Pope Accidentally Slaps Crying Woman in Vatican City

Up until now, Pope Francis had been very popular among members of the Catholic Church. However, the leader of the religion recently got himself in a bit of a sticky situation after a woman reached out to grab his hand, and he slapped her palm away. The woman refused to let go of the religious figure, causing the Pope to become stressed and act out. The New Year's Eve celebration took a bit of a downturn after that. 

The video, unsurprisingly, went viral almost immediately. People all over the world were weighing in on whether or not the act was justified. Was it out of character, or just humanizing? More importantly, there was a whole host of new memes. Worshippers and nonbelievers alike were making jokes about the extreme reaction. 

The Pope later apologized for the viral moment, saying "We lose patience many times. It happens to me too. I apologize for the bad example given yesterday." However, while the clergy might think this memorable moment is over forever, the internet knows that memes last forever. This new year is going to really slap!

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.