The Most Insane Things Found In The Deep Sea

So many different things have been found in the deep blue sea. From war crafts to secret artifacts, scientists and explorers have found a lot of different things that are truly unexplainable.

F4U Corsair

This aircraft found its final resting place at the bottom of the ocean in WWII. It’s a pretty valuable piece of history!

The Antikythera Mechanism

Researchers have called this an ancient computer that was used to track the movement of the stars and moon. It’s thought to have been created in 205 BCE.

The Ghost Fleet

This soldier found his watery grave at the bottom of the ocean. His skull and face mask is embedded in this piece of coral.

Sculpture Park

Don’t worry, this is actually just a creepy installment in Cancun, Mexico. You can visit this by scuba diving!

MS Zenobia

A ferry sunk to the bottom of Lanarca Bay in the 80s. It dropped a bunch of different trucks and construction equipment.

Underwater River

This is a rare optical illusion happens when hydrogen sulfide mixes with ocean water.

USS Oriskany

This ship served in the Korean War and WWII. It sunk and got engulfed by a coral reef!

Train Graveyard

There are a bunch of random train cars off the coast of New Jersey submerged underwater. The oldest one dates back to 1850!

Yonaguni Monument

This is a huge monument that is believed to have sunk underwater after an earthquake. Experts think it’s about 5,000 years old!

SS President Coolidge

The S.S. Coolidge was located years after it sunk with tons of treasure still locked inside. It’s nearly impossible to retrieve them…

RMS Titanic

The Titanic’s grave is a scuba divers goal. It’s resting off the coast of Newfoundland.

Chinese City

China created this underwater city off the coast of Japan for people to explore!

SS Thistlegorm

This British vessel had war trucks and munitions for battles in WWII. It was located in the Red Sea decades later.

Manganese Balls

These are naturally occurring balls of manganese and are most common on the floor of the Pacific Ocean.

Irish Silver

There were about 60 tons of these silver blocks on a sunken British vessel!

Lost City of Heracleion

For decades, scuba divers were plagued with rumors of an ancient Egyptian city. It took them a while to find it, but it was so worth it.

Apollo 11 Rockets

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos was able to create technology to recover the rockets that carried Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins in the famous moon landing.


This ship was sunk in 1885, but it was in pretty shallow water. It can still be seen from the surface!

Blackbeard’s Cannons

These canons are reportedly from Blackbeard’s ship. It was sunk off the coast of North Carolina.

Ancient Mediterranean Shipwreck

Off the coast of Malta, deep sea divers found a shipwreck filled with ancient artifacts. They found things like pottery, tools, and coins.

Rubber Duckies

Back in 1992, a shipping crate of rubber ducks fell overboard into the ocean. They ended up washing up on the shores in bulk! Sometimes, they will wash up in random countries.

Random Sneakers

On the Dutch island of Terschelling, citzens were shocked to see thousands of running shoes washing up on the shores. The source of the shoes was never clear.

A Piano

One day, this piano ended up underneath the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC. No one found out who put it there or why.

Giant LEGOs

The guy who makes these is kind of like the Banksy of giant LEGOs… There is a Dutch painter and sculptor who calls himself Ego Leonard. He uses fiberglass to make these big dudes and then leaves them in random places.

Naturally Perfect Snowballs

This would be the perfect spot for a snowball fight! A Siberian beach was covered in these perfectly formed snowballs due to a rare phenomena. Pieces of ice rolled up and got polished by the elements. It’s so crazy!

A Giant Eye

In 2012, someone found this eye on the shoreline in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Scientists have said it looks like it belonged to a massive swordfish.

It’s E.T.

A life-sized version of E.T. was found floating on the ocean waters. In a panic, many people on shore called a lifeguard as they thought it was a human. Turns out, it was just E.T.!

Bunches of Bananas

Six giant crates of bananas fell overboard back in 2007. The bananas were on a ship headed to Cuba. The bananas ended up on the shores of the Netherlands.

Random Scribblings

Tons of these rocks started showing up on the beaches in Oakville, Ontario. There were inspirational and personal messages written on them. No one knows what went on with this…

A Mechanical Hand

It seems that someone dropped a mechanical prosthetic hand near Staten Island, New York. It ended up washing ashore within the mess of seaweed and sticks. No one ever claimed it.

SpaceX Debris

Pieces of Space X Falcon 9’s crashed rockets washed ashore on the beach of Elbow Bay in the Bahama’s. Locals were shocked to see these chunks of dangerous metals appear in their waters.

Fully Intact Shipwreck

The Navagio is now a tourist attraction in Greece. It was built in 1937 and smuggled cigarettes. It ended up getting destroyed in a storm back in the 1980s. It washed ashore on a beach where it now sits there!

Mysterious Sea Blob

West Coast shores were covered in these weird little spectacles back in 2015. There were about a billion of them that showed up on the shores. They are called velella, and marine biologists say that this happened once every three to six years.

Doritos Galore

Looks like someone lost their Doritos! A massive shipping container washed ashore with tons of small bags of Doritos.

Sports Flyswatters, What a Steal

A cargo ship somehow lost a bunch of crates that had flyswatters with college sports teams on them. This is definitely more of the weirder finds…


A horrible tsunami hit Japan in 2011 and ended up sweeping this bike out to sea. After, a Harley-Davidson motorcycle washed up 5,000 miles away on a beach in British Columbia.

Dead Birds

Around 6,000 dead waterfowl washed up on the shore in Ontario, Canada. Scientists think that they ate fish laced with botulism.

Backpacks of Drugs

In 2013, someone found six backpacks full of packages of cocaine off the coast of Japan. The total weight of the drugs was nearly 2 and a half pounds and worth about $70 million.


Beachgoers came across with bizarre, barnacle covered buoy of some sort. Turns out, it was actually a WWII mine.

Gigantic Pipes

A bunch of different giant pipes ended up on the shores of Norfolk, England. Some of them were as long as 1,500 feet long and eight feet in diameter. It’s said that they broken off of a Norwegian tug boat after it collided with an Icelandic container ship.

Underwater Ship

This ship was found at the bottom of of the sea. It was a war ship from hundreds of years ago. Scientists still believe that bodies could be inside…

Lone Sneaker

This random sneaker was found floating in the middle of the sea… The police think it may have something to do with a murder.

Blob Fish

This ugly creature can be found in the deep, deep sea. Nasty.

Crazy Bioluminscence

These lights are actually toxins being released into the ocean. The brighter they are, the deadlier the water is. Looks pretty, though!

Montauk Monsters

This creepy thing washed up on a Montauk shore!

Sea Slug

These are called sea hares. A bunch of them turned up off the coast of California. It doesn’t look too happy…

Shark Tooth

This is. a fossilized tooth from a prehistoric shark! Obviously, it was massive. This washed up on a beach in North Carolina. Scientists estimate that this shark was about 60-feet-long!

An Oarfish

This oarfish was found on the beach at Santa Catalina Island in California. It was 200 pounds and 15 feet long.

Black Tar

Weird black clumps of tar began to wash ashore on Manhattan Beach, California. Government officials were so concerned that they temporarily closed the beach for some time. They assume it was from an oil leak…


If you’re a fan of Bob’s Burgers, then you know what this is. Ambergris is whale poop that is extremely expensive. It happens when they swallow something like a squid beak and their stomach coats it in this fatty stuff. Then, they poop it out, and humans sell it for $30k for perfume!

Message in a Bottle

This was found on the beach in Galveston, Texas. He got some nice gifts too!

Submerged Plane

A P-38 plane was found in the shallow shore of Wales. Obviously, the ocean got to it…

In Lake Michigan…

This is scan of a birds-eye view of a mysterious formation at the bottom of Lake Michigan. It weirdly resembles Stonehenge…

Brazilian Boat

A Brazilian boat sank many years ago in this shallow part of the Arctic Ocean. Now, it’s just an eerie tourist attraction.

Visual Movement of Tectonic Plates

Using this area in Iceland, researchers can follow the movements of tectonic plates and even predict how they’re going to move in the future.

Underwater City

This Neolithic underwater structure was found in 1967 off the southern coast of Greece. They were even able to find types of ancient pottery.

Underwater River

At the bottom of the Black Sea, there is a river that is much saltier than the water in the Sea, which makes it separate.

Zhemchug Canyon Bering Sea

This is actually an underwater canyon! You can see it from space, that’s how huge it is.

Bimini Road

Bimini Road is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the Bahamas. It’s an underwater path discovered in the 1930s. Some believe that it’s a path that used to lead to Atlantis…


Doggerland is a huge landmass that went underwater around 8.5k years ago. This landmass actually proves that the UK used to be connected to the rest of Europe but eventually succumbed to flooding.

Ruins of Atlit Yam

The ruins of Atlit Yam can be found off the coast of Israel. It was discovered in 1984 and was one of the largest underwater settlements ever found. There are remains of houses, water wells, humans, and animals.

Black Smokers

This is what happens when seawater meets magma. These hydrothermal vents are hot spring-like, where they shoot out extremely hot water and fluids. Most of them can be found in the Arctic Circle between Norway and Greenland.

Ghost Fleet

It’s kind of hard to tell, this is actually a steering wheel from an ancient ship. It’s been underwater so long that the sea life grew around it. In Chuuk Lagoon, there are tons of these ships and aircrafts around.

The Great Blue Hole

This is a huge hole formed by limestone. Visitors can take deep sea dives down there.

Ancient Village

This was found by divers years ago. It has rectangle houses, dry stone-walled wells, and artifacts made of animal bones!

Icy Shores

Gigantic chunks of ice ended up washing ashore on the coast of Cape Cod, MA. A lot of scientists have said that this is due to global warming melting the ice caps and having them break off and float away.

Creepy Animal

This bizarre marine animal was found by a couple in Scotland. It was about 30-feet long!

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.