Proof That Landlords Are a Different Species of Human

If you've ever been a renter, you probably have a horror story. These tenants can absolutely attest to their horrible landlords... Whether they're just dumb or don't care, it's never fun to deal with them!

Mold Isn’t a Decoration

There’s an obvious leak happening in the ceiling. This tenant’s landlord is not interested in fixing the leak. Now, the leak is growing mold. Super fun!

DIY landlords Are Not Fun

When this landlord went to replace the microwave, he decided that measuring and logistics should go out the window. Now, when you open up the door to the microwave, it only opens about five inches before it hits the wall. 

Just a Bit Dangerous

This landlord likes to do some updates without telling the tenants. This time around, he left a huge hole in front of the front door. Luckily, this tenant walked out the door on the left and not on the right. 

Double The Protection?

This tenant wanted their landlord to install a deadbolt to make the apartment a bit safer. So, the landlord did what landlords do, and installed another doorknob. Now, it’s just more annoying to open the door! Hopefully, you have two hands available to twist them both at the same time.

Bye, Ceiling

The tenant had told the landlord multiple times that the ceiling had a crack in it. It didn’t take long for it to cave in. Now that the ceiling is gone, the landlord decided they’ll fix it. But, they will have to wait until it rains again “to find the leak.”

Soap Won’t Do It

The tenant found out that a small animal had died underneath their deck. When they told the landlord, he said that he would figure it out. His solution was to put soap on the ground to mask the smell. Genius.

Every Single Door Is Like This

The landlord wanted to update the hardware on the doors, which sounds pretty nice for a tenant. Well, it turns out that the landlord installed all of them backward, so none of the doors actually shut.  

New Railing!

When the landlord told his tenant that he was installing new guardrails on the second-floor porch, she was pretty excited! Turns out, he really meant to just keep everyone off the porch… Unless you’re good at jumping hurdles.

Guess That Works

The floorboards under the toilet were broken, so this was the result of “fixing” it. Maybe it’s time to invest in one of those bizarre toilet rugs. 

High Security

This isn’t the most innovative way to keep your tenants safe… It’s honestly just a huge waste of money! If I lived here I would definitely just walk around it… No sense in messing with the keys for this one. 

Cool, a Fire Hazard

The tenant noticed that the outlet had been sparking a bit. The landlord didn’t really think it was an issue, so the tenant took it upon himself to open up the outlet and outpoured… That. It’s moldy insulation. And yes, it’s a total fire hazard.

Oh, Hey

The property manager lets their son wander the premises whenever he wants… Totally unsupervised. Sometimes, he visits people’s windows and stares into them. How do you tell someone to not let their kid look into your windows?

Likely Story

This is a good reason to just pay for your own stuff. Then, you won’t have to rely on sketchy landlords who are “drowning in debt” when you just want your wifi and cable back on! 

Another DIY Landlord Fail

It’ll forever be a mystery as to why the landlord didn’t make the last cabinet level with the rest. This would probably drive me insane!

Not a Good Paint Choice

When the landlord said he would be giving the front steps a new paint job, no one expected that it would come out like this. Having a lime green staircase is a good enough reason to break your rental agreement early. 

Laziness At Its Finest

The landlord decided that it was more of a hassle to pick up the penny and move it. So, he painted over it! It’s so sad. This penny will forever be tails up… It can never be a lucky penny!

No Pool For You

The property manager found out that kids who weren’t residents were using the pool. So, he opted to not clean it anymore. Now, nobody gets to use the pool. Makes sense.

This Isn’t a Solution

The tenant complained that the house shook whenever the furnace turned on. So, this was the landlord’s solution. And, for the record, it didn’t help anything! Not that it would. 

Total Scam

Not only is this unheard of, but it’s a total scam. It’s even worse for the folks who are forced to use the elevators and can’t use the stairs. If it’s not in the lease, the handicapped people should fight it! 

That’s Obviously Not Right

In what world does this make sense? Who has seen a sconce like that? Sometimes, landlords are adorably naive. Hopefully, it still turns on. 

Hiring a Toddler to Paint

Luckily, this wasn’t the landlord’s paint job. It was actually someone that he hired. This was the final product… It’s a sad waste of money. 

Don’t Touch It!

This landlord must be a dad. He decided to lock up all of the thermostats so that his tenants can’t use it. How psychotic is that? Luckily, it looks like it could be fixed with a simple screwdriver…

Classic Landlord Letter

This is a bit of a long one but bear with me. Basically, this is a month-to-month complex. The tenant texted him saying she was leaving in 30 days after four months of living there (he mentions her in the letter), which is the notice that she has to give. He freaks out, writes this entire letter which is even crazier. The note is long but it’s worth reading the craziness!

Definitely Not Legal

The landlord let himself into the home to “work on something” and ended up leaving this webcam behind. When he looked it up, the tenant found out that it was a 360-degree webcam with live streaming and audio capabilities. Nope!

It’s Not a Band-Aid

Yeah, a piece of wood isn’t going to fix the fact that the ceiling is caving in. Also, the piece of wood is bending. Wouldn’t that be a sign that it probably needs a bit more work than a wooden band-aid?

Get Out While You Still Can

Nope, it’s not okay. These tenants should probably do a sweep of the house and make sure that this creepy landlord didn’t install any hidden cameras… And then, get out!

A Bit Backwards

The lock for the door isn’t very useful if it’s for the outside… So, anyone can just unlock the door and come on in. How could someone do a full install of the new lock and not notice that it’s super, super wrong?

That’s Not Safe, Right?

The landlord wanted to raise the countertop in the bathroom, which is fine. Unfortunately, he did it himself. He decided that his tenants didn’t need that second plug and decided to kind of build over it. 

Poor Tree

Normally, when someone takes down a tree they have a pretty decent reason. Not for this guy! The tenant posted the photo mourning the loss of the tree. The landlord simply didn’t like it and got rid of it. 

Thanks For Paying the Gas Bill!

Once again, another reason to try and keep your utilities under your own supervision. When the landlord forgets to pay the gas bill and your heating is gas, that’s gonna be a problem! 

There’s Definitely a Moisture Problem

The tenant claimed that they had a moisture problem in the apartment. The landlord adamantly denied the claims… Even when a mushroom sprung up from behind the wall to wall carpeting. That’s super gross.

Oh, It’s Fake

When he went to reach for the thermometer, it literally popped up. Apparently, the landlord thought that hanging it up by a screw in the wall would be good enough. So… How do they control the temperature in their place? That thing isn’t even hard-wired! 

Why Is Sara So Special?

What did she do to earn Sheri’s trust like that? It’s pretty crazy that someone is so obsessed with how the TV is used. I feel like there’s more to the story…

Easy Fix

Instead of just patching and fixing holes, the landlord used a vent cover to cover it up. Sure, why not! 

A Table Upgrade

Sometimes, the furniture that your apartment might come with doesn’t work as well as you’d like. So, this tenant decided that they wanted a bigger table. This was the result…

Here’s the Light You Wanted

The basement was a bit dark, so the tenant wanted some light in there. The landlord decided to do it the weirdest, cheapest, and quickest way possible. Not sure what the real goal was here… It just seems like it’ll break pretty easily. 

The Shower Head Kept Breaking…

But instead of fixing it they just installed a new one. Somehow, that must be cheaper. Right? That’s usually the landlord logic, even if it is way more expensive and inconvenient.

That’s Not Fixed

The tenants noticed that the upstairs deck was sagging a bit. Their landlord decided that he could fix it himself… And this was the outcome. Uh, get that dog away from there… It’s definitely not safe.

“There’s a Pool!”

The landlord didn’t technically lie… But, having the swimming pool closed indefinitely is definitely something that could be classified beforehand. That’s so not fair!

That’s Just Ilegal

Hopefully, they have an actual fire extinguisher somewhere. If not, yep! That’s super illegal! This landlord’s sense of humor is a bit wacky…

That’s Also Not a Solution

When the shower faucet breaks, the reasonable idea would be to simply fix the handle. For some reason, landlords believe that it’s not quite imperative to just do it correctly. Won’t those pliers get super rusty, anyway?

Living With Your Landlord

The landlord lives beneath her tenants. Because of that, she forced her tenants to put tennis balls on the legs of all of their kitchen chairs. What a cute look. 

Just What I Wanted

Everyone knows that the perfect touch to your living room is pieces of broken ceiling and insulation. When the tenant told the landlord that the ceiling was leaking, the landlord decided to do nothing. Good thing he did, now the tenant has some wonderful decoration. 

Before and After

The pipe crashing through the ceiling really ads that industrial look that so many people try to go for. This makes the bathroom a bit unusable, doesn’t it? This is one way to actually get your landlord to respond to your complaints. 


The landlord still doesn’t think there’s a moisture problem. Apparently, the mushrooms are no indicator of that… Something isn’t right here!

I Guess That Works

The tenant wanted a cat door for their indoor-outdoor cat. The landlord was more than happy to craft one for them… And, well, this was the result. At least it kind of works…?

Slug Problems

The landlord genuinely believes that the tenants do not have a slug problem. Apparently, this is a normal amount of slugs to have in the home. Can you imagine stepping on a slug in your own home? 

Apparently, It’s Not a Problem

This poor tenant has been pressing their landlord about this mold issue for three months. The landlord has done nothing about it. This is super dangerous and illegal to not handle. If I were this tenant, I’d report the landlord to the environmental health department. 


The landlord lives in the unit above the tenant and forgot to turn the tub off… So, it overflowed and flooded the apartment. In turn, it flooded the tenant’s apartment, too! 

When You Ignore a Water Issue, This Happens

The tenant told his landlord about the leaking ceiling in the hallway of their building multiple times. Well, this is what happened! After he told her about the ceiling falling, now she’s decided to come and check it out. Good stuff. 

What Roach Problem?

I’d move. I’d leave the country. Nowhere in the world would feel safe anymore. The worst part is: the landlord doesn’t think that it’s a problem and won’t hire an exterminator. Hello?!


Yeah, the two pieces of duct tape will absolutely keep this up on the wall. The second you try to hang up a somewhat damp towel, the bar will surely hold. No doubt about it. 

Leak Solution

The worst part is that this is in someone’s bedroom. The landlord is literally expecting them to just live with the permanent piece of wet plastic dangling from the ceiling every day. What a joke!

Is This Landlord Okay?

He could have just said that he talked to Spectrum already and tried rebooting… Not sure why he’s trying to flex his Masters while also being hostile about the word, “Hey.” Landlords are weird. 

Patching The Leak Would Be Too Easy

The landlord must have had this stuff just laying around. A beer funnel, duct tape, tubes, string, and a piece of wood must have been more cost-effective than just buying patching tools. What’s he going to do when the ceiling caves in after the water weakens it?

New Shower Head

Is this a shower for toddlers? I don’t even think that would reach the average person’s head if they stood up… What a joke!

Third Times the Charm…?

Not likely. The tenant said the ceiling has fallen three times (just turning into a bigger hole) and the landlord is completely unbothered by it. And, yes, there’s mold!

Turn The Fan On!

The tenant told their property managers that the ceiling in the bathroom was getting moldy. In turn, one property manager tried to shame them for “not turning the fan on.” Do you see a fan on this ceiling? That’s because there isn’t one! 

Sorry, No Pool, Too Stupid

The people living in this complex should get some sort of compensation. If you’re renting a place with a pool, you expect the pool to work. The fact that it says “lack of knowledge about pool maintenance” is insane. 

How Would This Work

Was the landlord thinking that he could notice that there’s no steam? I’m not sure what the end goal was, but good on the tenant for just taking a picture of running water. 

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.