Secrets That Your Gym Is Hiding From You

Although most people would think that the gym is a healthy and safe environment to get some exercise, the truth is actually quite the opposite. As these gym secrets will show you, these places are nothing more than an overpriced cesspool for bacteria that’s also a hotspot for creeps and egomaniacs.

In case you ever needed any reason to avoid going to the gym, each of these gym secrets should be more than enough.

When To Sign Up For Membership

In case you really want to get a membership, the best time to do so and get a major discount is during the summertime. These are usually the months where most people are showing off their summer bods and too busy working on it, so not only will gyms be cheaper then, but they’ll also be less crowded.

Double-Check That Cancellation Policy

Always double-check your membership’s cancellation policy, which is purposely written in fine print to lessen the chances of people reading them. This way, in case you don’t necessarily agree with anything written, you can save yourself the trouble and avoid signing up for a membership.

What Happens When You Try To Catch Your Breath

A recent study by The New York Times has found out that gyms have high levels of air pollutants that very well exceed what’s considered as standards for air quality. This means that you’re breathing in toxic chemicals such as formaldehyde, airborne dust, and carbon dioxide while you’re huffing and puffing inside the gym.

Initiation Fees Are B.S

Most gyms prey on members who will willingly pay them anything up front. Don’t be like them. Instead, kindly ask the gym to waive your initiation fee and save yourself hundreds of dollars in the process.

Most Personal Trainers Aren’t Too Bright

While personal trainers look hot sporting that tank top or tight shirt, their credentials aren’t exactly as good as their looks. The truth is, it’s not too hard to become a personal trainer.

If you want to make sure that you’re being trained by a legit personal trainer, try to check in with the gym manager first about their hiring criteria and the trainer’s credentials.

Bring Your Own Exercise Mat

If you want to save yourself from getting athlete’s foot and plantar warts, avoid using any of the gym’s yoga and exercise mats. They’ve been proven many times over to be full of dangerous bacteria.

A Haven For Germs and Bacteria

If you’re quite easily grossed out, then you might want to skip going to the gym entirely. Again, as mentioned many times over in this list, they’re full off germs, viruses, bacteria and fungi.

One study has confirmed that three-fourths of weight equipment was contaminated with cold-causing rhinoviruses and that wiping the surfaces didn’t really help at all. Even worse is that you can get staph infections if you get a cut or scrape on your skin while at the gym.

Weight Machines Are Mostly Gimmick

If you really want to lose weight and get those muscles, free weights are all that you should be doing.

Weight machines, as awesome as they may look like, are mostly a gimmick and are there because they’re so easy to use and make injury nearly impossible.

How To Cancel Your Membership

Most gyms will allow you to cancel your membership, but only if you move a certain distance away from them. The distance is often non-negotiable and strictly regulated.

For example, when it says 25 miles, that means you have to move away exactly 25 miles away from the gym. Any less and you’ll still be required to pay your membership for as long as the contract runs.

The Reality About Weight Machines

Again, those fancy weight machines may look awesome, but they’re useless when it comes to gaining any actual real-world strength. They’re best used for something like physical therapy, nothing more.

Drinking Water Fountains Are Gross

While staying hydrated is extremely important before, during and after working out, do avoid drinking from the gym’s water fountain. They’re not exactly the most hygienic of places and have been found to be dirtier than most toilets.

Don’t Drink The Pool Water

Not to point fingers or anything, but public and gym swimming pools have an absurd amount of poop or fecal matter in them. And, while we can’t really tell you not to take a dip, do try to avoid drinking the water unless you want to get diarrhea.

Fake Promotion Rates

Before signing up for that promotional membership, try to do the math first. There’s a huge chance that you’ll end up being overcharged instead of saving money if you’re not careful.

Avoid Bringing Any Valuables With You

Unless you want to lose any of your stuff, avoid bringing them with you to the gym. Always pack in your bag only the bare necessities: extra pair of shirt, shorts, underwear, and your choice of music player in case you like listening to music while working out.

Remember, the gym is not in any way liable for any stuff that you end up losing while inside the establishment.

Make The Most Out Of Your Membership

Notice that your gym isn’t as packed as before? Well, take this time to milk your membership and get more out of it. If you do a little research, you’ll likely find a cheaper club with most amenities. But, don’t switch. Instead, show your current gym all their perks and rates and chances are, your gym will match it just to keep you around.

The Truth Behind Those Fitness Magazines

Those fitness magazines are actually part of a greater marketing scheme to get you and other patrons to buy any dietary supplements advertised in them.

Don’t Splurge On Your Gym Membership

Save for a few minor differences, most gyms are pretty much the same. So, if you can get a cheap membership, then do so. The added amenities in other more expensive gyms may sound nice, but they’re an added expense that you can live without.

Going To The Gym Can Kill You

So first you’ve got germs, bacteria, and viruses, and now, you’ve got to worry about sudden cardiac arrest. Although it rarely happens, when it does, there’s very little chance for you to survive the attack. This is because not all gyms carry an automated external defibrillator to revive you in the case of an attack, and even if you do, there may not be anyone on the staff that’s been trained to use it.

If you’re really keen on committing to a membership, check if the gym has an AED and if the someone in the staff has had CPR and AED training and the certifications to show for it.

Their Insurance Policies Are Shady AF

Most gyms have a free pass against injury claims, thanks to the many hidden liability waivers found in their memberships forms. And, if you do attempt to sue, most gym’s won’t give you any information about their insurance company, leaving you to tend to your injuries on your own.

Rethink That Monthly Membership

While you can actually save a lot if you avail of a monthly gym membership, that’s only true if you happen to go every day or every other day. But, for most people, that’s not the case, and so, you’re probably better off availing of a pay-as-you-go-system and be free of any obligations.

Be Careful of Free Trial Memberships

To gain new members, most gyms offer free trial memberships. However, these free trial memberships come with a caveat, especially those that require you to input your credit card information first before availing. There’s a huge chance that they have written in fine print on their contracts stipulating that if you don’t attend the gym for the full duration of the free trial, you’ll be forced to pay for a multi-year full membership.

The Truth About Equipment Maintenance

Since they have little to no liability when it comes to any injury while you’re at the gym, most gyms don’t really take it upon themselves to clean and maintain their equipment. In fact, most are not even legally required to do so, meaning that there’s always some risk involved when using some of the weight equipment.

Find a Gym Buddy

If you can, always have a gym buddy with you. Not only will this help motivate you to make the most out of your membership, but most gyms will also offer you a discount if you have a partner during personal training sessions.

Don’t Go To The Gym Everyday

In case you didn’t already know, you actually don’t have to exercise or go to the gym everyday. As important as sweating and working out is, it’s also equally important to give your body time to rest and recuperate.

Get Used To Working Out Without Personal Trainers

Do you want to keep working out with that cute personal trainer? If so, then be prepared to spend some cash. Personal trainers need to fill monthly quotas to stay employed, and oftentimes, they don’t so they’re replaced by others. Unless, of course, you give them some extra cash every now and then for working out with you.

Zero Liability

If you somehow manage to injure yourself at the gym, they most likely will not be liable for any damage. So, good luck trying to file legal action against them.

The Threat of Injury Is Very Real

Speaking of injuries, the threat of being injured while in the gym is very real. Even in classes that look harmless and easy, you can get yourself injured, especially if you push your body too far. This is especially true in overcrowded gyms and when you’re working out with an inexperienced instructor.

Exercise Isn’t Enough To Get You Thin

Contrary to popular belief, exercise alone isn’t enough to help you lose weight. Instead, if you really want to shave off those pounds, you’ll want to pair regular exercise with a proper diet plan and make sure that you stick to it.

Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For A Discount

Most gyms offer discounts, but they don’t offer them outright. Instead, they’ll only offer such discounts if you bother asking them for it. So, ask away.

They’re Desperate For Members

Gyms will tell you just about anything just to get you to sign up for a membership. Of course, while most are done to your benefit, they’ll get more out of it from you by way of cash. So, before you end up falling to any one of their sales pitch, read the contract first or you may end up regretting it.

Stretching Isn’t As Important

Did you know that pre-workout stretches have actually been proven to increase your risk of injury and lower your subsequent performance? You see, if you stretch before working out, you only reduce your muscle’s stability and the amount of power and strength they can generate throughout your workout.

Gyms Want You To Stay Away

Contrary to popular belief, gyms don’t really want you to come. They want your money, but not you. This is because to stay anywhere close to being profitable, they have to have 10 or so times the members their facilities can handle. So, if you’ve ever been turned off by a gym that’s crowded, chances are, it’s meant to be that way so you sign up for a membership and spend money while working out only a few times.

Wear Flipflops Inside The Locker Room

Gym showers are just as bad as public showers, so unless you want athlete’s foot, foot fungus, and other types of bacteria creeping up on you, keep those flops of yours stapled to your feet while you’re inside the locker room.

Cardio Isn’t Everything

While cardio isn’t bad for you, it’s not exactly the best thing ever. Sure, it’s important, but you don’t really need to do extensive exercise thrice a week for more than 20 minutes each time. And, given how easy you can do that, do you even really need a pricey gym membership?

When To Snap a Membership

While summertime is the best time to snag yourself a cheap gym membership, there are other ways to get them on the cheap. The last weekend of the month and holidays are good examples of when you can go to the gym for a discount.

They’re Designed To Make You Not Want To Work Out

To reinforce the idea that you don’t really want to go to the gym and use the facilities, the gym purposely plays music that makes you want to sit down and be lazy.

If you really want to get the most out of your work, it’s best that you bring your headphones and listen to your own tunes.

The Orientation Scam

To capitalize on your enthusiasm and excitement during the orientation, they’ll have one or two of your trainers talk to you to walk you through the program they’re proposing. This may sound good and all, but this is all a ploy to get you to sign up for a membership and get you to work with one of their trainers.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.