Friends Open Up a Creepy, Abandoned Cooler and Nearly Run Away After Seeing What’s Inside

A group of friends was ready to celebrate the last days of summer along a local river. Their festivities were interrupted when a cooler floated into their campsite, changing their entire trip…

What Would You Do?

You and your friends are spending the day on the river. Suddenly, some of you spot something floating in the river. At first, it looks like someone had lost their cooler, but then you notice that it’s duct-taped shut…

Checking It Out

It’s suspicious and alarming. What if there’s something in there that no one wants to see? There’s only one way to find out what’s inside…

Beautiful Day Out

Summer was coming to an end, and a group of friends went out to their local river to spend the day floating around and soaking up the last few days of summer.

All Set-Up

They were planning on staying there all day, so they set up their chairs and food early in the day. The relaxing environment didn’t last long, because something was floating in the river upstream…

A White Box

It was so far ahead of them, but they could sort of make out what is was… They figured it was most likely a cooler. The friends thought that someone was tubing and it had gotten loose. Bummer!

They Ignored It

For a while, they ignored it. Someone was probably looking for it, so they might as well just leave it be. It ended up getting closer and closer…

The Guessing Game

After a while, the cooler was still in sight. The group started joking about what could be in there. Drugs? Weapons? Gold?

What About…

They were having fun with conspiring about what was in there. They agreed that it was most likely just some food and beer that floated away from a group. It was kind of weird that no one came looking for it, though…

Who’s Is It?

After a while, they became more interested in grabbing it. It was apparent that the cooler had gotten stuck on some shallow ground on the river and was just taunting them to come and get it…

Free Food!

It had been hours since they first saw the cooler. It was becoming very obvious that no one was coming to get it…

Let’s Grab It

They start recording, just in case. “Colby, go get this,” the person behind the camera says. “What if it’s treasure?” he jokes.

Colby Takes The Plunge

Colby decides that he’ll go and grab it. It’s on the opposite side of the small river, so he dives to go get it. His dog runs in right behind him…

Reaching the Cooler

Colby got to the cooler but then turned around. “It’s taped shut!” he yelled to his friends. Why would this be taped shut? The energy immediately shifted.

Why Would Someone Tape It Shut?

This was definitely not a regular cooler. Why would someone tape this shut? Unless they didn’t want it to be opened…

Bring It Over

Although they were freaked out, his friends told him to bring it back over. So, he did.

It Definitely Wasn’t Food…

Now that they knew it was taped shut, it was obvious that whatever was in there wasn’t food. Maybe it was a treasure? Or maybe…

Got It!

Colby (and his dog!) swam back over to bring the cooler to his friends. “It feels heavy,” he told them.

Time To See…

They knew that they had to open it. In the background, someone said, “What if its a body?” Everyone froze… What if it was?

They Weren’t Prepared

Everything was all fun and jokes until that was mentioned. Honestly, things were starting to add up. A cooler, that no one is looking for, randomly washes up on the river shore. It’s taped shut, and heavy… Things aren’t looking up for the group.

Open The Hatch

There was only one way to find out what was inside. They untaped the hatch and opened it up…

Immediately Startled

Colby took the liberty of opening the hatch. He ripped off the tape and opened it. He immediately yelled.

What Is It?

He slammed it shut and backed up, letting out tons of profanities. The man behind the camera can be heard cursing as well, while also asking what it was.

More Friends Gather

After seeing Colby’s violent reaction, more of the friends came to gather around the cooler. “What’s inside?” a girl can be heard asking. “You have to open it yourself,” the cameraman responded.

Why Me?

Naturally, she wasn’t too stoked on having to open it herself. She decided to suck it up and open it to find out what it was. She had the same exact reaction as Colby…

A Doll?

When she looked in, she immediately saw the face of a child… A child doll! She jumped back and cursed, immediately asking, “Why would anyone do that?”

A Prank

Apparently, the group of friends was the victims of a very, very creepy prank! They were a little creeped out, but could still admit that it was pretty funny.

They Really Thought…

Some of the friends can be heard laughing around in the background. “I really thought that was a dead kid,” one man said.

Who Does That?

“Well, I guess somebody gets a free cooler out of it!” the cameraman jokes. They were seriously hoping that this just a prank and that it didn’t go any further than that…

Unsolved Mystery

Unfortunately, this will forever go unsolved. After the story went viral, no one stepped up to admit their weird little prank… Unless it wasn’t a prank.

Free Doll?

Luckily, the story had a relatively happy ending… At least the police didn’t have to be called. Plus, someone got a free doll!

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.