Ex-Police Dog Leads New Owner Into Woods for an Alarming Discovery

When this ex-police dog was adopted by a normal family, he just couldn't shake his roots. Kyle knew something was wrong nearby. He was willing to go to any lengths to make sure justice was served...

Loyal Police Dog

Kyle the German Shepherd worked for eight years as a police dog. Kyle had a keen sense of smell, but he always lacked aggression. When Kyle was paired with Officer John, he learned to defend his new partner with his life...

Retired From Detective Work

For a while, the two were on permanent duty together! Officer John loved Kyle with all his heart, but after eight long years, he knew that it was time for Kyle to retire from the force. However, John never could have predicted how Kyle's finely-honed police skills would help solve a crime in the most bizarre way...

New Family

It broke John's heart, but he ended up giving Kyle to a local family, where he would be able to live out the rest of his days in peace and quiet. The Smith family instantly bonded with Kyle. They had no idea how their newest addition would lead to the discovery of a grisly crime...

New Routine

Kyle was a larger dog who needed lots of exercise to stay fit and healthy. When Kyle wasn't playing fetch in the yard with the young Smith children, he was going on walks with his new mom and dad, Matt and Lisa. The couple felt reassured on their daily walks that nobody would bother them, now that they were protected by Kyle.

A Walk in the Woods

Kyle loved to go on long walks in the woods behind the Smiths' property. Lisa used to be scared of walking through them alone while Matt was working. Now that she had Kyle by her side, she felt much safer...

Deep Forest

The Smiths lived in the countryside on a large, three-acre property. As Kyle adapted to his new lifestyle, he and Lisa trekked through the woods countless times. Kyle loved to roam through the forest, chewing on sticks and chasing woodland creatures. Then, one day, he found something that made Lisa scream at the top of her lungs...

Strange Behavior

One day, while on an afternoon walk along their usual trail, Kyle buried his nose in the earth, sniffing around. This wasn't uncommon, so Lisa indulged his urges, and she let herself be pulled off the trail and into dark woods. Kyle had an incredible sense of smell, and he had found some interesting things on their walks in the past...

He Seemed Anxious

Kyle had sniffed out a number of interesting forest creatures over the last few months. Once, he had even retrieved a pile of someone's old clothes! But this time, Lisa noticed that Kyle was acting out of the ordinary. He seemed anxious, whimpering as he practically dragged Lisa further and further into the woods...

A Scent the Air

They reached a clearing surrounded by tall trees on all sides. Lisa was beginning to grow nervous. Why was Kyle behaving like this? Kyle ran in circles, sniffing the air. Lisa wondered if there was something hiding in the trees.

Calling Officer John

Lisa was concerned about her new dog, so she called the only person that she knew would be able to help—Officer John. John did his best to keep Lisa calm. He explained that Kyle was acting like this because he picked up a scent that was out of the ordinary or presented as something dangerous.

She Found Something

Kyle was scratching at one particular tree. Lisa's heart was pounding. Officer John warned her to remain where she was until he arrived. He told her not to touch anything, but Lisa's curiosity got the better of her.

Hollow Tree

Lisa saw that there appeared to be something wedged in a hollowed-out portion of the bark. She wondered if Kyle had found someone's drug stash. Lisa figured that whatever was inside the strange vials Kyle had uncovered, it couldn't be that bad...

On High Alert

Kyle was restraining himself from going totally berserk. He waited rigidly for his follow-up command, but Lisa had none to offer. She opened up the vial—and let out a blood-curdling scream.

Officer John Arrives

Just then, Lisa heard John's voice coming from another part of the forest. She screamed for help, and John came running toward them with a number of officers for backup. Kyle was overjoyed at seeing his old partner again, but he was unaware of the stakes at hand...

Looking Closer

Officer John bent down to examine what Kyle and Lisa had uncovered. Lisa sat on a nearby tree trunk, shaking. John discovered several more vials stashed inside individual compartments in the tree trunk. John realized that Kyle had been drawn to the scent of human remains.

Hold On A Minute...

There were human bones hidden inside the tree! John was about to phone in for more backup in order to begin the investigation, but a forensic expert he had brought along with him held out a hand. Apparently, a call to the station would not be necessary for this. John was confused. Hadn't his old friend just found a human skeleton?

Something Wasn't Right

The forensic experts had already unpacked their tools and begun to analyze the skeleton while John had been comforting Lisa. Usually, forensic investigators need at least a few days to conclusively determine the origin of human remains. But for this case, they already had everything they needed.

Fake Bones

According to the forensic expert, the bones that Kyle had found weren't real! They were likely planted in the tree as some kind of gruesome Halloween prank. At first, John and Lisa burst into laughter, thankful that there was no real danger. Still, something was bugging John...

False Alarm

Kyle was too well-trained of a dog to have alerted them to something like this. He knew the difference between a threatening smell and a non-threatening one. Why had he led them all here for no reason? Then, suddenly, it clicked.

Missing His Partner

Kyle was jumping around and licking John's land, so excited he could barely contain himself. John realized that maybe Kyle had always known there was never any real danger. There had always been one foolproof way for Kyle to get John's attention...

Best Friends

For Kyle, it was never about the skeleton. He must have known that this was the quickest way to reunite with John! John couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous situation. He bent down and scratched Kyle behind the ears...

Making an Effort

John dismissed the officers he had brought along with him for backup. He asked Lisa if he could take Kyle on a little walk through the woods for some quality time. Lisa handed John the leash, still reeling from the events of the day.

Always Loved

All Kyle had wanted was to see John one more time. The gesture moved the officer so much that he promised to visit as often as he could. The two had been on many adventures with one another...

John's Story

During his time on the force, Kyle had become an indispensable member of his team. He was able to sniff out anything from bombs to illegal drugs. Kyle had come from a long line of police dogs. When he met John, it was love at first sight.

Trained from Birth

Kyle had been groomed to become a police dog since the day he was born. K9 units within law enforcement organizations work hard to hone puppies' sense of smell from before they can open their eyes! Kyle and his six siblings were all trained to become police dogs...

Years of Training

During his time on the force, Kyle had become an indispensable member of his team. He was able to sniff out anything from bombs to illegal drugs. Kyle had come from a long line of police dogs. His mother was an esteemed police dog, as well!

Their First Case

Kyle and John's first case together was a missing child. A little girl had been reported missing by her parents, who were distraught over the disappearance of their daughter. John arrived at the scene with Kyle, who was given a piece of her clothing to gather her scent...

Into the Woods

Kyle took John to a wooded area near her parents' home. John was worried that they would discover something terrible, but Kyle went to work, sniffing along the trail. As long as Kyle continued to pick up the scent, John knew that the girl might still be alive...

Found Safe

The two passed straight through the forest into a nearby residential neighborhood, where the girl's scent was still strong. Kyle led John to the front door of a house. To their surprise, the little girl was sitting on the steps! She had gone to visit her aunt without letting her parents know first.

Man's Best Friend

Even though Kyle had been adopted by the Smiths, he was still loyal to John in every way. He certainly managed to remind John of their unbreakable bond!

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The More You Know

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  • Movie popcorn costs more per ounce than Filet Mignon.
  • The glass winged butterfly lacks colored scales, which makes its wings transparent and helps it avoid predators.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.