Embarrassing Gym Fails You Do NOT Want to Repeat

A gym can be an intimidating place, but it can also be really weird. Gyms attract a lot of different people, from the most experienced to the least, and they always seem to put on a show.

Total 180

This was definitely the result of some dudes messing around at the gym... As a result, they learned why you don't mess around at the gym! This guy started his little trick on his stomach and ended up on his back. Ouch!

What Was The Plan?

After watching this gif over and over again, it seems that this is the conclusion: She went to adjust the machine, ended up pulling too hard, and totally tipped herself over. More importantly: what's with that guy who literally didn't budge when she toppled over?

If You Say So

Getting up the courage to go to the gym is probably the hardest part of working out. Once you finally will yourself to get there, all you have to do is just use your body. Well, this treadmill was the complete opposite of encouraging. In fact, it's basically telling you to go back home! 

Morale is Low

It's hard to start a fitness regiment, but reading other peoples' success stories can be super helpful! Unfortunately, for this gym, it seems that no one is feeling super great about their workout progress...

Too Much Weight

Imagine if he didn't have a spotter on him, though! This could have been a lot worse. It's definitely saying something that he could lift all of that when the bar itself couldn't even handle the weight. He needs a bigger bar!

Graphic Designers Needed

Any graphic designer could tell you that this logo is not ideal. The little person graphic in the middle of the logo is supposed to look like an "i" but instead ended up looking like an "a". You don't really want the words "Fat Forever" representing your gym, right?

Watch Until The End

This is why gym shouldn't have their lifting stations close to windows... This girl probably felt so bad! Who would have thought that she would end up breaking the window like that?

That's Doing More Harm Than Good

Contrary to popular belief, there is a wrong way to work out. This is definitely one of them. Not only is this super dangerous and risks tipping the machine over, but working out in such a position can really hurt your back and legs. Not to mention that it does nothing for the body.                                                                                                                                        

Needs a Reward

Listen, working out is hard. For some people, it feels super impossible. Everyone copes in different ways, and this girl knows that she needs an immediate reward for anything that she does. That's why she has the ice cream with her! For every mile completed she gets some ice cream. Easy! 

Someone Got Mixed Up

Thor hammer, barbell... Same thing! Although, that Thor Hammer might actually be heavy enough to work out with. Either way, someone got mixed up while reracking, which can happen whenever you do bring your Thor Hammer to the gym.

Find a Reliable Spotter

Spotters are super important to have when you're lifting heavy weights. If you're not strong enough to put it back up, your spotter is supposed to help you. Obviously, that didn't happen here! 

Making it Work

Let's be thankful that this is a drop ceiling to begin with... Otherwise, this could would not have been able to get his workout in! Tall people really have it rough sometimes...

Using the Mat... Differently

Is the cold metal of the bar too distracting to you? No worries, just steal an entire workout mat and drape it over your shoulders. Problem solved! Now, the problem is that you look weird to everyone else. 

Pure Motivation

Some people need a real push to head to the gym. This guy brought the entire marching band with them! In reality, this was most likely just a prank, but the idea of him bringing a band to cheer him on is way funnier.

Moments Before Disaster

Here's the thing about heavy weights: it's very easy to lose your balance with how the weights are distributed. There is a 100% chance that this bar is going to lose the weight on the right side and totally topple this guy over. Funny enough, the only thing that remains of this incident is this screenshot...

Don't Worry, I'm Watching Her

When it's gym day but you're on baby duty: just bring the baby in a backpack! Problem solved. Maybe the kid will learn a thing or two about working out.

Finish a Squat, Have a Bite

Sweets and desserts seem to be the ultimate form of encouragement when working out. It definitely makes sense! Especially for this specific exercise... The best form of reward is stuffing your face with chocolate cake. 

Not the Right Message

Isn't the gym mantra to cut the sweets? So why did this gym decide to bring free Krispy Kreme donuts for their members? That's a sugar trigger waiting to happen! 

Nothing Will Stop My Workout

This guy took, "through hell or high water" way too literally... The gym was flooding with nasty sewage water but he still needed to finish his set. This doesn't seem like a bright idea... The workout can wait!

How To Twist Your Ankle

Doing anything in heels makes it harder for people to do anything, and that's a fact. Although it's definitely more different to do weighted squats in heels, does it actually help? If anything, it'll help you twist your ankle! 

He's Helping!

It's usually beneficial for someone to go to the gym with a buddy... This guy chose to bring his bird! He looks like a great little workout buddy.

Going Too Hard

If anything, it seems like this person kind of misjudged where they were supposed to jump. Their feet landed way too close to the launch platform and they ended up just ramming into it. That probably hurt.

Does He Have Superpowers?

Upon first glance, it seems like this man is literally levitating upside down at the gym. He's actually hanging from the rafters, which is easily just as weird. There are machines for you to do hanging sit-ups... Apparently, he didn't like those.

Not a Sufficient Bench

Weight benches are always made of metal... This is why. A plastic lawn chair is not going to help you lift anything. Let's hope this guy had some person watching over him out there...

The Worst Pain

Those tension bands are some of the worst things to work out with sometimes. Yeah, it's great for a quick and convenient workout, but when it snaps on you... Well, it hurts. This girl is the perfect example of having a tension band betray you.

Taking a Break

Looks like this guy is taking advantage of the mostly-empty gym to catch up on his reading... They might be a better place to do that, but at least he's not bothering anyone. Might as well work out your brain, too!

She's Earned It

Apparently, this woman is in her mid 90s and still working out three times a week. Her personal trainer took this photo of her in between sets. This is how it's done! 

Lose a Bet?

This guy has quite an interesting choice of workout gear... He's obviously a personal trainer, so maybe the story is that he told his client he would wear this leotard if she showed up to the gym. It looks like it worked! 

Yoga Problems

Yoga is supposed to relax your mind and body. Sometimes, it's a little too relaxing. Has anyone else ever found themselves asleep on their mat?

Broken Back Life

You're supposed to use this machine as a squatting device... This guy is using it as a way to break his entire back. This looks super painful and dangerous.

Cheaper Than Cable! 

This is what happens when a gym membership is cheaper than cable. As long as you don't mind heading to the gym for your daily programming, then this is a great alternative! You can even be like this lady and borrow a gym chair. Comfy! 

Doing The Most

This is definitely a great way to waste your time at the gym. It's unclear as to what workout he's trying to accomplish, but, either way, he's not quite doing it right. Doing this doesn't really work out anything.


The temptation is real after finishing a workout with this Planet Fitness. Who was there first? Planet Fitness or McDonald's? Either way, whichever one went up second definitely had a vendetta against the other. 

What's The Point?

There is literally no point in what this person is doing. The Segway is obviously getting the workout, but that's what it's designed to do. If anything, this looks like it'll ruin the tread on the treadmill. 

There's A  Lot Going On

There's a lot going on and is any of it worth it? It seems like the only thing that this position would help is balance... Even then, you can accomplish that without looking this ridiculous in the gym. To be honest, this probably doesn't do too much.

Big Ouch

If this photo was taken on purpose, then kudos to this guy. If it wasn't, kudos to the photographer for capturing such a perfect fail. Has anyone fallen like this on a treadmill before?

When Showing Off Goes Wrong

This would have been a lot cooler if he actually completely eat it at the end. This girl was super bold for standing in the middle of that contraption... She was almost taken out, too! 

Not The Right Ceiling

This is a great example of a drop ceiling being a drop ceiling. It's hard to tell if this guy put that bar there or if it was already there in the first place... Either way, this is exactly what he should have expected. Drop ceilings are super fragile for a reason!

A Bit Too Fast

This is what happens when you go a little too hard on the treadmill... That was probably pretty darn painful. 

Even Bruce Wayne Has a Gym Membership

Er, sorry, Batman. That giant mansion with a huge, underground secret batcave apparently doesn't have a gym! It's proably pretty easy for Bruce Wayne to get a gym membership, though. 

Is This... Exercise?

What do you do when you and your four pals all head to the gym? Make a human ladder, of course! It doesn't look like they're doing too much working out at the gym...

Please Rerack Your Weights

Every gym deals with the issue of people not reracking the weights. For this gym, it became such a problem that they decided to target some peoples' masculinity by calling them too weak. After all, that must be the reason why these weights aren't reracked, right? 

This Isn't Smart

Spotter or not, this is not a great idea. There are so many reasons for this little idea to go wrong. Let's just hope this spotter is strong and that the weight lifter has good balance...

That's When You Know...

This is the face that you make when you know you messed up. Hopefully, there was someone closeby to help her get out of this deep squat. This is every lifters nightmare!

Once Again, Doing Too Much

This is literally the perfect way to hurt yourself. This guy will end up throwing out his back or straining his trap muscles to the point of no return... Sometimes, doing something "harder" doesn't mean it'll bode better. Just do things normally! 

Big Time Embarrassing

This guy really thought that he was gonna be "the dude" after this one... He should be glad that the woman right there wasn't watching. At least it was uploaded to the internet for all of us to see! 

Eyes on the Prize

This is pretty hilarious, especially since this guy was recording himself. Let this be a lesson: keep your eyes to yourself!

Gotta Be Faster

This workout can be fun, but maybe not with a whole medicine ball. As you can tell, it's a great way to break your neck, especially if you're not fast enough to catch it. Hoping this guy is okay! 

Dreaming of Flying

This is another way to not use these types of machines. Not only does this not do anything for your strength or cardio training, but it makes you look super ridiculous at the gym. There's no doubt that a gym employee went over to ask him to stop.

Itchy Bum

This dog totally ruined his very impressive benching video. If there is a way for a dog to get attention, they will do it. Even this!

The Fail Here... is You

This guy isn't the fail in this photo... It's the person who took the photo! Even with all of the odds against him, this runner is still ahead of people, and, therefore, better than them. Well, in his mind, anyway. 

That's Not How It's Done

Something obviously went wrong here, but what? The lonely bystander looks just as confused as the gym rat awkwardly lays on the floor. Whatever he was trying to do, he'd better figure out a better way to do it! 

Interesting Dynamic

It seems like these guys took "friends who lift together, stay together," a little too seriously. Let's hope that this was just a setup for a joke and not an actual what that they were working out... This can't be safe! 

Too Much Weight, Probably

Sorry, little guy. It's dangerous to go fully into a deadlift like that. You're going to have to wait until you're older! 

No, Thanks

The elliptical can be a great machine, but not when it's used like this. Imagine walking into the gym and seeing this happening unironically, though. Time to leave!

The Rubber Band Strikes Again

...Literally. These tension bands are difficult to maneuver. You're not a true jock if you haven't been smacked by one of them!

A Bit Too Weak

He really needed his buddies to help hype him up for this lift. Apparently, they went a little too hard and ended up knocking him out cold. Maybe next time, champ!

Use Less Weight

Do you think he's just worried about looking weak and refusing to use less weights? Or does he think that this is how that machine works? Looks rough. 

Reason 1928312 To Have a Spotter

This is the aftermath of doing a heavy lift with no spotter. Most times, people get trapped under the sheer weight of the bar. This guy obviously got out okay, but don't let this happen to you! 

Gym Revenge

This is what you get for messing around at the gym! To be honest, it makes for a hilarious video. 

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The More You Know

  • A team of six women programmed the first digital computer.
  • A species of squid has been observed to leap from the ocean by using pressurized water jets to achieve flight, going as far as 98 feet!
  • Little brown bats sleep more than any other mammal on earth.
  • The first pair of Nike running shoes was made in a waffle iron.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.