Southern Photos That'll Really Make You Yee-Haw


The South sometimes seems like a whole separate country. You won’t believe some of these every day things that are completely normal, but would shock anyone visiting from up North.

The Best of Both Worlds

Wrestling and gospel singing certainly sound like two things you’d never expect in the same venue. Well, not unless you’re from the South. It seems that people in this town have brought two of their favorite things together in one place, albeit at different times of the day.

The Ultimate Vehicle

Some people just aren't content with the things they buy in a store. They believe they know a way to make them better suited for their purpose which is why they start tinkering around with them. That's apparently what this person from the South did.

Size Does Matter

The United States is known for liking things big, but the South takes that to the next level. Why have something small when it could be humongous instead? That would seem to be the thinking behind this monster truck and it’s accompanying RV.

Crossing The Road

The animals you encounter crossing the road are usually things like birds or deer unless you’re from the South. Down there, you're more likely to find a pig blocking the way. They're not exactly known for their speed, so waiting for them to cross the road can take a while.

Meeting the Demand

You can’t claim that people from the South don’t know how to think on their feet. When faced with a problem with their drink machine, they found a creative solution that would please everyone. It might seem a little weird drinking sweet iced tea from a bin, but we’re sure it tastes just fine.

Fancy a Drink?

If you're a fan of ranch dressing, you probably have it with as many meals as possible. There's not much it doesn't go well with, particularly when it comes to pizza or chips. However, it seems that people in the South are a lot more passionate about the sauce than the rest of the United States.

It Makes All The Difference

Litter signs are nothing new to the South. You’ll find them pretty much wherever you go as councils try to keep their streets clean. However, if you want a sign to speak to someone, you have to ensure that they can connect to it.

Expressing Their Love

The bride and groom seem pretty happy standing in the back of this massive vehicle as they cement their love for each other. You might not think a muddy puddle would be the most romantic place to say "I do" but we all have different tastes.

Cruising In Style

It’s certainly a bizarre sight to see, although we can’t help but admire the creativity. They’ve combined the exhilaration of driving in an open-top car with the power of a monster truck. This is the ultimate vehicle for both land and water.

Shaking Things Up

It's relatively common to see people throw horseshoes in rural areas. It’s understandable given how many horses there typically are in these parts of the country. However, it seems that some people think there's a way to make the sport easier and more inclusive.

Down At The Rodeo

If you’ve ever been to a southern-themed restaurant, there’s a good chance you’ve seen most of the things in this picture. In particular, we’re talking about the people dressed in cowboy attire and the presence of a bull.
Admittedly, the bull in these establishments is mechanical, but they’re there to recreate this iconic southern sport. Rodeos are a big deal in this part of the United States, and people there love testing their skills on the back of a real bull, despite the dangers.

Staying Out Of The Sun

When it comes to the summer, many people welcome all the warm weather that comes their way. However, the feeling's not quite the same in the South where things are pretty hot all year round.

Love Of The Game

Sports fans are incredibly dedicated people. They seldom fail to miss a match, game or event, and they always arrive ready to show their support for their favorite stars. While this usually means wearing a jersey with someone’s name and/or number on it, fans in the South tend to take things one step further.

Culinary Art

Most people seem to be on a diet nowadays. We're so aware of all the consequences that come from being unhealthy now, so we try to live as good a life as possible. However, not everyone wants to restrict themselves to a salad at every other meal. People in the South are more relaxed about what they eat, which is why the Frito pie is such a delicacy. It's basically a bag of Fritos covered in chili and cheese, and you'd best believe it's delicious.

Passing The Time

Fortunately, in the South, they’ve found a way to keep people entertained while waiting for a flight. Well, some of them anyway. This airport offers rocking chairs that you can sit in to pass the time, whether you’re a fan of knitting or you just want to relax a little.

Grab And Go

Drive-thrus are a lifesaver when it comes to fast food establishments. You generally get served quicker here, and they also save you from having to leave your car for food. Of course, not everyone who uses these drive-thrus is in a vehicle.

Take Me To Church

Many of the residents of the South are highly religious. That’s why the area is commonly referred to as God’s country, because more people are devoted to their faith here than anywhere else. If you need proof of that then take a look at this post.

Enjoying What They Can

Due to the excessively hot weather that regularly plagues the South, this part of the US rarely gets much in the way of snow. However, that's not to say that it never falls there.

The Perfect Companions

People in the South might be known for drinking one specific beverage a lot, but that’s not to say they don’t have class. Like everywhere else in the world, they enjoy all sorts of drinks, and they know which beverages work best for certain situations.

Howdy Y’all

While most people living in the South speak English, that doesn’t mean they don’t have their own spin on the language there. They’ve got their own words and phrases just like everywhere else in the United States, with one thing, in particular, standing out.

Sweet Tooth

After taking one look at this photo, you might think that people in the South prefer their iced tea unsweetened. That is until you discover that the other container has already been filled up more than once because people couldn’t get enough of the sweet stuff.

Save Your Soul

Like we said, a lot of people who live in the South are religious. Some are more devout than others, but most of them are very proud of their faith. Those who are particularly passionate about their religion aren’t afraid to go a little extreme when it comes to enticing more believers to their flock.

Taking It Easy

If you were looking for evidence that things are relatively laid back in the South, this should be it. Usually, people are obsessed with being punctual and running to a strict schedule, but that’s not the case here.

Heeding Their Words

Snow is such a rarity in the South that when it falls, people aren’t always sure what to do about it. They don’t know how to cope, particularly when they’re on the road. However, this weather report provided people with some useful advice courtesy of a Twitter user.

When It’s Hotter In The Car Than Outside

Nothing quite like peeling your skin off of boiling leather seats before the AC kicks in, amiright?

Grease Trap

Southerners know with 100% certainty that anything can be fried, eaten, and enjoyed.

I Was Talking ABOUT You

Honey, Sweetie, Sugarpie, Dumpling – we’re not talking about food. We’re talking about YOU!

Sweet Satisfaction

If you’re from the South you understand the feeling of complete and utter satisfaction when successfully getting a big drop off the end of a honeysuckle.

Never Underestimate The Power of The Casserole

You know good food combined with other good food = a NEW good food.

What’s The Tea?

Talking to complete strangers in public is anything but weird. In fact, it’s polite. Find out what’s brewing with your neighbor’s sister and spill a little tea of your own.

Mind Your Manners

You were probably grounded multiple times as a kid if you ever forgot to say “yes ma’am” or “yes sir.”

Clarity is Key

You asked for Coke, yes. But you wanted Sprite. Everyone down South knows the real meaning of “coke.” Get with it!

Conditional Kindness

If you’re going to gossip about someone, make sure to follow it up with “bless their heart.” It cancels out.

That Southern Charm

The squeak of a porch swing and the slam of a screen door will make you feel right at home, no matter where you are.

It Really Is THAT Hot

You’ve tried, and probably succeeded, at frying an egg on asphalt.

Finding Your Bearings

You know exactly where you are based on which church is on what corner.

I Won’t Hesitate

Telling off other people’s kids when they’re throwing a fit is acceptable.

She Has Arrived

You, or someone you know, got all dolled up for a debutante ball.

All BBQs Are Not Created Equal

Don’t you DARE confuse Texas and Carolina BBQ. They will COME FOR YOU.

This All Could Have Been Fake But Who Knows

“Red on black, venom lack; red on yellow, kill a fellow” has saved the life of someone you know. Or it was just fun to say as a kid.

Love In The Stitches

You grew up using monogrammed towels, napkins, bags, pillows, wallets, and pens.

Don’t Get It Twisted

It’s a pocketbook, not a purse. For the last time.

You’re Welcome

You’ve never not sent a thank you note after attending a social gathering or receiving a gift. That just ain’t the way.

We Still Stan

Taylor Swift isn’t real country music, but we love her anyway.

Sorry, It’s God’s Day

You only ever crave Chick-fil-A on a Sunday and that’s just fact.

Wait It Out

You’d be crazy to leave the local pool just for a thunderstorm. You’re just going to wait it out for about 30 minutes before the humidity kicks back in.

Make It a Triple

Drink of choice: whiskey and bourbon. And you take it very seriously.

Fancy Business

You feel like it’s only proper to dress up when flying or going to the doctor’s office.

And They’re Crunchy

You’ve caught and beheaded a crawdaddy with your bare hands.

You Know Someone of Nearly Every Christian Denomination

You’ve got your Lutherans, your Catholics, your Baptists, your Presbyterians, your Methodists . . . seriously the list goes on and on.

Music to My Ears

Nothing beats the sound of a bajo, acoustic guitar, and fiddle being played together all at once.

Fire Burnin’

A bonfire in your backyard is the epitome of a summer get together.

A True God Send

Nothing will EVER top the taste of chicken and waffles. Nothing. Fight me.

You Know This Just Hits Different

If you did this in your backyard growing up, then you know this just tastes like summer.

Lost Cat (?)

Whether or not this is ironic, it is THE most Southern thing I’ve seen all day.

Shoot The Hooch

You’re not “Going out for drinks” you’re “Shooting the hooch!”

The Proper Way to Drive in Summer

If it’s hot outside, you better bet your car is hotter.

Spelling Doesn’t Really Count Does It?

As long as it looks good and you are proud to serve it, then spelling doesn’t count.

The Most Relaxed

If this kid isn’t the epitome of a relaxing summer then I don’t know what is.

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The More You Know

  • Glitter is so unique it can be used as forensic evidence if matching glitter is found at the crime scene and on the suspect since glitter often goes unnoticed by the suspect.
  • M&M stands for Mars and Murrie.
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  • A full jumbo jet tank has enough fuel to drive a car around the world four times.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.