Restaurant Critic Exposes One Husband's Terrible Secret

Jackie and Mark were happily out on the town for their anniversary when an unexpected restaurant-goer snapped a picture of them together. Though most would think nothing of it, this photo had the potential to ruin one of their lives...

A Romantic Evening Out

Mark and Jackie were celebrating their six month anniversary at one of New York City's most sought-after restaurants. Mark had reserved a table a month in advance, and the seat still hadn't been guaranteed. However, that didn't really matter, as long as they were able to spend the evening together...

The "L" Word

Mark had been thinking about it for a while, and he thought it was time to tell Jackie how he really felt. Six months was a long time, and they'd spent most Friday and weekend evenings together. He wanted to take her somewhere special to share his feelings...

She Was Falling For Him, Too

Jackie had a feeling she knew this dinner was more special than any other. She also knew that she was falling for Mark, too. She thought this was the perfect place to tell him, too...

Plans for a Future

Jackie knew Mark was the man she wanted to marry, and she wondered if he felt the same way. She wondered if that was the occasion for the special dinner...

A Mysterious Figure At the Next Table 

At the table next to Mark and Jackie, Anna was sitting alone and taking notes on her meal. She was there on the job as a high-profile restaurant critic. Nobody seemed to notice when she started snapping pictures of the whole restaurant...

Her Opinion Meant Everything

Anna headed a popular dining feature in The New Yorker, and the restaurant had no idea she was coming. Though she didn't really keep a low profile, she did take very diligent notes and photos of the food, atmosphere, patronage, and service...

She Took One Important Photo In Particular

Aside from taking photos of the meal, Anna happened to capture a photo of Mark and Jackie at the table next to her. She thought it would add to the feature because they seemed like a happy and in love couple. Little did she know the effect publishing that photo would have...

An End To Their Romantic Date

After their dinner was over, Jackie asked if they should go back to Mark's place. As usual, he suggested her apartment instead. Jackie didn't want to think too much about it, but she'd only ever been to his house a handful of times in the entire six months of their relationship...

Another Typical Weekend

As usual, Mark stayed the weekend with Jackie at her place, though she wanted to bring up why they never went to his. She didn't think he was hiding something because he always had some kind of excuse. They'd been together long enough, though...

The New Yorker

Anna's column was published the next week, and the image of Jackie and Mark was featured front and center. She was proud of it and their image made for a good read, but the couple never even thought to look into it...

An Angry Phone Call

The morning the article was published, Mark was with Jackie in her apartment. His phone rang, and he didn't think anything of it, so he answered it on the speaker phone. The voice on the other end caught him completely off guard...

Caught In The Act

Mark absent-mindedly answered, with Jackie looking at the screen over his shoulder. The caller ID said "Unkown," but something seemed off. "I have to find out from a food critic in The New Yorker that you've been having an affair?" the voice said. 

A Complete Betrayal

Nobody knew what to say at that moment. Jackie was shocked. Mark was terrified. The woman on the phone, Laura, was silent. Jackie was the first to speak...

Completely Shocked

Jackie asked what the woman on the other end of the line meant. How was Mark having an affair? Who was she? And more importantly, who was he?

Facing the Music

"I saw a photo of you eating what appears to be a pretty romantic dinner with a woman who isn't your wife," the voice over the phone said. Jackie felt sick. Mark had been using her to cheat on his wife...

So Many Things Made Sense

The reason why he'd never really invited her over to his house, or why things looked suspiciously clean whenever she was there. The way he constantly made excuses, never checked his phone...  Jackie understood. She'd been used...

In Shock

Jackie couldn't believe this. She'd wanted to marry Mark. Turns out, he already was, and there was no way she could stay with him after hearing this. If she was smart, his wife would leave him, too...

No Easy Way Out

Mark didn't know what to do. He hastily told his wife that he'd talk to her soon, and hung up. He turned to Jackie and immediately tried to explain himself, but she wouldn't let him. She told him to leave...

The Consequences of His Actions

Mark had no choice but to leave Jackie's apartment. He felt terrible but had to go home and face his wife. Julia was waiting for him, and he was afraid to hear what she'd have to say...

Confronting His Lies

"So this is what you've been doing every weekend on your business meetings?" Juia said. She needed to know the truth, and Mark was humiliated and upset by what he had done...

Anna Had No Idea What She'd Done

Anna had no idea how much trouble her photo had caused. She'd just been doing her job, and now she'd aided in the ending of two relationships. Arguably, Mark was more at fault than she was, but he would have gotten away with it without her article...

Julia Wanted To Know Everything

Julia asked countless questions about Mark and Jackie. She wanted to know how thet met, how long they'd been seeing each other, and why exactly his own wife wasn't good enough for him. Mark was unsure what to do...

He Decided To Go Backwards

He explained they were at the same restaurant as the New Yorker columnist becuase Jackie wanted to celebrate their six month annivesary. He was careful to frame Jackie as the villain, but Julia could see through it. He went on...

Made-Up Business Trips

Because they lived in the city and Mark worked a high-profile Wall Street job, it was easy for him to make up business trips to keep him out of the house for a few days at a time. He admitted to faking so many of them and said he'd used the excuses to see Jackie...

Always Home Alone

Julia was devasted. All those nights and weekends home alone, blindly believing that her husband was working hard to give them a good life. He'd been taking advantage of her. She had an admittance of her own...

A Loaded Question

Julia asked if he cheated because she'd had so much trouble getting pregnant. They'd been trying for nearly a year with no luck. She tried to pinpoint the final negative test to a moment six months ago when Mark had started acting strange...

She'd Researched Infertility

Julia had assumed Mark's distant behavior was her fault. The fact that they might not be able to have children devasted her, and maybe it had driven him to an affair. Mark didn't want her to blame herself...

She Knew She Couldn't Stay

Mark insisted his behavior wasn't her fault, but he wanted to work on things. She knew in her heart that she couldn't do that, becuase if he'd make this mistake once, it could happen again. She told him how heartbroken she was...

No Coming Back From This

Julia told him she wouldn't be able to forgive him for cheating after the year they'd had. She was tired of listening to his excuses, and she didn't believe that he wanted to make things right. She'd had enough...

Their Marriage Was Over

Mark sadly agreed to her terms. If this was what she wanted, he couldn't fight her. He'd made the horrible mistake, and he'd have to live with it. If only Anna knew just how much pain she'd saved Julia from in the future.

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The More You Know

  • People don’t sneeze in their sleep due to their brain shutting down the reflex.
  • The shortest scientific –ology word is "oology."
  • J is the only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table.
  • Virginia is the only state that has the same state flower and state tree, the Dogwood.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.