe a house cleaner) and he quit to start his own graphic design business. Either way, he's probably killing it now. 

They Probably Have a Point

We cannot think of another instance in which it would be appropriate to draw the Van Halen logo on a resignation letter (unless you're resigning from being in the band). We have also never seen a handwritten resignation letter on unlined computer paper. This letter literally makes this person look like a dunce. But, at least they're getting creative. 

Glad to Hear It

Workers are not to be exploited. Just because a company has billions of dollars and thousands of stores, doesn't mean that they should treat their ground-floor employees any less than they treat their CEO. Power to the people. 

Do They Even Deserve a Cookie?

This is a mighty fine gesture. Quitting a job can be a bittersweet affair, but when you make cookies to celebrate, it just becomes a sweet affair. As Curtis Mayfield once said, move on up!

Cutting Loose on Your Last Day

When a stocker on the overnight team is working their last shift, you might come in and discover that some things are not the way they're supposed to be. We think that this is a fantastic way to retaliate to your former employer. They took your time away from you, so you take some time away from them. It's only fair. 

Let's Bring This One Back

So, to clarify, this dude quit his job a long time ago. However, before he quit, he hid dozens of photos of himself holding two lightbulbs everywhere around this restaurant. Legends say that people are still finding his photos to this day. 

They Deserved the Ridicule

Rick-Rolling someone is one of the most archaic memes in the history of memes. That does not detract from the sheer power behind those lyrics. If your boss cannot write on a third-grade level, you have the utmost authority to belittle them in your resignation notice. That, and it's illegal to withhold payment. 

Baking Your Way Out the Door

Evidently, Mel's boss got angry about her "wasting materials" to make herself and her department this resignation pastry. But, the members of her department loved it. So, why complain when you have a cake to eat? What are you going to do? Fire her?

A Powerful Statement

This is the ol' office worker one-two punch. If you can say this at one point in your life, make sure you do. Also, make sure that the people receiving this message truly deserve it. 

At Least This One Was Positive

Scott doesn't sound like that bad of a guy. If he could hold an employee in a difficult spot for a year and make sure they were happy enough to do the extra work that needed to be done, then you're doing a good job as a manager. We commend you, Scott, keep being a good boss and making people enjoy their jobs. 

Get Out While You Can

The workplace can be an extremely hostile environment depending on the people that work there with you. Make sure you take care of yourself before you consider the feelings of anyone else in your department. If your boss is guilting you to stay when you know you've been mistreated, you should take off ASAP.

What a Terrible Workplace

Major retail chains are notoriously terrible to their employees. If the digital spread of this letter didn't inspire Walmart's bosses to change, then you already know what their motives were, to begin with. Jobs should be about personal comfort, equitable pay, and proper leadership. Not fearmongering, oppressive, prejudiced leadership. 

We're Taking Off

The subtlety of this one is the kicker. What does Homer Simpson have to do with quitting your job? He is notoriously lazy and focused on the simple things in life. Isn't that kind of beautiful? Too bad that won't happen.

Union Strong

Workers should form unions. If you really think about it, there are more workers than management at any given establishment, so the workers have more power than the managers do. This is a prime example of workers exacting their power as one body as opposed to being separated by management. 

Yes Queen Give Them Nothing

When you don't even have enough energy to write one complete sentence on your resignation letter, you know its the right time to quit. Seriously, if you're that disenfranchised with the whole situation, just back off. The lack of words here speaks volumes. 

Spoken Like a Leader

Unfortunately, places like this tend to constantly have the same problems within their chain of command. Sales leads are usually related to the execs, and the execs get paid way too much to do nothing. If you're not listening to the demands of your workforce, you will eventually lose them. 

Good Things Come in Twos

If you and your buddy want to quit the same job, you should do it together like this. Two heads are better than one, after all. Plus, if your boss tries to guilt you into staying, you can just say that you have to go with your friend no matter what. 

Let the People Know

This person had every right to act according to their emotions. Who fires the guy who makes the signs say certain things anyways? All they do is write "roadwork ahead." That's a necessary job. This person should not have been fired. 

Adam Has Been Happier

Every Taco Bell employee has had their bad days. Adam seems like a nice guy who's had one too many bad experiences while slaving for the man over a hot griddle. You should love Taco Bell, but if their employees are this upset, you should take some notes. 


This guy got this cake custom made for himself and his department as his own resignation letter. This doesn't have much of a "thanks for having me" vibe. This cake says "get me outta here" without even having to say it. 

Great Joke, Keep 'Em Coming

It's most important to maintain a sense of humor when entering and leaving a place of work. So, if your boss constantly had bad breath or nothing good to say, leave them a mint. EmployMINT is a great play on words, but it could mean so much more at the end of the day. 

Guess That's Me :-(

Let's face the reality of this situation. People who work at McDonald's aren't losers. The people who belittle other people for working at McDonald's are the real losers. The service industry is a real job. 

Off to Bigger and Better Things

One day, everyone is going to remember James as the guy who was bolder than anyone else. He was even bolder than the NEWDOUBLELOADED, which we assume is something that human beings should not be eating. James is moving on to bigger and better things. 

 Good Riddance

Have you ever scraped a griddle clean at the end of the night? It's one of the most satisfying yet disturbing things that someone can experience while working in the restaurant industry. We cannot blame this person for feeling the way they did after they sponged off this mess.

Tell Them How You Really Feel

There is a lot of power behind those words. If employees are fed up with the owners, the owners should step away from working with people. Greed is a disease, and it makes people act terrible to one another. Help your employees and listen to them. Don't make demands and threats. 

Spencer Knows What to Say

If a boss is treating you poorly, you should let them and everybody else know. That way, nobody will have to stumble into the same situation that you stumbled into. If you were unhappy there, chances are everyone else will be. 

Boosting the Follower Count

This one is overwhelmingly positive, and topical. The Drake font really catches the eye, especially since this was probably made in 2015, the only time this album was popular. Do you guys remember 2015? Doesn't that feel like it was 500 years ago?

Casual, Yet Direct

We love the Office Space reference on this one. The only thing we wish that Tom did differently was to write this resignation a little bit more carefully. This handwriting is pretty infantile, no offense to Tom, but there's no excuse to write like this when you're an adult with a job. 

It's Best to Own It

Never sugarcoat what you're trying to say. If you want to say "I quit," then you should say that exact;y. This person is a quitter, and they're proud of it. So, we're proud of them. Quitters of the world, unite!

Hit Them Where it Hurts

When stores shift ownership, things can get a little dicey. Usually, when people buy out stores, they're only in it for the profits. So, the people who were previously working there could likely see a change in management style and pay. Nobody likes to be micromanaged and paid less than they were before. These people are doing the right thing by boycotting the business that they formerly worked for. 

What a Genius

Todd, you have done it again. This might possibly be the funniest resignation letter that we have ever seen. Trust us, we have seen a lot of funny resignation letters. 

Graphic Design is My Burden

If you thought that only toddlers wrote with crayons, you were probably right until June 26th, 2019. We commend Cat Sacdalan for pushing for a more hospitable workplace for everybody. She believes that she should not get the treatment that other people would not receive otherwise. That is a good friend and a good coworker move.  

Woah Buddy

There is a lot to unpack here. Nobody likes a fatphobic person, and that probably means that nobody likes this person's blog anyway. Who would read a blog written by someone who doesn't even capitalize their "I's?" 

Having Fun With It

The fact that there is no name on this resignation letter is even more powerful than the lax image that the person was trying to give off. If you really dislike a job, then you will put no effort into the work. Maybe this person is moving on to pursue a career illustrating dinosaurs. That's a thought. 

Set That Information Free

There is power in speaking out. There is power in observing the misuse of power. This person is attacking this problem the right way, by attacking the problem. The problem in the workplace will not stop until the workplace can be dismantled and remade.

This One is a Bit Strange

To tell you the truth, we're not sure what "testicular velocity" is. However, we do know that anyone who would describe themselves as having "too much testicular velocity" is probably the wrong dude to hire. So, this guy quitting was probably a very good thing. 

A Political Resignation

This dignified baker said a lot about how he felt about his job and where he wanted his life to go in very few words. This is probably the most well-written resignation letter that we have ever seen, and it's on a cake. Compared to everyone else who quit their jobs, this one (cough) "takes the cake."

Life is a Renaissance Fair

Hey man, if this person wants to be a pirate, more power to them. Who cares if your parents think that you should have a house and a fat savings account by the time you're 30. The world doesn't work that way anymore, and if a life on the high seas seems more applicable for you, then pursue it with your whole heart. 

Can You Read This?

Dang. We bet you would quit your job if you had a boss like Frank too. This sounds like a terrible situation for the entire department, and it's probably going to end with everybody quitting.  

We Love This

Letting your emotions shine through in a resignation "letter" says a lot about the workplace that you were formerly in. If you have to get out, this is the proper way to do it. Offer your boss an opportunity to change, and if they don't, you should walk right out that door. 

We Hope They Followed Through

We're guessing that this person was an accountant (even if they weren't, whatever), and they got so fed up with their position that they genuinely could not physically care anymore. All of us have been there. But, few of us have truly let ourselves resign in style. 

When You Can't Do It, Admit It

Jonathan seems to have bitten off more than he could chew. It was definitely time to take a step back when those serious things started to affect his business. If you're the CEO and there is a crisis at your organization, you should recognize that you're probably not the best person to be doing your job. 

Grounds for Change

We hope that this was a wakeup call for the company that hired this employee. Whenever someone is this seriously unhappy and critical of where the company is going, they're either a terrible hire, or they were right. Both of those things reflect poorly on the people in charge. 

Beautifully Said

We commend anyone who has the energy to write a poem in place of a real, boring resignation note. This employee probably had the best of intentions since day one. 

Crush Them 

We all make bad decisions in our lives when it comes to employment decisions. This one, however, seems to be one of the more decisive resignation letters to date. We hope that this person is happier doing something else. 

Let the World Know

There is absolutely no place for misconduct in a work environment. That person should be sent to jail, and the boss should be considered an accomplice. But, since accountability doesn't exist in this world, it will probably continue to happen until the company fails and they all lose their jobs. 

Flush and Walk Away

This one probably didn't go over too well with the HR team at whatever job Luke used to work. But, if he had the gall to write this resignation, he probably knew exactly what he was getting himself into when he started. Good for you Luke, we hope this resignation note doesn't follow you to your next occupation. 

Infiltrating the System

If you really think about it, you have way more power as a worker than your boss does as a manager. They wouldn't notice this. If your boss is in fact a "p****," then you might get away with this label for a lot longer than you'd expect. 

Those Are Strong Words, Andrew

There are an absolute ton of insults packed into this tiny message. Whatever Andrew was trying to get across, he probably did so successfully. That, and there is literally no chance that his boss would contact him back after this insanity. Win, Win. 

Oh Man :-(...

Who would have thought that artificial intelligence would be this sophisticated in 2013? LaserJet4050 should have a documentary shot about it. Better yet, it should start its own YouTube channel if its capable of this much rational thought. 

Peace Out

This fine individual is heading out to battle for the honor of Uther. We think that is a much more valiant way to spend your time than to work for the Electronics Boutique, Canada. Peace out Cub Scout. 

Feels Good Now, Doesn't It?

Let go of your job buddy. Greg can find another sign changer. If he wanted the job done so badly, he should have just been doing it himself. 

A Powerful Statement

Sir Raoul is probably the coolest guy on Earth. Anyone who got someone to work for them for five years, and admit to having such a good time that they gave you a $60 bottle of whiskey as a thank you is a good sign that you're doing your job right. The other bosses on this list should be taking some notes. 

The Boss Should Fire Himself

If you are incapable of being a responsible employee, then why would you expect respect from those that you manage. Joe had enough of the nonsense. We commend him for standing up for himself and getting out when he could. 

Didn't Die, Just Doing Better Things Now

David held down Five Guys for five years. This man worked harder than any politician that has ever lived. Anyone who could survive working at a Five Guys for more than six months deserves a medal of honor. 

Taking a Step Back

Pat seems like a very agreeable, very serious individual. We commend anyone who dedicates this much time and energy to something as silly as a resignation note. Thank you for your words Pat, we wish you safe travels in the future. 

At Least They Have Cupcakes Now

If you're going to leave a company you like high and dry, at least leave them cupcakes in the wake. A sweet treat often soothes the pain of having to find a new employee to cover someone who had been doing a job for several years. Take care, Amy Rose! Best of luck in your future endeavors. 

We Can Feel the Heat

Sometimes you just gotta let loose. If you've been accused of something that you didn't do, then you should stand up for yourself. This person here is standing up for themselves the right way. 

Toss It Down

We're sure that Elizabeth's employers respected this standpoint. Dropping the mic is a powerful statement that is largely rooted in the positivity of the statement. Thank you for your words, Elizabeth Young. 

Let Me Out!

This is a computer programmer's letter of resignation. If you couldn't tell, even nerds like to have fun with quitting their job. We hope that this person spent the week they continued to work after their resignation practicing their speedrunning technique in Mario. 

The Burn to End All Burns

This is one of the most calculated, savage resignation letters in the history of resignation letters. We simply cannot sit back and idly watch while the workplace is this negative, especially for teachers. Schools are not businesses, they are places to teach the future generation of the world. If you hinder your teachers, you are hindering humanity. 

The Most Fun of Resignation Letters

Most people wouldn't feel inclined to give their boss a gift when they resign from their job. But, if you had to give them a gift, you might as well give them the product that you plan on selling when you leave your job with them. We highly recommend that you pursue your beer making dreams. 

This One is Weird

Mitch, why did you have to go and make this email a strange one? Everything was going fine until you said: "this message will self destruct in 5 seconds." Everything after that is a PR nightmare. We hope you're not looking for a letter of recommendation afterward.

Be Sad, I'm Leaving

Alex was probably a great employee. That's why they took the time to buy a card to prove it. Alex is moving on to bigger and better things, and they will never return. 

Short and Sweet

Resignation notices don't have to be long-winded or even well-formatted to drive the point across. However, it's assumed that you should use actual words when you write them out, on a napkin. Matt probably doesn't know this. but "resignate" is not a word. 


Sign changers seem to have the worst jobs and the most power of everyone here. Imagine a world where a fast food restaurant general manager has to find the ladder to remove a curse word from their sign. If you see someone in a suit polishing plastic letters 20 feet off the ground, you know someone just quit. 

Only if There's an Open Bar

Quitting feels really, really good. When you quit a job, you want your message to be heard as loud as possible. There is literally no way that anyone could misconstrue the message that this person is pushing here. 

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