A Selfie With His Dog Led to a Full-On Police Investigation

Michigan resident, Dan Tillery, had finally found his dream rescue pup. He and his girlfriend were firm believers in animal adoption and knew their next furry friend would be one that needed a second chance at life. As soon as they saw Diggy, they knew he was the one. Adopting Diggy, though, would cause a wild chain of events that would change their lives and their town forever. And it all started with a smiling selfie…

The Lost Dog

When a two-year-old stray was picked up by animal control in Detroit, a local no-kill shelter, Detroit Dog Rescue, came to pick up some of the dogs and get them out of harm’s way. It seemed like he would be in good hands…

Left Behind

The problem was, the rescue had already loaded 12 dogs into their van, and they were out of space. The two-year-old dog would be left behind. He sat in the holding kennel, alone, hoping for a second chance…

Saving Grace

Luckily, DDR’s executive director, Kristina Rinaldi, refused to just leave him behind. They had no space left in the van but she had driven separately and decided to take him in her own car. This simple action led to a chain of events that no one ever could have predicted…

Sir Wiggleton

Soon, the volunteers with DDR discovered his unique and silly personality and instantly fell in love with him. When he got excited he would wiggle around giving him the new name: Sir Wiggleton. It suited him, and he deserved a happy ending…

Waiting it Out

Sir Wiggleton got the standard veterinary care and socialization that all the DDR intakes did. The posted pictures of him on their social media pages hoping a family would see him and want to meet him, but months went by and nobody reached out…

New Homeowners

Over an hour away from DDR, musician Dan Tillery and his girlfriend had purchased their first home. In their old rental, they weren’t allowed pets, but now that they were homeowners, it was time to find a new family member. Dan stumbled across DDR’s facebook page in his search for the perfect companion…

Searching for the One

They searched local shelters until they came across Sir Wiggleton. They saw photos of this quirky and silly pup and could tell he had tons of personality. They knew they had to get the ball rolling in order to take in this special dog…

Two Visitors

DDR was thrilled that Dan and his girlfriend were interested in meeting Sir Wiggleton. They knew he was special and the volunteers were thrilled that he would have a chance at a forever home. First, they had to take him for a visit to Dan’s home for a trial run…

Forever Home

Sir Wiggleton hoped in the car for his freedom ride and when he arrived at Dan’s home, the meet and greet couldn’t have gone better. Sir Wiggleton made himself right at home. After 100 days in the shelter, he had found his forever home. Or had he…

New Family, New Name

The couple decided to rename him Diggy, and the three of them were having so much fun. Diggy woke up his new dad with kisses and he was always excited to go on adventures with his new parents. They took tons of photos and shared them with their friends online, little did they know, however, that this would have major consequences…

Going Viral

Dan posted countless photos of his new little furball on his social media pages. This goofy and photogenic pup made lots of people smile. DDR also shared Dan’s updates with their Facebook followers. Little did they know, this would go in a direction nobody expected…

Viral Sensation

The post that DDR shared quickly went viral, receiving over 24,000 likes within a few days. People were loving this silly pair. But in sharing this innocent photo of pure joy, DDR saw this happy story take a very sad turn…

Breaking the Law

The adorable photo was forwarded to the Waterford Township Police Department. There was something about Diggy that forced the police to pursue action against Dan Tillery. The police were tipped off about a violation of the law. Meanwhile, Dan was just enjoying life with his new best friend, until one day there was a knock at the door…

Unexpected Visitors

Dan opened the door and came face to face with police officers. They said they had come in response to a photo he had shared on social media. Dan tried to figure out what he could have possibly done wrong. They told him he had broken the law and would suffer the consequences…

The Law

According to the officers, Diggy was a pit bull and their township had an ordinance in place since 1990 outlawing the breed. According to police, Dan had broken the law. The legislation existed based on the reputation that pit bulls had of being vicious and dangerous, but Diggy was everything but! Dan was so upset, he had no idea what would happen to his precious pup…

Licks and Kisses

The officers were wary of Diggy, but Diggy said hello to them with kisses and tail wags. They were shocked because the law they were there to enforce seemed to not apply to Diggy, but the law was the law. So they let Dan know his options…

Two Choices

The police officers told Dan that he had to surrender his dog or face the consequences. Dan refused. He was not going to surrender Diggy without a fight—this dog was so loving and he was going to do whatever it took to make sure they were not torn apart. The officers left Dan with a deadline to decide his fate…

Time to Decide

The deadline they gave him came and went and Dan refused to surrender Diggy. Dan was cited by the police for violating the town’s law forbidding pit bulls. Dan contacted DDR and together, he and Kristina went to the police station to discuss the matter. But the outcome was less than ideal…

Important Details

The police told him that he would be given a ticket for violation of Waterford’s civil code. But there was one MAJOR detail that the officers were overlooking that could change the entire scenario for Diggy and Dan…

American Bulldog

Diggy was not a pit bull. Dan knew this since adopting him that his dog was, in fact, an American Bulldog. It was even written on the paperwork from the DDR adoption. He told police officers that he was simply not going to surrender Diggy no matter what, and so, he received another citation. The fight had just begun…

Viral Pt. 2

Dan posted about the situation on his social media hoping that someone might be able to help. Once word spread about his predicament, people stood up to his defense. The Michigan Humane Society even got involved to do something big…

Step One

Their supporters started an online petition against the breed ban. Banning a specific breed punished dogs and did not hold irresponsible owners and trainers accountable—this wasn’t the dog’s fault. The petition gained some pretty good traction…

Gaining Traction

The petition spread like wildfire garnering over 54,000 signatures in a very short amount of time. Dan decided to also hire a lawyer—he was not giving up on Diggy, and they were ready to go the distance to fight for him…

Covering Their Bases

Dan and Kristina, from DDR, did everything by the books as far as Diggy’s adoption was concerned. Kristina knew that pit bulls were banned in Dan’s area but she had confirmed with authorities prior to the adoption that American Bulldogs were permitted. Dan even made sure to register Diggy as an American Bulldog to they had the proper paper trail, however, so far, it didn’t seem like the police cared…

The Waterford Town Hall

A local town hall was scheduled and people from all over flocked to the meeting in support of Dan and Diggy. The issue had pulled at the heartstrings of so many people, and hundreds of them gathered at the Waterford Township town hall meeting to show how angry they were about the situation. Things got pretty heated…

Tax Dollars at Work

People were not shy about speaking up at the meeting. One woman angrily discusses how people’s tax dollars were being spent to fund unjust and ridiculous laws. Nearby townships had repealed similar laws, even. The people all agreed that the issue was irresponsibility on behalf of dog owners, not the dogs. Then, there was a shocking revelation…

People Spoke Up

People in the room with rescue group and shelter experience attested to the fact that pit bulls were products of their raising and that far more people were bitten or injured by chihuahuas and dachshunds, but could this help sway a change in the law?

Number’s Game

In 2016 in the United States, 41 people were killed by dog attacks and 22 of those cases were caused by pit bulls. This didn’t help Diggy’s case it seemed, but lest they forget, Diggy wasn’t a pit bull! The court was divided…

Waiting Game

Dan and his girlfriend were very nervous to learn the outcome of the hearing. If the law was not amended they would face the harsh reality of losing their precious dog. The decision was coming to a close…

The Decision

In September of 2016, after month’s of legal battles and countless citations, the District Court dismissed the case to remove Diggy from his home. They had won! The law was changed, all thanks to Dan, Diggy, and the support of everyone who followed their story and supported the cause. Dan knew exactly what he wanted to do to celebrate…

Commemorating Diggy

To celebrate the hard-fought victory and the law change Dan added a big tattoo of his beloved Diggy on his thigh. Once they put the ugly past behind them, the fun really started…

Starbucks’ Best Customer

The hoops Dan had to jump through to make sure the Diggy was always by his side just solidified the love he had for the dog. One of their favorite activities to do together are their “coffee” dates at Starbucks, where Diggy is treated to his very own Puppaccinos. But Diggy also has another favorite meal…

Breakfast Bonding

Diggy and Dan always spend their mornings together. Diggy’s favorite breakfast: pancakes! Nobody was going to stop them from living their lives to the fullest now…

The Smiling Dog

Diggy is living his best life and it was all thanks to Dan. Diggy is now a dog of many talents and even has some things in common with his owner…

Musical Duo

Dan is a musician, singer, and songwriter and Diggy is around for every jam session and rehearsal. Diggy and Dan also do a whole lot more together, too…

Keeping Active

Dan is an active guy who believes that physical activity and exploration are vital parts of life, and so, Diggy is along for every adventure. Now, when he shares photos of them together, it’s to keep all of their supporters in the loop about how Diggy is thriving now after the case. Now, they’re working on a new cause together…

Rescue Mission

Diggy and Dan were featured in ads for Pawjectrunway with Show Your Soft Side to support and raise awareness for animal rescue. Because Facebook helped him save his best friend, he now uses the outlet to help others save animals…

Paying it Forward

Dan never forgot how people shared his story, so he does his best to share and support the causes of other innocent animals. He’s now helped countless owners and their pets get through the hardships of breed discrimination. But all this work requires some downtime…

Nap Time

After all of their adventures, meals, and rescue work, this duo loves their downtime. They are there for each other during the good and the bad times, as heartbreaking as the bad times can be…

Diggy Loved Everyone

When Dan’s grandmother passed away, he shared this sweet photo of Diggy cuddling with her. Diggy had a way of creeping into everyone’s hearts. He wasn’t just a rescue dog, he was family, and things were picture perfect…

Best Friends for Life

This story proves that a whole lot of love can go a long way. Dan and Diggy are the best of friends, and their inspiring story of persistence and heart have captured many people. Just look at his face… what’s not to love?

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.