Ex-NASA Engineer Completely Fools Package Thieves With His Incredible Invention

If you’re thinking about stealing someone’s package off of their porch, you may want to think twice about who you may be stealing from. When ex-NASA engineer Mark Rober caught a couple stealing his package straight off his porch, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

Mark Rober

Mark Rober is a Youtuber who worked as an engineer for NASA for years. Nowadays, he spends his time creating and testing bizarre inventions for his subscribers.

His Greatest Invention Yet

Outside of skinning a watermelon (literally, what?) his top video is of his home-made top of the notch glitter bomb that he created simply for the greater good.

His Inspiration

Rober was inspired when he was the victim of a package thief. He took his security video to the police who refused to open a case since it “wasn’t worth their time.” Rober said that he felt victimized, violated, and now, helpless.

The Perps

Rober caught the thieves on camera. He caught their faces and everything, but still, his package was lost and they were rewarded for breaking the law by having the police let it slide. That’s not okay!

It Was Ridiculous

Rober was feeling a bit vengeful one day. He decided that package thieves shouldn’t have it so easy, so he wanted to create something that’ll make them regret stealing…

Can’t Walk Away Without a Fight

It wasn’t going to be easy, but Rober was ready to spend the next six months designing and testing the perfect box of revenge…

Put It Into Motion

Rober gathered up his supplies and a small team of friends to help him design the most hilarious booby trap you could ever think of. No one but an ex-NASA engineer could bring this to life…

The Device

This is the outside of his invention. On the top, you can see the glitter. Just wait for what else is inside… It only gets better.

It’s Genius

There are four phones with wide-angle lenses in the box. There are a few blind spots, but Rober will definitely catch the hilarious reactions of the thieves.

All Angles

Once the phones wake up and start recording, they will get four angles of the scene of the crime. That way, he will definitely not miss any reaction!

Taking It To The Next Level

Not only are they being recorded, but they’re also getting a very unwanted surprise: A can of fart spray in their face!

Rigging It Up

Not only does it spray once the box is open, but Rober designed a device that will make it spray every 30 seconds. The perp will most likely end up ditching the package since it smells so bad!

The Best Part

Of course, that brings us to the best part: The glitter. Once the perp opens up the package, the glitter will be unleashed by a high-powered motor that’ll spread it everywhere…

Ultra-fine, Hard to Get Rid Of

This is one of the best, most harmless punishments ever. The glitter will get all over the thief and their car or home. There will forever be a constant reminder of the crime they made.

Had To Get It Perfect

Rober was not going to cut corners with this thing. He knew that he wanted to get it perfect, and it had to go off without a hitch. So, he and his team spent months on testing and preparing this.

Putting In The Time

They had to craft the computer, farting mechanism, motor for the glitter, and the entire package itself! They were going to disguise it as an Apple HomePod.

His Favorite Part

Many people would assume that his favorite part would be the glitter coating the criminals, but it’s actually the shipping address. Kevin McCallister from Home Alone would be proud. And, of course, he’s sending it to Harry and Marv.

Finally, It’s Time To Test

This is truly the best prank out there. The trap couldn’t be more obvious, but greedy thieves won’t notice. It doesn’t take long for someone to snag it…

Retrieving The Package

Rober got a text on his phone that the geo-fence had been broken, but it seemed that it was ditched in a parking garage. So, he went to go fetch it and was happy to see the results…

No, Thanks!

Just as he suspected. The glitter and the fart spray made the perp ditch the evidence in the parking garage before speeding off. The footage on this is even better.

Got Him…

Just as suspected, the perp was caught quickly snatching the package from Rober’s stoop. Little did he know what was really inside…

Just Moments Before…

Rober was watching with giddy glee. He knew what was about to happen, but this poor thief had no idea… He thought he got a free HomePod!

Glittered Up

Unfortunately for this guy, he opened the package in his car. It exploded. Needless to say, the thief wasn’t happy. Luckily, he wasn’t the only person who tried to steal the package!

Stinking Up The Car

A group of friends snatched the package from Rober’s stoop and opened it in a parking lot. The fart spray quickly cleared the car, and the driver pushed it out the door. The glitter was all over the car and the people inside!

The Last Thief

This particular thief struck in the night. He snuck up onto the porch and dashed away with the “HomePod” under his arm only to later learn why he shouldn’t have grabbed it…

In His Own Home

The phones recorded this guys reaction to the glitter covering his home. He opened it up, and then poof! Glitter everywhere. He stood there for a bit…

Make Good Choices!

Rober caught the thief standing over the device, staring at it. It definitely seemed like he was contemplating his life choices! Eventually, the video showed him vacuuming up the glitter. Yeah, good luck with that.

Well Worth It

Rober spent a lot of time and money on this device and was extremely happy with the end results. He basically got to publicly shame these package thieves as well as (hopefully) deter any others. You never know what’s in the package!

How Did It All Work?

It took a lot for Rober to make this and it’s all extremely interesting… Only a genius could think of this!

The Invention

The design was pretty simple. He was going to need something to record, something to push the glitter out, and a GPS device.

Tiny Computer

Rober employed a friend to put a tiny computer in the box. Once this computer notices that it’s been moved, it’ll push out a GPS signal that it’s been moved. Then, it’ll send a signal to get the phones to start recording. And bam! Some fun public shaming.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.