Tourist Destinations That Didn't Live Up To The Hype

Vacation is the perfect opportunity to relax and unwind in some of the most beautiful places on Earth. Unfortunately, sometimes the destination doesn’t live up to expectations.

Rome, Italy

Rome is a town filled with history, culture, and beautiful architecture. It seems unlikely that anyone could find problems with it, and yet…

Roaming Around Rome

Unfortunately, the city is also covered in graffiti and markings. Definitely not part of the beautiful Italian atmosphere.

Paris, France

Paris is famous for being the city of lights. Tourists fall in love in the city, but also with the city.

Have Merci

Not so lovely is all the litter from these tourists. Those who come and go often leave their trash behind, and that trash lines the beautifully lit streets.

London, England

London is rich with history. It’s a popular spot for vacations, study abroad, cultural immersion, and more. One of the most popular places to go in the UK, the city is an icon.

London? No thanks.

Not as iconic are the massive crowds who also visit the historic city. Unless you don’t mind fighting for the perfect picture, steer clear of this tourist trap.

Honolulu, Hawaii

If you want a sun-kissed tan (or maybe a sun-kissed sunburn), you might be inclined to head for the sandy beaches of Honolulu, Hawaii.

Caution: Construction Ahead

Right beside those beaches though, are miles of construction. The curse of oceanside living is constant building, changing, and remaking the beachside homes and roads. So much for relaxing.

Athens, Greece

Athens, Greece was once the heart of Ancient Greece, and some of the buildings from the BC era still stand today, making this a very popular tourist destination.

Athens? Think twice.

However, the ancient roads make moving around no easy task. Get ready for long walks and even longer walks to get to these famous destinations.

Bali, Indonesia

Bali has become one of the most popular destinations in the world because of the stunning views and tropical vibe.

Bail on Bali

Sadly, this popularity has its downfalls. Locals report that the ocean often washes up trash, ruining the getaway beaches.

Grand Canyon, Arizona

The Grand Canyon can be considered a natural marvel. The river running below the red rock is a sight to be seen.

Not Very Grand Canyon

From up above, that is. From below, the canyon is dense and empty. Unless you go on a very muddy rafting ride, the only thing you’ll get from the visit a nice view and several blisters.

New York City

New York City is the centerpiece for so many movies and TV shows, it makes sense that the Big Apple would be on everyone’s vacation bucket list.

Needs Work City

As any New Yorker will tell you though, the city isn’t like it seems in the movies. It’s crowded, dirty, and cold. Unless you’re living in luxury, NYC might not live up to the silver screen experience.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

Any architecture buff would love to see this famous falling building. Get your photo holding it up and rake in those Instagram likes.

The Leaning Tower of Tourists

Well, you and everyone else that is.

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is earned its title. The wall is over 13,000 miles long and a must-see for anyone visiting the area.

The Not-So-Great Wall of China

But do your research ahead of time. Go during a high traffic hour or on a holiday, expect to be surrounded by other tourists.

Mona Lisa

The Mona Lisa sits in the Louvre and is easily the most famous painting, with visitors coming from miles around to see her half smile.

I don’t know her

The painting is very small and behind ropes and glass. You won’t get close and if you do, viewers are still far removed from her.

Blarney Stone

The Blarney Stone is a famous piece of historical lore. Kiss the rock upside down and you’ll be gifted the skill of eloquence and sociability.

Blarney Stone? No thanks.

Keep in mind, you’re being held by a stranger, upside down, so you can put your mouth on a slimy rock. Not worth it.


Visit the beaches that Barry Manilow sang about in “Copacabana” and feel the sand between your toes under the palm trees.


Keep in mind Brazil’s bustling population will crowd the beach with locals. Make sure you remember where you put your towel!

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls sits on the border of the US and Canada, so both countries get to experience its beauty.

Nah-agara Falls

Unfortunately, being that far North means it’s often very cold. With the breeze from the water too, get ready for a chilly vacation.

Times Square, NYC

Times Square is pretty alluring. Bright lights, the hustle and bustle of the city, it seems like anything is possible.

Time Out for Times Square

Times Square is littered with off brand TV characters, mascots, and advertising. It’s overwhelming to anyone and everyone. If you’re going to NYC, avoid Times Square.

Venice, Italy

If you’re intrigued by the canal city, get on a gondola and row your way through one of Italy’s hottest destination locations.

Not so Nice in Venice

If you want to play gondola bumper cars, Venice has exactly that. It’s a small city, and this crowding on the city “streets” is bound to happen.

Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

One of the Wonders of the World, the pyramids are known as one of the most enthralling sights to see.

Pyramid Scheme

Zoom out though, and you see what’s beyond the great pyramids. A city that leaves much to be desired, the Pyramids are clearly the only spot in town worth visiting.


Who made them? How long ago? Visit the states and solve the mystery for yourself.

Set Apart from Stonehenge

Visitors say that you can’t even walk through the stone, just near them. How are you supposed to solve a mystery from so far away?

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is a historical anomaly. An entire civilization wiped from history and preserved in the rock on top of a mountain.

Machu No Thank You

Up a mountain. An ancient mountain. No easy way up, no easy way down, get ready to hike.

Westminster Abbey

A beautiful church is not uncommon in England, but Westminster Abbey has earned a title of being above and beyond.

Not the Best, Westminster

The lines are long and the tickets are expensive. Try to visit another one of the other cathedrals found in the area.


An image of wealth, there’s no wonder that everyone wants to imagine a life of luxury living in this palace.

Goodbye to Versailles

Versailles is another one of those tourist locations that doesn’t let you wander most of the halls, just glance at how the other half once lived.

Empire State Building

When you think of New York, you think of the iconic building that is the tallest building in the big city.

Empire Hate Building

Do you like large crowds? Do you like heights? Do you like the combination of both? Say no more, that’s all the Empire State Building has to offer.

Yellowstone National Park

The park is a sight for sore eyes. Lucious greenery as far as the eye can see, Yellowstone earns its reputation.

A No for Yellowstone

Yellowstone is the only thing to do out in Wyoming, Montana. Once you’re done with he park, there’s nothing left to fill the time.

Walk of Fame

Step on the names of your favorite celebrities and get your picture with a star!

Walk of Lame

Visitors say the walk in underwhelming and not worth the trip out. Avoid!

Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain is a centerpiece of Italy. Throw a euro in and make a wish!

Try Again Trevi

Either show up in the early morning or late at night, or risk the crowds of others wishing in the fountain.

The Alamo

We remember the Alamo, but now you can be reminded of it when you visit the location of the famous battle.

Forget the Alamo

You can’t enter the building, only walk around the perimeter. Some trips are worth forgetting.

The Hollywood Sign

A symbol of success, The Hollywood sign looms over the California city, making it a picture perfect spot.

Holly-would avoid

Be prepared to hike up a massive hill led by a tour guide. It can take up to a few hours!

Tower of London

The Tower of London has earned a title of being some of the most amazing architecture in the city.

Tower of Tourism

Between the long lines to get inside and the cramped, cold, halls, you’re better off snapping a pic of this icon and moving on.

Cancun, Mexico

Snorkel through the ocean waters outside of Cancun and see some enthralling sea life.

You Can Skip Cancun

All the best programs are too expensive to justify, and you’ll end up in with an experience you didn’t ever want.

Little Mermaid Statue, Copenhagen

Sneak a peek at the statue of the character who became a Disney classic.

Little Mermaid, Big Waste of Time

Watch as young kids try and fail to climb the stage, get wet in the process, and cry the rest of the trip.

Mount Rushmore

Their faces are immortalized in the side of a mountain, staring over the land of the free.

No Rush to Rushmore

You’re so fart removed from the mountain that it’s not worth it to take a picture you could have seen online.

Lady Liberty

Lady Liberty watches over her nation with a strong and empowered stance, drawing in visitors.

No Girls Allowed

Expect to see her either from a distanced ferry ride or on a sweltering hot day climbing her stairs.

Liberty Bell

The liberty bell is a symbol of American freedom and remains a sight to see when in Philadelphia.

Freedom Doesn’t Always Ring

American history icons attract high schools, middle schools, and elementary schools who will crowd the famous bell.

French Quarter

Especially during Mardi Gras, this Louisiana site is a lively party in the streets.

Mardi Gras Faux Pas

An underwhelming display of partying and chaos, this center is best one day a year only.

Las Vegas

Try your luck in the city known for its gambling and glitz. Walk the strip and enjoy the nightlife.

Not So Lucky in Vegas

More than likely though, visitors lose their money and the city’s appeal in the daylight.

Willis Tower

See the sights of the city from this iconic tower’s top. Better known as Sears Tower, this building will let you look over the Chicago skyline.

Is Willis Worth It?

Short answer: no. The tickets are too expensive to justify a good view. Just find another tall building, it’ll be just as good.

The Forbidden City

Beijing’s most iconic attraction isn’t that forbidden at all! Thousands of tourists come through the city a day.

Not So Forbidden City

Since only a few spots inside are really worth seeing, the city is spread out but still very crowded.

Christ the Redeemer, Brazil

The spectacular statue looms over the city of Brazil on a hill, open arms to the city below.

Not Redeemable

The real trouble with this statue isn’t the appearance but the traffic it takes to get there. Good luck!


Denali is definitely stunning to see. An immense mountain really brings the countryside together.

Downer Denali

That is, if you can see it. Usually though, the mountain is covered by a dense fog that ruins its picture perfect beauty.


Shanghai is a cultural touchstone that earns many visitors every year, looking to expand their worldview.


Inside the city though, it’s like any other city. There’s trash, angry locals, and construction on every block.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.