Puzzling Celebrity Deaths That Still Remain a Mystery Today


In 2016, the world was rocked to its core when Prince suddenly passed away. His death was thought to be an accidental overdose caused by consuming multiple types of prescription pills at the same time—a tragic addiction had taken the lives of many celebrities before him. However, an investigation revealed the Prince was only taking one prescription medication at the time: Vicodin.

Alone and in Pain

At the time of his death, Prince was supposedly "isolated, addicted and in pain." A week before his death, a friend warned him that he would need to quit popping pills, but Prince said no. His most recent piano tour had caused him severe hand pain. If he stopped taking Vicodin, he could no longer perform.

According to authorities said that Prince likely had no idea that the painkillers he was taking were fake—they contained a lethal level of fentanyl. The source of the painkillers that killed Prince is still unknown.


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.