Cringeworthy Family Photos That You Can't Unsee

Families can be very strange to everyone but each other. These people all thought they had a normal family photo until they posted their memories on the internet, and found out how cringeworthy their keepsakes really were. Whether it was a photoshoot theme that doesn't make any sense or an 80s hairstyle that aged poorly, some pictures are just too awkward for words...

Aunt Joan 

In 1991, this family got together for a family portrait they'd never forget. Aunt Joan wasn't able to make the photoshoot though, so the unit had to improvise. They used a cardboard cutout of the sister to add to the portrait. The days before Photoshop and editing apps were tough, but these creative folks found a way to make the best of the situation. Poor Aunt Joan...

Hanging Out

This dad certainly thinks he's the King of Parenting with his creative life hack. This photo was captioned "My older sister with my Dad who was multi-tasking." Clearly, neither of them looks bothered by this new arrangement. It seems like this little girl is just hanging out with her father, just a little more literally than the mom probably assumes. At least they're together...

Break Time

Disney World dads are a special kind. This user wrote that their father "had started a mullet a couple of years before this and refused to cut it until he retired." He didn't cut the mullet for several years before their mother finally put her foot down. This photo has everything, from fanny packs to crop tops and big glasses. This dad just really needed a break!

Wrong Rabbit

"This photo was taken at K-Mart when I was a child," said this captioner, "Only when I was an adult was I able to appreciate the full creepiness of it." For some reason, this store was celebrating the springtime season with the creepiest bunny rabbit costume ever created. It's very impressive that this little girl was able to overlook the very unsettling character...

Spitting It Up

Being a parent is a gift that keeps on giving, but you might not love the gifts you've been given. This father got caught in the downpour of a baby's spit-up fiasco and is clearly not enjoying the limelight. This little one was flying high and just couldn't handle the view from the top. Unfortunately, this photo ended up being more disgusting than it was awkward...

Hair Care

The 1980s were a dark time for fashion, but an even darker time for haircuts. "My brother would let my mom pick out his hairdos for his entire childhood despite the fact that she used to dress him in sailor suits," said this photo sharer. "This is a result of the 1980s fashion" which is pretty obvious. No one born after 2000 ever had to endure this style struggle...

Dad's Baby Arm

Look again, that Dad doesn't have a child-sized hand, that just an illusion of the camera. While this photo would have been bad without detail, it certainly didn't help. The father looks like he's planning something sinister, maybe inspired by the spooky E.T tee. At least the mother and son look like they're having an enjoyable time at this trick-of-the-eye photoshoot. 

Lake Mistake

This family made the mistake of asking their little girl to smile for the camera. Clearly that was not the right thing to say, because she immediately threw a huge temper tantrum. "The hope was to capture scenic and memorable photos for our annual holiday/Christmas card. ‘Memorable’ is what we ended up with..." said this tired team. At least they got some views in the picture...

Nature Lovers

Professional photoshoots lack creativity a lot of times, but this one certainly is lacking some logical thinking. Why are they hugging a tree? Why can you see the man holding a branch? Why aren't they smiling? These girls look as confused as this photo seems. Not to mention those haircuts. There were no good decisions in this natural sisterly portrait...

Sent From My iPhone

This user sent their grandparents a picture of their newborn son and found this photo hung up and framed a few months after the fact. While the gesture was cute, it could have also used cropping. At least it looks adorable, but someone should definitely teach these old people how to properly cut a picture for a frame. Or maybe they just really love the iPhone...

Too Cool

Imagine living life like this family. They probably rock sunglasses inside, listen to rock and roll music, ride around in a Cadillac, and wear matching leather jackets. Even the baby is cool from birth, sporting a very stylish floral print. Only someone really cool can pull off such an effortless style. This family photo isn't awkward, it's potentially their album cover. 


No one in this photo is looking like their best. Whether you identify with the floppy and frizzy side bangs, the high ponytails, or the ugly matching sweaters, there are no winners in this picture. The only cute one is the little boy, who is way too young to understand how embarrassing this photo will be in a few year's time. At least the memories fade, but this picture certainly won't...

Picture Day

This mother was very proud of her son's hilarious picture day. She wrote "His teacher actually tried to hide it from me, and suggested I ‘just do retakes'" but she knew it had to be kept as a keepsake. Why he thought this was a good idea for the yearbook photo, he doesn't know, but it certainly made quite an impression on the photographer and his parents...

Cold Feet?

Your wedding day should be the happiest moment of your life, but this person's mother looked less than enthused on her special day. The user captioned this historic family photo with: "My parents' wedding photo taken in the early 60s with my mother wearing pan-stick makeup. My mom just looks SO happy doesn’t she?" The blushing bride could use more blush...

Life Goals

Age doesn't make a lot of sense as a child. This guy only had a few simple ideas of what the future would be like from seeing his grandparents. From these people, he gathered that he would be grayed and have trouble walking, and might lose his vision. However, no one could quite figure out what the chicken throwing meant. Hopefully, chicken throwing is just a phase...

Wedding Blues

This bride was excited about her wedding but her mother was not. Allegedly, the mother did not approve of the bride's husband-to-be, which made for a few very scary photo opportunities. This one looks like she's haunting her daughter on a special day. Don't worry mom, surely the big 1980s glasses are more haunting than anything you could have said...

Location Is Everything

She might be the best Nana ever, but this grandmother definitely isn't raising a group of fashion designers. The kids and parents lived over 2,000 miles away from their beloved Nana, so they thought a surprise gift would help connect them. They just didn't realize how close their connection would end up being! Oh well, it's really the thought that counts.

Family Band

Do you know that new sound you've been looking for? Well, uh, listen to this family band. This family was extremely proud to have an instrument played by every member of the family, so they wanted to show off their talents. The only outlier was their brother, who was more of a dancer than a musician. Hey, someone's got to dance to those beats around the house. 

Clowning Around

This was taken in 1985 in Jakarta, Indonesia. It proves that even internationally, family photos can still be terrible and awkward. This scary clown is actually a grandma in scary clown makeup. Despite the unsettling appearance, their mother insisted the family get a group picture together. Clearly not everyone was such a fan of this idea, but what mother says goes...

Sauna Sweats

The family that sweats together stays together, or so this family says. "My dad grew up in Minnesota," wrote this user "where the tradition of sweating out your worries (and clearly your soul), in a giant, cedar oven is passed down from each white, pasty, Scandinavian generation to the next." As long as you're melting together, you're in some good company. 

A Loving Family

Family is the closest bond, and with that, comes some terribly timed moments. "This is a photo of my parents and I. The camera went off before we were ready and it just captured the loving moment perfectly," says the commenter "So we bought the wallet-size." This is an honest moment that perfectly captures what a real family moment is like behind the scenes...

Whatever Works

Little kids often take a liking to a specific object. For most, this is a stuffed animal or blanket, but this little girl chose instead to latch onto a jar of garlic mayonnaise. Her parents didn't want to steal it back and risk waking her up, but how else are they supposed to spice up their sandwiches? This teddy bear is overrated, but this garlic mayo is a delicious alternative. 

Dinner Tray

Kids are so weird. This little girl decided to flip herself upside down while her mother was trying to enjoy some dinner with television. She didn't let the little girl distract her though, and luckily, someone caught it on camera. This is a photo that this family won't let her live down? What was she doing? What was she thinking? Why does she look so unhappy about it?

Denim Days

Imagine your family sends out the memo for the family portrait, and the only requirements are hats and a lot of denim. No one looks too upset about this decision though, so maybe it's not awkward after all. Outfits are all about attitude, and this photoshoot has nothing but an attitude. The only caption on this photo was "Awesomeness" so no cringe here. 

Ho Ho No

For some reason, this Santa could not be sadder to be the King of Christmas. "The Santa display was sad, and Santa looks even sadder," said this former Santa's helper, "I found this pic of me with Santa and couldn’t help but notice the surroundings and his miserable look." I guess things are getting pretty tough up in the North Pole, Santa needs a morale boost. 

Starting Young

Smoking can start at any age. This little girl was handed the pack of cigarettes as a distraction, and as a way to get her to stop crying. Don't worry though, she didn't have a lighter in her diaper, so these cigarettes were just a way to get a hilarious picture. "They were trying to get me to sit still and stop squawking," captioned this user's photo. At least it's not a vape...

Dancing Queens

Dance photoshoots are always a little strange, but this one exceeds every unusual precedent. Two shirtless teen boys, maybe this girl's brothers, are holding her elbows. She appears to be strangely powerful. No one is wearing a redeemable outfit. She's the only one wearing shoes, but why? So much of this doesn't make sense, but it sure is cringeworthy. 


Naptime is every time if you don't mind a little adjustment. "This picture was taken in the Fiji islands with my mom & friends trying to read to me," commented this user "but I’ve always been known to fall asleep anywhere, anytime if I’m tired..." To be fair, if the book was boring, these parents should have expected that he would crash on the couch (maybe not off it though!)

Happy Halloween

This is a Halloween costume combination that makes absolutely no sense. This phrase "The wages for sin is death" is actually a bible verse, but not sure it really applies to two adorable princesses. They look way happier to be participating in the traditional holiday than Mr. Sign over there. One of these will return with a candy stash, the other will likely not. 


Photoshop is a superpower and should be treated as such. This commenter wrote "This is a picture of me on my mum’s hand, taken by my mum. It’s part of a whole series of pictures of me in different places but this is definitely my favorite." Who knew that something so sincerely created could be so oddly terrifying? That hair has got some serious volume!

Little Women

Baby dolls are a vital part of any girl's upbringing, but the dolls can sometimes be a little unsettling. But hey, if you can't beat them, join them. These girls decided to match not only their dolls but also each other. If you look closely, you can also see their Christmas tree is football-themed. What a strange but merry holiday this had to have been for this family. 

Never Been Born

This little girl's birthday wish was a little morbid when she said she wished she had never been born. Well, luckily for her, the photo of her birthday party reflected this wish. They didn't realize how small she was in comparison to the high floral decorations. Not to be missed though, is the tastefully done "Happy Birthday!" sign hanging off the fireplace...

Losing It

Ah, parenthood. It's a crazy time but it's over too soon...or maybe not soon enough. This mother is clearly losing it as this little one cries for probably the fiftieth time today. She's ruining the photoshoot! Hopefully, this photographer can capture the perfect shot before things go too far, and according to this photo, that moment is coming very soon. Quick, take the pic!

Act Natural

For some reason, Mom thought this was a "natural" way to pose. "My little brother looks like a bow hunter and my sister apparently enjoy’s bird watching," said this user, "I got put in the back to catch my pretend fish because my nose is peeling from a very bad sunburn. Our dog isn’t even happy to be in the picture." This family looks more ready for a camping trip than a photoshoot. 

The Family Business

Nothing says family like bunny ears, apparently. This family wanted their business to receive some promotion in their portrait, so they all wore their uniforms to the big shoot. They also included their mascot, an adorable moose stuffed animal, in the final picture. Nothing about this photo makes any sense, but at least everyone looks happy to be there. That's good business. 

Slam Dunk

Pregnancy means the mother's body is changing, becoming bigger and rounder as the baby grows. The father, on the other hand, stays the same, both physically and mentally. This dad thought he had come up with an incredible idea when he pitched this pregnancy photo to his wife. Someone call Michael Jordan and tell him to watch his throne as the king of basketball.

Freedom Rings

The outfit you choose for your photoshoot says a lot about you. For example, it says that these people love American in literal American apparel. They've got the hats, the shoes, the pants, the smiles. Honestly, is there anything more American than a duct tape outfit made to resemble the USA flag and colors? George Washington would be so proud...

Modeling Career

This bodybuilder makes quite an impression in this photo. The little boy is not a fan of this massive man and wants to leave with his mother as soon as possible. Maybe it's the speedo, maybe it's the mustache, but either way, he's not having a fun time. The worst part of this image isn't any of that though, it's the bowl hair cut. An absolutely tragic style to see. 

Clingy Kids

Nothing like some big jeans, white polos, and casual sneakers to get the family outfits in check. These kids clearly adore their father, so much so that they're literally hanging off of his limbs. Even his wife is laying on his shoulder, what a dedicated group. There's something weird about adult children all clinging to their father's legs, but I guess it could be worse. 


This photo is deeply uncomfortable to look at. The two sons stacked on each other in the middle are like a strange illusion. The little girl looks absolutely livid to be included in the final portrait. The youngest boy has a popped collar and a mischievous grin. This is definitely not the wholesome family memento these parents had hoped it would become...

Always Watching

This dad isn't letting his daughter date just any boy, and if she does, he's right there to protect her. Literally right there, with guns and flags and everything. No one is going to get too close to his daughter, at least not while he's watching. The most awkward part of this is that these teens don't even see him waiting back there. Watch your hands, teen!


These kids could be triplets, what with their terrible haircuts and giant glasses. Take notice of how little they are smiling in this photo as well. In fact, it seems like only the mother has any sort of joy, and even she's just giving a halfhearted grin. They already knew how bad this photo was going to be, and how it would likely haunt them for years to come.

Strike Out

Pregnancy announcement photos have become very popular, but this one definitely missed the mark. The implications behind it are a little unsettling to think about, but that's probably not what they were thinking when they planned out this photo. One, two, three strikes, this picture was not a home run in any way. You're...OUT!

Family Matters

Every face in this photo is pure chaos. The grandfather could not look more lost and confused if he tried. The twin girls definitely regret those glasses that seemingly are made to match their father. The baby would rather be anywhere else than in his loving grandmother's arms. And the little girl in the bottom left corner? She is currently planning world domination. 

The 80s Called...

Ring, ring, you hear that? The 80s are calling and they want to photo to stay far away. Who knew prop work would not provide a successful photoshoot. The best part is that they had the little boy hold up an extra phone as if they're inviting you to join their conference call. Yeah, how do you hit "Decline call" on a rotary phone? Leave a message!

Matching Matching

This family just nearly blends into their couch, and into each other. They all decided to sport these matching pajamas for an adorable family photo. Everyone is filled with hope, joy, big smiles, and terrible outfits. An awkward family photo is always more bearable when the whole family doesn't feel embarrassed about it, just like these happy models are. That's the spirit. 

No Fear

So many people greenlit this photo. Three guys all agreed to this pose, to this outfit, to this entire concept. Then a photographer agreed to shoot it on film, then they decided to post it to the internet. None of the timelines make any sense, but clearly it all went down this way. They don't look embarrassed or unsettled in the least. That's the confidence they don't deserve...

Another One

It's often said that parents do not have a favorite child, but pictures like this suggest otherwise. For some reason, their little boy is kept off to the side of the frame, away from the older members of the family. Was it a temper tantrum punishment, or just a toddler's stubborn stance? Either way, everyone looks pretty pleased with the family portrait, for now...

Pet Pregnancy

For some reason, this pregnant woman decided to pose with a white lace veil, white furry boots, and a little furry friend at her feet. The dog looks like he knows that this is a terrible idea and is trying to hide his disappointment. Really, it looks like he'd rather be anywhere else than laying at the bottom of a truly strange photo. Hopefully, the newborn appreciates it...


This family vacation took things to the next level. Why just visit a family farm when you can become one? Honestly, the most impressive part is that they found four matching cowhide cowboy outfits that fit every age group. Mom looks pretty pleased with her little cows. Hopefully, they don't take it as an insult later on in their life. If they do, they will be able to moo-ve on!

Father of Two

Things got a little confusing in the hospital room... was his baby a monkey the whole time? This father was actually a zookeeper and was one of the few people who had access to a monkey at a moment of notice. He had the forethought to grab this hilarious snapshot side by side. She might grow up to think she's related to an actual monkey. Curious George is just so realistic...

Greatest Gift

Family, in this case, is literally the greatest gift of all. How did they all fit under the Christmas tree this holiday season? How did they stay safe in Santa Claus' toy bag? Though these questions might never be answered fully, the family definitely looks like they had a fun-filled holiday season. The best present was the memory made with this creative costuming...

Uh, Dad?

This dad thought it would be funny to play a prank on his little kids. If he pretended to be drowning, they would jump in and save him, or he thought. Instead, they just kind of looked at him, unimpressed. He had to hold his breath for a long time before just giving up. These kids were not swayed by bad acting. Give these children a performance worth an Oscar, Dad!

Not Silly

This father is one that takes things a little too seriously. He refused to take part in this holiday card photo for fear of looking dumb. Can you imagine how strange it would look if he were to have worn the matching pajama set? He would look crazy next to his family, who is also wearing the same outfit. Luckily, he played it very cool by not wearing anything at all. 

Trekkie Family

Sometimes, families share hobbies and interests to form a closer bond. You can probably guess what this group spends their weeknights watching on TV. This Star Trek fanatical family has every key part of the look and thought they should capture it on camera for the entire world to see. Thankfully, the rest of the world got the chance to see this masterpiece...

Love Is Pain

You love your kids, and your kids love causing trouble, and causing trouble means more pain for you. This dad learned this life lesson the hard way when he stopped on the beach to pick up his son and pose for a picture. The son took this opportunity to go right where it hurts. His grin says it all, love really is pain. If you love something, let it go, so please let go!

Family Fun

This is a case of wrong place, wrong time (or maybe the right place, right time?). A little girl's birthday party just so happened to be placed right in front of a sign that says "DRUGS." Judging by the smile on her face, she doesn't have any problems with this innovative new theme. The other kids seem to be enjoying all the fun too. Make sure someone checks that cake...

Big Hair Don't Care

A family that blow-dries together, stays together. This group decided to go all-in on the big hairstyles of the time period. Such similarities probably brewed some competition in the house though. How can you get ready for school when you know mom wore it so much better? Or how would you go to work knowing your second grader was looking better than you?

Goth Santa

Nothing says hardcore like Christmas at the mall with Santa Claus, right? Maybe they brought him an edgy alternative to the red suit and twinkly decorations that have become so drab and boring. Why not start selling a goth Chris Kringle, complete with long dark hair, black eye makeup, and a Slipknot CD playing in his sleigh? Time to rebrand, Mr. Winter...

Falling Down

Cameras are able to capture a perfect moment right as it's happening. Usually, this means a smile caught on film, but sometimes, it means rare seconds in between a good day and a bad day. This little girl was feeling fine until this camera went off, and then she was having a terrible time. She survived the fall, but she might not outrun the embarrassment...

Runaway Love

True love can't be stopped or separated, as exemplified by these two runaways. Despite their home arrest ankle bracelets, they still found a way to get out of the house and get onto the beach. Are those things waterproof? This is really a modern-day take on Romeo and Juliet. Two starcrossed lovers find each other, despite everyone (the government) wanting them apart...

Cupids Bow

This couple knows what it feels like to be shot with an arrow of love and they are ready to spread the joy. Look how happy they are to help you find the love of your life, they have huge smiles. If you could have what they have, weird outfits and all, why wouldn't you go after an arrow? You can really have it all, you just need a little help from these two first...

Moody Toddler

Picture day can be stressful for the children, as exemplified by this little guy who did not want to participate in the family memento. The little girl was clearly enjoying herself, but her brother was not as pleased. Kids will grow up to be moody and temperamental teens, so this boy is just getting a head start on his high school years. Give him time, soon he'll be much worse...


Your eyes might first be drawn to the dog in the corner, barely paying attention. You might also notice the cat on the girl's lap that looks like it would rather be anywhere else. Maybe you first spotted the giant hairstyles on all the girls. However, look back and notice the oldest brother, who looked a little hollow. Not a lot to say, but a lot to see. Absolutely terrifying. 

Raising the Bar

No matter the era, people love to show off their height. This family decided to get their sizes recorded for all of history to see by standing back to back for their portrait. As they grow older, the order will probably have to change a little bit, but they can always look back on this image to see where they came from. They are always raising the bar. 

A Lot to See

Though this prom night teen is the one wearing camouflage, there is actually another person hiding in plain sight. Her little brother can be seen in the tree behind her. You might not have noticed if you found yourself distracted by a shirtless dad with a gun, or by branches and leaves on a prom dress. Everyone looks happy for the special night, except for the one caught in a tree. 

Snow Wife

She won't get cold feet on this wedding day, she's getting cold everything. Wedding dresses can be expensive and difficult to work with, but this snowy alternative is just as fashionable and much more affordable. Neither of them looks very happy with their nuptial arrangements. Maybe it's not true love, and they're just too cold-hearted to break it off before the big day...

All The Candles

A spit cake is a real threat, and this dad doesn't want to be eating any gross cake. He brought out the hammer to ensure this dessert gets the proper treatment, and his birthday boy blows out every last candle. Who knew getting older could be so terrifying? Hopefully, the dad gets a big enough piece, otherwise, things aren't looking so good for next year...

The Happy Couple

This happy couple decided to record their love for years to come with a lively and fun photo shoot, but did they expect it to come out this peculiarly? This woman has several photos of herself overlaying other selfies. The guy only got one solo shot! The good news is, they look pretty pleased with their event, so hopefully, they liked the final product too... 

Too Comfortable

There really is such a thing as being too comfortable, like how these siblings all agreed on this photo as a good idea. Things are definitely getting too close for comfort in this family dynamic. How did they all think that this would not be strange to see? What did that poor photographer think?  Why do they all look so happy with this arrangement? This deserves an awkward family photo award.  

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The More You Know

  • The Crown Jewels contain the two biggest cut diamonds on Earth.
  • George Lazenby wasn't an actual actor. He got himself a suit, a Rolex and a new haircut, then met with the producer and made up movies he had been in. He later landed the role of James Bond.
  • The world's most densely populated island is the size of two soccer fields.
  • Lightning can heat the air it passes through to 50,000 degrees.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.