Her Ex-Boyfriend Sold Her Dog, so She Got Revenge in the Best Way

Ashley Farley returned home one day to find her boyfriend in her apartment, but not her dog. Her boyfriend had sold her furry friend while she was at work, and that wasn’t even the worst of it. Read on to find out how she got her revenge on the dog-napper…

Meeting Ashley Farley

Ashley Farley was a 25-year-old aspiring singer and things in her life were going fine enough. She was working, had an adorable puppy, and a dedicated boyfriend. On the surface, her life was perfect…

Ashley’s Relationship

Ashley Farley had only started dating her ex-boyfriend 3 months ago. He was funny, interesting, and everything she wanted out of a relationship. The relationship was going great, or so she thought…

Coming Home

One day, Ashley returned home from work to find her boyfriend in her apartment. This was strange, as they didn’t live together yet. Even worse, her puppy didn’t greet her at the door. Something was wrong…

Sold And Gone

The ex-boyfriend explained that the dog was gone. He had sold the pup earlier that day on Craigslist, and she wouldn’t be able to get her back or track her down. Ashley was devastated…

Absolutely Crushed

“I can’t explain the empty feeling I felt and how I felt my heart just drop to the bottom of my stomach,” said the distraught Ashley. Her beloved dog, Ella, was very dear to her, and now she was gone forever…

Ella and Ashley

Ashley bought Ella almost 5-months prior to help with her own anxiety and depression. The two were inseparable as soon as they met. They were a match made in heaven…

Evil Intentions

“He looked at me with the most spiteful smile that I’ve ever seen someone give anybody,” said Ashley. He clearly was seeking out some kind of undeserved revenge…

Cutting Ties

“He said babe, I sold her while you were at work today and it’s over. I’m leaving you.” So now both her relationship was over and her dog was gone. What was Ashley going to do?

Out of Nowhere

According to Ashley, this act came out of nowhere. They’d had no problems before the hound heist. There was no reason, and no way to find her precious pup…

Video Proof

Later on, while Ashley tried to track down the dog, the ex sent her a text with a disturbing video. It was Ella, running around and wagging her tail. But what was going on?

Caption Cruelty

“He said, look, Ella is safe and sound in her new home,” recalled Ashley of the video’s caption, “You’ll never see her again.” The apartment felt wrong without Ella…

Ella’s Memory

Everywhere she looked, Ella’s memory haunted Ashley. Her crate and toys were still strewn around the apartment. She didn’t take the loss lying down…

Worried Owner

Ashley began to worry about whether the new owners would be able to care for the puppy, who needed a specific medicine to battle infection. Desperate, she turned to the media…

Reaching Out

She decided to reach put to the local news to see if anyone would be able to reunite the owner with her dog. It was beginning to take a toll on Ashley emotionally…

Hurt Emotions

I felt like a hole had been punctured through my heart, like part of me was missing,” said Ashley about the loss. Someone, thankfully, heard her pleas for the dog…

Caring Couple

A nice couple watching the news were shocked to hear Ashley’s story, especially since they had just bought a dog off of Craiglist. It didn’t take long for them to realize the truth…

Friends of Farley

The couple was eager to return Ella to Ashley. “They were the sweetest people I have met,” said Farley, who added that the couple didn’t even take her reward money.

Reunited Forever

Against the ex’s wishes, Farley and Ella were reunited at last, and this time, forever. As for the ex? He’s back home in Florida, far away from the duo. Not every story has such a happy ending though…

Laura’s Story

Sixteen-year-old Laura Bonfim had a similar experience with her now ex-boyfriend, who sold her dog on a site called Kijiji without her consent. The full story is a rollercoaster…

Laura and Tina

Laura and Tina were an inseparable duo. Tina, a seven-month-old shih-poo, was always at Laura’s side. However, the dog belonged to both her and the ex, which made ownership tricky…

Time With Tina

The couple had been broken up for a year, splitting their time with Tina between the two of them. This worked for a while, but it wasn’t built to last…

Seemingly Routine

The ex came to Laura’s house to collect Tina. She handed her over without much afterthought. Everything seemed to be routine, but she’d soon find out, that was not the ex’s plan…

An Unusual Question

A few hours after the hand-off, Laura received a weird text asking her if she’d be mad if he sold Tina. Laura said yes, thinking he was joking around. She never expected what came next…

Looking Back

“He purchased her as a gift to me,” Laura recalled, “She was living with me and me and my mom were paying for everything for her.” He clearly didn’t see things that way…

Sold To the Highest Bidder

Precious little Tina wasn’t with the ex though, she was sold to a woman on a dog-selling site for $700. But why and how could he hurt Laura like this?

Strapped For Cash

Apparently, he was just extremely broke and needed the money fast. He decided that since the dog was half his, he had the right to sell it. Laura disagreed…

Notifying Police

After learning about the transaction, Laura sprang into action, trying to find the missing pup. Sadly, the police said they legally couldn’t do anything to help…

Civil, Not Criminal

The officers said “A deal is a deal. The correct thing would have been to have that discussion before selling the dog, but there’s nothing criminal.” Things only got worse from there…

Instant Regret

Though he needed the money, the ex-boyfriend felt bad for his actions. Desperate, they tried to track down the woman but to no avail. She couldn’t be reached…

Forever Ignored

We were trying to explain the situation to her, but she didn’t believe us,” Laura explained “She thought it was a scam. She canceled her phone number, so we can’t contact her anymore.”

Pleading Online

Laura resorted to Facebook to beg the public for her dog back. The post has over 900 shares and counting, but so far not enough to hear about the dog’s whereabouts

Hope For The Best

“We only had her for seven months, but she was already part of our family. My brother has depression,” said Laura, looking back on the pup’s influence “She was helping him get through that. We’re all devastated she’s gone.”

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.