Taking a Look Inside Mike Tyson’s Abandoned 1.3 Million Dollar Mansion

After an unfortunate downswing in Tyson’s life, he was forced to abandon his custom-built mansion in Ohio. The building still stands, uninhabited.

A Massive Estate

When Tyson went to jail for the second time in 1999, he was forced to sell his 19,500 square foot mansion, that resides in Southington, Ohio. Tyson sold the place to a TV marketer for 1.3 million dollars, that marketer then went to jail for money laundering and left the house unoccupied.

Johnny Joo

A photographer named Johnny Joo had known about this property since it became vacant and waited until 2013 to try and enter it. On his first try, Joo was arrested and charged with trespassing. After getting out of jail, Joo was determined to get into the house no matter what, so he did, and you won’t believe how…

Two Wrongs Get You In

There is controversy on whether Joo forged his documents to enter the place, but nonetheless, he made it in. He remarked about how clean the home still was, and since he got arrested trying to break in, he understands how very few people got in to vandalize the place.

Under New Ownership

When Joo got in, the house had just been purchased, and there were plans to turn this room into a chapel. This was the dance floor of the club that Tyson had installed in the home, you can see on the top of the staircase is where the DJ booth would have been. The new owners were hung up on whether they should continue with their construction after learning what had happened in that room in the 80s…

A Wild Past

In the party areas of the house, there were still cages for tigers, and stripper poles. Tyson was known for the crazy parties that he threw, sparing no expense for his guests. One could only imagine the sinful things that went down at a Mike Tyson party.

A Place for Holiness

It’s hard to believe that this place that was once home to the wildest, most extravagant parties, and is now being turned into a church. The only problem, however, is managing to get all of the old stuff out of the house…

Iron Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson was what you could call “conceited.” He embossed his whole home with images of himself, had his name carved and painted onto the tiger cages, that was also bolted to the floor, understandably. These renovations are not going to be easy, or cheap, to do.

Even the Living Room

Formerly adorned with massive couches, huge TV’s, and ceiling to floor stripper poles, the living room needed a ton of work. When Tyson sold the house initially, the man (whose name is being protected) who bought it gutted the entire space. There was one place that was being left untouched though…

Definitely a Fixer Upper

The partially drained pool was one of the largest structures in the house. This pool was one of the most expensive fixtures in the Ohio home, nearly 200 feet long, and close to eight feet deep. It was also shaped like a boxing glove.

The Hardest Task

Draining and reshaping the pool itself was the most expensive and time-consuming part of this whole renovation excursion, as the pool was basically the size of 3 houses. If you thought the pool was impressive, just wait till you see the bathroom…

The Royal Bathroom

Tyson adorned his personal bathroom with green marble and gold accent. As you can see, the ceiling is layered with mirrors, and the rest of the ceiling tile is very reflective.

A View Fit for a King

Wouldn’t you like to take a dip in this tub? Tyson had this specifically made so he could overlook the beautiful nature surrounding his property, which is in rural Ohio. Winter seems a little bleak, but spring and fall are surely a spectacle from this tub. Unfortunately, this tub was defaced by some people who broke in…

The Ol’ Anarchy Symbol

This is some of the only graffiti in the whole house, some people must have broken in and didn’t want to stay for very long. This looks like the work of some young punks, what a shame to vandalize such a beautiful marble tub

What an Archway

Joo, the person who took all these photographs, is fascinated by the history of structures like this, built by the hyper-rich, and lost in a blaze of glory, or in Tysons case, crime. You wouldn’t believe what the real reason Mike Tyson lost this house was…

A Tragic Ending

Tyson was a difficult man to be around, he was incredibly animated, and would not understand if the other person didn’t match his energy. The same goes with when he felt low energy, he would get very upset when people didn’t just know to leave him alone. Despite being quite possibly the best boxer who ever lived, Tyson had some developmental issues and did not understand social convention very well.

Violent Outbursts

Tyson did not know how to deal with people, he claims he couldn’t tell right from wrong at times. This is a dangerous recipe for someone who is so powerful and influential. Tyson made a lot of mistakes in his life but the ones he really paid for were inexcusable…

The Fall of Iron Mike

Mike Tyson was convicted of sexual assault in 1992, he was sentenced to six years in prison, of which he served three years and had two years of parole. The victim of the case suffered serious emotional strain and some minor physical injuries. This was the first case of Tyson misusing his power, lacking the empathy to act humanely.

Getting Put Away

Contrary to Tyson’s current personal narrative, during this point in his life, he was a mess. While he was in prison, he instigated a divorce, continued to do drugs and drink, and had sex with one of the psychologists and other female visitors. He let himself go, ballooned to 380 pounds, and lost his spirit. He became constantly aggressive and on edge until something else set him straight…

A Fresh Start

Tyson was released from jail and took part in several return fights, claiming that the training and going to therapy had straightened his head out. Tyson went undefeated after being released from jail.

His Own Worst Enemy

Tyson began to self destruct after winning several fights, and falling back into his old habits. Tyson claims that booze, drugs, and sex was his major downfall, and in 1998, Tyson committed a crime that led to him losing his house…

Tyson’s Highest Fall

In 1998, Tyson was arrested in a road-rage assault incident, in which he let his emotions get the best of him and he attacked two motorists. Tyson faced another two years in jail, had no money, and ruined his reputation completely.

Picking Up the Pieces

After his final incident, Tyson began to clean up his act. He became a spokesperson, did cameos in movies, and even had an entire Adult Swim show made for him called “Mike Tyson Mysteries.” He has reached a point in his life where he can look back and acknowledge what he has done wrong, but that says nothing for the victims he took along the way.

Mike’s Not Alone

Mike Tyson isn’t the only celebrity that owned a now-vacant mansion! Here are a few cases that were significantly less tumultuous than Tyson’s story.

Neverland Ranch

Jackson sold the ranch in 2009 following his abuse allegations, the house was never sold but it is still on the market for $67 million if you’re interested.

The Minnelli Mansion

Following the death of the late great director Vincente Minnelli, his mansion fell under a strange co-ownership between his wife and daughter. His daughter had the rights to the property, but his wife was granted unlimited access to the home. His daughter tried to sell it and was taken to court by her step-mother, which was eventually dropped and the house was sold.

Hook End Manor

Formerly owned by Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour, this house passed through a few hands before it was sold to record producer Trevor Horn. Horn’s son was target shooting an air rifle at the mansion and accidentally shot his mother. She survived after spending three years in a coma, but they fled the house the day that happened.

Bruce Lee’s Hong Kong Mansion

Bruce Lee’s home was unfinished when Lee tragically died. Some fans wanted to purchase it and turn it into a museum, but that was denied by the government. This building will become a schoolhouse for 400 students in the near future.

50 Cent’s Connecticut Mansion

50 Cent had to file for bankruptcy when this mansion was in construction. 50 has been unable to sell this house, and it has never been lived in.

Sag Harbor Estate

Matt Lauer is having a difficult time selling his mansion in the Hamptons. He is looking for a buying price of $14.9 million and has been unable to sell for close to 4 years.

Sky Mansion

Steve Cohen has been looking for a buyer for his Manhattan duplex penthouse for the last six years. He is asking for $57.5 million for this five bedroom, six bath home.

Mike’s Chicago Paradise

Michael Jordon has been trying to sell his Chicago home since 2012. He has halved the price over the years and has absolutely no prospects searching for a $14.885 million mansion.

Trump’s Tropical Getaway

Trump has owned this property for nearly ten years and has been renting it out annually. He cannot find anyone who wants to buy it straight up and has been accused of removing his offers to try and negotiate more money from the buyers.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.