The Absolute Worst Park Jobs That Will Make You Never Want to Drive Again

Human beings are funny. We put a man on the moon but we can’t even figure out how to park our cars…

The Cart Corral

Next time someone steals your spot at the supermarket, don’t just let it go. Fight back by causing them some minor inconvenience. This is just about as close to committing a crime you can get without actually doing anything illegal.

Bikers Rights

This motorcycle owner has clearly seen a situation like this before. The motorcycle driver should be worried about the SUV backing into them out of spite. Either way, that SUV driver is a jerk and they should stay out of parking lots permanently.

The 15 Foot Rule

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you parked in front of a fire hydrant? 90% of the time your car will just get towed, but that other 10% might bust your windows open and leave you trapped in a parking space until the building across the street burns down. Whatever, this guy drives a BMW, he’s probably got enough cash in his pocket to buy some new windows.

Punishment For Laziness

Can you imagine being this lazy? Probably a mixture of laziness and entitlement, regardless this car must have been here for far too long. This person better have had a really great reason to leave their car like that, if not, they totally deserve this carnage.

Hello Down There

The Subway parking lot is a war zone for unintelligent drivers. This photograph depicts a world in which the person driving the white car doesn’t fear the truck man just backing up over the hood of his car. Everyone has seen Monster Jam, we all know what those wheels can do.

Turtle X-ing

This is what’s called “taking matters into your own hands.” The majority of people are far too afraid of getting their ass kicked to do something as bold as this. We should be thankful that this person is comfortable playing the judge, jury, and executioner.

Taking Out the Trash

Guess this guy is going on a run to the dump because he’s trapped with all that garbage until they unlock him. The most disorienting thing about this whole thing is that this guy could have just parked in the OPEN PARKING SPOT RIGHT ACROSS FROM HIM.

Sandwiched Between Two Hard Places

Dude, just don’t park your car where you’re not supposed to. The only upside to this is if the person who owns this car was in the grocery store buying sliced bread and jelly. If you think about it, peanut butter man probably saved like 5 bucks just from parking like a moron.

Special Spot for a Special Car

If this doesn’t inspire you to carry chalk with you at all times, nothing else will. This is up there in the list of most potent burns on the planet. The real question is whether the person who owned the car or the chalk artist took the photo. Hopefully the latter.

Cars Travel in Flocks

People please, this simply cannot be a mistake. These cars look oddly synchronized, kind of like abstract art. Potentially, one car parked like a nimrod and the rest of them just wanted to somehow park worse than the others.

Aggravated the Prospectors

This guy might have just parked on the wrong side of the Civil War reenactment. Maybe he has an angry gold miner ex that just had enough with his nonsense. Either way, he’s going to have to be towed to the nearest town blacksmith.

Sending a Message

This is dangerous information, but I’m sure this dude got more than a few pats on the back that day. Working in the same office as this inconsiderate jerk must be torture every day.

New Boot Goofin’

This seems like serious overkill but I guess this driver gets one boot per parking spot they obstructed. That’s quite an expensive set of car sneakers anyways, hopefully, this Jeep driver has enough scratch to take them off.

Striking A Balance

This jeep driver might just be trying to take after the richest person in the parking lot. It’s unfortunate, but statistics show that Corvette drivers have an overwhelming lack of consideration for others on the road. It only makes sense that this theory carries over into the parking lot.

Good Luck Fixing This One Buddy

Assuming this guy is of the rare, very uncool breed that parks in handicap spaces without a handicap tag. Not to incite negative behavior or anything, but if you see someone park illegally in a handicap spot, let them know how much of a loser they are.

Could Be Giant Spiders

This guy must have parked outside of a restaurant illegally one too many times. Saran wrap is cheap and effective for sending a message. I digress, but seriously, who parks like that??? Just back up like 2 feet.

Bond, James Bond.

One thing that drivers really should not do is block bike/pedestrian paths. Bikers and pedestrians know exactly how to go about dealing with these kind of folks without leaving any indicators. Buddy, do yourself a favor and put your car elsewhere.

Well, That’s a Little Excessive

Feel free and use this image as a template if you want to print out your own cards and distribute them around your hometown. This is a fairly passive way to let someone know that you hate them.

Any Sign of Life

Anyone searching for the hardest burn you can administer with just a few words can stop right here. Call up your buddy who’s a graphic designer, it’s time to get creative.

Another Trash Day Joke

Sometimes life can be trashy. The next time you’re feeling especially nasty, just park next to some dumpsters and block the exit to an apartment building/restaurant/museum/school. You will learn your lesson real quick.

Reserved for Royalty

Ok, for starters, if this driver was named Princess, they have done nothing wrong and this photo was unnecessary. Assuming that this driver is not named Princess, they literally parked NEXT TO a parking spot. Shame on them.

You Poor, Selfish Soul

Good luck even getting your car door open. You deserve every sticker thats gonna peel the paint right off your car.

What’s the Prize?

So this dude won a prize, but we see no prize in the picture. Maybe the prize was being able to park in those spots for an entire month, the prize was right in front of him the whole time.

Posting Up

Maybe there’s an individual insult written on every sticky note. Flip them over like you’re playing Jeopardy.

Well, This Just Sucks

We have no clue what’s on this car. Is it blood? Paint? Worse? This one is just a little mean.

Oh, You Shouldn’t Have

Imagine a world where this spot was already there, and it attracted the dumbest people on the road to nestle into it. You’re already special, you don’t need a parking spot to remind you.

Smart Wedge

It’s so hard to tell wether these smart cars are conspiring against that giant truck, or if they’re attacking one of their own kind. If enough stress is put on the prey for long enough, it will become the predator.

Gone Fishin’

Breaking character here for a second to say that this photo is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen and I have wasted all of the black ink in the office printing out 200 copies of this to put on everyones car on my way home. A Fish??? On the handle??? This is genius, give this man a sponsorship.

Transformers The Movie

This is the kind of park job that says “you have to come into the store, find out who I am, and very very nicely ask me to move my car.”

Blocked in by Capitalism

This is like every CEO within 100 miles had their chauffeur drive their least expensive car to a parking lot to block their buddy in as a prank for his 50th birthday or something. Either way, not that impressive.

Surrounding the Enemy

This is part of the dark world theory that our garbage will eventually overrun everything else on earth. Either way, this dude is totally unequipped to deal with angry garbagemen.

Not So Smart After All

Chained together like a bicycle, this is a car’s worst nightmare. After evolving so far past the traditional two-wheel method of transportation, sometimes it’s best to remind cars where they got their start from.

Duck Duck Jeep

Another unbelievable display of dominance over this person driving the Infiniti. Could be possible that people who drive jeeps are much more aggressive than others.

Making the Best With What You Got

Being a jerk has consequences. Good luck getting in your sweet Benz buddy.

Car on a Cage

It probably costs a lot of money to put that car on top of a cage. Its probably going to cost A LOT more to get it off though.

An Island in a Sea of Busses


Earning Your Stripes

This one is just as funny as can be. Talk about sending a message.

Parked Out Back

Nothing says “a meal from down under” like reversing the rules of parking your car. This guy actually gets it. Get in the Aussie spirit everyone.

Wheres the Restroom?

Nothing says “you parked like s***” quite like this.

Bad Spot Once Again

We have already been through this, but driving the point home is very important. Get it? “DRIVING” the point home.

Oh No Buddy What Have You Done

The real question here is, how did they both fit in that car to begin with?

You Had It Coming

This is such a rare moment of defeat and acceptance. It is incredibly rare that someone who got what they deserve actually gets caught on camera.

This Is Really Bad

To be honest, it must be kind of nice to know that your car is, under no circumstances, being rained on. What if this guy just got a fresh paint job?

The Closing Statement

This one is cruel and unusual. Don’t know what’s going on with all the smart car hate but its starting to look like they deserve it.

On Equal Footing

If you cant beat them, join them.

Corralled Mustang

Not sure if this one was done just for the joke, or if its because this person parked 5 feet over the line. Either way, this is hilarious.

Trapped to the Trash

Can’t believe that someone actually took the time to do this AND didn’t immediately get caught. This person really must have had it coming.

Car vs. Concrete

First off, these barriers are very heavy, so a team of people must have done this. Second, this person is probably going to have to contact the city to get these removed.

Keying In

Now this guy is going to be confused in every parking spot he stops in.

Wait, That’s Not How to Do It

You really have to admire this driver’s boldness. Especially since there’s a parking spot LITERALLY NEXT TO THEM.

This Actually Makes Sense

Well, he is technically correct.

Really Bad Move

How dense does someone have to be to actually block an emergency helicopter pad? Shame!

No Consideration At All

For reference, this person parked their car in the drive-through lane at the bank because they had to pee. That’s a personal problem friend, nobodies fault but your own.

That’ll Do

Have you ever just given up on your day? This person did.


Sir, your car is now grocery store property.

This is All Terrible

Everyone in this photo should just start their day over.


This car is parked. Not driving. This car is parked in the middle of the street.

The Drivers Paradox

If you block someone’s driveway in general, you’re going to going to get your car towed. Do not do this for your own good.

Swing and a Miss

Less concerned by the terrible park job, more confused about what this storefront sells.

Define Compact

I mean, he really com(pack)ted his car in that spot.

Just Give Up Honestly

We are starting to notice a trend in which muscle car drivers and inconsiderate parking go hand in hand. Go figure.

Just Showing Off

People should not buy expensive cars if they refuse to consider those around them.

4 Square

Seriously dude? You needed 4 whole spaces?

Nobody’s Going Anywhere

These cars are going to have to get airlifted out of their spots, this is tragic.

There Must Be Some Mistake

No way an entire street parks like this. This is an unbelievable hostile issue.

You Had The Whole Lot

I don’t care who you are and what you know, this was pre-meditated.

Why Even Drive?

This looks like the driver dove out of their door before they could completely pull into the whole spot.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.