Hilarious Wrong Number Texts That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

There's almost nothing worse than realizing you accidentally sent an embarrassing text to the wrong person, or in some cases, a total stranger. 

Have you ever wished you could take back a text you sent? These folks sure do...

But, I Want to Party Too...

This was extremely rude of the "dude," first off. Second, this is for sure a completely faked scenario. No person in their right mind would save the wrong number in their phone as "dude" and expect to know who they are. This is faked 100%, but creative nonetheless. 

Please Take Him From Me

Now, this one is believable. Even if it wasn't the correct number, a joke like this between parents is pretty commonplace in today's style of humor. That, and sometimes parents just really want to set their child free for a little bit, you know, as an experiment. 

Hold Up, Wait a Minute

Nobody needs seven dogs, but everybody wants seven dogs. We think that this anonymous wrong number texter should have been given the opportunity to explain themselves before they were shot down. What if they were able to offer those puppies a better home? Swallow your pride and follow through if you're not a coward. 

Now That's Comedy

We give this joke a 10/10 for delivery and clarity. See people, you don't have to be weird to make a funny joke. Hopefully, this dude got a discount on this car for being hysterical.

We Hope This is Andy

There's nothing wrong with playing along to a funny joke like this. This is the ideal situation for someone who sends a text to the wrong number. We salute you, fun wordplay man. 

But... That's Not... That's Not a Cat...

Listen, this screenshot pretty much already maxed out the jokes that can be said about this whole scenario. However, that does not detract from the fact that this dog could absolutely be mistaken for a cat at any given moment. You should put a big sign on your dog's collar that says "DOG" in big letters so nobody gets confused. 

Wow, Sick Burn

Ok, this dude got absolutely wrecked. Or, if you want to get technical with things, W-Rexed. Anyways, this would be much funnier if the T-Rex wasn't able to just raise the roof with its head, also whoever got the nickname T-Rex probably has a giant head and tiny arms. 


Buddy, we would kill to get a message like this from someone we don't know. If we got this text, this person would get an invite to whatever party all our friends are going to. They would get the royal treatment. These dudes are honorary homies. 

Simply Do Not Answer

We are unsure if this is a wrong number scenario, but if it is, this is pretty awkward honestly. Nobody likes to get one-worded in a conversation, only jerks get one-worded. That or the person who is doing the one-wording is a jerk. This is a formula for negativity. 

Aaron's Party, Come Get It

This is a really strange scenario, but we think that this person is trying to invite the wrong number person to a party. There is absolutely no way to determine the true intentions of this interaction, but it is safe to say that this is some sort of reference to the music video. Either way, this dude is weird and they shouldn't go to this party anyways. 

Total Gas, Dude

Nothing says "welcome to second grade" quite like a bachelor party setting. If you ever get a text like this, please just be honest, it'll save the person on the other line a big headache. 

Honesty and Transparency

As much as we think this is faked, it's nice to think that this dude was just having a rough day and he really wanted to hang with his buddy. Hopefully, they got this problem resolved before things escalated to violence. Oh, and we hope he got a new goldfish too. 

Now THAT'S Funny Stuff

This is honestly the peak of comedy, green bean jokes are extremely wholesome. We don't need to joke about raunchy stuff anymore, we just need good, old fashioned vegetable humor just like the old days. Take notes people, this is where it's at. 

Empty Threats Go Nowhere

These kinds of messages never warrant a response. The people who send them think that they're the next Dane Cook, and they probably show all of their high school friends at the same bar they've been going to since they got their fake ID 22 years ago. Find something better to do, weirdo. 


Dude, no offense, but if this happened to you, it's probably your fault for doing something uncool. A word for the wise, if this particular occurrence happens to you, you need to look deep inside yourself and analyze your actions. If you truly did nothing wrong, then you probably don't want to be talking to this person in the first place anyways. 

Is Jessica Here?

Well, it depends on who you're talking to, anyone can look like a Jessica nowadays. We're going to go out on a limb and say, yes, this person does look like a Jessica. They're probably just searching for positive affirmation, as we all do in times of insecurity. 

We Got a Real Comedian Here Folks

Be honest, did you really laugh that hard at that picture? We like Nicolas Cage photoshopped onto babies just as much as the next guy, but this is a little ridiculous. This seems like one of those situations that we're going to have to file under the "faked, but a good effort" category. 

That's Pretty Rude

There was absolutely no reason to come at my man like this, he's just having a normal day. However, all people named Andrew should be given periodical vibe checks like this one to ensure that they're still being good dudes. This might be a blessing in disguise, my dear Andrew. 

Faith in Humanity Restored

Every day we hear horror stories about people getting dropped by their families when they come out. This is an important notice to all parents who think they have a say in their child's sexual orientation or gender identity, you don't. Voicing your opinion is harmful, and you as a parent should know that if you do not have anything good to say, don't say it. 

This is Awkward

Whether this actually happened or not (we're leaning towards "not"), we have to reflect on how this is going to follow this dude for the rest of his life. This is an insanely uncomfortable circumstance, and if this happens to you, you should just drop off the grid. Life will be easier when you move to Idaho and become a potato farmer under a new name with no ties to current society. 

This is What Society Has Come to

If you meet someone that texts like this, don't date them, don't text them back, just let them slowly fade out of your life. It's going to take much more energy trying to decypher a "do you want to go to the bar" text than any of your other friend's texts, and by the time you're done trying to translate it, the bar will be closed. Oh, and never be a cheater, that's just terrible. 

Robin, You Fool

This guy gets the "going above and beyond award" for this one. Not only did he photoshop this conversation into this extremely popular meme format, but it also works perfectly as a joke to suit modern audiences everywhere. Graphic designers, keep an eye out for your biggest industry competition. 

Don't Catch You Slippin' Now

Is freedom really free? Well, at least this optimistic dude thinks so. It's unclear whether this was a real wrong number text or an elaborate setup, but either way, this joke sticks hard. 

Nice Cable!

Sometimes knowledge presents itself to us in different ways that nobody would ever expect. For instance, this person might have never seen a standard cable before, which is something that doesn't actually exist. Or, the person on the receiving end might have never seen a standard cat before, which is ALSO something that doesn't exist. 

Tensions are High

It is much easier to now answer something like this than to answer it. However, this person chose to take the hard way out, and that's okay if you forever want to be known as the "uncomfortable joke wrong number guy on the internet." By the way, our guess is that this is faked.


This person is fishing for absolutely anything they can catch, or this might be faked. Either way, these jokes are hilarious and this might be the highlight of the pre-simplified text bubble era of iPhone messaging. Bring back the weird shiny bubbles, you cowards!

Wow, That's Uncomfortable

Hopefully, these people aren't work buddies, but if this happened in real life, it would be easy as pie to just laugh it off and keep moving. This can just stay as a funny joke between friends, no harm came of it. In fact, this might give Frank some good boy points with his wife!

They Do Have a Point

There is a lot to unpack here, starting with the fact that this person started off with a text to announce someone's father's death. That was a terrible move on their part, and the intended person on the other line deserves more respect than that. Second, there is absolutely no way that this person is going to ever come back from the insane burn they just got dealt. 

New Employee Material 

It's amazing what one Google search can yeild for someone of a younger generation. Old doctors should take note, not all good information is available in books anymore. In fact, most modern information is available at our fingertips at all times, which is pretty threatening to the older geneartions who still hang onto their jobs. 

They're Not Wrong

This is an appropriate response back when dealing with something this strange being sent to you out of the blue. There is absolutely no reason this text should have been sent to a wrong number, this is just practicing negligence. Our guess is that this is either faked or too strange to be recognized as normal behavior. Next!

Just Take the Compliment

If anybody else got this text, it would have made their day. There is nothing wrong with being gorgeous, even if you don't think you are you deserve the same respect and admiration as anyone else. Live a little buddy, loosen up. 

This Sucks 

If you're this kind of person, throw your phone in a well. Nobody should ever get treated this way. What if this person had to go to a funeral? Or they had something extremely important to do that you just interfered with? Soak your head, dude. 

Jokes, Backfired

This is some lame boomer-humor but it kind of hits the mark for a lot of people in the "green shiny text bubble" generation. Jokes are just better now than they were before. If you don't believe that, google the phrase "deep fried meme."

We Love to Have Fun

This is a hilarious joke, seriously guys, we're all in stitches over here in the ol Upbeat News office. The only thing that could possibly make this funnier if you continued the trend and started sending this picture to even MORE wrong numbers. Nothing can go wrong about this at all!

This Isn't a Wrong Number...

There is no need to be rude, but there is also no need to reach out to your ex with this pathetic attention grab. Have some dignity and don't do this, just move on and miss them in silence if you have to. Once you break up, this is your problem, not thiers. 

We Are All Having Fun

When you're out on the battlefield all day with nothing to do when you get back, you need to learn how to make a little fun for yourselves. These loveable jarheads clearly know how to party. Seriously, this board room looks like an absolute barnburner. 

Weird Scenario

So, since this was forwarded, that means this dude sent this to a bunch of different numbers. Presumably, he didn't know exactly who he was sending this to because he got a wrong number confrontation. This is weird and creepy, do not do this ever. 

Very Cool Joke

They're really making these jokes hard to predict nowadays, aren't they? Additionally, why would anybody want to go to that guy's house, especially after he sent that weird photo of him looking all confused? Use your words buddy, not your tiny muscles. 

Tell Him How You Really Feel

When your trombone player comes into practice crying, begging for forgiveness, this is probably why. It pays to be nice in this world, especially when things are as terrible as they are now. Don't follow this dude's lead, be different, be kind. 

Playing With Words

Getting sent a picture of a random person's baby is most of our worst nightmares. Babies are even scarier than unsolicited flirting because you can just ignore unsolicited flirting. You are obligated to address the baby, you need to rate the baby on a scale of 1-10, these are the unspoken parameters. 


Have you guys ever played a Mario game? If not, this is a character from Mario, the character's name is Boo, he is an enemy ghost that can hurt you if he touches you. Little Mario factoid here for you, just to brighten your day a little bit. 

Vulgarity Gets You Nowhere

Man, this person really wanted to hurt their partner here. Good thing they accidentally sent this to an amateur fan salesman to soften the blow. Hopefully, they changed their wording a little bit when they were granted this do-over. 

Super Uncool

Dude, there are so many levels to this that just aren't cool at all. Don't play with someone's head like this, just tell them that you have the wrong number if you have nothing good to say. We are all adults, nobody wants to get scared like this. 

Confusing, but We Like That

Pick a hammer, and hammer. Hey you there! Step right up and choose what hammer will be your new identity for this wrong number conversation!

JD Lookin' Pretty Weird Honestly

JD should have gotten totally roasted for this slipup. My man sent the worst picture of himself possible, ears out, shirtless, pooka shell necklace, and the snapback? The only person that this dude is going to impress is his boys at the Buffalo Wild Wings when he guzzles the entire Jager-Tower in one gulp. 

Frame This Picture

This conversation is so out there and hilarious that it only would make sense that this would be forever immortalized on a pretty wall somewhere. Show this mother some respect by hanging her up in a frame. Rusty Kuntz would probably roll in his grave if he found out he was being disrespected by getting posted on 9Gag.

Learning the Hard Way

There are many Pedros out there, and to those who truly got bamboozled, we salute you. However, if you were the problem, to begin with, and you can't address your negative behavior as something that you need to fix, we do not salute you. In fact, we reverse salute you, whatever that is. 

No Context Dad-Posting

We are assuming that this is in response to someone asking this person's father for a picture of them in their bra or something. We will never learn the context of this slipup, but we will forever know that this dude was, in fact, a pissed dad. Just look at that beard, wow that guy must be pissed off. 

Laying It All Out There

For the last time, everybody, just admit its the wrong number before you say anything weird. We are all little edgelords deep down, but that doesn't change the fact that you should value human decency over some stupid little joke. Wake up morons, it doesn't pay to be bad-weird, only good-weird. 

Yes Buddy!!

Now, this is the kind of joke response we like to see here. We are big fans of dogs (obviously) and we think that dogs should be able to spend more time talking into telephones. This is the only scenario it's okay to lie to a stranger in, and we are okay with that. 

He Looks Nice

If someone were to do this to anyone that we know, they would get roasted daily for the rest of their lives. Our photoshop skills are slightly better than these though, so expect to get completely wrecked every hour on the hour with another zany idea. This dude will be prime joke material, and we have a lot of jokes. 

Is This Funny?

We think the funny part about this is the lack of context. This is more of a modern art piece that is a take on absurdist texting with absolute reason or conclusion to exist. Is this true? Does it matter? Is this even the right person in the end? The world may never know...

Don't Be Weird Please

This is absolutely bizarre and shouldn't have ever happened. This is actually illegal, this is grounds to contact the police. If someone on the other line feels like their being targeted or harassed, they should do something immediately. 

Please, Please Follow the Rules

This is what you're supposed to do when you get a wrong number text. This is just some harmless joke that doesn't make anyone upset or uncomfortable. Yes, this might drive up their power bill, but they'll be laughing about this in the end. 

Choose Your Own Adventure

The ultimate combat to someone being bad-weird is someone being good-weird right back. Since when is it "weird" to like Dungeons and Dragons and play fantasy games, but "weird" is the same word to describe people who text like this? Countering bad-weird with good-weird will send bad-weird wielders running away. 

Sounds Like a Catch

Oy Vey, this dude is a creep. Fortunately, this text made it to the right person, but the fact that this other person is still out there fishing for personal information is deplorable. This dude needs to no longer have a phone, send people like this to an island where nobody will find them, please. 

That's Cute

Respect the person on the other line, don't be a jerk. Additionally, what do those numbers mean? Are those codes for different colors of hair dye? Let us know in the comments below!

This is Disgusting

Transferring from a hilarious green bean joke to this is like walking out of a warm, heated cabin into an ice storm. Shame on this person for threatening the safety of another. We hope that this dude never got what he was looking for, we also hope he doesn't go in public anymore. 

Please Just Delete This

It is absurd that this would even be included in something as wholesome as this article. Never ask someone about their genitals, and never be a creep. This should not have to be said more than once everybody, please back off. 

This Cannot Be Real 

It genuinely takes more effort to text like this than it does to text like a normal human being. This is either faked, or the person on the other end has way too much time on thier hands. Anyways, thanks for bearing with us on this one, from front to back this was a doozie. 

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The More You Know

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  • The average person living in Sweden eats about 22 pounds of chocolate a year.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.