The Most Iconic Snacks and Candies From Your Childhood

A little 90’s nostalgia won’t hurt anybody! We’re taking a look way back into our distant memories to revitalize our tastebuds. The 90’s and early 2000’s had some of the best snacks, candies, ice creams, sodas… The list goes on! Some of these are long gone, and others are still available. Take a trip down memory lane and try to think back into your elementary school lunch. What was your favorite 90’s delicacy?


These fruity snacks were a given! They came in all sorts of flavors and were highly tradable. They were probably one of the only sweet things your parents let you have because they were “healthier” which no, they probably weren’t.

Push – Up Pops

These Push-Up pops were one of the best treats of the summer! The only annoying part was when they melted and then it got all over your hand as you’re trying to push up melted ice cream… It was always worth it.

Wax Bottles

These were definitely one of the weirdest candies that were just so good for some reason! They were gummy but with that stuff on the inside. It couldn’t be beaten!

Doritos Go-Snacks

Not only were these in a mini-size, but for some reason, they were also kind of puffy! No complaints here.


Let’s start off strong! Dunkaroo’s were the lunch treat that you were lucky to get once in a full moon. Those little cookies mixed with that icing was the closest thing to heaven we could get.

Colored Ketchup

If we talk about the high’s, we must also acknowledge the lows. These kinds of ketchup were… Bad. Not only were these colors unsettling, but they were also just weird!

Hugs Fruit Barrels

School functions, birthday parties… If these were there, you know it was about to go down! These were on the same tier of Kool-Aid, but with just a different mood.

Wonder Balls

These were top tier candies. Incredible hollow chocolate balls with sweet candy on the inside that was in the shape of your favorite characters (usually). Of course, all good things come to an end. One kid ended up choking on the little candies and got it discontinued. Rumor has it they are still around.

Slush Puppies

Some of the most decadent water ices ever. They were like, all syrup, a little ice, and a lot of sugar.


Who else remembers when these came out? The commercials were wild, usually starring athletic or on-the-go kids that didn’t relate to me personally. They were still cool though, and a perfect in school snack.

Bug Juice

This branding is the epitome of the 90’s. These bizarrely colored juices spoke to most kids, for some reason, and they were pretty popular back in the day!

Kudos Bars

This is one of those snacks that were probably supposed to be for your parents but the candy part made it for the kids. They were so good, and were low in calories which meant us kids were allowed to have them!


These were absolutely the most popular, highest demanded lunch snack possibly ever. That monkey was like our mascot.


“Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!” Sure, this cereal is still very much around, but they went through a rebranding that many 90’s kids are not a fan of. Mainly, the shapes of the cereal. They made it into boring circles!


These cracker-like snacks had ever class clown running around with claw-like fingers. The only other thing you can do with these, other than eating them, is to put them on your fingers. That’s pretty much it.

Kool-Aid Bursts


Another classic relic of the 90’s. They were super useful for any on-the-go playdates, too! Not to mention being totally filled with sugar to give you that perfect rush.

Jell-O Pudding Pops

Pudding pops, such a delicacy! Mixing pudding and a popsicle is the best decision anyone has ever had.

Skittles Gum

Skittles gum… What could go wrong? Mixing the best candy with gum was a big winner for millennials!

Minute Maid Juice Bar

Minute Maid was definitely a top-tier juice brand. They changed the game with these juice bars!

Hubba Bubba Bubble

What kid doesn’t love 6 feet of bubble gum? Plus, we all know that kid that put it all in their mouth or took a bite out of the wheel of gum. Well, it was the 90’s!

Breadsticks And Cheese

One of the holiest snacks of all time: The cheese and breadsticks combo. Many brands adopted this idea so there was a lovely surplus of this snack back then.

Ice Cream Bars


It was truly the holiday season when these hit the shelves!

Soda Pop Snacks

These soda gummies came in all flavors. To top it off, they were also covered in sugar!

Trix Yogurt

These Trix yogurts were the epitome of every elementary school lunch!


In my experience, only the very lucky kids had the Lunchables. The one with the chocolate pizza was probably the best!

Cookie Crisp

This was back in the good old days before they rebranded into that wolf looking creature. We love this pudgy dog!

War Heads

When these first came out, they were all over the playground. Kids would test each other to see how much of this sour candy they could handle. It got pretty intense.

Melody Pops

These were the lollipops that also could be used as a whistle/flute! If you were lucky. They usually didn’t work very well, but that doesn’t mean we still didn’t try.

Fruit String Thing

This gummy, artificially fruit-flavored treat was both a game and a candy! It was a good way to get your kids to be quiet for a bit. Give them the candy and let them make weird pictures with it for a little bit… Win-win!

Oreo O’s

This was definitely one of the best cereals in the game. News flash: They have finally hit the shelves once again! And yes, they are still so good.

Oatmeal Swirlers

These were kind of gross, but being able to play with your food was definitely worth it.

Bubble Jug

To be completely honest, this product as always been amysteryy. What does “shake and chug” even mean?

Shark Bites

Some classic gummies for sure! The 90’s were full of gummy snacks.

Cheese Balls

This was another snack dreaded by parents everywhere. They were just so messy… But, so good!

Planters Crisps

These need to make a comeback! The peanut butter crisps were just too food… They were even filled with chocolate, peanut butter, or strawberry! What innovative genius thought of this?

Jet-Puffed Funmallows

Kraft took marshmallows to an entirely new level with this treat… They absolutely nailed it.

Pepsi Blue

Pepsi literally ruled the 90’s Their marketing and advertising tactis were out of this world, and they were releasing incredible products such as Pepsi Blue. This soda took over the world, and even though it was just a limited run, people still talk about it.

Dinosaur Eggs

These dinosaur eggs were actually just brown sugar… But, it made eating oatmeal fun (because of dinosaurs) and tasty (because of brown sugar). Honestly, if they still made these, it would still find its way into my shopping cart.

Scooby Snacks

One of the best snack time meals: Scooby snacks. These jelly candies were like no other!

Flintstones Push Pops

Yes, they were just like the regular push up pops, but these were Flintstones! It was different! And just was iconic!

Ice Cream With Faces

The Power Puff Girls, Spiderman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Spongebob were some of the highlights of this trend.

Laffy Taffy

This 90’s delicacy has found its way into the 2000’s as well, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t bring back those sweet childhood memories.

Easy Bake Ovens

The mother of all snacks! If you were lucky enough to have an easy bake oven, consider yourself blessed.

Ring Pops

We all know these bad boys. They were used as engagement rings during recess.

Cosmic Brownies

You either loved these or hated these, but they were still the talk of the town! They were super dense and super sugary, which is why many kids probably loved them well into their adult years.

The Band Aid Gum

Hubba Bubba was truly the gum masterminds, inventing this funny way to sell us more gum. The band-aid packaging was a new and fresh idea, so naturally, it became one of the many iconic gum products.

Butterfinger BB’s

Another trend of the 90’s/2000’s was to make popular candy brands into something a little different. Butterfinger ended up coming up with these BB’s, which were just as delicious and easier to binge eat.

Wonka Runts

These were the actual best. They were simply sugar, nothing more. Just sugar shaped like fruits. And they were delicious.


Gushers were one of the biggest snack empires of our childhoods. They had incredible commercials that featured Gusher headed teens (iconic) and somehow branded this snack to speak to a whole generation. They were truly one of a kind.

Spaghetti O’s

You truly haven’t lived if you’ve only survived off of spaghetti o’s for a day.

Air Heads

This tangy candy comes in all shapes and sizes. They, too, had an awesome campaign where they had people ‘becoming airheads’ which somehow appealed to kids. This candy is still around and still tasting great.

Chef Boyardi

Who doesn’t remember the commercial of the can of Chef Boyardi following a kid home from the store? That was every kid’s dream at the time.

Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream

Mainly eaten as school-bought lunches and birthday parties, these were truly a delicacy for any child. You know it was a good day if you had one of these bad boys!

Fun Dip

You dip a solid stick of sugar into powdered sugar… What could go wrong? Besides turning your mouth blue or red and getting the sugar everywhere, absolutely nothing.

Sunny D

The unhealthy orange juice!

Smiley Fries!

These smiley fries were the best part of any dinner or lunch, hands down. They just tasted so good!

Baby Bottle Pop

Of course, the legendary Baby Bottle Pop. More sugar on sugar, it was truly one of the best.

Pixie Stix

These were the best and worst treats. On one hand, you were literally able to pour straight sugar down your throat. On the other, if you got the paper too wet, it was game over. No more sugar for you.

Cap’n Crunch Sprinkled Donuts

When these game out, total game changer. Who doesn’t want mini donuts in cereal?


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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.