Set Yourself Free With These Spring Cleaning Life Hacks

Cleaning Your Shower With Dryer Sheets

Have you been looking for a streak-free shine but don't want to use harsh chemicals? Cleaning your shower with a dryer sheet is probably your best bet. Shine the glass outer and any glass on the outside of the shower to de-scum and de-streak for cheap. 

Clean Cobwebs With a Tennis Ball

The best part about tennis balls is the cool static qualities that they have. The tight weave of these little green spheres stores a fair deal of static electricity. Just swipe your pesky cobwebs with a tennis ball and viola! You will be cobweb lens in seconds. 


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The More You Know

  • Dab a dot of toothpaste onto a bug bite to reduce the itchiness and swelling, and get back to the great outdoors!
  • Every homeowner should have a flexible-shaft pick-up tool for grabbing stuff out of hard-to reach spots. They're also great for yanking clogs out of drains!
  • t's easy to clean baked-on food and spills from your microwave Here's how: Partially fill a measuring or coffee cup with water and add a slice of lemon. Boil the water for a minute, and then leave the door closed and let the steam loosen the mess.
  • Here's a great way to keep track of your daily water intake. Draw lines on your water bottle with a marker pen, and then write the time beside the marked level.
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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.