Ultimate Cringeworthy Selfie Fails

Feelin' Myself

Even if this was intentional, it's still extremely funny. That's pretty much how we all feel when we look into that side of the beauty mirror... It ain't cute!

Caught You Lookin'

Mirrors can really betray people. Or expose them. There was absolutely no way that this guy knew that he would be caught checking out her rear end by this oddly placed mirror. Karma just works out that way!

Everyone with a cell phone or camera has taken a photo of themselves. We live in a social-media-obsessed time and getting the perfect selfie takes some serious practice. Unfortunately for these folks, their tragic selfie skills turned out to be total disasters...

Looks Can Be Deceiving

This girl has a beautiful dress on and looks really well put together, but her room totally says otherwise. It the midst of the disgusting mess, someone noticed that there was a rat roaming around. Whether it was a pet rat or not is unknown, but something here says that it’s not...

You're In For It

Kids know exactly how to push their parents' buttons. The girl taking the selfie took a photo at the exact moment this little kid pushed the exact right button to set his mom off. Kids are evil.

"Found Me In The Future"

This guy was at an event for his kids when he noticed that his literal twin from the future was at the event as well. The fact that they're wearing the same bright yellow polo is funny enough, but they really do look alike! 

Is That Who I Think It Is?

Apparently, he-who-shall-not-be-named also likes to enjoy concerts in the park. These girls had no idea that pure evil was sitting behind them at the event. The fact that they caught him in the background of their photo was just pure dumb luck.

The Roommates Are Going Crazy

There are three people in the photo. The selfie-taker, the manic wall hugger, and the slug that's laying on the floor. That is exactly what having roommates is like.

Going To See Ke$ha!

Dads really like to overdo it, don't they? This dad was taking his daughters to see Ke$ha and wanted to look the part. Apparently, his youngest daughter wasn't too pleased with his outfit...

Dad's Are Brutal

A majority of us grew up with the privilege of not having a dad who walks around in his underwear. Sadly, there are a small few who did not have such a privilege and have photos like this one. Was this an accident or a cruel joke? We'll never know.

Getting Creative

Another very sad "bae took this" photo. This time, he was using his feet and an iPad, which is pretty impressive. If only the mirror didn't sabotage is fire picture. 

Get a Good Angle

It's hard to flex your muscles while also holding a camera, so sometimes you have to call in backup. That's where mom comes in. Unfortunately, she didn't realize that she was also in the background of this picture. At least she's proud of him, and that's all that matters.

There's a Mirror There

The bathroom is one of the few places where you're truly alone. This usually means that it's a great place for a photo op without any judgement. One main thing to takeaway frmo this is to realize what's in the background of your selfie...

Dad, Please

Her dad tried to embarrass her by photobombing her selfie, but he actually just played himself. She's definitely her father's daughter... They both have that sass! 

Another Sad, Lonely Fail

This girl went above and beyond. She laid down, threw some chips onto her shirt, and pretended to sleep before snapping a pic of herself. Yes, she posted it as, "bae caught me sleeping!" Yes, it is as sad as you think it is. 

I Hate It Here

These girls captured the moment when one of their mothers came home from a long day of work. Having a teenager is tough sometimes! You can tell by the look on her face that she was done. 


This guy and his dog are mean mugging in this selfie. They got to the top of the mountain and wanted to show off their impressive feat. His girlfriend, on the other hand, wanted to do the same thing but wasn't in the same mood. Her selfie is much funnier!

A Bit Parched

All this kid wanted to do was show off some of his prom swag. Instead, he got a decently good picture in a poorly lit bathroom with his cat drinking out of the toilet in the background. You can't win them all. At least his dad isn't half-naked somewhere in the background. 

In The Bathroom, Don't Text

Something about this photo says that it was on purpose... Honestly, that is a pretty odd placement. I wouldn't trust anyone in there with a huge mirror behind me!

Can I Have a Moment of Your Time?

This dog is just trying to do his job. He didn't mean to be in the background, he's just trying to sell products for his pyramid scheme business. 

Having Too Much Fun

Everyone was having a fun family day in the sun and were busy taking pictures. One family seemed to have taken it a bit far when they were posing with a Civil War-era cannon... At least they had fun.

A Little Help Over Here

Sorry pal, the selfie game doesn't stop just because you're falling or drowning or whatever in the bathtub. This mother knew that this selfie was so good it was worth putting on Facebook... even if her kid is acting a fool in the background.

"Professional" Fitness Trainer

This fitness trainer posted this photo for a brand deal for something that helped her tone her abs. Apparently, she doesn't care too much about her health because she left her dog's poo sitting on the indoor potty mat! That's gross! I wouldn't trust her advice whatsoever. 

Bae Took This!

Mirrors are the ultimate curses in selfies. This girl tried to pretend that her partner was taking the photo, but she was totally exposed by that mirror... Absolutely tragic.

Lonely Hearts Club

And another one. This basically just goes to show how lonely these people are. Some people just want photos of themselves sleeping, okay?

Can't a Guy Get Some Privacy?

These girls were too busy to try and get the perfect selfie that they didn't realize their friend had the door bathroom door wide open! Honestly, they probably love this photo even more now that it embarrasses their friend. 

No Pictures!

This camel made it clear as day that it didn't want to be in the photo... Hopefully, those scars will teach this person to avoid taking pictures with wild animals! 

Put a Shirt On, Dad

Once again, another dad ruins the shot with his dad-ness. To be fair, he are in the comfort of his own home and aren't probably expecting to be photographed. That's what having a teenager is like! 

Ready For My Close Up

The guy who posted this said he left his phone in the grass while he was cleaning up the yard. When he was scrolling through his photos later that day, he found this. Even puppies want to take selfies!

Not So Tough

This guy was obviously going for a tough-guy selfie. His stone-cold face, mullet, and bandana really tie in the mood of the photo. The background of the selfie definitely ruins the mood, that's for sure.

Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty

The guy in the sunglasses found the guy in the glasses asleep in the library. He decided to try and sneak a picture with him... But then he woke up! And yet, he still took another picture despite getting caught.

A Locker Room Is Not the Place

These fellas were celebrating a win with a well-earned selfie. They even had to use a selfie stick to get everyone in the shot! And everyone got in the shot, including the guy who was just trying to take a shower. They really didn't think this group photo through.

Maybe Don't Do This

This selfie qualifies as a fail because it was taken while a person was in surgery. Not only is that not sanitary, it's disrespectful! I wouldn't want my nurse taking photos while I was under...

Is Someone Watching Me?

This is were that Michael Jackson song comes into play... She took a nice photo of herself in her bathroom for everyone to see, including the guy hiding in her shower. Obviously, this was just a funny joke between two friends, but creepy nonetheless!


This kitty managed to snap a picture of itself on its owner's iPad. Somehow, even while doing nothing, it looks like it's mad.

Keep Your Head Up

It was a beautiful, sunny day for baseball. All she wanted to do was take a picture at the fields... This is sadly a reality for a lot of people who weren't paying attention at the ball game. Getting a baseball to the head is not fun. 

Saving Lives, NBD

These two paramedics spent the evening with the guy in the bed. They found him passed out on the street after a night of partying. They helped him sober up and tucked him into sleep before taking this legendary selfie.

Horse Butt

The horses butt wouldn't have been so obvious if the camera didn't solely focus on it. To be fair, the guys face is totally over exposed and the picture wouldn't have really come out well... It was a good thing that the horses butt was the center of attention. 

This Looks Like a Normal Photo...

And it is a normal photo! But, one of these guys stole a phone and took this photo with it. They had no idea that the iCloud was still hooked up to it, so it ended up on the phone's owner's computer. Yes, they got busted.

Midnight Snack

These two friends were getting ready to go out. The one wanted to take a selfie, while the other wanted to snack on a corndog. Obviously, they both ended up getting in the selfie... even if the other friend had no idea.

Watch Your Back

That ice cream looks delicious and was definitely selfie worthy. Her dog thought so too... I wonder how long it lasted because the dog jumped over the seat to snag it?

I'm Tired

After a long day at the pool, her little sister was ready for a nap. She was most certainly NOT ready for this selfie! Let the girl be.

Starting His Career Early

This little kid managed to get a pretty decent photo of his parents. He got them in frame and everything! Maybe he'll be a world-famous photographer...

Just Mom Things

Being a mom is a full-time job! Kids don't stop for anything, even if teenage girls are having a photoshoot in the bathroom. Keep on truckin'!

One With Nature

This girl was really one with nature... So much so that she didn't even notice she laid down next to some scat! Granted, it totally blended in with the ground. Hopefully there weren't other other surprises underneath her. 

Headed To The Pool!

This girl was visiting her grandparents in Florida and was flexing her "sick" vacation online. She was going to take advantage of the free pool... at the elderly living community. For some reason, we're not very jealous.

I Need to Use the Bathroom

She must have been taking too long in the bathroom... Her brother was tired of it and was trying to intimidate her into leaving. His efforts were duly noted in the reflection behind her!

Who Doesn't Drink Straight From the Faucet?

This must be a normal thing since she's so unbothered by her child drinking from the sink. She also might have been too self-involved to realize that her kid was sitting in the sink like that...Woof.

She Caught Me!

Another very sad and lonely post of, "My girlfriend caught me getting in the car!" Sorry, dude. We know you don't have a girlfriend. You're a pretty good actor, though.

Takin' a Dump

This photo would have been absolutely adorable if the dog wasn't doing its business in the background! Although, something tells me that the dad knew exactly what he was doing with the framing of this photo... It's pretty funny. 

Watch Your Hands

You're not being sneaky when there's a huge mirror behind you! He probably thought he was being a bit cheeky, but instead, he basically exposed himself for being a bit of a weirdo. She doesn't look like she minds, though. 

Really, No Pants?

It's always an exciting day when you get a new haircut. This woman had her boyfriend take a photo of her new do... Apparently, she couldn't wait for him to put on any clothing for the picture. She even tagged him in it, which makes me think that she posted this knowing he was obviiously in the background. People are weird.

When You See It

To be honest, this photo isn't really that great in the first place. The only reason it was probably worth keeping was the excellent photobomb by their creeper friend! 

Bye, Grandpa

Hey, everyone grieves differently. At least she's wearing black! In all seriousness, Grandpa back there isn't actually dead... He just has the best mirror in the house. 

A Ring and a Baby!

They got engaged, which is exciting. They got pregnant, which is also exciting. What's not fun is that they probably got engaged because they got pregnant... That was made pretty evident in this lack of cropping. 

Party Pooper

This was back in the day when a duck-face and peace sign constituted a good selfie. Tragically, her fire selfie was ruined by this guy in the back. There might be more to the story here. Maybe they were engaged in a bitter road rage battle and this was the end result. Either way, this would make a decent profile picture. 

Peace and Love

This young revolutionary is just trying to spread peace and love to his elders. That look is unnecessary! If anything, the older man should have hopped in with him.

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

At first glance, this is a pretty smart idea. She wanted to take a selfie while also showing off her favorite jersey, so she put that mirror to work. Now, in hindsight, it wasn't such a great idea. Her favorite soccer player spells something that it shouldn't when it's backwards...

No Muscles Here

From the front, his arms look great. He looks like he's working out and seeing some progress. From the reflection of the mirror, he looks like he's trying way too hard. He probably doesn't even go to the gym! 

Gnarly Road Burn

He spent the day shredding on his skateboard and had the scars to prove it. He took a tumble and got road burn all up his arm! He wanted to take a picture to show his friends on Facebook, but ended up showing a little more than what he wanted to...

This Is My Good Side

Just three girls hangin' out. The dog knew which side was her good side. She made this picture worth posting. 

Grandma's For Dinner!

The male curse of only walking around in your underwear never ends... Even Grandpa fell victim to it. To be fair, he probably couldn't see that he was in the reflection!

Is That What I Think It Is...

These girls had no idea what was crawling right next to them until they took a selfie... Maybe selfies really do save lives?

Ready To Go Out... Just Need Pants

Reflections... They'll get ya! He obviously had no idea what he was showing everyone what he's got. Sometimes, people are too focused on what they look like in the photo that they don't realize that's going on in the background. 

Helping a Girl Out

The mirror wasn't long enough to get the whole outfit, so this woman enlisted some help. Luckily, her kid was able to get the right angle for a fire shot. There's nothing wrong with helping your mom out!

What Are You Doing?

Her poor mother just wanted to let her know that dinner was ready... She didn't think that she was going to walk into this! Kids will be kids...

So Much Traffic, Right?

She really couldn't have waited until she was fully parked to take this selfie. She had to take a selfie while she was driving with her coffee in her hand and lied about traffic. No, girl, that's just reckless! 

When You're Not at a Nudist Beach

This guy was abusing pretty much everyone at the beach with his choice to go bottom-less. This girl decided that the situation needed to be documented, so she did her best sneaky selfie to show everyone just what they were dealing with. 

Granny Panties

Instead of showing off her new haircut, she ended up showing off her very comfortable set of underpants. She didn't think it was a big deal, obviously, but others did! They're comfortable, what's the problem with that?!

Get Out of Mommy's Shot

Moms are allowed to take selfies, too. Sometimes, the selfies get ruined when their kid toddles into the shot... But, if the photo is good, then what does it matter? 

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The More You Know

  • Bubble wrap was originally designed to be used as wallpaper.
  • Bill Gates plans to donate 95% of his $81.1 billion dollar wealth to charity. That's about $77 billion dollars!
  • Goats have accents.
  • The richest superhero is actually Black Panther, who has an estimated of $500 billion, whereas Tony Stark is worth $100 billion and Bruce Wayne $80 billion.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.