Crazy Relics that People Found In Their Homes During Renovations

Undergoing a home renovation is usually a daunting task. Tearing apart the floors and walls is never fun, but finding some historical treasures sure makes it interesting! These homeowners and renters found some pretty bizarre things hidden in their homes...

Living Room Reno

Redoing any room in a new house can be exciting. You never know what you're going to find underneath those decades-old rugs! This couple was in for a bizarre treat when they lifted up their 70s shag rug...

A Hot Tub?

Apparently, the previous owners decided that they didn't want a hot tub in their living room anymore. So, they closed it up. Honestly, that was the wrong move. Who wouldn't want a hot tub in the middle of their home? Hopefully, the new owners kept it! 

Giant Monopoly

Pulling up an old carpet can be a hit or a miss with what's underneath. Sometimes, you get wonderful hardwood. Other times, you can old, gross linoleum. These people got neither.

Anyone Down to Play?

Someone must have really liked Monopoly, but not enough to keep the board exposed! As fun as the game can be, having a constant reminder of one of the most stressful family games in history might not be good for your mental health...

Ordinary Bathroom Reno...

... Or, so they thought. This homeowner wanted to revamp their aging and dated bathroom starting with the medicine cabinet. When they started removing panels of the cabinet, they found a secret compartment!

Secrets, Secrets

At first glance, this doesn't seem off or weird. But to this experienced DIY home renovator, he noticed that this had been removed from the original design. Digging a little deeper, he ended up finding some valuable treasure!

Hidden Goods

It was apparent that someone hid these objects for safekeeping. What could the story be? Were they meant to be found? Were they forgotten? The note read, "From Emma (unintelligible) and family." This led the homeowner to believe that it was meant to be a time capsule!


The objects in question included coins from the 1960s, jewelry, and random tools. It looked like they left their wedding rings, too! These weren't "ancient" by any means, but they did tell a story from years prior...

Coins for Days

Whoever hid these really wanted the finders to see all of the coins that they'd collected. They used an Alka-seltzer tin to hide them. They definitely stood the test of time hiding out in that tin! They weren't tarnished at all.

A Beautiful Ring and More Coins

It's crazy to think that someone left their own diamond ring behind... Unfortunately, the homeowner wasn't able to get answers behind the find. If anything, they wanted to return the ring to the owner or a living relative. After all, it's a very sentimental piece.

Brand New Office

Someone was helping their father move into a new office. The office was located on the first floor of an old building. While they were moving in, they noticed something odd...

A Trap Door

They noticed a trap door in the floor! That was not something the leaser told them about when they rented the office space. What else was there to do but open it and check it out?

An Ancient Basement

When they opened the trap door, they were met with some foreboding steps into the darkness. They managed to turn on a little light, which showed tons of old papers, pieces of wood, and smaller items that they couldn't make out just by looking at them... So, they decided to dive in! 

Jam-Packed with Stuff

It looked like someone had been living down there for years! There were tons of papers, old objects, and supplies in the basement. The owner of the building assumed that it was just an old storage area...

Old Newspaper

They even found an old newspaper buried underneath everything! Unfortunately, they couldn't tell what year it was from because it had been ripped up, but the imagery is reminiscent of the 1920s.

The basement was even bigger than they had imagined! It had tons of different rooms and hallways to explore. That definitely wasn't in the lease!


They even found an old and tarnished blueprint. Even though they tried to inspect it, they couldn't figure out what it could be a blueprint for. It had old paint and rust on it, which made it even harder to scope out.

More Blueprints!

They ended up finding even more blueprints! Could it be for the building, or did an architect rent out space some years prior? Unfortunately, the owner still had no answers, so everything was left to being a mystery!

Another Trap Door

This trap door was hidden under a very old carpet in someone's home. When she bought the house, the owner had no idea that there was an old cellar! So, what mysteries would be inside?

Old Staircase

This dusty old staircase does not look very sturdy, but it didn't stop anyone from going down into the cellar! Honestly, who wouldn't go in there? You gotta see what's going on beneath your house!

There Was A Lot Going On

They were totally surprised at what they found! It looked like someone had been pickling old fruits and vegetables or something... They left all of their goods in the cellar! 

Old Alcohol

Turns out they left some old alcohol, too. It was either used for the pickling/jarring or for the person to sip on while they were working. It was super bizarre for the owner to see the entire operation that was under her house... It looked like it was stuck in time!

Not Your Average Medicine Cabinet

At first glance, this medicine cabinet just looked dirty and rusty... But then, the homeowner noticed something that he'd never seen before. There was a tiny slit in the back of the cabinet.

Razer Blades?

Right above the slit was a tiny little label that read "razor blades." Obviously, the homeowner was confused as to what that even meant since that wasn't something one would see in the 21st Century. So, they decided to follow where the hole led to...

A Bunch of Razor Blades!

Well, that makes sense! The homeowner found a bunch of rusty razor blades in their wall. Apparently, this was pretty common back in the day. Razor blades were deemed too unsafe to throw in the garbage, so instead, they opted to throw the razor blades into the walls of their house.

It Was Normal

Weirdly enough, a lot of people have found stuff like this in their homes! For example, this person found a ton of old razor blades. Let's be glad this isn't a thing anymore, or else hour homes would be full of these things.

Trap Doors are the Best Doors

Trap doors must have been way more common back in the day! Once again, this homeowner was innocently pulling up old carpet and stumbled upon this bizarre door in the floor...

When they opened it up, it was stuffed to the brim with random construction items. It was as if someone just picked up and left without taking any of their belongings...

Wait, There's More!

The homeowner didn't realize this at first, but then saw that there was an actual hallway down there! They decided to move all of the objects out of the way to try and see what was going on underneath their home...

More and More Space

Needless to say, this homeowner had no idea what was hiding underneath their home! Albeit a bit spooky, it was an exciting discovery. After all, now they had much more space in their home than they had realized.

Well, Well, Well

The builder decided to take some creative liberty and keep the well in the middle of the dining room of this home... Instead of building over it, he decided to put some glass over it so people can still see inside. It was definitely a choice!

Space Mural

Someone was taking off really old wallpaper in their home when they uncovered this mural! Someone must have been really into space when they were a kid and then "grew up" a bit. Honestly, this should never have been wallpapered over, to begin with!

Elvis' Shampoo

Who knew that Elvis had a shampoo brand back in the day? This old bottle was found in the attic of an older home. That's a pretty cool relic!

A Sword?

The last thing you'd expect from a home renovation is finding a sword, right? This was found under the dirt floor in a century-old home. How do you leave that in the floorboards like that?

Bank Turned Walgreens

This local Walgreens made great use of the new space they rented out. The venue used to be a bank, hence the vault. Instead of getting rid of it, Walgreens actually decided to use it to their advantage as the "vitamin vault." Who would have guessed that all of those vitamins would be back there?

Express Mail Slot

This is an old-timey mail slot in an older apartment building. The building was built in 1929, and back then residents would put their mail in this slot that would send it down to the mailroom in the basement. It's cool that the building decided to keep this!

Time to Reno

This person knowingly bought a '70s "love shack" with their intention to renovate it. They decided to share their heart-shaped bathtub fitted with shag carpeting on the side. Yes, it was definitely time to renovate.

Basement Art

While renovating their basement, this homeowner found this art on the cement blocks behind the wood paneling. It seems like a lot of people love to leave little Easter Eggs behind while they renovate their homes for future owners to find!

A Spoon?

"I just noticed my back handle is a spoon," the homeowner wrote. It's easy for these little things to go unnoticed! The previous owner must have been quite thrifty.

Painted Advertisements

Back in the day, people used to paint advertisements on the sides of buildings. This building was getting new siding, so this old advertisement resurfaced! Lunch for 40 cents? This must have been old!

Tom and Jerry? You There?

Some resident mice chewed through this persons wall to make some classic Tom and Jerry holes! Most people don't realize that this was an actual thing that happened in older houses. 

Going Up!

This person saved this elevator handle from a yard sale. Apparently, it's over 100-years-old! He could wire it up to open up his garage or something! 

Fishy Sketches

Yet another behind-the-wallpaper find. After all, there's no real harm in drawing on walls that you're going to wallpaper over anyway! It's a nice little surprise for the next person to find.

Paint for Years

This homeowner had a hunch that their new home had lots of years worth of paint. And they were right! This chip in the wall shows the decades of paint colors that the walls had seen. There has got to be at least 20 different colors!

Exciting Day for Cork Tile!

Laying the cork tile must have been a family affair. Even 8-year-old Nicole and 7-year-old Wade got in on it! The 20-year-old tile had definitely ran its course.

Nature, but Made it Art

This home was built around a sandstone rock, so the contractor made the executive decision to just keep it and incorporate it in the home. Honestly, it's a choice. It does look cool though! 

A Horrifying Hallway

When checking out your new apartment building, the last thing you'd expect is to find a tunnel underneath. This tunnel is also 1 mile long, with paintings just like these all the way down it. It's unclear why the tunnel was even there in the first place.

Farmhouse Chic

This door looks like what every Pinterest mother aims for. It's actually an old cellar door because this home was renovated from an old police station. Creepy!

Old Switches

Older houses usually have these! They started putting these push light switches in houses back in the 1920s. It's rare to find a switch like this nowadays.

Dr. Dre? Is That You?

This is a fan in someone's old apartment bathroom. The logo on the fan is the same exact logo as Beats by Dr. Dre... This vent must be at least 60 years old!

Shower In the Bedroom

This couple stumbled upon a very odd feature in a home they were looking to move into. Apparently, this guest room also had a shower in it. Not a bathroom. Just a shower.


During a demo of a their new home, a couple found old chains in the walls. The home was build in the 1930s, but that doesn't explain why there would be a chain in the wall! They should probably do some more investigating. 

Making Use of the Vault

 "My house used to be a bank," the owner wrote, "so we use the old safe/vault as a basement." It seems weird that someone could buy an old bank and convert it into a home. It's even weirder that they would keep the vault!

When Coloring on the Walls is Okay

Parents usually hate when their kids draw on the walls, but this seemed to be an exception! After all, it was getting covered up anyway.

The Spice Girls

"It's the 5th October, 1997. If the Spice Girls are still popular next time this rooms decorated, I'll eat my overalls. By Dad." Sounds like someone wasn't a fan of the Spice Girls!

Historical Electricity 

This person's apartment buildinig has the original electrical switches from 1909! Obviously, they're still in working order... They probably work even better than newer ones due to the quality of the parts.

More Light Switches!

More push light switches, except with a twist! This person was so posh that they labeled the switch for the hallway. That's pretty smart!

McDonald's, Anyone?

Someone discovered an old McDonald's cup advertising the 1988 US Olympic Team in their kitchen wall. Hopefully, there wasn't any old soda left inside...

Think that Phone Number Works?

Someone went into their attic and stumbled upon this old hanger. It was so old that the telephone number of the company who sold them only had four digits! 

My Yard Is Not Your Trashcan

A pair of homeowners decided to do some backyard demolition. That's when they found these old cans buried deep in the dirt! The can on the far left is actually canned Gatorade...

An Authentic Edison Bulb

This is a true, authentic Edison bulb! This person found it in their grandparent's basement. The house was built in 1902, so it's safe to say that this bulb is at least 100-years-old! 

Old Newspapers are The Best

Who doesn't love a good old newspaper? This was found in someone's roof during a home remodel. It was from 1907!

Ah, A Calculator!

Honestly, if the word "calculator" wasn't on there I probably wouldn't have known that it was, indeed, a calculator. This was found in someone's great-grandmother's attic! It's in pretty good condition, too.

Bring Back These Marriage Certificates!

This looks so cool! This marriage certificate is from 1895. Someone found it in their cabin that they were renovating.

Someone Had a Sweet Tooth

This person found a Milky Way wrapper that had a 1961 copyright on it! Someone must have had a sweet tooth and took their snacks to the basement, not even knowing that they left some evidence behind.

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The More You Know

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  • Pilots and their co-pilots are required to eat different meals before flights so that they don’t both end up with food poisoning.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.