Hilarious Photos Of Beach Vacations Gone Wrong

While many of us know how to kick back and relax at the beach, it’s safe to say that not everyone quite understands how to beach. In true form, we’re here to laugh at other people’s expense.

A Quick Sinker

Driving at high tide close to the water seems like a risky move, and now you know, it’s just not a good idea. Good luck finding a tow-truck that can go underwater.

What Sign?

Clearly, the sign isn’t doing its job. Let’s hope that the toxic sludge in the pipes doesn’t have too much of a long-lasting effect on these swimmers.

Buried Treasure

Looks like these guys have moved on from the whole “sinking-truck” situation and are now about to throw hands. The guy with the keys is caught red-handed.

Burning Beach

Beach parties are, of course, always a good time, but it seems like these two have taken it just a bit too far. Reserve the abstract antics for Burning Man guys, there are kids on the beach.

Dock Flop

First, you might want to check how deep the water is the next time you do a belly flop off a lake dock. Second, whoever the photographer is deserves a raise for snapping this moment.

Smile & Wave

It’s all fun and games until the wave rolls in. Luckily for us, this classic photo fail moment was caught on camera and will live in infamy.

Spa Day

Was he looking for sun coverage or did he just want to treat himself to a mud bath? Either way, this guy is using SPF 100% dirt.

Big Ol’ Nope-sicle

If this is happening on a beach you’re on, this is The Purge, and you need to get yourself out of there as fast as possible.

Over My Umbrella

Not sure if this is an awkward stab at “a woman’s place” with these ladies carrying brooms as oars, but either way someone should tell them that umbrellas will sink.

A Dune Buggy Disaster

This odd machine looks like a cross between a dune buggy and a forklift. What is the meaning of this?

On Your Mark… Get Set… Float?

This is an interesting race. Either they’re doing resistance work or they’re trying to fly.

Sail Race

Before sails were on boats, they were on land vehicles–gotta test them somewhere, right?

Pigs on the Beach

The spotted one is going to take the win for sure. He’s got much longer legs than the other piglets.

Beach Bot

We have no clue why this happened, but the 50s were weird. Does the robot at least help apply sunscreen?

Chicken of the Sea

We love a good boy cooling off at the beach, but his chicken friend might not be as happy to be there.

No Horsing Around

If you do the crime, you gotta do the time. Horses can’t hang out at the beach in Bay County.

Wait… So, You CAN Horse Around?

Perhaps horses CAN hang at the beach, after all. Maybe if the last guy had a better costume like these horses, he wouldn’t be serving time.

A Very Good Boy

Forget the umbrella, let this good boy have the whole beach. Give him your chairs, towels, and all the money in your wallet. He deserves it.

Santa… I Know Him!

You know what they say, all work and no play makes for a dull Christmas. The big man deserves a much-needed break.

Secret Assistance

These two international spies are just hanging out with their cool grandma. Wouldn’t want her to slip and break a hip or anything.

Beach Goth

Goth: it’s a lifestyle, not a fashion statement, but man, she’s gotta be hot in that outfit.

Crash Landing

Let’s hope those plane seats really worked as floatation devices. But hey, at least they’re at the beach now.


For this guy’s sake, we hope this was just a dare. Can’t. Stop. Staring.

Love is Love

Love comes in all shapes and sizes, just ask these beachgoers. Sometimes dad just wants to get in on the action, too.

A State of Mind

Look, we get it. If you can’t get to the beach for a tan, you might take some extreme measures, but laying in a parking lot is just a little too far, and it’s dangerous.

Sub Stop

Why on earth would a massive submarine be this close in proximity to a beach full of tourists? This just seems like an accident waiting to happen.

A Fire Photo

We’re not sure if she is ignorant or responsible for the mega-fire happening behind her. Either way, this ain’t cute.

“Working Remotely”

When you tell your boss you’re sick and need to “work from home.”

“Gonna Take My Horse to the Old Town Road…”

When you can’t afford the fancy beach horseback riding excursions, you just gotta make the best of it.

Bad Habits

There’s nothing locals hate more than vacationers who don’t clean up after themselves, and now, the crabs are suffering. Be better, people.


You know what they say, why use a perfectly good chair when you can dig a hole and sit in it? But we get it, digging a deep hole with that little shovel was probably exhausting.

Pull-Out Beach Couch

This is the ultimate redneck move. Why invest in a beach chair when you can just bring your living room couch?

Do Less

This sign is throwing shade at shades. Some people are sensitive to moonlight…

Joining the Party

Sick burn, pal. This guy will now live in infamy for stealing the show in this shot.

Misery Loves Company

They might both be on house arrest, but at least they are on house arrest together. One has to wonder if they’re within their permitted radius…

Surf Party

This Guinness Book of World Records attempt is, well, impressive. But it looks like not everyone aboard is well-versed in the surf life.

Patrick’s Children

Patrick has surely been busy since his days with Spongebob in Bikini Bottom, no?

“My Hat Now”

Seagulls wreaking havoc is classic beach behavior. But who knew they were such fashionistas?

Sun Stripes

Full coverage sun protection comin’ at ya. The real question is, though, why even come to the beach at all?

Little Mermen…

Mother nature is not forgiving. You can’t use her for a photoshoot and not expect to pay her…in humor.

Pay & Run

Love the attempt at humor, but there’s about a 0% chance anyone is paying their bill before running like hell for safety.

Giant’s Beach

Snaps to this family for getting creative with their family vacation photos.

Going, Going, Gone.

Look, kids have to make their own mistakes. Running fast, downhill, is never a good idea.

Baby Down

That mom better have been a former softball star because that baby is going down unless she hits the deck.

A Hot Date

Babies are already freeloaders, and now they’re dipping into the beer cooler? Sheesh. Kids these days are so expensive.

Sandy Dog

This diva Dachshund was just enjoying her day at the beach when the paparazzi decided to attack. Dog days of summer, amiright?

There’s Work to Be Done

Some folks just don’t know how to unplug from work and are slaves to the grind–this guy is one of them.

Have a Seat, Pal

That good boy can sit wherever he wants and nobody better tell him otherwise!

Pool, Meet Ocean

Look, we get it, watching your young kids in the ocean is always worrisome, but can’t you just swim in the mini pool at home?

Construction Vibes

A true sign of a guy who works in a labor-intensive job. Give this guy a break, he’s trying to even out.

Nuns: They’re Just Like Us!

Sister Catherine is absolutely crushing this knee high swell. The rest of the ladies at the convent are never going to believe this one.

RIP Laptop

Look, we all need a break, but it’s not your laptops fault you’re overworked. Next time, leave it at home and pack your beach towel instead.

The Things People Will Do for an Instagram ‘Like’

Instead of taking a picture, someone should have called an ambulance–this man is in danger!

Dogs: They’re Just Like Us…?

This dog was just trying to have his David Hasselhoff moment on the beach. Can’t blame a guy for trying!

Never Alone

If you’re a mom, you know that privacy comes at a premium, a premium this mom clearly couldn’t afford right now.

Seagull Hate

Can’t really blame the seagulls, with his track record, Chris Brown probably asked for it.

Monster Father

If you’re anything like us, when a tiny piece of seaweed touches your foot in the water you sprint for the shore, but this dad really committed to the role of seaweed monster. Whatever it takes for a good scare, right?


What’s the point of fun in the sun if there’s no “in the sun?”

A Star in the Making

They say, if you shoot for the moon, you’ll end up in the stars. What happens when you’re already a star and you’re just shooting your shot for fun? This is what that looks like.

The Goose is Loose

Who said the beach is just for humans? This goose is just as happy to be there.

Spa Day

This is either a prank or one strange attempt at a spa day. Either way, we bet her skin looks ravishing!

Dressed for the Wrong Occasion

Heels at the beach, interesting move. Glamour without the pain, innovative. Either way, she’s got her inner tube, so she’s ready for some fun.

Sunblock Paint Job

This man is an innovator, and you are witnessing the future. You saw it here first, people!

Hitching a Ride

No children were harmed in the making of this photo, just bruised egos.

A Closer Look

Not sure what they thought was going to happen here. Think they’ve ever heard of a boat?

Wear It

Spring break forever! But next time, maybe go with a less clumsy friend. A spilled drink is a missed opportunity.

The Ever-Important Base Tan

It’s unfortunate that it’s come to this for this fellow, but, you gotta even out at some point.

DIY Floaties

Someone throw this guy a bone and lend him an inner tube. Something tells us those Coke bottles aren’t safety-approved.

Bananas Mongers

You’d think that the seagulls would be the most aggressive at the beach, but c’mon lady, eating a banana in front of a bunch of monkeys is really asking for some unwanted attention…

Sand Farm

The tractors just there to hurl some sand for an epic sandcastle.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.