Smart and Hilarious Ways People Are Spending Their Time While Social Distancing

There's a lot of uncertainty in the world right now. We are experiencing something that no one ever has before, and our response to it has been nothing short of weird. A lot of people are making the best out of a bad situation right now, though, so maybe this will spur some ideas on how to spend this time in quarantine! 

Kitty Obstacle Course

Cats have always been an amazing source of entertainment. This guy decided to make his hallway into a major obstacle course for his cat, who actually loves it. This is a funny but also great idea!

New Vacations

People are going from basking in paradise to basking in the small amount of sunshine that comes through their apartment windows. This is the vibe for March 2020! And probably April, and May, and June...

Starbucks Closed? No Problem

This very doting husband decided to make a little coffee stand for his wife. What else was he going to do with all of those power tools and spare time? She was missing her coffee experience, so he brought it to her right at home!

A Pringle Ringle

This man has accomplished a daring feat... The infamous Pringles Ringle. Quarantine is a great time to test this out. If anything, it'll make for a great Instagram post. 

A Dance On the Balcony

Italy is under a major lockdown, but people have been getting creative with socializing within their tight-knit communities! This adorable couple started a little dance party on their balcony, which enticed a lot of people to come out onto their own balcony's and join the fun. Dancing does keep your mood up!

Temporary Student

College campuses have completely shut down and forced everything to move online. One student's professor couldn't figure out how to live stream his classes, so he started to record his lessons to post them online for his students. In the first video, he said that he felt weird just talking to a camera, so he brought in little Pinocchio!

No More Free Hugs

Free hugs are a very pre-pandemic way of life. Instead, this man will stare at you from at least six feet away. This is much more acceptable than a free hug in the current state of things.

Quarantine Walk

Those giant dinosaur costumes count as hazmat suits, right? Imagine seeing your neighbors strolling down the street in these outfits! Talk about entertaining...

Going On a Bear Hunt

Some neighbors in a UK neighborhood got together (virtually) to create a fun "bear hunt" for the neighbors! They were going on solo walks with their families to spot all of the little bears out in the wild. More people should do that! 

An Old Man Enjoying a Coffee

For some people, this self-quarantine means that they'll be alone for quite a while. So, in order to combat the loneliness, they decided to create a friend for a morning chat over a cup of coffee.

Break Out the Halloween Decorations

Honestly, what else is there to do? No offense to the winter holidays, but Halloween is easily the superior holiday for decorations. Get out those creepy skeletons and purple lights, it's time to make your home a spooky getaway. 

DIY Masks

The mother-daughter duo made a fun game out of household objects that could be used as a mask, and mom's bra surely made the cut! Plus, they can use it at the same time, so they're basically saving resources, right?

Growing Some Lettuce Out of Lettuce

In order to pass the time, some people have been trying out their green thumb. This person was shocked to find that it was actually working! This is actually a pretty useful skill during a time like this...

Roll Counter

No one is messing around in this household. In order to keep track of the TP usage, they decided to make a bulletin board out of it. Don't go through those rolls so quickly... Even if you did panic buy and hoard them from all of your neighbors. 

Making Friends

This is eerily similar to Castaway where Tom Hanks makes Wilison... This person decided to use a cantaloupe to make a little friend. This person might also be going insane, but who's to say?

Breaking Out the Game Cube

Yep, somewhere in the world, someone has a working Game Cube. Quarantine is a great time to get back into Super Mario Sunshine. I wonder if they've tried Animal Crossing yet?

The Worst Type of Boredom

This person genuinely needs help and very well might be a psychopath. How bored do you have to be to pick all of the seeds off of a strawberry? It must feel pretty satisfying, though.

Temporary Tattoos For Days

When else would they be able to do this? Honestly, getting a bunch of temporary tattoos and giving yourself a tattoo sleeve sounds like a fun idea. Who is going to see it, anyway? Go ahead, tat yourself up!

Teaching the Dog to Knit

This dog owner said that her dog was so excited for her to be home all day that he's been learning a lot of new skills. On that particular day, he learned how to knit, and he seemed really into it. 

Stop Touching Your Face!

The "I just touched my face jar" is the swear jar of 2020. Get with the times, and get yourself one of these! At the end of the quarantine, you'll probably have enough money for a fancy vacation getaway seeing as it's nearly impossible to not touch your face!

A Passion for Fashion

Someone's mom found the kids' old baby clothes and decided to have a fashion show with their household cat. She didn't seem very into it, but yellow is a good look!

Cookie Baking Fail

A lot of people have tried to take up baking in their newfound free time. Tragically, a lot of these first-timers are learning about baking the hard way... Some people are just natural-born bakers and others, well, they should stick to cooking.

Becoming a Bird Watcher

People are losing their minds since all of the major sports leagues ended their seasons. This guy made an attempt to bring sports back into his life. It's a little sad, but a lack of sports will drive people to do some pretty crazy things. 

Cleaning Dance Party

These two gathered all of their cleaning supplies to make a small dance party. That pack of toilet paper makes a great drum! Anyone can do this—just grab your TP, spray cleaners, and masks and go to town. 

A Gathering of Old Friends

When you're quarantining at your parents' house in your hometown, this is what happens. It must be nice to catch up with old friends. At least they're old enough to crack open a cold beer now!

DJ Set

Get all of your burners ready, we're about to get this party started. If you don't have your own turntable, that's okay... Just use your kitchen!

Solo Dance Party

For everyone's entertainment, this guy decided to stand in the middle of his building's courtyard. His roommate turned on a spotlight and he showed everyone the fresh moves that he had up his (hazmat) sleeve.

Hair Experiments

Reddit user u/hairbyheidileeoley decided to quarantine in the forest with her boyfriend. Since she's a hair artist, she decided to make some content for her Instagram despite having no clients. This look is a Cindy Loo Hoo hairdo!

Beer Olympics

These roommates taped some beer to the back of their garage door and then opened it for a creative beer-drinking contest. If you don't mind getting a ton of beer all over you, this seems like it could be a lot of fun!

A DJ Set with an Audience

What a setup! Cups, cleaning supplies, bowls, and a cat all in one. She even managed to draw a crowd, which is pretty impressive since everyone's in quarantine. That cat looks like she's enjoying it. 

Balcony Concert

Neighbors in Italy decided to have a concert outside. They all brought out instruments or things that could be instruments and jammed out together! In dark times like this, music can really bring people together. 

Mapping Out The Apartment

This may look like the work of an architect or an interior designer, but it's not! This person was just extremely bored and decided to map out the contents of their apartment to scale. They did a pretty good job, too.

A Pringle Ringle but Next Level

You've seen the classic Pringle Ringle, now get ready for this! This guy managed to make a Pringle Ringle but out of the tiny little containers that the Pringle's come in. The joy on his face says that he's proud of his quarantine accomplishment.

Adopting a New Cat

This looks like your ordinary "work from home" picture, but that's far from it! This person actually said that this cat somehow wandered into their home and plopped down on the couch. Well, it's their cat now! 

Off to the Races

This might be the tiniest race in the world. Someone gathered these snails and set them onto an easy, straightaway track to see which snail was the fastest. Sadly, there were no conclusions as none of the snails even tried to move. 

Tik Tac Toe with your Cat

Some people got so bored that they decided to try and play some games with their pets... It can be a bit difficult, but eventually, you'll get through a game. These types of games will be fun too since you'll obviously beat your pet. 

Making a DIY Race Track

When the park is closed, you have to make your own. These kids had to get creative to race their RC cars together. By the end of this quarantine, it's probably going to work as a real race track. 

Building Workout

A fitness instructor led an entire workout from the courtyard of his building. Almost everyone was out in their balcony getting their fitness on! Who doesn't love a free class?

Someone is definitely going a little stir crazy during this quarantine... As if dressing up the baby wasn't enough, this mom decided to wreak havoc on her cat. Honestly, yellow is her color!

Fried Virus

This person had a hankering for fried pickles but decided to make it a little more timely. They looked up what the virus looks like and decided to make it. If you've seen what it looks like, then you know it's spot on. Some of these cooks are really getting out of hand! 

Drying Out Orbees

Youtubers have made Orbees videos trend like crazy. Most of the videos are of people filling trucks, bedrooms, and bathtuns with Orbees. This person decided to go the opposite route... What does happen when you dry out Orbees? 

Walking The Dog

A lot of people have been worrying about how they're going to walk their dog during this pandemic... This woman figured out a way to do it! She put her dog on a harness and lowered him to the ground... Totally genius move. 

Window Tennis

This is how you play tennis while social distancing! These guys are actual pros and decided to take it outside. Bored people will always find a way to keep themselves entertained.

Bicycle Marathon

If you have a mini bike laying around, this could be you! This is a great way to get some exercise while also staying indoors. Or, it's a way to annoy your downstairs neighbors.

Dad Party

You cannot stop dads from enjoying a cold one in the middle of the cul-de-sac. That's the best that they can do since the golf courses are closed... Poor dads.

We Miss Our Salons

Salon-lovers everywhere are feeling this pain... Life gets diffiicult when you rely on someone else to keep your looks up to par and you can't see them! Sure, you can do yourbrows, hair, lashes, and nails all on your own... But, it'll never look as good. 

Stylish Pandemic

U/hairbyheidileeoleyscription is back at it again! This time, her boyfriend is stunting the style of Amy Winehouse this time. He's really pulling off these looks!

Classic Forever 21 Hoodie

While doing a little quarantine cleaning, this woman found this hoodie. Even though it's supposed to be edgy (it's Forever 21) it's actually super timely now. Stay away!

He Did His Best

All of us have wanted to try the classic Pixar intro. Sadly, not all of us have the courage to try it. This man did. And this man failed at it miserably. 

A Work From Home Tip

This would work with any moving toy, so it's worth a try. This person found a battery operated T-Rex figure that will walk into his mouse all day long. Yes, I'm working!

My New Schedule

Before it was: breakfast at 8, lunch at 12:30, snack at 4, dinner at 6. Now, we get to have millions of food breaks while working from home. What a time to be alive.

DIY Haircut

This kid decided to do his own haircut because, "Why not? No one is going to see it and I wantd to try it." After this is all over, maybe he'll become a barber! He needs a lot more practice, though. 

At It Again

This one might be the best one from u/hairbyheidileeoley. He looks like he's straight out of Little House on the Praire. He's really rocking these hairstyles... That dog doesn't look into it, though.

Spot the Oil

Yes, this man put cooking oil and water on the floor to simulate a treadmill. People will really come to drastic measures now that the gyms are closed... Don't try this at home!

Battleship Across the Way

Over in Spain, they're playing battleship with neighbors. Breaking out the board games is a good idea, but if you live alone, then what's the point? Luckily, these two neighbors were able to play out of their windows. 

Using Your Imagination

It only took three days for this guy to build a sock puppet and destroy the town. Honestly, it is entertaining to watch those little cars go into the sock puppets mouth... What else is there to do? 

Taking The Dog For a Walk

Using a drone to walk the dog seems a bit scary, but if there are no cars on the road, then it's fine! Someone on their nightly walk found this sight and decided to record it.

The Best Look

This is a very 90s style! The butterfly clips are great... The fact that she even had them around to style her boyfriends hair like this is impressive. 

Meeting The New Baby

People are taking this social distancing stuff very seriously (as they should). This grandpa met his new grandson through the window of the home. No cuddles yet! 

Cleaning the Ice Box

Again: what else is there to do? If you get bored enough, this is definitely a good way to pass the time. Just remember how to put it back together! 

Spongebob Had the Right Idea

The gang's all here! Spongebob was headed in the right direction when he isolated himself because he was afraid to go outside... Life imitates art. 

Me, Myself, and I

He's handling this generally well... At least he's being creative! Let's hope he's not out there having full-on conversations with himself, though...

Script Writing

Well, kind of. This person spent two hours writing out the script for Uncut Gems on her chalkboard wall... It's pretty impressive! Her hand must be hurting, though. 

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The More You Know

  • Commercial flights were allowed to fly any course to their destination and would often detour over points of interest. This ended in 1956 when two planes crashed mid-flight over the Grand Canyon.
  • People write love letters to trees in Australia via email.
  • One area of Canada has a weaker gravitational pull than the rest of Earth.
  • Only one NFL team has a plant for a logo.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.