Hilarious Accidental Camouflage Moments Caught On Camera

Have you ever walked into a hotel and noticed that your shirt has the same exact pattern as the rug? Does your dog perfectly match your duvet cover? If you haven't experienced one of those weird glitches in the matrix, don't worry. Plenty of people have, and they took photos to prove it! 

Look, I Match!

When this guy realized that he matched the couch, he got excited. Too excited. He asked for a photo, and this was the position he chose. At least he got the point across!

One in the Same

Do you think that the car owner felt inspired by those gummy sharks? Because they are literally identical. It's not that bad of a paint job, either.

When The Kitchen Matches Perfectly

Most interior designers would advise you to stay away from being to matchy with your kitchen... This person obviously refused to listen! It's not too bad, though. 

Perfect Shade

It's so hard to find a shade of makeup that matches your skin... Somehow, this guy managed to find a wall that was his literal skin color. If he ever needed foundation, he should just find the paint color!

Disembodied Leg

After this parent took a cute picture of their kids, they noticed that their son's leg was completely chopped off! The picture wasn't taken with the intention of showcasing the perfectly matching shorts, which makes this even funnier.

One with Nature

Photoshop was not used in this photo! They were able to match the trees and snow pretty well to create the illusion that you see. Getting that horizon line perfectly straight is a really impressive feat!

A Fish Out of Water

This little family, who were simply enjoying a nice day out on the lake catching fish, went viral after they posted this picture. People were called the dad "Poseidon" due to the fact that his lower extremities completely blended into the background, making it look like he was floating on the water. 

Target Practice

What are the odds that the colors of this dress match perfectly with the wall mural? The photographer could have a done better job at framing this, but still!

Where's the Mountain Lion?

Evolution is so crazy that animals are able to perfectly blend in with their natural habitats. This mountain lion is doing what it does best... Hide! If you still can't find it, look in the bottom center of the photo. 

Rainbow Themed Birthday Party

This mom wanted to wear her cute sweater for her niece's birthday party since it was rainbow-themed. Well, what she didn't know was that she matched perfectly. 

Camo Doing Its Job

This picture is pretty hilarious only because the fish is completely hidden in the guy's shirt. It doesn't look like he's even holding anything up! 

Dressed for the Occasion

She just really likes this print, okay? It started with the couch... then the wall... then the dress.. then the frames. It's cute, alright?

This Was Not Planned

Are they Italian? No. Did they mean to dress like that? No. Did they know the flag was there? Also no. At least they went with it!

They're Actually the Same

This phone case company apparently uses the same patterns that an office-supply chain uses. This person put their phone down on the table only to notice that it perfectly matches one specific spot... Maybe it's time to get a new case. 

Cuddle Bun

Which came first, the bunny or the blanket? It's no coincidence that this bunny is matching the blanket. In fact, that owner bought the blanket because they thought it matched their bun, and they were right. 

Camo is Life

There's a lot to unpack with this one. It's one thing to wear that sort of camo sweatshirt, that's totally fine. Driving that kind of car is a little cringe, but it's okay. To make the car camo is ridiculous. To wear the matching sweatshirt with your car is otherworldly. This man needs help.

When You Don't Want to Be At The Party

This is a great way for introverts to party! They can appease their friends by going out, and appease themselves by quite literally blending into the furniture. All this kid needs is some pants and he's set. 

Wore My Fav Sweater!

If this isn't a photo taken directly for Instagram then I don't know what is. At least it's cute!

Deciding to Match the Carpet Toady

There's no way this guy didn't realize that his socks matched the carpet in his office. At least it's still a good look! 

Lost My iPad For a While

This person really likes the color red. Especially this shade of red. As funny as it is, one wrong move and this person is paying for a new iPad.

Dressing for the Occasion

Not only did this couple match their outfits to each other, but they also unintentionally matched to the ice cream. Maybe it was intentional. Maybe they wanted to match their favorite ice cream at their favorite store. Who really knows?

Is that Cat Dog?

The dog in the photo is obviously visible, but did you notice his cat-friend? These two cuties are snuggled up in their favorite living room chair together! They're such besties that they're basically "one."

Watch Your Step!

This floor is fiesty and out to get you! Make sure you watch your step in this house. Somebody blends in a little too perfectly...

Next-Level Color Matching

This photo is a result of being at the right place at the right time. The side of this building was getting a new paint job, and the painters started from the bottom up. On a cloudy day, the paint blended into the sky creating this crazy floating wall illusion!

I'm Not Even Here...

This little guy is the master of camouflage. If he closed his eyes, you wouldn't even be able to see him! A lot of animals casually blend in with their surroundings. A lot of prey animals can hide from predators because of the markings on their fur or wings!

Sneaky Sign

This isn't just a random pole in the middle of the grass. If you look hard enough, you can actually see the faint outline of the road sign that's totally blended into the sky. Hopefully, the sign is actually visible on the other side!

When Camouflage Works

No, this isn't some "mind freak" illusion. This guy just wore the most perfect pair of shorts and laid down in the perfect spot in the grass. Yes, it's a bit alarming, but he is okay!

Mirrored Car?

This person did such a good polish job on their car that the finish looks like a mirror! It's difficult to tell where the car starts and ends. That's extra polished!

Fancy Feet

This is what happens when you and the hotel you booked your vacation at shares the same taste. The designer of the shoe must have had this rug in mind... the patterns are identical!

Well, Someone Needs To Change

No one ever goes into a conference thinking they're going to match any part of the room... This guy sure didn't. To be fair, polka dots are a pretty easy pattern for all different fabrics! The chair and the man look very nice.

That's Just Moss, Right?

Wrong! This little duck matches perfectly with the moss that surrounds its habitat. This makes it easier for the babies to hide from predators, at least until they learn how to fend for themselves. 

Who's Watching Me?

This calico kitty thought she was being sly by blending into the carpet... But, unbeknownst to her, her white socks completely give her spot away! 

Cut From the Same Cloth... Literally

When someone says that you and a friend are "cut from the same cloth," it means that you're one of the same. Well, this girl and her friend's shower curtain are quite literally cut from the same cloth. Honestly, that pattern shouldn't be visible anywhere. 

Matching the Vibe

No, these aren't spray painted! The vines actually changed their colors to match their surroundings, just like a chameleon does. The pink vines used to look like the vines on the right of the photo, perfectly green. 

Have You Seen the Dog?

It's hard to keep track of fluffy white dogs when you have a fluffy white carpet. They melt right into the floor, this dog especially. Just make sure to really watch your step.

He's Invisible!

At first glance, it looks like this is the Invisible Man himself! Then, you realize that this man's socks are just melting perfectly into the subway floor. It's still a cool illusion!

The Best Hiding Spot

This little guy has the best hiding spot for hide-and-go-seek. No one will be able to find him. That also makes for a great napping spot!

Perspective Goals

This photographer nailed this shot! The shoes, the pants, and the shirt... It all matched the scenery perfectly, which is obviously what they were going for. 

Camouflage Expert

Luke the Kitten would be a great hider if he actually managed to close to giant eyes! He's already pretty well camouflaged into his big brother. 

Look Closely

You might be thinking that this is just a picture of some foliage, but you are wrong! There are actually hundreds of tiny frogs, each one of them on their own little leaf. What a life.

Who Doesn't Like Plaid?

Listen, this guy really liked black and white plaid. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, he would paint his entire bedroom black and white plaid if he could!

Just Blending In

The best part of this photo is that the guy had no idea how perfectly he matched the wall. Sure, the look on his face shows that he's more interested in the pool game, but still. It's pretty impressive to have such a coincidence happen!

Do Not Disturb

This little kitty blends perfectly into his blanket, where he wishes that he will not be disturbed. He is camouflaged and he will stay that way!

The Perfect Duo

It's not every day when you look down at your dogs only to find them perfectly matching the ground... Especially when they're two totally different dogs! 

I'm Just a Banana

This little bird saw the bananas and thought that they were one of her! So, she decided to dog pile onto them to create one big banana-bird cuddle puddle. How cute! 

This Is Embarrassing

Apparently, Kleenex and wherever this girl got her shirt had the same idea. Or, the design was reused and nothing is sacred. Either way, she's matching a tissue box. That's embarrassing. 

Photographic Genius

This pup totally vanishes into the snow... Well, when the photo is in black and white. Even though this is just an Instagram filter, it's still a pretty neat photo!

At Least It's Nice

This guy noticed that his shirt perfectly matched the carpet in the upscale hotel he was staying in. Hey, at least it wasn't some crusty motel! That would be embarrassing. 

When Camo Actually Works

Take notes, folks! This is what camouflage is actually used for! It does not belong on a pair of shorts that you're wearing to your kid's birthday party, or on a t-shirt that you wear to the bar.

Art Imitates Art

That jacket is art on its own, but the painting is the true art! This guy decided to design his own coat that looked like an art piece he had created. Job well done!

Walking is a Nightmare

Can you imagine trying to watch your step while wearing these shoes? The depth perception is a total nightmare!

Grasshopper or Chameleon?

This little grasshopper is successfully hiding from other insect and animal predators. Unfortunately, clumsy humans would never see this grasshopper and might actually squish him! Win some, lose some.

Why Do I Keep Losing my Socks?

So this is why I keep losing my socks... They're just all over the carpet! Maybe it's time to get different colored socks as to not match the carpet anymore.

School Spirit

Oh, you think that you have school spirit? This girl loves her school so much that she matched the girls' bathroom! Go ahead and forget wearing the school colors, just match the bathroom walls.

When Public Transportation is Life

This girl takes public transportation so much that she's slowly becoming one with her seat. Seeing something like this really makes you wonder where these patterns are even coming from... Like do Forever 21 and the local transportation company have the same designers?

It's Trendy

To be fair, this design was very popular back in the day. It was actually everywhere, so it makes sense that it's also in a Panera Bread. Lady Gaga even famously wore this design!

Countertop Inspiration

Whoever cut this granite countertop definitely had raw cookie dough in mind. Having to look at this countertop every day would only trigger the cookie dough craving.

Actually a Wallflower

This dress takes the meaning of a "wallflower" to a whole new level. This would be a great outfit for a private investigator... As long as they have a wall to match.

City Fashion

This is one of those things were the stars aligned perfectly for it to happen. Obviously, this woman had no intentions of wearing a coat that just happened to match the path that she was walking on!

Reading the Paper

Lucky for this little guy he matches the newspaper. Now, he can read up on current events while being completely in disquise. Do not disturb!

You Can't Find Me

This kid knows exactly what he's doing! He's a master hider, he doesn't even need to try and hide under the covers. Nap-time forever!

A True Skyscraper

This building in Prague really nails the definition of a "skyscraper." It totally looks like it's reaching the top of the world! Hopefully, planes don't have too tough of a time navigating around this thing...

Where's Mom?

This mother's headscarf concealed her perfectly into her environment. Unfortunately, kids will be kids and they did end up finding mom to bother her. Mom's never getting a break!

Damask Galore

Damask is a pretty old and tired design, so it's pretty weird to see this happen at all anyway. This girl doesn't look too upset at the fact that her fashion faux pax is being photographed. 

Florals, For Spring?

Groundbreaking. For real, though. It's pretty impressive that this guy matches the restaurant wall so perfectly. It's not a terrible print, either.

Just A Log

Maybe this way, Dad won't notice that he's hitching a ride around town. Staying at home all day is boring! 

Did You Take the Pork Out?

For starters: this is marinated pork that is vacuum-sealed. It's only kind of gross that the countertop matches the seasoned meat. Imagine losing the pork on your counter... It would be easy!

Orange Is the New Black...?

The orange outfit was definitely a choice, but it makes it even funnier that he matches the bus! At least he's the most coordinated person there! That kid looks jealous. 

She's Art

It was not her intention to match the art when she wore her favorite minimalist sweater to the art gallery... but she did! This is a pretty decent photo to post online, too, when you want to brag about going to a museum. 

That's His Color

Pink looks good on him, which is probably why he bought those pink palm trees for his patio. Whatever floats your boat! 

One with the Mountain

This photo was meant to showcase her awesome headstand skills... Not to become viral because she literally became one with the mountain. Isn't that the true intention, though?

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The More You Know

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  • Before mating, the female giraffe will first urinate in the male's mouth.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.