Missing Girls' Chilling Final Moments Were Captured on Camera

The Backpack

Days became weeks, and the hunt scaled down considerably. After ten weeks, the women were nowhere to be found. The authorities were growing desperate. Then, a blue backpack was turned in by a woman from the local Ngäbe Tribe, which she claimed to have found in a rice paddy along the riverbank.

Unsettling Evidence

The backpack contained two pairs of sunglasses, $83 in cash, two bras, Froon’s passport, and a water bottle—and, most importantly, Froon’s camera, as well as the girls’ cell phones. Immediately, police inspected the phones and camera, which led them to find some disturbing evidence…


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The More You Know

  • Clark Kent (Superman in DC Comics) is also a character in the Marvel universe, where he's actually just a mild-mannered reporter and nothing more.
  • There's a "floating rainforest" in the sea.
  • A single dollar bill costs 5 cents to make.
  • Warren Buffett has only sent one email in his life. It was sent to Jeff Raikes of Microsoft, and Buffett said it became his first and last email when it ended up in court.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.