Area 51: How The Government Is Still Deceiving Americans

When there’s an alleged secret military base that not even the United States President has access to, people will begin to dig deep into it.

From UFO sightings to the mysterious 440-square-miles protected by violent security guards, enthusiasts have been trying to see what’s inside of the base for years… But, is it all an elaborate hoax by the government to hide something else?

Starting at the Beginning

From the public’s perspective, a bunch of UFO sightings started coming in during the summer months of 1955 in Rachel, Nevada. At this point, the public at no idea that there was anything going in the nearby desert.

No Questions Answered

The government wanted to keep what they were up to under wraps… So, in response to the public outcry, they simply explained that it was a “natural phenomena” and that nothing was on their radar. Unsurprisingly, that was a total lie.

The Base

In 1954, President Eisenhower authorized the development of a top-secret project called Project Aquatone. The goal was to research and build a high altitude flying recon plane.

The U-2

The government was able to develop the U-2 plane. This plane was designed to spy on the USSR at a high enough point where their radars couldn’t detect it… This fact is imperative to the UFO sightings.

The Governments ‘Story’

Back in the mid-1950s, passenger planes were authorized to fly at an altitude of 20,000 miles. Military-grade planes flew at 40,000. This new plane went up much higher at a height that had never been seen before…

High In The Sky

In 1955, they began to test the planes in the area. They flew the planes over Rachel, thus spawning the UFO sightings. Many people are hesitant to buy this story for many reasons. The main reason being: The government has lied about this already. Why should they believe them?

The Government Kept It Under Wraps For Years

The government avoided any and all questions about what was going on near Groom Lake. They didn’t talk about the planes. They didn’t talk about a possible base. They just… Didn’t talk.

Seeking Answers

It was two years after the UFO sightings that any sort of answers was given out. The AEC distributed a brochure titled, “Background Information on Nevada Nuclear Tests” to the press, which spoke about a “small base” near Groom Lake that was studying weather… That was also a lie. They also did not disclose the name of the base.

They Won’t Fess Up

Naturally, the public didn’t buy it, either. This is the first of many odd behaviors coming from the government surrounding Area 51… Which, at this time, had not been called Area 51 by the government. The name was only leaked through ex-employees detailing their time of working there.

Secretly Building More Planes

Since then, those at Area 51 have been crafting other planes for secret purposes. Many believe that they’re using it to attempt to recreate UFO’s that they’ve found… This is just the start of the sketchy and bizarre goings-on at the base… The A-12 plane looks as if an alien made it.

The A-12

Naturally, those who believe that the base is way more than just “weather studies” didn’t give up. They did their best to find the base but came to dead ends. That’s when they found out that the government has control over hundreds of miles of land around the base… And, that they can use deadly force.

Years and Years of Lies

Since then, there have been tons of public controversy about the land. For years, people have been trying to get close, but have been met with heavily armed guards pointing guns at their faces. What are they hiding?

Bob Lazar

In 1989, a man named Bob Lazar dropped some imperative details on Area 51. He claims that he worked on the base in order to reverse engineer extraterrestrial technology gathered by the US government.

Alien Life

Lazar claims that he has seen classified photos of alien autopsies and even saw a crashed alien spacecraft. Alien conspiracists took Lazar’s words to heart, while others quickly discredited him. At the same time, something horrible happened…

First Area 51 Death

The same year that Bob Lazar came forward about his time on the base, Area 51 had their first death on the base. But, it’s not what you think. In fact, it spurred even more conspiracies.

Robert Frost

In 1989, Robert Frost, a civilian employee at Area 51, passed away. His autopsy showed that his body contained extremely high levels of copious amounts of deadly chemicals like dioxin and dibenzofuran. He’s not the only one.

Area 51 Pollution and Illnesses

Many people who worked on Area 51 have suffered from adverse effects. Many workers have “fish scale” rashes due to working with the extra chemicals. They also develop growths on their hands, arms, legs, and feet.

Horrible Skin Issues

On top of all of that, they also get blistered skin. Despite wearing hazmat suits while working with these dangerous chemicals, many have still gotten these horrific, life-changing effects. Some even developed cancer because of it. And yet, the government has stayed quiet.

Cracking Down

Since all of this information came to a head in 1989, the government has tried to violently crackdown on anyone trying to spy on them. They even went as far as to secure local vantage points to keep people away…

Do Not Enter

At this point, the government owns so much land around the base that it’s impossible to get near it without men chasing you in trucks. Just take it from this person’s experience

Explore With Us

A Youtube duo under the name of Explore With Us has tried to get near Area 51 multiple times now. They have detailed horrifying encounters with guards armed with M-16s threatening their lives. They’ve also been chased by trucks and buses around the perimeter of the off-limits land…

Motorcyclists Get Held at Gun Point

In another video, two motorcyclists were riding around the perimeter of the base. It was on a legal road, on legal, public land, but they knew what they were doing. The second that they approached two signs that showcased the off-limits land, they were met with a horrifying sight…

Being Chased

It was a split second after they got to the border when a white truck came out of nowhere with two guards. They hopped out of the truck and pointed guns at their faces, yelling obscenities at them. What are they hiding?

Use of Deadly Force

Although the government vehemently denies it, these guards are permitted to use deadly force. An ex-guard said that “If [trespassers] demonstrate that they were going to try and penetrate, they gave me the all-clear to, you know, waste them.” Even presidents are not allowed near the base…

JFK Conspiracy

Who knew that Area 51 and JFK’s death might be connected? The story has it that JFK was probing his generals over at Area 51 for information on the goings-on in the base. 10 days after he requested files, he was famously murdered. He said, “I’d like to tell the truth about the alien situation, but my hands are tied.” He’s not the only one…

Still No Word

At this point, there is still no word on what is really going on in there. The government still hasn’t formally acknowledged its true existence other than for “weather research.” It’s no wonder that people are so obsessed with this place… What are they hiding?

Bill Clinton

Famously, Bill Clinton is pretty into extraterrestrial life. He has tried to get into Area 51. He has tried to get the classified documents. He has tried to get more information. And he, the President of the United States, was not allowed. How does that make sense?

The Moon Landing and Area 51

Another conspiracy around Area 51 has to do with the Moon Landing (alleged) hoax. Conspiracy writer Bill Kaysing claimed that NASA scientists knew that it would be impossible to send astronauts to the moon in that point and time due to the radiation risks. So, they had a plan…

The Scenario

NASA apparently staged the rocket launch but was secretly transferred to a military aircraft and flown to a movie stage… At Area 51.

Where Else?

This would be the perfect spot to harbor astronauts who were supposed to be in space. The general public still didn’t even know that Area 51 existed… It was mainly on the minds of the locals and any hardcore conspiracy theorists. It would have been the perfect hoax…

Manufacturing Site

Another theory is that Area 51 is a manufacturing sight for planes, yes, but also for their notorious black helicopters. The theory around those helicopters is that they were used to conduct horrific missions to kill many people by using toxic chemicals.

Alien Breeding?

Naturally, the most popular conspiracy about Area 51 is that it’s a secret base where, way underground, they conduct alien breeding. Sometimes, even with humans. They’re doing this for one sole purpose…

New World Order

Their goal is to create a bunch of agents and future leaders of the New World Order who look like humans but secretly possess the psychic capabilities of the aliens…

Controlling the Weather

Another famous conspiracy is about weather control. People took the governments admittance of studying weather at the base and ran with it. The US military did, in fact, engage in Project Cirrus, which makes this kind of probable…

Project Cirrus

This project was a research effort in the late 1940s and early 1950s to find a way to modify clouds and rain as a weapon. That is something that really happened, which makes this theory almost probable…

The Biggest Conspiracy…

It’s just a hoax. A misdirection. Some believe that the government amped up security and gave them “lethal force” in order to keep people’s attention at Area 51 and not anywhere else where they really are doing these experiments… This seems the most logical, doesn’t it?

Another Eyewitness

Another man, who just referred to himself as Victor, gave a radio interview in 1997 about his time in Area 51. He claimed that he witnessed an alien interrogation, and even said he had a grainy video that shows a human officer communicating with an alien telepathically…


Finally, in 2013, the US government was forced to declassify information about Area 51 due to the Freedom of Information Act. This means that they finally referred to it as Area 51, which backs up many ex-workers claims…

So, What Is It For?

Basically, all they said was that it was made for “national security.” Yes, they tested planes there for years and years, including the U-2. Now, they said, it’s owned by the Air Force and is a base for them.

We May Never Know the Truth

Due to the government being, well, the government, we may never know what truly goes on in there. Any first-hand account should be taken with a grain of salt, even though many of them seem legit.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.