Here’s What “The Most Beautiful Twins in the World” Look Like Now

Ava and Leah were once known as the “Most Beautiful Twins in the World” but stepped out of the limelight to have normal childhoods. Now, several years later, they’re back and you won’t believe what they look like today. Read on for all the details on their whirlwind life story…

The Clements Twins

Jaqi and Kevin Clements tried for a long time to get pregnant, so when they discovered they were going to have identical twin girls, they were overjoyed. They named the girls Ava and Leah, but they never knew what would come of them…

Giving Birth

Jaqi and Kevin Clements were ecstatic to give birth to two beautiful baby girls, but things were moving faster than expected. Though they weren’t due until mid-August, the girls decided to make an entrance…

Ready to Roll

Jaqi said on her personal blog that “[t]hey came four and a half weeks early but knowing their personalities now it makes total sense that they would show up early, unannounced, and ready to take on anything.” This is a theme that would follow them forever…

Talk of the Town

“Wow they are so beautiful, you should really think about getting them into modeling,” she often heard of her newborn babies. She was flattered by the attention, but also very unsure…

Family Matters

The twins were siblings to an older brother, and Jaqi thought it was just too stressful when parenting was her number one priority. The modeling was an intriguing idea though, one that she wanted to come back to…

Famous Faces

The twins were so young, but stunning nonetheless. They had smooth, tan skin, bright eyes, silky hair, and symmetrical faces. They were constantly complimented, and soon, a decision was made…

Back Burner

For now, modeling was delayed. The family attempted it for a few months, three to be exact, but nothing felt right. Jaqi said, “It was hard enough to get out of the door most days.” Soon though, everything would fall into place…

Ava and Leah

The twin girls took this time off to develop their personalities. Over time, their differences shone through. Ava preferred dancing and Leah liked swimming. They were growing fast…

Young Girls

The girls were only toddlers when they first tried to model. It just wasn’t the right time, but they missed the lifestyle. Jaqi asked them how they felt about the change…

Time Off

The girls would need to grow up before they could be trusted to make their own choices. Would they vote to be model, or just be regular kids? The universe decided for them…

Lucky Seven

Jaqi was a big believer n signs from the universe, namely, the number seven. On the twins seventh birthday, 7/7/17, they’d finally be old enough to decide. It was simple…

An Easy Choice

Jaqi said that when she presented her idea, the girls began jumping up and down, eager and excited to get back in the modeling game. But, there were going to be some ground rules…

Rules and Regulations

“I presented my idea to the girls that, if they were up for it, in addition to their dance classes and swim team practices they had every week, they could give modeling a try,” Jaqi wrote. But it wouldn’t be an easy transition…

Detrimental Development

Jaqi was worried about how her daughters would grow up if they started wearing makeup and expensive clothes so young. What would become of them? Would they ever have a good childhood?

Portfolio Building

“I dug out my 10-year-old Nikon camera from a bin in the garage,” said Jaqi online, “I put a few waves in the girl’s hair, dabbed on a little blush, and out we went to take some pictures.” There was a lot to learn…

Working on Working

The modeling didn’t take off immediately. The twins weren’t sure how to pose or act naturally in front of the lens. Still, they started to gain a following…

Staring Contest

“Ava would look at the camera while Leah would stare off into space…” said Jaqi. It only got more frustrating. The two together were hard to handle and loved causing problems for their mom…

Bumping Around

Leah would accidentally bump into Ava who of course thought it was on purpose and would shove her back,” Jaqi said. Thankfully, they eventually got the hang of things…

Model Neighbors

The Clements family lived in a good area, and their neighbor had recently opened a boutique and needed a pretty face to sell the products. What about two faces?

Acquiring an Agent

“I needed some new photos if I was going to get them an agent,” said Jaqi of the opportunity “I figured [the boutique] would be a great opportunity for all of us.” It all paid off…

Age and Agent

The girls were now seven years old and needed representation if they were serious about modeling. But so much time had passed since their first go, would anyone still be interested?

Brotherly Love

Chase, their older brother, also wanted to get in on the business. He had an easy time getting signed, but the girls were under pressure to pick the right representation. It was starting to weigh on them…

Hearing Back

Jaqi said, “To my surprise, I heard back from almost every single one asking to set up a time to meet the girls.” The girls ended up signing with two different agencies, which caused some problems…

Double the Chances

Jaqi was hoping two agencies would double their chances of finding jobs. Unfortunately, when the agencies booked the girls for the same audition, everything came out in the open. She was forced to confess…

Hiring a Photographer

Jaqi had an idea, but it would require more quality photos than her Nikon camera could catch. She hired a photographer to snap some pictures of the girls that would really propel them into stardom

Instagram Famous

With the photographer’s help, the girls had enough high-quality shots to start an Instagram account. They gained 380,000 followers in only five months, and the account only grew from there…

Online Celebrity

People loved the twins. Currently, the girls’ account has over a million followers and have started a vlog channel to further their careers. Their portfolio is greater than ever…

Offers Roll In

It wasn’t long after launching the Instagram account that the job offers started to pour in. They agreed to tons of jobs at first, but since gaining popularity, have been able to choose a bit more carefully. Jaqi needed any help she could get…

Jaqi’s Journey

The girls often travel to Los Angeles or internationally with their parents to pursue the model lifestyle more seriously, though they stay grounded by living away from the hustle and bustle of downtown LA.

Hate Online

Jaqi reports that some people bully her about her parenting. Some people comment that the girls look sad, and are being forced to model, which Jaqi denies…

Better Together

Jaqi says that the family is actually very close as a result of the model lifestyle. Constant travel and new experiences make time together extra special. They’re still normal kids though…

Outside of Modeling

When they’re not at a photoshoot, the girls are in the dance studio. They love dancing and have been doing it longer than they’ve been modeling. Jaqi says they love to goof off together too…

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.