Dogs Who Got Themselves Into Hilariously Bizarre Situations

Dogs are always getting into something when your back is turned. Whether it’s running through a pile of mud, getting stuck in the couch, or tearing up your favorite shoes, you can’t help but love their dopey-ness!

It Isn’t What It Looks Like

Puppies sure love destroying things. Pillows are usually the most common victims to puppies, especially because there’s the prize inside that is fluff and cotton!

Just Pay Attention To Me

If you have to unload the dishwasher, thats fine, but you also have to pet me at the same time.

Is This Right?

If it’s in the reach of the puppy, it’ll end up in the toilet. That’s the safest place, right?

Nice and Warm

He destroyed the pillow and then had the audacity to put it all in his crate. Totally guilty.

Hey, Neighbor!

This begs the question: Did the owners of these pups built these peep holes into the fence so they can hang with the passersby? Probably.

My New Kid

Hens will sit on any baby, even if its a different species! The pup really doesn’t seem to mind.

Too Much Fun

Obviously, this pupper got into a bit of trouble while playing outside… Almost looks natural!

2 o’Clock Crash

Isn’t this how we all feel after a long day? It’s only socially acceptable for puppies to nap like this at work though…

When Mom Isn’t Home…

They said I can’t get on the table… But they can’t tell me that when they’re not home! What camera?


Look, he’s doing his best. It’s probably his first time trying, cut him some slack!

Is This A Good Color On Me?

This pup got a hug from his mom after she participated in the Color Run and ended up getting the smokey chalk from her uniform onto his fur! At least it looks good.

I Just Wanted To Hang

Every now and then, you might find your dog on the roof. It just happens! This responsible owner was busy convincing her pup life was better on the ground.

Knowledge is Power

Listen, it’s hard work trying to get that degree. She’s doing her best!

Who Needs a Leash?

Why would you invest in a leash when an open bag of Doritos does the trick? That pug isn’t going anywhere.

Maximum Comfort

One dog owner decided to put their pup in this bag but wasn’t expecting that the dig would like it! He looks pretty comfortable.

We Were Just Playin’

These guys were just playing around and it got too crazy… They were just having some fun!


It’s hard to stay awake during a lecture sometimes. Especially when you know everything already!

I’m Only Tolerating You

Despite their reputation, cats can be pretty tolerant! Just check out this kitty who’s letting this silly puppy pop a squat on his back!

Is That Beyonce?

This pup is ready for anything with that blow out! She’s going to be the bell of the ball.

Excuse Me, I’m Working

…Working on breaking the laptop! This puppy obviously felt that peeing on the floor is so two-thousand-and-late and opted for the laptop.

Bit The Bee

Every now and then your dog will eat a bee, it happens, it’s natural, and they will look funny for a few days. Don’t worry, though, they’re fine!

A Cake For Me?

The best thing is when you see a dog’s expression over their birthday cake. They’re too excited!

This Roomba Is Not A Friend

This Roomba was definitely deemed an intruder by this poor dog. At least he found a safe space!

They Haven’t Noticed Yet…

Day 205: The cats have still not noticed that I am not one of them. I have fully infiltrated their sector and gotten valuable intel… Will report back.


Who said dogs can’t take selfies! This one is stunning!

Go To The Corner

When you’re naughty, you get the corner! Doesn’t look to comfy though…

My Pool, Not My Dog

The neighbors dog decided to go for a little swim. He gave his parents a heart attack since he basically just left the yard, but luckily was found next door chilling out. It was a hot day, what was he supposed to do!

Time Out!

That’s what happens when you steal toys from your friends!

Hardcore Nap Time

At the beginning of nap time, they all started in the bed. Sometimes, nap time can get a little nutty…

Do You See Me?!

This dog caught sight of the Google maps car and knew that this was his chance for fame… Internet, here I come!

Not Sure How I Ended Up Here

Sometimes, an adventure leads to tricky situations… This is one of those times.

Nice Cone

It’s apparent that this cat has been waiting for the perfect moment to be able to step on the dogs face… The cone makes this possible. The dog seems… Fine with it?

French Bulldog Tipping

French bulldog puppies tend to be a bit top heavy… So, when they tip over, they kinda need some help to get back on their feet! He’s fine, though.

Two Friends Hangin’ Out

It’s unclear how this came to be, but we’re glad for it. The dog looks so happy and confident sitting on this mans head. He’s proud.


This is the image of a guilty pup who took off the second the door opened and is now regretting his choice… Let me in!

What Are These Doing In here?

Seems like this pup prefers his toys all over the floor instead of neatly in his bed… Don’t worry, he took care of it.

Another Dog!

It’s his first time seeing his reflection! He had no idea how handsome he was.

Ready To Get The Bad Guys

His vest is a little too big right now, but he’ll grow into it!

That’s a Guilty Face…

We’re not sure what he did but… It was definitely something. That’s the look of a guilty puppy!

I’ve Made a Mistake

Someone was having a little too much fun and he ended up in a pile of pillows… That were twice the size of him. Whoops!

Squishy Face

Who said puppies aren’t graceful?

I Got Bored

What else was he supposed to do? He was home alone all day!

Intense Friendship

They’re friends, but sometimes, it can get a little chaotic.

Fabulous Posture!

He should teach a yoga class! It would be the most popular class in town.

Nothing To See Here

They’re just going on a walk… What are you staring at?

Not Cool, Guys!

These pups were getting into some funny business… Swirlies aren’t funny!

Is That Comfortable?

Chase your bliss! This dog doesn’t seem to mind that his sleeping spot looks pretty uncomfy, but whatever!

The Universal Dog Call

This persons dog was nowhere to be found and was not listening to his name being called… So, the owner did the only thing he knew would work: Get that favorite squeaky toy. The pup showed up in a second.

Party Time

Gotta get the whole gang to the grocery store! All huskies and one Chihuahua.

Definitely Stuck

Looks like this ball broke in the most perfect spot for him to get his entire head stuck in it… That doesn’t look very fun@

Post-Lunch Nap

When you’re this small, even eating can make you sleepy! Good thing this little guy can fit in his bowl!

Why Don’t I Fit?

They might need to get a bigger doggie door…


Honestly, it looks like a comfortable and he doesn’t look like he needs any help, so…

Look At Me!

Wake up! Pay attention to me! Let’s play! How could you ignore this adorable little guy?

I Am Too Small

He was having so much fun and accidentally got a little stuck on the tiniest fence possible. What’s what happens when you have little legs!

New Socks

She just wanted a change… Why is Mom so mad?

Oh, Hey

We’re just playing, Dad… It’s all good.

I Can’t See Them, They Can’t See Me

They said bath time… This is the perfect hiding spot!

Sharing Is Caring

This pup wanted to share her toys with the mirror dog… Why isn’t she taking them?

Love This Brick

This family used a brick to hold down the end of a rug, and their new puppy took a liking to it… Doesn’t look comfy, but we’re not judging!

Let’s Play Inside!

This dog decided that the sprinkler would be more fun if it was inside, so he dragged it through the doggie door! Honestly, that’s pretty smart.


This Very Good Boy thinks he’s in line for his treat and is patiently waiting. Such manners!

What Animal Is That?

Looks like a seal, but also looks like it could possibly be a dog… Interesting!

Trapped Again

He’s too upset that he lost the ball to realize that there’s a very, very easy solution…

He’s Just Here For a Good Time

One dog wants to hang and watch out the window, the other just wants to hang… Makes sense. Just here for a good time, that’s all!

What a View!

Even though it’s just a painting doesn’t mean she can’t enjoy it! It’s beautiful!

Some Privacy, Please?

I’d like to be alone, please.

Look, Friends!

He found a pretty gnarly stick on his walk and knew that he had to show it off!

I Thought You Would Like This!

Honestly, a piece of the Earth is a gift. What a great dog!

Dandelions Are Fun, Okay?

This husky pup got the zoomies in a field of dandelions… Now, he’s got yellow boots on! Cute!


This dog got into his food bin and then fell asleep after binging on his kibble. At least we know what happened!

Needs More Classes

Yeah… we’re going to need some more of those classes.

High Alert

Beagles, known for their hunting abilities, can sometimes drop the ball…


He’s trying to catch the rainbow, and I think he’s doing a wonderful job.

Is Green My Color?

He decided to roll around in the grass right after it was freshly cut… Still cute!

Too Much Excite

He got a little too excited going down the stairs and forgot to put on the breaks.

Got My Tail!

He is one of the few who finally got their tail!

I Guess!

I mean, if they’re both fine with it, then it’s cool!

Sudden Rain Storm

He was taking a nap when the sky decided to open up…

It’s Called a Mud Bath

When a golden lab turns into a chocolate lab…

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.