Real-Life Optical Illusions That Will Blow Your Mind

Some things are not always as they seem, but we think that's just fine if you like it that way! Break your brain with these mind-bending photos that will leave you scratching your head. 

Moving the Moon

This shot was snapped at the perfect time on top of a skyscraper in downtown Shanghai. Later that week, this crane put up the foundation to a skyscraper that completely blocked the view of the sunset from this building. This was probably the last time that this picture could ever be taken in this specific place. This is truly a magical moment. 

When Elk Fly

Did you think that this was some strange breed of flying elk? Well, if you did, you're terribly incorrect! Behind this elk is a mother swan chasing off the elk to protect her eggs that rest on the riverbank right behind them. 

Flying High in the Sky

If this isn't the world's most perfect billboard, we don't know what is. Additionally, they picked the perfect color to paint their sign with, because days like the one that's on display here only come every once in a while. We are considering now that the dead space could actually have been cut out of the billboard, but that's just part of the magic of the illusion.

Now She's Standing, Now She's Not

Ignore the optical illusion here for one second and consider how uncomfortable the lady on the right must be. Think about that, then look at their legs. Can you tell which person is getting held up? The results may surprise you. 

My Ride Is Here

Praying mantis? More like Pedaling mantis! For some backstory, these plants are called fiddleheads, they grow near salty water and they're extremely tasty when cooked. We do advise that you remove any praying mantises before you decide to pluck these to eat. 

Me Llamo es Llama

These furry dudes usually aren't as friendly as one would think. However, this one seems like he's doing just fine. Watch out the next time you try to put a llama's face in front of yours, they're notorious for kicking and spitting at just about anybody. 

Bird, Caterpillar, or Both?

These characters might seem like a brightly colored bug from afar, but upon closer examination, they're just some pals that are huddling together for warmth. In fact, these birds were the inspiration behind Disney Pixar's short; "The Birds."

Eye Am Draining

Imagine doing the dishes and then suddenly having to question everything you know about reality. That's probably exactly what this photographer thought right before they snapped this picture. Wet hands and cameras don't usually mix, but this is the only instance that we might grant a pass.


Oh, what's this? Is this a simple photo of a lovely family on a hike somewhere in the northwest? No! It's a picture of a family whose father has invisible legs. This is a statistical anomaly! There is no way that this dude is doing well with that set of invisible legs. 

Magic Platform Ride

Is this the set for the new live-action rendition of Aladdin? Probably not, but it's always fun to speculate about these kinds of things. If you haven't figured this one out yet, think about what else makes a shadow like that. 

Xenomorph Horse

Have you ever seen the movie Alien? If not, this is pretty much the entire plot. Except, instead of being two horses standing behind one another, the Xenomorph is a deadly alien species that wants to kill off humanity. It's funny how similar these things can be. 

Snag and Drop 

Sometimes, things just line up perfectly. This picture would be a perfect example of circumstantial perfection, provided the statue is actually a statue and not a man that painted himself green. Please do not think about this statue being a man that painted himself green. 

The Man, the Horse, the Legend

We like cowboys just as much as the next website, but this guy is pretty terrifying. The day that horses take over society and assimilate into our culture will be the downfall of humanity. This is the terrifying future that we may see for ourselves if we continue to allow horses into our homes and around our families. 

Mr. and Mrs. Horse

They say that you never truly know the person that you're marrying until the day you eventually tie the knot. In this case, the differences are pretty hard to ignore. Plus, the height difference between the two of them is definitely awkward to explain. 

Rene Redzepi in His Natural Habitat

For those who don't know, Rene Redzip is probably the biggest deal in the modern cooking scene. He is the owner of Nomu; the best restaurant in the world. Redzip designed this table all on his own to be featured in Class Premier magazine. The greatest chef int he world is also adept at making optical illusions, who would have known?

Obama and the Orb

Very few people know about this moment, but Obama actually gazed into this crystal ball on stage and predicted his second term re-election. Just kidding, this is the sun, and former president Barrack Obama grabbed it right out of the sky to harness its energy. Did this burn his hands? Maybe. 

Keeping Your Head on the Road

Although it is undetermined whether this is a painting or a highly stylized photograph (we are leaning towards the latter), this is really a beautiful piece of art. The symbolism here depends on what you take out of it. If you think that this is a metaphor for staying focused on what you're doing, more power to you. If you just think that this is a cool design, you are also correct. 

Nature's Bounty

Oh, how it would feel to be a carefree Sweedish child drinking from a waterfall on a hike in the early spring. Life would be much simpler if everyone could relax like this. Additionally, where is this water going to anyways? Something doesn't add up here. 

Farming the Moon

This photo was taken by a French landscape photographer named Laurent Laveder. With just a little imagination, skill, a high powered camera, and free time, you can turn the moon into anything you want. It's always nice to see people flexing their creative muscles to make stuff that's fun and accessible. 

Behind These Hazel(nut Creamer) Eyes

Within every cup of coffee resides an owl that wants you to have a killer day. Absorb the energy of the great horned owl, push through the morning and you're ready to roll. The rest of the day is a breeze when you're drinking great northern coffee. 

Where the Beach Ends and the Goers Begin

This is what people in the art world like to call "a human gradient." We truly wonder if this was an accident or a perfectly curated artistic moment that took several hours of preparation. For right now, we're just going to assume that this optical illusion was completely unintentional. 

Look Closer...

Drop all your preconceptions about what physical art should look like. This painting is actually three people huddled together and displaced to add a level of dimension. Seriously, look a little closer and you can see a person's shoulders sloping down into the leopard's nose.

This Makes No Sense

Take a look at her arms, then take a look at her legs. Immediately afterward, realize that her position in front of (and behind?) the fence makes absolutely no sense. How can one person be two places at once?

Standing, But at What Cost

Take a wild guess as to which one of these people is standing behind the other. If you're going off of basic assumptions, you're probably wrong. Reality is deceiving, always take a second look. 

Some Things Are Not What They Seem

You might think that the stars of the show in this photograph are the cool raccoons that are sitting front and center. However, (unfortunately, the caption ruins this for you) it is the rock that is the star of the show. This is a phenomenon that happens during "golden hour," when the ground is brighter than the sky. The sun will reflect an image of what it's reflecting onto a flat surface like water. 

Life Through a Fish Eye Lens

This gives a whole new meaning to the term "fish-eye lens." If you focus directly on the two fish eyes, you can see that these fish heads would fit perfectly like sunglasses on this fishy lady. Not that we'd recommend making fish head sunglasses, we're just throwing that out there. 

The Mirror Reflects Who You Really Are

This is the all-too-true reality of existing. Must we perceive ourselves as others perceive us, or do we see ourselves from the inside out? Just a little food for thought while you chuckle at this cute cat picture. 

Chris Angel is That You?

Do not look further into this image, simply observe it for what it is. This man's outfit is somewhat questionable, but that might be the key to levitation. Keep that in mind the next time you talk yourself out of wearing a matching polo shirt and capri pants. 

How I'm Trying to Be

How nice would it be to just get bundled up like this on a daily basis? If you're not sure where the blanket ends and the cat begins, you're not alone. It's like Aunt Marge in the Harry Potter series—she just expands and expands until she eventually just floats away. 

Night Time-O-Clock

Does anybody have the time? It appears to be exactly 8 PM if you're calculating the time via the moon that is. Technically, you can do this at any time of the night as long as you can find the correct angle. 

Tilt Your Head, But Remain Confused

The crafty photographer is actually sitting front and center in this dizzying picture. Try to put all these dimensions in perspective, all three of these individuals are exhibiting three different effects of gravity. Once you figure out where the ground is, take a look at the expertly placed props. 


This must be either located in some San Francisco startup or Google headquarters. The differences in textures that juxtapose perspective here are remarkable. We love a cool illusion, and this is definitely one of the cooler ones we've seen. 

Surface to Air

Boil, bubble, toil, and trouble. An old folk tale suggests that all the water in witches cauldrons came from the clouds themselves. While that may or may not be true, drinking nimbus tea doesn't seem like a bad time. 

Rose of No-Man's Land

This is almost like an iconic piece of American Traditional artwork from WWI. The original painting is of a nurse's head nestled within a rose with the caption "Rose of No-Man's Land." The idea behind this painting was to serve as an overarching thank-you to the women who served as field medics in the Red Cross during WWI. 

Not So Scary After All

Did this picture make your palms sweaty? Maybe it made your stomach drop just a bit, or it might have even given you a weird feeling in your feet. Fear not, this dude is actually just laying on the ground and grabbing a loose rock on the sidewalk. Could have fooled you though!

Bro What

What may seem like the world's leggiest bird is actually several leggy birds standing underneath/behind their mother. Mother seabirds have a pouch near their bird pelvis, similar to a marsupial, that the babies can actually hide in to get warm. However, not all of them can fit at one time, so they have to patiently wait in line. 

Blowing Away the Haters

The next time you and your buddies decide to go visit the salt flats outside of Salt Lake City, make sure you wear protective wind gear. It gets brutal out there during the winter months. The wind chill can dip below 0° Farenheit frequently around that time. Anyways, these guys seemed to get out there at the right moment. 

The Big Squeeze

Have you ever felt like an empty can? That's how this guy feels whenever he wears this shirt. It seems voluntary, but the look of discomfort on his face kind of tells us otherwise. 

Raking the Clouds

Don't mind this guy, he's just combing the sky. He's not doing it for any particular reason, just making the sky look nice. You don't really need any excuse to dress up, especially if you're literally the sky. 

Now You See Me...

We are currently advising that all poodle owners must warn their house visitors to watch their step around the rugs of the house. We do not believe that fluffy here is in any immediate danger, but it's always best to institute a warning, just in case. Even if that puppy wasn't there, you could just pet the rug and get your sensory craving over with. 

Shoot for the Moon

We are debating whether this picture is real or not. We sincerely hope it is, but there is nobody on Earth that can touch rim while wearing chunky boots like that dude. This has been a deeply upsetting image, we need a minute to think about what we're going to do next...

Hand in the Pool

This guy should focus less on the fact that he got this cool picture and focus more on making fun of his buddy for dunking his second shot in the hazard. Seriously, buddy, it looks like you were set upright in the middle of the fairway. If you're gonna waste opportunities like that, you might as well make the best out of it by taking a goofy picture like this. 

The Human Car

You've seen a car, you've seen a person, now get ready for the Human Car. The same painter who made the jaguar head from before also made this car. This is a collection of 20 people huddled together, clearly, it's very difficult to get everyone to stay put for this kind of thing. 

Pelé Del Sol

This soccer player must have some hot feet after kicking this glowing ball around for a while. We know this is cute and satyrical, but think about how terrible it would be to actually kick the sun around? That probably wouldn't be too nice on the feet. 

Reach Out and Grab It

You can recreate this moment on your own! Set up your DSLR camera to a very shallow depth of field and set up string lights behind you. After some adjusting, you'll be able to replicate the same exact results with relative ease!

Pucker Up

This plant is called the Psychotria elata, or the hot lips flower. Although this flower may look like a human mouth with ruby red lipstick, it's actually supposed to help guide hummingbirds and other pollinators to it. This plant is also totally edible for people, and its mostly tossed in salads and on plates as a garnish because of its sweet and fruity flavor. 

Spraying the Sky

Little do people know, this is actually how clouds are made. Some big dude up in the sky sprays cirrus clouds out of his aerosol can and makes it rain on the cornfields over Idaho. Without the man with the can, there would be no rain. There's no need to thank him though, he loves to do his job. 

Hootin' and Hollerin'

Don't you ever just want to scream? Since it's a little taboo for people to scream out in public, its always best to let someone (or something) else do it for you. For instance, you can just let your dog scream for you. Live vicariously through your furry friend. 

Stairway to Ikea

This is a simple art project that pretty much anyone that lives in a college dorm room can complete with their friends. These aren't custom welded tools, every piece of metal here is an alan key from a handyman kit found in all Ikea products. Once you're done building their furniture, there's no need to hang onto the tools they give you, so why not make art out of them!

Look Out Below

This looks like the perfect day to take a picture of this gorgeous mural. Not only do the clouds fit perfectly in the background, but the light is hitting the bricks in the most ideal way imaginable. We're sure that tons of people had to do a double-take when they locked eyes on this bad boy that day. 

Watch Your Step

This bizarre hallway was actually a crafty idea concocted by an art teacher in Spain. She painted the floor to look like this so kids wouldn't run down this corridor hallway that's flanked with glass windows. So far, it is undetermined whether this worked or not. 

A Waterfall... Underwater?

This small island off the coast of East Africa is home to one of the most interesting phenomenons on Earth. This cavernous drop off the south side of the peninsula actually pulls water from the surrounding ocean inlet into it. Due to the crystal clear waters, people on the island can see all the way down into the deepest depths of this underwater waterfall. 

Focus, We Dare You

It's actually physically impossible to focus on one set of eyes and lips in this painting. Try not to stare for too long because it might mess with your eyes, but you should definitely attempt to give this one some solid consideration. Your brain is incapable of separating the second set of eyes and lips from the face because there is only one nose. 

Look Closely...

If you can even conceive it, every single line on this wall is actually straight. This is a common optical illusion that has been rebranded for physical human consumption. It's really difficult to do this in person, but somehow this dude did. 

Illusions on Skin

This tattoo artist is named Jesse Rix. His shop is located in New Hampshire, and he is one of the only tattoo artists on Earth that specializes in optical illusions from under the skin. His rates are insane, and the waitlist for these kinds of pieces is expansive. However, if you've got the cash and time, send him an email. 

Assassian's Art Class

This is particularly difficult to do. Imagine having to draw on literally three planes of surfaces and having it pop when you flip it 90°. We're sure that this wasn't this artist's first attempt at this kind of design. 

Count the Feet, if You Can...

This is another disorienting one. We think the best way to go about this is to close one of your eyes and count, then close the other and do the same. If you don't get the same number both times, we don't know what to say. 

Peer Deeper Into the Eight

This is something that you most likely never saw in your many years of knowing what playing cards look like. If you look a little closer and focus on the two diamonds in the middle of the eight diamond formation, you can see a little figure eight inside of there. This has been a little known playing card easter egg since playing cards were invented. Pretty cool, huh?

Which Face is the Real Face?

The correct answer is... None of them! This makeup artist actually layered mannequin masks over her real face to add dimension to her art. She painted each part of the mask to look the way it does and wore it over her face that's covered with black pantihose. 

Jupiter... Is That You?

Nature is truly fascinating when it can create planetary bodies like this within the bark of a tree, The only thing this wooden table is missing is the giant red storm formation that's on the other side of the planet. Maybe if they flipped the table upside down, they could paint one on. 

Focus on One Dot at a Time

Try to look at one dot for any extended period of time and the ones around it will disappear. This is a cognitive exercise that has yet to be fully understood. Scientists think that these dots are within the perfect ocular range to be displaced by your brain. 

Paws... And Check Out These Clouds

It's not every day that you run across some perfectly formed clouds like these. Who needs cute animals when you can find them in the sky? That's a trick question, we still need cute animals. 

Under Da' Sea

This was (and still is) an art installation in Japan. From the top of this pool, it looks like there are people literally walking under the surface of an actual swimming pool. However, a thin sheet of glass separates this small zone from the foot of water that is casting the illusion that these individuals are underwater.

We See Right Through It 

If only life were as simple as it looks in this beautifully painted cable box. When the roads run parallel with clean water canals and the trees regrow will be the day that city living will be truly healthy once more. Hopefully, that will happen someday soon.

Even if You Could See It, You Wouldn't 

This is another famous body artist, but his gimmick is that he paints himself into backgrounds. Yes, there is a man standing somewhere in the frame. You're going to have to seek him out yourself though!

Water as Clear as Day

Although this may seem like a magical projection of an island in the sky, it's just a normal river shore. At this time of the day, also known as "golden hour," the light from the sky can be brighter than the light on the ground. That causes this mirror effect on smooth-surfaced bodies of water. 

Abbey Road, But Not Really

Located in Springfield, Massachusets, this street mural serves as a caution for drivers. These characters appear full-sized from down the street, but as you approach them, they flatten out. This kind of optical illusion actually helps society. 

Dogs, Cats and Bunnies

This came from a Swedish photographer that specializes in shadow art. He mostly uses humans as figures in his work, but here he flipped the script and let the shadows be the star of the show. Sometimes, reversing your artistic ideas may end up in completely different results that are equally as cool!

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The More You Know

  • Mount Rushmore cost less than $1 million.
  • A cow-bison hybrid is called a "beefalo."
  • A reindeer's eyes can change colors with the seasons.
  • Tarantula bites are about as painful as bee stings.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.