The Most Noteworthy Marvel Avengers Characters Ranked

The Avengers has become a staple of comic book culture in the Marvel universe. These are the best members of the Marvel universe ranked from least to most popular.

Where did your favorite character rank?

60. Valkyrie

Valkyrie, also known as Brunhilde or Brynhildr, is the Asgardian leader of the Valkyrior who brought dead Viking warriors into Valhalla taking on a human identity to fight crime on earth. She and Thor share a hometown.

59. Sunfire

Sunfire spent more time as an Avenger than he ever did in the company of the X-Men. He is both a notorious schmuck and extremely antisocial. However, he was able to overcome all that to play a key role in the Avengers’ Unity Squad.

58. Noh-Varr

Occasionally referred to as the first “ultimate” character, Noh-Varr the rogue alien finally stopped wanting to rule the Earth and joined the Avengers under the name Protector.

57. Echo/Ronin

Echo, previously Ronin, is a deaf Native American with “photographic reflexes,” which means she can mimic the fighting techniques of others.

56. Abyss

Abyss was first introduced to the Avengers as a villain, but she evolved to a more ambiguous, not-so-evil role during her time on the team.

55. Manifold

Eden Fesi can teleport himself and others through time and space, but his talents are mostly used to carry the plot. However, it’s always nice to see him have the occasional character moment.

54. Squirrel Girl

While she’s not an official Avenger, Doreen Green the squirrel-human-mutant hybrid and her sidekick, Monkey Joe, are here to stay. She defeated Doctor Doom with squirrels, played a brief role as the official Avengers nanny, and has an unknown past with Wolverine.

53. Ex Nihilo

At first, Ex Nihilo also came off like a villain at the beginning of Hickman’s original Avengers run, but it ended up being a classic bait and switch.

52. Hyperion

Hyperion was originally known for acting as Superman’s stand-in, but things have really changed. He grew out a beard, became a father figure for the Zebra Kids in Savage Land, and became best buds with Thor.

51. Jocasta

Jocasta came along when Ultron tried to build himself a sexy robot girlfriend. She was named after the mother of Oedipus, which is strange enough, but then she fell in love with Vision, a cool robot, and spent the remainder of her time as an avenger exploding and then becoming unexploded.

50. Captain Britain

Even though Captain Britain has only made a handful of appearances in the Avengers, he’s both a powerhouse and a character with lots of ties to the multiverse.

49. Venom (Flash Thompson)

Does the name “Flash Thompson” ring a bell? He’s back after getting bonded to the Venom symbiote and is now a prominent anti-hero whose weird alien attire made him spend some time with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

48. Moon Knight

As “Marvel’s Batman,” Moon Knight is…interesting. Marc Spector died and was resurrected by an Egyptian god. Now, he might be a host for the interdimensional entity. He has a tiny airplane shaped like the moon and throws moon-a-rangs.

47. Storm

While Storm is integral to the ranking of top Marvel heroes and would otherwise be in the top 10, she was less essential to the Avengers, only making appearances in a few issues in the Bendis era. But, she’s Storm, so there’s that.

46. Star Brand

Star Brand is pretty much the Peter Parker of earth defense. He wields tremendous power, but he’s also basically a college kid who’s a bit in over his head.

45. Daredevil

Daredevil was an Avenger? Sure was. The Man Without Fear was one of the big names who was used in the 2000s to help make the book a flagship title.

44. Invisible Woman

Even though Susan Richards is a big deal for the Fantastic Four, she’s just a footnote in the Avengers. She does have some good moments in the later Hickman issues.

43. Maria Hill

Maria Hill is Nick Fury’s right-hand woman. She tends to butt heads with Captain America, Iron Man, and the X-Men. She’s basically the school principal of the Marvel Universe.

42. Havok

Havok initially joined the Avengers as co-leader of the Unity Squad. While he’s a bit generic, his romance with Wasp made his character a little more dynamic.

41. Amadeus Cho

Amadeus Cho is the seventh/eighth smartest character in the MCU. He’s much more laid back in comparison to other geniuses like Reed Richard or Tony Stark.

40. Sentry

Sentry started out as a secret lost character back in the era of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby but eventually became a wildcard during Brian Michael Bendis’ time with the franchise. He’s like Superman with some fireworks.

39. Smasher

Smasher is arguably one of the best Hickman characters created for the Avengers. She became a Shi-ar super guardian through sheer luck, but we aren’t mad.

38. Rogue

A true X-Man to the very core, however, Rogue fought the good fight alongside Captain America and Thor in an effort to advocate for Charles Xavier’s mission of the peaceful coexistence of mutants and people.

37. Shang Chi

Shang Chi is the MCU version of Bruce Lee. He has the ability to self-replicate making him basically a one-man army.

36. Iron Fist

Iron Fist is the product of a boy who lost his billionaire family and was trained in martial arts by the citizens of a magic city. He graduated from kung-fu school by punching the hearts of dragons. Unfortunately, the live-action version tanked.

35. Cannonball

Although Cannonball’s known for being a member of the X-Men, New Mutants, and X-Force, he’s also turned out to be an excellent addition to the Avengers alongside his bestie, Sunspot.

34. Ant-Man (Scott Lang)

Scott Lang is Ant-Man 2.0, portrayed by Paul Rudd in the movie. His main power is being able to shrink down to the size of an ant.

33. Black Bolt

Black Bolt’s voice is so destructive that he can’t speak. The silent powerhouse’s demeanor and power make him a valuable asset for the Avengers in Hickman’s Infinity epic.

32. Spectrum

Monica Rambeau, otherwise known as Photon, Pulsar, and now Spectrum, was a New Orleans officer who gained the power to transform into and project any type of energy. She is the first African-American hero on the team.

31. Hercules

He’s Hercules, but this time, he’s also an Avenger–you following? It’s basically the same as Thor being an Avenger.

30. Mockingbird

Mockingbird, otherwise known as Bobbi Morse, is a hand-to-hand combat expert and superspy. She’s Hawkeye’s ex-wife and fights with batons.

29. War Machine

James Rhodes is basically Iron Man with a shoulder gun. As a trained lieutenant in the Marine Corps, War Machine is a little more stoic than Tony Stark.

28. Winter Soldier (as Captain America)

Captain America’s World War II sidekick became the brainwashed cyber-soldier known as the Winter Soldier, but their friendship was cut short.

27. Mister Fantastic

Reed Richards is the brains behind the Fantastic Four, but he also served as an integral component of Hickman’s New Avengers. His brains have helped save the universe time and time again.

26. Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones was introduced as a sailor-mouthed private eye who was actually a former hero living in the MCU this whole time. She wasn’t a great hero, but a romance with Luke Cage brought her into the family.

25. Sunspot

Sunspot was an X-Man who lived largely in obscurity until he was brought into the Avengers. He slowly became an effective leader, working alongsid his best friend Cannonball.

24. Thing

Yes, Thing was an Avenger. He was recruited to the West Coast team in the 1980s and Luke Cage’s Avengers more recently alongside Spider-Man and Wolverine.

23. Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange took a while to become part of the Avenger, but he has since become a universally beloved Marvel character.

22. Wonder Man

He “died” in the first issue in which he ever appeared, technically. He also lives inside Rogue’s head currently…

21. Falcon

Falcon is the endearing partner of Captain America. He has a telepathic link with his pet falcon and can see through the eyes of nearby birds.

20. Namor

Namor is part of a few Avengers lineups but is decidedly best in the New Avengers, where he must stand alongside his enemy, Black Panther.

19. Wolverine

Wolverine wasn’t supposed to be an Avenger as he’s always been a key X-Men member, but he’s become an Avengers mainstay over the past decade.

18. Spider-Woman

Jessica Drew’s backstory is a bit bogged down, but she’s a super spy with spidey-powers, including pheromones that attract human men and little electric shocks.

17. She-Hulk

She-Hulk has had an on-again, off-again relationship with the Avengers since her character was introduced. She’s said to be the last character created by Stan Lee.

16. Spider-Man

Fans were unsure about Spidey joining the ranks of the Avengers for many years, but he finally made the cut during Bendis’ run on New Avengers, and it was honestly, a perfect fit.

15. Hank Pym

Yellowjacket, AKA Giant-Man, AKA the original Ant-Man, is one of the founding members of the Avengers. He’s become something of an anti-hero over the years, generally due to his portrayal as a sensitive, insecure, and emotionally volatile genius.

14. Quicksilver

Quicksilver is like the superhuman manifestation of Eurotrash. He’s strange, a bit abrasive, and he also has a oddly close relationship with his twin sister, Scarlet Witch

13. Vision

Vision is the colorful token Robot. He’s reminiscent of Spock in many ways, and he also can alter his density to drift through walls or become indestructible.

12. Beast

Beast can flit between both the Avengers and the X-Men. He’s significantly more a developed X-Men character, but over the years, he’s become a charming addition to the Avengers, especially when he’s spending quality time with his best bud Woman Woman.

11. Wasp

Wasp is a highly underrated member of the Avengers. She’s been a beacon of positivity since day one, and her on-and-off romance with Hank Pym serves as one of the most complex dynamics throughout the comic world.

10. Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel first appeared as Carol Danvers in the Air Force before an alien explosion turned her into… Ms. Marvel in the 1970s. After a while, she took the title of Captain Marvel in the highly popular reboot that earned her a top ten spot on this list.

9. Hulk

Hulk is a founding member of the Avengers. After teaming up to defeat Loki, but he left due to the complicated workplace issue of turning into an actual huge, green monster. He’s been an enemy more than an ally.

8. Hawkeye

Hawkeye… yes, yes, Hawkeye. He’s a gifted archer, martial artist, and acrobat.

7. Luke Cage

Luke Cage was framed for a crime and put in juvie and in the process gained super strength and unbreakable skin. He has good intentions and, after a number of reboots, has become a perennial Avengers leader.

6. Scarlet Witch

Scarlet Witch used to be X-Men, but has since become one of the most profoundly important characters in the Avengers ensemble. Ultimately, she’s unpredictable, but Scarlet Witch is still one of the most interesting Avengers.

5. Black Panther

T’Challa is the most famous hero to bear the ceremonial mantle of Black Panther. He is the king and protector of Wakanda, the fictional African kingdom. He’s also the first-ever black superhero in mainstream American comics.

4. Thor

Everybody loves Thor! God of Thunder, friendly guy, dude with the big hammer. He’s been an integral fixture from the start. If Iron Man is the brains behind the Avengers, Thor isn’t the brawn—he’s the heart.

3. Black Widow

Femme fatale Black Window is Marvel’s redheaded superspy. Born in the 1920s, Natasha Romanova is a USSR-trained killer who first came to Ameria to murder to seduce or team up alongside every hero before freelancing for S.H.I.E.LD. and becoming the deadliest Avenger.

2. Iron Man

Tony Stark is essential to the team. He brings a unique moral ambiguity to the Avengers that drive some of the best plots of all-time. Iron Man is flawed, interesting, and relatable.

1. Captain America

You knew this was coming. Captain America is the one true leader of the Avengers who brings out the best in his team. He’s an all-around good guy and almost impossible to beat in combat. The Avengers wouldn’t be the Avengers without him.

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Post originally appeared on Upbeat News.