Strange Noises Coming From a Cave in Los Angeles Lead to an Unbelievable Rescue Effort

Let’s face it, caves are pretty creepy places. They’re a place that people fear because in the darkness of a cave, the unknown floods our mind.

When a rescue team was called in about cries coming from a Los Angeles cave, they were very cautious. Whatever was inside needed help, but when they eventually figured it out, the rescuers were shocked…

In the Darkness

When they arrived at the cave, the rescuers knew this would be no easy task. They shined a light towards the cries, but couldn’t see anything. They needed to get a better look inside…

In Honor of Their Late Teammate

This rescue effort was especially close to their hearts because they had recently suffered a loss of a friend who was quite the animal lover, and in her honor, they knew they had to see this through, and so, the rescue began…

The Dig

Before the rescuers were able to figure out what was crying inside the cave, they first had to get inside. One of the men was able to pull himself part of the way inside but to get further in towards the cries, he was going to have to start digging…

The Eyes Inside

The rescuer climbing inside was nervous. It was a tight squeeze and if the creature felt threatened by his presence, he knew it would be a struggle for him to escape if it attacked. When he was close enough to shine a light inside, he took out his flashlight. He nervously shone it deep into the cave and was startled when two glowing eyes suddenly appeared…

The Location

The cave was located on the outskirts of Los Angeles, between a busy highway and a railroad track. Whatever was inside the caves was hiding from the constant stream of traffic and noise…

Local Wildlife

The cries had been heard by several pedestrians and workers of the railway site. They had been apprehensive to investigate due to the dangerous wildlife in the area, like bobcats, cougars, wild dogs, and coyotes…

Getting Creative

Until this point, the rescuers didn’t realize just how tight a squeeze it was going to be. They were going to have to get creative if they were going to make this happen. They didn’t know if the animal inside was injured or not, but they figured they’d try an easier tactic before excavating to go even further into the cave…

Burger Trick

The rescuers tried to lure the animal out with food, specifically with a McDonald’s cheeseburger. Surely whatever was inside wouldn’t be able to resist…

Hearing Movement

The cave was in an isolated place, and it was more than likely that it was hungry. It wasn’t long before the team heard something moving towards them…

The Shadows

Food is hard to resist, for animals and humans alike. The rescuers’ hearts were in their mouths when something slowly began to creep out of the cave after smelling the cheeseburger…


While they still weren’t able to figure out what they were dealing with, they knew for sure that whatever it was, it was hungry. But, it was also terrified, and one of the rescuers accidentally spooked it back into the cave. That meant that they had to resort to their original plan…

Back Inside

Animals that are scared are the hardest to rescue. Regardless of the cheeseburger, the animal inside did not trust humans. The male rescuer had to go back inside the cave. He shone his flashlight inside once again and then the rescuers finally caught a glimpse of what they were dealing with…

The Furry Find

Puppies! It looked like there was just a small litter of three, but how on earth were they going to get them out of the cave? They’d crawled into a spot so tight that no amount of digging was going to get the male rescuer in there…

The Brave

The rescuers, thankfully, had a lot of tools to help them in situations like this. The male rescuer slowly crawled back out of the cave to grab some useful tools, then something amazing happened… a puppy came out! This was definitely the boldest of the bunch, and he knew that the man who’d invaded their home had food. A female rescuer scooped him up as soon as she was able to and gave him a bit of cheeseburger. But, there were two scared pups still inside…


After lifting the first puppy to safety, the rescuers were confused. The pups were young and yet there were no sigs of the pup’s mother. Regardless, the pups were alone and needed somewhere where they could grow up properly, as well as get the food they needed. But first, the rescuer had to crawl back into the cave to save the other pups…

Pulling for Puppies

The rescuer tried the cheeseburger tactic again, but the other two pups were not budging—these two were terrified. It was really narrow in the cave, so the rescuer brought a snare in with him. Once he was close enough he carefully threw the snare around one of the puppy’s necks and slowly tried to convince it to come out of the cave. But the pup wriggled and cried, afraid to move…

Out of the Dark

Thanks to the snare, the rescuer was able to drag the puppy out. Although the puppy was frightened, after some calm and affectionate pets and a few bites of food, the pup was able to relax a bit. Based on the size of the pups, they couldn’t have been more than a few weeks old. As it turns out, this slightly rebellious canine had an incredibly lively personality once he warmed up. Now, only one remained…

One More to Go

All this puppy needed was a bit of love, a meal, and a good wash. Once the second puppy was lifted to safety, the male rescuer had some shocking news for the others…

A Whole Lot More

The rescuer told the others that while he was saving the second puppy, he saw a lot more puppies in the cave than what he’d initially counted. There were seven more puppies in there! This mission was a lot bigger than they had originally planned for…

Hiding Out

The rescuers were skilled when it came to rescuing puppies. He slowly crawled back into the cave and was soon able to get the snare around another puppy’s neck. It was even more upset than it’s brother, crying very loudly as it was dragged out. But the rescuers really had to get their thinking caps on to save the others…

Way Back

Unfortunately, the other pups weren’t thrilled about letting the rescuers pull them out. It was a pretty big cave and the puppies decided to do the only thing they could to avoid the rescuers, crawl deeper inside. At this point, it was looking unlikely that they’d all be rescued. There was only one thing left they could try…

A New Approach

The cave itself was only so big and there was another entrance, so the team dug a new tunnel at the other end of the cave so that they could get as close as they could to the puppies. It was all hands on deck to get this job done…

Getting Dirty

The male rescuer had to crawl back in without the snare that had scared the pups. The other two rescuers held onto his legs and waited for his signal to pull him back out, hopefully, with a puppy in hand. Suddenly, the man managed to get hold of one in the darkness. “Now!” he shouted…

Another One

Success! This one cried and complained a bit, but overall, the rescuers were pleased that they had managed to safely recover another pup. The rescuer then crawled back in again and saved another puppy. That was four in total. But there were another four puppies still in there. Amazingly, two of these puppies suddenly ran round to a part of the cave that was closer to them. It was time to get the treats out, maybe all they wanted was some food…

The Lure of Food

When the rescuers began dropping some treats at one of the entrances of the cave, two little furry faces appeared. The puppies must have been starving. One after the other, two of the four remaining puppies appeared. They were obviously tempted by the treats the rescuers had and came on out. Just three more to go!

Hungry Pups

Very quickly the rescuers picked them up, checked them over for any wounds, and cuddled them so they felt more comforted and secure around humans. In total, they had rescued six pups, but, there were definitely two more…

The Last Two

There were two puppies to go, and they did not want to be moved. They were so frightened and startled by the bright light of the torch that the puppies cowered in the corner at the back of the cave. Then, one of the rescuers managed to get the lead around the first puppy’s neck. Slowly, they pulled the seventh puppy out…

Puppy Number Seven

Puppy number seven had eventually made it out of the cave! It took a lot of soft tones and gentle nudges, but the pup was out and finally in safe hands. The rescuers only had one left to rescue out of the litter of eight. They decided they would use the same technique they used to get the seventh puppy out and hoped it would be successful…

The Final Puppy

The eighth puppy resisted the rescue, crying out in a high-pitched squeal. A couple of the other puppies had made a few whimpering noises, but this was one unhappy pup. This puppy did not want to leave the comfort and safety of the cave…

“Take Him! Take Him!”

The last puppy was yelling and crying and rolling around. The rescuers decided the best way to calm it down was to show it some love. Soon, after the rescuers gently pet the puppy and reunited it with its siblings, it calmed down. They had finally got the job done, or so they thought…

Showing Kindness

Soon, all the puppies were ready to get on their way. Until suddenly, one of the rescuers heard another scuffle. It couldn’t be another puppy. Could it? The male rescuer shone the torch in the cave for one last time, and there, at the very back, he spotted a silent and still puppy. There was a ninth puppy in the litter…

One More Pup

He flung the lead a few more times until he finally managed to successfully catch the quiet pup. For some reason, this puppy was silent. After all the squealing and crying and flailing of limbs from all the other puppies, this puppy didn’t move a muscle or even bark. Eventually, the male rescuer pulled out the final puppy. The rescuers’ mission was complete, or so they thought…

Little Squeaks

All nine puppies were very different. Even in the dark of the cave, they’d developed their own unique personalities. They woofed and made little squeaks for their other little friends, despite feeling a lot more comfortable with their rescuers. The last puppy, though, sat silently, quite happily getting some hugs and love from the rescuers…

The Quiet One

This one stayed quiet throughout the whole rescue. It even sat quite happily on its rescuer’s lap, enjoying the comfort of human cuddles and a bit of affection. Now, it was time to head back to the rescue and find better lives for these small puppies…

Heading to the Rescue

After their wild rescue, the rescuers took the puppies back to their Los Angeles headquarters, where the puppies were fed and checked over. Soon, once they were at full health, the puppies could be adopted. But first, the rescuers wanted to give them names. Each puppy was given an individual name tag collar. The names they chose were adorable…

Napping Together

Before they found forever homes, the rescuers made sure to keep them safe, warm, and well-fed. They even got into a little bit of mischief…

Puppies Everywhere

As we already know, a few of the rescue team members had recently lost a friend who was a huge animal advocate, so one of the puppies was named in honor of the woman that had passed away. The pups all lived together at first, and because they finally felt safe, they became more playful than ever.

Curious about their names? You’ll find out in the next photo…

Waiting For Forever

These adorable little ones were listed online for adoption through the animal rescue group. They were eager to meet their forever families. It’s hard to believe how anyone could resist…

Happy Family

The rescuers have been back to the caves since in search of the mother of the puppies, but they still have yet to find her. Luckily, the rescuers did a fantastic job, and all the puppies are safe, well fed, and happy!

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The More You Know

  • The largest volcano in the solar system is three times taller than Mount Everest.
  • Commercial flights were allowed to fly any course to their destination and would often detour over points of interest. This ended in 1956 when two planes crashed mid-flight over the Grand Canyon.
  • Your heart beats 100,000 times a day.
  • Sesame Street is now a real place.

Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.