6-Year-Old Cancer Survivor Gets the Coolest Recovery Gift

6-year-old Alexander Gintchin and his family were devastated after learning of the young boy’s cancer diagnosis. Luckily though, he beat the tragic disease and would be able to have a long, healthy life. This was a reason to celebrate, and the celebration would change his life forever…

Meeting Alexander

Alexander Gintchin was a normal 6-year-old living in Broomfield, Colorado. He had two loving parents, Lazar and Tzvetanka, but he also had a favorite activity that he spent all his time on.

Lego Fiend

Alexander loved his parents, his family, and above all, Lego building blocks. He was the absolute biggest Lego fiend out there and loved spending his time playing and building. But things weren’t always so fun, carefree, and easy…

Something Found

One day, Alexander’s parents found a bump behind their child’s ear. They rushed him to the hospital and received the terrible news.

A Survivor

The bump was bad news. It was a tumor, and soon he contracted cancer known as Rhabdomyosarcoma. The tumor is very rare and affects the child’s soft tissue.

A Rare Find

The tumor only affects about 5 percent of childhood cancer patients in the United States of America. He had several surgeries to correct the problem.

Starting Over

After his many surgeries, Alexander began chemotherapy. His parents said it was difficult on him physically, but the child got through it with flying colors.

Safe For Now

The chemotherapy was a success, but going forward, Alexander has to return for check-ups every three months. If they don’t catch it again, it could be fatal.

World Wish Day

Alex’s condition made him eligible for World Wish Day, a day that celebrates the tradition of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. He already had an idea for what his wish would be.

Colorado Make-A-Wish

Colorado Make-A-Wish dedicated the day to helping over 250 children with their wishes. Alexander’s wish was a clear favorite though, and for good reason…

Lego House

Ed Sheeran once sang about a Lego House, and Alexander took those lyrics literally. He wanted a whole house made out of legos. The team didn’t hesitate and began working right away.

Getting to Work

It took 20 volunteers to create Alexander’s dream mansion. It took 5 weekends in the Gintchin basement to complete the final product. But Alexander’s reaction made it all worth it…

The Reveal

After 5 curiosity-inducing weeks, Alex was finally allowed to see the final product. The crew’s hard work paid off. Alexander bowled over he was so happy to see the house…

The Mansion

The Lego house was complete and it was magical! The 8-foot by 10-foot house was everything Alexander had dreamed of and more. When asked if it was what he was hoping for, the child said: “No, it’s better!” It also came with some cool features…

Standing Watch

Outside the small Lego cottage, a small Lego man guards the entrance. In case anyone got the wrong address, it even has Alexander’s name out front! But there’s still so much more…

Saying Hello

Though he was eager to see what was on the inside, Alexander took the time to say hello to his new employee, as well as check out some more amenities…

Mail Time

Outside of his new digs, right beside his new guard, there was a working Lego mailbox for Alexander to receive letters. But what else did the house have to offer?

On the Side

To remind Alexander how insanely crazy it is that this house is made of Legos, the logo looms over the side of the house. Tiny Lego workers line the logo, hopefully keeping the place in tip-top shape! But it’s what’s on the inside that counts…

Trekking Inside

Though he was thoroughly impressed by the exterior of his new home away from home, Alexander decided it was time to venture inside, and he was very excited to see what was beyond the door…

Seeing Inside

Inside was a paradise of Lego, including some limited edition Lego stars hung up on the wall. Alexander was thrilled, but it wasn’t over just yet…

Rest and Relaxation

There was also a couch inside (a normal couch, a Lego one sounds a little uncomfortable!) The surprises didn’t stop there…

Picture Perfect

Also inside were some framed lego photos of some of Alexander’s happiest memories with his parents. Here, he and Lazar look at a Lego alarm clock. Still, there was more to explore…

Loft Living

The coolest part of the loft might have been the loft bed which Alexander could get to via a multicolored ladder. It was a dream come true, but the dream wasn’t over yet…

The Write Stuff

In the back of the house, Alexander had a small desk where he could color, write, or better yet, build more Legos! But how did he feel about all of this?

Very Happy

Overall, Alexander seemed very happy with his new house within his old house. But the team had a few more presents for their new friend…

Gifts of Giving

Outside, the team had collected tons of gifts for young Alexander. The beautifully wrapped presents made him happier than Christmas Day. And some of these gifts were even better than the house…

Lego Legacy

Many of the gifts were Lego toys! What better way to play in a Lego house than with a box full of new building bricks? Still, not everything was Lego…

Ready to Read

Also in the gifts are some books for Alexander to look over while he gets better at reading. Of course, they’re all Lego books. But there were a few more things worth looking at…

Lego Looks

Alexander also got a large Lego t-shirt to commemorate his unreal Make-A-Wish day. It was big enough that he’d be able to grow into it and always would be able to remember this day…

Happy to Help

The volunteers who came out were ecstatic to hear that Alexander loved his new Lego house and Lego gifts. They were so happy that he was happy, and would be living a happy life with this memory…

A Happy Ending

For now, Alexander Gintchin is smiling, healthy, and a homeowner. His parents are just pleased to have their son in their home (or rather in a home within their home). Alexander is excited to build more Lego structures and build a long, happy life.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.